/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import HistoryManager, { IHistory, MAX_STEP_LENGTH } from "../../../src/editor/history"; import EditorModel from "../../../src/editor/model"; import DocumentPosition from "../../../src/editor/position"; describe("editor/history", function () { it("push, then undo", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; const caret1 = new DocumentPosition(0, 0); const result1 = history.tryPush(model, caret1, "insertText", {}); expect(result1).toEqual(true); parts[0] = "hello world"; history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", {}); expect(history.canUndo()).toEqual(true); const undoState = history.undo(model) as IHistory; expect(undoState.caret).toBe(caret1); expect(undoState.parts).toEqual(["hello"]); expect(history.canUndo()).toEqual(false); }); it("push, undo, then redo", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", {}); parts[0] = "hello world"; const caret2 = new DocumentPosition(0, 0); history.tryPush(model, caret2, "insertText", {}); history.undo(model); expect(history.canRedo()).toEqual(true); const redoState = history.redo() as IHistory; expect(redoState.caret).toBe(caret2); expect(redoState.parts).toEqual(["hello world"]); expect(history.canRedo()).toEqual(false); expect(history.canUndo()).toEqual(true); }); it("push, undo, push, ensure you can`t redo", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", {}); parts[0] = "hello world"; history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", {}); history.undo(model); parts[0] = "hello world!!"; history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", {}); expect(history.canRedo()).toEqual(false); }); it("not every keystroke stores a history step", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; const firstCaret = new DocumentPosition(0, 0); history.tryPush(model, firstCaret, "insertText", {}); const diff = { added: "o" }; let keystrokeCount = 0; do { parts[0] = parts[0] + diff.added; keystrokeCount += 1; } while (!history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", diff)); const undoState = history.undo(model) as IHistory; expect(undoState.caret).toBe(firstCaret); expect(undoState.parts).toEqual(["hello"]); expect(history.canUndo()).toEqual(false); expect(keystrokeCount).toEqual(MAX_STEP_LENGTH + 1); // +1 before we type before checking }); it("history step is added at word boundary", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; const parts = ["h"]; let diff = { added: "h" }; const blankCaret = new DocumentPosition(0, 0); expect(history.tryPush(model, blankCaret, "insertText", diff)).toEqual(false); diff = { added: "i" }; parts[0] = "hi"; expect(history.tryPush(model, blankCaret, "insertText", diff)).toEqual(false); diff = { added: " " }; parts[0] = "hi "; const spaceCaret = new DocumentPosition(1, 1); expect(history.tryPush(model, spaceCaret, "insertText", diff)).toEqual(true); diff = { added: "y" }; parts[0] = "hi y"; expect(history.tryPush(model, blankCaret, "insertText", diff)).toEqual(false); diff = { added: "o" }; parts[0] = "hi yo"; expect(history.tryPush(model, blankCaret, "insertText", diff)).toEqual(false); diff = { added: "u" }; parts[0] = "hi you"; expect(history.canUndo()).toEqual(true); const undoResult = history.undo(model) as IHistory; expect(undoResult.caret).toEqual(spaceCaret); expect(undoResult.parts).toEqual(["hi "]); }); it("keystroke that didn't add a step can undo", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; const firstCaret = new DocumentPosition(0, 0); history.tryPush(model, firstCaret, "insertText", {}); parts[0] = "helloo"; const result = history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", { added: "o" }); expect(result).toEqual(false); expect(history.canUndo()).toEqual(true); const undoState = history.undo(model) as IHistory; expect(undoState.caret).toEqual(firstCaret); expect(undoState.parts).toEqual(["hello"]); }); it("undo after keystroke that didn't add a step is able to redo", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; history.tryPush(model, new DocumentPosition(0, 0), "insertText", {}); parts[0] = "helloo"; const caret = new DocumentPosition(1, 1); history.tryPush(model, caret, "insertText", { added: "o" }); history.undo(model); expect(history.canRedo()).toEqual(true); const redoState = history.redo() as IHistory; expect(redoState.caret).toBe(caret); expect(redoState.parts).toEqual(["helloo"]); }); it("overwriting text always stores a step", function () { const history = new HistoryManager(); const parts = ["hello"]; const model = { serializeParts: () => parts.slice() } as unknown as EditorModel; const firstCaret = new DocumentPosition(0, 0); history.tryPush(model, firstCaret, "insertText", {}); const diff = { at: 1, added: "a", removed: "e" }; const secondCaret = new DocumentPosition(1, 1); const result = history.tryPush(model, secondCaret, "insertText", diff); expect(result).toEqual(true); }); });