/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import React from "react"; import { render, screen, cleanup, fireEvent, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react"; import { mocked, Mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { Room, RoomStateEvent, MatrixEvent, MatrixEventEvent, MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { ClientWidgetApi, Widget } from "matrix-widget-api"; import { ICallNotifyContent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrixrtc"; import type { RoomMember } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { useMockedCalls, MockedCall, stubClient, mkRoomMember, setupAsyncStoreWithClient, resetAsyncStoreWithClient, } from "../../test-utils"; import defaultDispatcher from "../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { Action } from "../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import { CallStore } from "../../../src/stores/CallStore"; import { WidgetMessagingStore } from "../../../src/stores/widgets/WidgetMessagingStore"; import DMRoomMap from "../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap"; import ToastStore from "../../../src/stores/ToastStore"; import { getIncomingCallToastKey, IncomingCallToast } from "../../../src/toasts/IncomingCallToast"; import LegacyCallHandler, { AudioID } from "../../../src/LegacyCallHandler"; describe("IncomingCallToast", () => { useMockedCalls(); let client: Mocked; let room: Room; let notifyContent: ICallNotifyContent; let alice: RoomMember; let bob: RoomMember; let call: MockedCall; let widget: Widget; const dmRoomMap = { getUserIdForRoomId: jest.fn(), } as unknown as DMRoomMap; const toastStore = { dismissToast: jest.fn(), } as unknown as ToastStore; beforeEach(async () => { stubClient(); client = mocked(MatrixClientPeg.safeGet()); const audio = document.createElement("audio"); audio.id = AudioID.Ring; document.body.appendChild(audio); room = new Room("!1:example.org", client, "@alice:example.org"); notifyContent = { call_id: "", getRoomId: () => room.roomId, } as unknown as ICallNotifyContent; alice = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, "@alice:example.org"); bob = mkRoomMember(room.roomId, "@bob:example.org"); client.getRoom.mockImplementation((roomId) => (roomId === room.roomId ? room : null)); client.getRooms.mockReturnValue([room]); client.reEmitter.reEmit(room, [RoomStateEvent.Events]); MockedCall.create(room, "1"); await Promise.all( [CallStore.instance, WidgetMessagingStore.instance].map((store) => setupAsyncStoreWithClient(store, client), ), ); const maybeCall = CallStore.instance.getCall(room.roomId); if (!(maybeCall instanceof MockedCall)) throw new Error("Failed to create call"); call = maybeCall; widget = new Widget(call.widget); WidgetMessagingStore.instance.storeMessaging(widget, room.roomId, { stop: () => {}, } as unknown as ClientWidgetApi); jest.spyOn(DMRoomMap, "shared").mockReturnValue(dmRoomMap); jest.spyOn(ToastStore, "sharedInstance").mockReturnValue(toastStore); }); afterEach(async () => { cleanup(); // Unmount before we do any cleanup that might update the component call.destroy(); WidgetMessagingStore.instance.stopMessaging(widget, room.roomId); await Promise.all([CallStore.instance, WidgetMessagingStore.instance].map(resetAsyncStoreWithClient)); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); const renderToast = () => { call.event.getContent = () => notifyContent as any; render(); }; it("correctly shows all the information", () => { call.participants = new Map([ [alice, new Set("a")], [bob, new Set(["b1", "b2"])], ]); renderToast(); screen.getByText("Video call started"); screen.getByText("Video"); screen.getByLabelText("3 people joined"); screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Join" }); screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Close" }); }); it("start ringing on ring notify event", () => { call.event.getContent = () => ({ ...notifyContent, notify_type: "ring", }) as any; const playMock = jest.spyOn(LegacyCallHandler.instance, "play"); render(); expect(playMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("correctly renders toast without a call", () => { call.destroy(); renderToast(); screen.getByText("Video call started"); screen.getByText("Video"); screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Join" }); screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Close" }); }); it("joins the call and closes the toast", async () => { renderToast(); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Join" })); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, skipLobby: false, view_call: true, }), ); await waitFor(() => expect(toastStore.dismissToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( getIncomingCallToastKey(notifyContent.call_id, room.roomId), ), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }); it("Dismiss toast if user starts call and skips lobby when using shift key click", async () => { renderToast(); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Join" }), { shiftKey: true }); await waitFor(() => expect(dispatcherSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, skipLobby: true, view_call: true, }), ); await waitFor(() => expect(toastStore.dismissToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( getIncomingCallToastKey(notifyContent.call_id, room.roomId), ), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }); it("closes the toast", async () => { renderToast(); const dispatcherSpy = jest.fn(); const dispatcherRef = defaultDispatcher.register(dispatcherSpy); fireEvent.click(screen.getByRole("button", { name: "Close" })); await waitFor(() => expect(toastStore.dismissToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( getIncomingCallToastKey(notifyContent.call_id, room.roomId), ), ); defaultDispatcher.unregister(dispatcherRef); }); it("closes toast when the call lobby is viewed", async () => { renderToast(); defaultDispatcher.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, view_call: true, }); await waitFor(() => expect(toastStore.dismissToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( getIncomingCallToastKey(notifyContent.call_id, room.roomId), ), ); }); it("closes toast when the call event is redacted", async () => { renderToast(); const event = room.currentState.getStateEvents(MockedCall.EVENT_TYPE, "1")!; event.emit(MatrixEventEvent.BeforeRedaction, event, {} as unknown as MatrixEvent); await waitFor(() => expect(toastStore.dismissToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( getIncomingCallToastKey(notifyContent.call_id, room.roomId), ), ); }); it("closes toast when the matrixRTC session has ended", async () => { renderToast(); call.destroy(); await waitFor(() => expect(toastStore.dismissToast).toHaveBeenCalledWith( getIncomingCallToastKey(notifyContent.call_id, room.roomId), ), ); }); });