/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from "react"; import { act, fireEvent, render, RenderResult, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react"; import { MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, Room, RoomMember, getBeaconInfoIdentifier } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import * as maplibregl from "maplibre-gl"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import BeaconViewDialog from "../../../../src/components/views/beacon/BeaconViewDialog"; import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, makeBeaconEvent, makeBeaconInfoEvent, makeRoomWithBeacons, makeRoomWithStateEvents, } from "../../../test-utils"; import { TILE_SERVER_WK_KEY } from "../../../../src/utils/WellKnownUtils"; import { OwnBeaconStore } from "../../../../src/stores/OwnBeaconStore"; describe("", () => { // 14.03.2022 16:15 const now = 1647270879403; // stable date for snapshots jest.spyOn(global.Date, "now").mockReturnValue(now); const roomId = "!room:server"; const aliceId = "@alice:server"; const bobId = "@bob:server"; const aliceMember = new RoomMember(roomId, aliceId); const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({ getClientWellKnown: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ [TILE_SERVER_WK_KEY.name]: { map_style_url: "maps.com" }, }), getUserId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(bobId), getRoom: jest.fn(), isGuest: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false), getVisibleRooms: jest.fn().mockReturnValue([]), }); const mapOptions = { container: {} as unknown as HTMLElement, style: "" }; const mockMap = new maplibregl.Map(mapOptions); const mockMarker = new maplibregl.Marker(); // make fresh rooms every time // as we update room state const setupRoom = (stateEvents: MatrixEvent[] = []): Room => { const room1 = makeRoomWithStateEvents(stateEvents, { roomId, mockClient }); jest.spyOn(room1, "getMember").mockReturnValue(aliceMember); return room1; }; const defaultEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, roomId, { isLive: true }, "$alice-room1-1"); const location1 = makeBeaconEvent(aliceId, { beaconInfoId: defaultEvent.getId(), geoUri: "geo:51,41", timestamp: now + 1, }); const defaultProps = { onFinished: jest.fn(), roomId, matrixClient: mockClient as MatrixClient, }; const getComponent = (props = {}): RenderResult => render(); const openSidebar = (getByTestId: RenderResult["getByTestId"]) => { fireEvent.click(getByTestId("beacon-view-dialog-open-sidebar")); }; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(OwnBeaconStore.instance, "getLiveBeaconIds").mockRestore(); jest.spyOn(OwnBeaconStore.instance, "getBeaconById").mockRestore(); jest.spyOn(global.Date, "now").mockReturnValue(now); jest.clearAllMocks(); }); it("renders a map with markers", async () => { const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); getComponent(); // centered on default event expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lon: 41, lat: 51, }); // marker added await waitFor(() => { expect(mockMarker.addTo).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockMap); }); }); it("does not render any own beacon status when user is not live sharing", () => { // default event belongs to alice, we are bob const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); const { queryByText } = getComponent(); expect(queryByText("Live location enabled")).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("renders own beacon status when user is live sharing", () => { // default event belongs to alice const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); // mock own beacon store to show default event as alice's live beacon jest.spyOn(OwnBeaconStore.instance, "getLiveBeaconIds").mockReturnValue([beacon.identifier]); jest.spyOn(OwnBeaconStore.instance, "getBeaconById").mockReturnValue(beacon); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(container.querySelector(".mx_DialogOwnBeaconStatus")).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("updates markers on changes to beacons", async () => { const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); const { container } = getComponent(); // one marker expect(mockMarker.addTo).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_Marker").length).toEqual(1); const anotherBeaconEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(bobId, roomId, { isLive: true }, "$bob-room1-1"); act(() => { // emits RoomStateEvent.BeaconLiveness room.currentState.setStateEvents([anotherBeaconEvent]); const beacon2 = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(anotherBeaconEvent))!; beacon2.addLocations([location1]); }); // two markers now! expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_Marker").length).toEqual(2); }); it("does not update bounds or center on changing beacons", () => { const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); const { container } = getComponent(); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_Marker").length).toEqual(1); const anotherBeaconEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(bobId, roomId, { isLive: true }, "$bob-room1-1"); act(() => { // emits RoomStateEvent.BeaconLiveness room.currentState.setStateEvents([anotherBeaconEvent]); const beacon2 = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(anotherBeaconEvent))!; beacon2.addLocations([location1]); }); // called once on init expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("renders a fallback when there are no locations", () => { // this is a cornercase, should not be a reachable state in UI anymore const onFinished = jest.fn(); const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent)); const { getByTestId } = getComponent({ onFinished }); // map placeholder expect(getByTestId("beacon-view-dialog-map-fallback")).toMatchSnapshot(); fireEvent.click(getByTestId("beacon-view-dialog-fallback-close")); expect(onFinished).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("renders map without markers when no live beacons remain", () => { const onFinished = jest.fn(); const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); const { container } = getComponent({ onFinished }); expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_Marker").length).toEqual(1); // this will replace the defaultEvent // leading to no more live beacons const anotherBeaconEvent = makeBeaconInfoEvent(aliceId, roomId, { isLive: false }, "$alice-room1-2"); expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 51, lon: 41 }); // reset call counts mocked(mockMap.setCenter).mockClear(); mocked(mockMap.fitBounds).mockClear(); act(() => { // emits RoomStateEvent.BeaconLiveness room.currentState.setStateEvents([anotherBeaconEvent]); }); // no more avatars expect(container.getElementsByClassName("mx_Marker").length).toEqual(0); // map still rendered expect(container.querySelector("#mx_Map_mx_BeaconViewDialog")).toBeInTheDocument(); // map location unchanged expect(mockMap.setCenter).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(mockMap.fitBounds).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe("sidebar", () => { it("opens sidebar on view list button click", () => { const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); const { container, getByTestId } = getComponent(); openSidebar(getByTestId); expect(container.querySelector(".mx_DialogSidebar")).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("closes sidebar on close button click", () => { const room = setupRoom([defaultEvent]); const beacon = room.currentState.beacons.get(getBeaconInfoIdentifier(defaultEvent))!; beacon.addLocations([location1]); const { container, getByTestId } = getComponent(); // open the sidebar openSidebar(getByTestId); expect(container.querySelector(".mx_DialogSidebar")).toBeInTheDocument(); // now close it fireEvent.click(getByTestId("dialog-sidebar-close")); expect(container.querySelector(".mx_DialogSidebar")).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe("focused beacons", () => { const beacon2Event = makeBeaconInfoEvent(bobId, roomId, { isLive: true }, "$bob-room1-2"); const location2 = makeBeaconEvent(bobId, { beaconInfoId: beacon2Event.getId(), geoUri: "geo:33,22", timestamp: now + 1, }); const fitBoundsOptions = { maxZoom: 15, padding: 100 }; it("opens map with both beacons in view on first load without initialFocusedBeacon", () => { const [beacon1, beacon2] = makeRoomWithBeacons( roomId, mockClient, [defaultEvent, beacon2Event], [location1, location2], ); getComponent({ beacons: [beacon1, beacon2] }); // start centered on mid point between both beacons expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 42, lon: 31.5 }); // only called once expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // bounds fit both beacons, only called once expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( new maplibregl.LngLatBounds([22, 33], [41, 51]), fitBoundsOptions, ); expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("opens map with both beacons in view on first load with an initially focused beacon", () => { const [beacon1, beacon2] = makeRoomWithBeacons( roomId, mockClient, [defaultEvent, beacon2Event], [location1, location2], ); getComponent({ beacons: [beacon1, beacon2], initialFocusedBeacon: beacon1 }); // start centered on initialFocusedBeacon expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 51, lon: 41 }); // only called once expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // bounds fit both beacons, only called once expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( new maplibregl.LngLatBounds([22, 33], [41, 51]), fitBoundsOptions, ); expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("focuses on beacon location on sidebar list item click", () => { const [beacon1, beacon2] = makeRoomWithBeacons( roomId, mockClient, [defaultEvent, beacon2Event], [location1, location2], ); const { container, getByTestId } = getComponent({ beacons: [beacon1, beacon2] }); // reset call counts on map mocks after initial render jest.clearAllMocks(); openSidebar(getByTestId); act(() => { const listItems = container.querySelectorAll(".mx_BeaconListItem"); // click on the first beacon in the list fireEvent.click(listItems[0]!); }); // centered on clicked beacon expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 51, lon: 41 }); // only called once expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // bounds fitted just to clicked beacon expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledWith( new maplibregl.LngLatBounds([41, 51], [41, 51]), fitBoundsOptions, ); expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("refocuses on same beacon when clicking list item again", () => { // test the map responds to refocusing the same beacon const [beacon1, beacon2] = makeRoomWithBeacons( roomId, mockClient, [defaultEvent, beacon2Event], [location1, location2], ); const { container, getByTestId } = getComponent({ beacons: [beacon1, beacon2] }); // reset call counts on map mocks after initial render jest.clearAllMocks(); openSidebar(getByTestId); act(() => { // click on the second beacon in the list const listItems = container.querySelectorAll(".mx_BeaconListItem"); fireEvent.click(listItems[1]!); }); const expectedBounds = new maplibregl.LngLatBounds([22, 33], [22, 33]); // date is mocked but this relies on timestamp, manually mock a tick jest.spyOn(global.Date, "now").mockReturnValue(now + 1); act(() => { // click on the second beacon in the list const listItems = container.querySelectorAll(".mx_BeaconListItem"); fireEvent.click(listItems[1]!); }); // centered on clicked beacon expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ lat: 33, lon: 22 }); // bounds fitted just to clicked beacon expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedBounds, fitBoundsOptions); // each called once per click expect(mockMap.setCenter).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(mockMap.fitBounds).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); }); });