/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2023 Suguru Hirahara SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { expect, test } from "."; test.describe("Appearance user settings tab", () => { test.use({ displayName: "Hanako", }); test.describe("Message Layout Panel", () => { test.beforeEach(async ({ app, user, util }) => { await util.createAndDisplayRoom(); await util.assertModernLayout(); await util.openAppearanceTab(); }); test( "should change the message layout from modern to bubble", { tag: "@screenshot" }, async ({ page, app, user, util }) => { await util.assertScreenshot(util.getMessageLayoutPanel(), "message-layout-panel-modern.png"); await util.getBubbleLayout().click(); // Assert that modern are irc layout are not selected await expect(util.getBubbleLayout()).toBeChecked(); await expect(util.getModernLayout()).not.toBeChecked(); await expect(util.getIRCLayout()).not.toBeChecked(); // Assert that the room layout is set to bubble layout await util.assertBubbleLayout(); await util.assertScreenshot(util.getMessageLayoutPanel(), "message-layout-panel-bubble.png"); }, ); test("should enable compact layout when the modern layout is selected", async ({ page, app, user, util }) => { await expect(util.getCompactLayoutCheckbox()).not.toBeChecked(); await util.getCompactLayoutCheckbox().click(); await util.assertCompactLayout(); }); test("should disable compact layout when the modern layout is not selected", async ({ page, app, user, util, }) => { await expect(util.getCompactLayoutCheckbox()).not.toBeDisabled(); // Select the bubble layout, which should disable the compact layout checkbox await util.getBubbleLayout().click(); await expect(util.getCompactLayoutCheckbox()).toBeDisabled(); }); }); });