
124 lines
4.6 KiB

import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { getVectorConfig } from "../getconfig";
function onBackToElementClick(): void {
// Cookie should expire in 4 hours
document.cookie = "element_mobile_redirect_to_guide=false;path=/;max-age=14400";
window.location.href = "../";
// NEVER pass user-controlled content to this function! Hardcoded strings only please.
function renderConfigError(message: string): void {
const contactMsg =
"If this is unexpected, please contact your system administrator " + "or technical support representative.";
message = `<h2>Error loading Element</h2><p>${message}</p><p>${contactMsg}</p>`;
const toHide = document.getElementsByClassName("mx_HomePage_container");
const errorContainers = document.getElementsByClassName(
) as HTMLCollectionOf<HTMLDivElement>;
for (const e of toHide) {
// We have to clear the content because .style.display='none'; doesn't work
// due to an !important in the CSS.
e.innerHTML = "";
for (const e of errorContainers) { = "block";
e.innerHTML = message;
async function initPage(): Promise<void> {
document.getElementById("back_to_element_button")!.onclick = onBackToElementClick;
const config = await getVectorConfig("..");
// We manually parse the config similar to how validateServerConfig works because
// calling that function pulls in roughly 4mb of JS we don't use.
const wkConfig = config?.["default_server_config"]; // overwritten later under some conditions
const serverName = config?.["default_server_name"];
const defaultHsUrl = config?.["default_hs_url"];
const defaultIsUrl = config?.["default_is_url"];
const incompatibleOptions = [wkConfig, serverName, defaultHsUrl].filter((i) => !!i);
if (defaultHsUrl && (wkConfig || serverName)) {
return renderConfigError(
"Invalid configuration: a default_hs_url can't be specified along with default_server_name " +
"or default_server_config",
if (incompatibleOptions.length < 1) {
return renderConfigError("Invalid configuration: no default server specified.");
let hsUrl: string | undefined;
let isUrl: string | undefined;
if (!serverName && typeof wkConfig?.["m.homeserver"]?.["base_url"] === "string") {
hsUrl = wkConfig["m.homeserver"]["base_url"];
if (typeof wkConfig["m.identity_server"]?.["base_url"] === "string") {
isUrl = wkConfig["m.identity_server"]["base_url"];
if (serverName) {
// We also do our own minimal .well-known validation to avoid pulling in the js-sdk
try {
const result = await fetch(`https://${serverName}/.well-known/matrix/client`);
const wkConfig = await result.json();
if (wkConfig && wkConfig["m.homeserver"]) {
hsUrl = wkConfig["m.homeserver"]["base_url"];
if (wkConfig["m.identity_server"]) {
isUrl = wkConfig["m.identity_server"]["base_url"];
} catch (e) {
if (wkConfig && wkConfig["m.homeserver"]) {
hsUrl = wkConfig["m.homeserver"]["base_url"] || undefined;
if (wkConfig["m.identity_server"]) {
isUrl = wkConfig["m.identity_server"]["base_url"] || undefined;
} else {
return renderConfigError("Unable to fetch homeserver configuration");
if (defaultHsUrl) {
hsUrl = defaultHsUrl;
isUrl = defaultIsUrl;
if (!hsUrl) {
return renderConfigError("Unable to locate homeserver");
if (hsUrl && !hsUrl.endsWith("/")) hsUrl += "/";
if (isUrl && !isUrl.endsWith("/")) isUrl += "/";
if (hsUrl !== "") {
let url = "" + encodeURIComponent(hsUrl);
if (isUrl) {
document.getElementById("custom_is")!.style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("is_url")!.style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("is_url")!.innerText = isUrl;
url += "&is_url=" + encodeURIComponent(isUrl ?? "");
(document.getElementById("configure_element_button") as HTMLAnchorElement).href = url;
document.getElementById("step1_heading")!.innerHTML = "1: Install the app";
document.getElementById("step2_container")!.style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("hs_url")!.innerText = hsUrl;