mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import React from "react";
import {
} from "../../../../../../../src/components/views/rooms/wysiwyg_composer/hooks/useSuggestion";
function createMockPlainTextSuggestionPattern(props: Partial<Suggestion> = {}): Suggestion {
return {
mappedSuggestion: { keyChar: "/", type: "command", text: "some text", ...props.mappedSuggestion },
node: document.createTextNode(""),
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: 0,
function createMockCustomSuggestionPattern(props: Partial<Suggestion> = {}): Suggestion {
return {
mappedSuggestion: { keyChar: "", type: "custom", text: "🙂", ...props.mappedSuggestion },
node: document.createTextNode(":)"),
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: 2,
describe("processCommand", () => {
it("does not change parent hook state if suggestion is null", () => {
// create a mockSuggestion using the text node above
const mockSetSuggestion = jest.fn();
const mockSetText = jest.fn();
// call the function with a null suggestion
processCommand("should not be seen", null, mockSetSuggestion, mockSetText);
// check that the parent state setter has not been called
it("can change the parent hook state when required", () => {
// create a div and append a text node to it with some initial text
const editorDiv = document.createElement("div");
const initialText = "text";
const textNode = document.createTextNode(initialText);
// create a mockSuggestion using the text node above
const mockSuggestion = createMockPlainTextSuggestionPattern({ node: textNode });
const mockSetSuggestion = jest.fn();
const mockSetText = jest.fn();
const replacementText = "/replacement text";
processCommand(replacementText, mockSuggestion, mockSetSuggestion, mockSetText);
// check that the text has changed and includes a trailing space
expect(mockSetText).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`${replacementText} `);
describe("processEmojiReplacement", () => {
it("does not change parent hook state if suggestion is null", () => {
// create a mockSuggestion using the text node above
const mockSetSuggestion = jest.fn();
const mockSetText = jest.fn();
// call the function with a null suggestion
processEmojiReplacement(null, mockSetSuggestion, mockSetText);
// check that the parent state setter has not been called
it("can change the parent hook state when required", () => {
// create a div and append a text node to it with some initial text
const editorDiv = document.createElement("div");
const initialText = ":)";
const textNode = document.createTextNode(initialText);
// create a mockSuggestion using the text node above
const mockSuggestion = createMockCustomSuggestionPattern({ node: textNode });
const mockSetSuggestion = jest.fn();
const mockSetText = jest.fn();
const replacementText = "🙂";
processEmojiReplacement(mockSuggestion, mockSetSuggestion, mockSetText);
// check that the text has changed and includes a trailing space
describe("processMention", () => {
// TODO refactor and expand tests when mentions become <a> tags
it("returns early when suggestion is null", () => {
const mockSetSuggestion = jest.fn();
const mockSetText = jest.fn();
processMention("href", "displayName", new Map(), null, mockSetSuggestion, mockSetText);
it("can insert a mention into a text node", () => {
// make a text node and an editor div, set the cursor inside the text node and then
// append node to editor, then editor to document
const textNode = document.createTextNode("@a");
const mockEditor = document.createElement("div");
document.getSelection()?.setBaseAndExtent(textNode, 1, textNode, 1);
// call the util function
const href = "href";
const displayName = "displayName";
const mockSetSuggestionData = jest.fn();
const mockSetText = jest.fn();
new Map([["style", "test"]]),
{ node: textNode, startOffset: 0, endOffset: 2 } as unknown as Suggestion,
// check that the editor has a single child
const linkElement = mockEditor.firstElementChild as HTMLElement;
// and that the child is an <a> tag with the expected attributes and content
expect(linkElement).toHaveAttribute(href, href);
expect(linkElement).toHaveAttribute("contenteditable", "false");
expect(linkElement).toHaveAttribute("style", "test");
describe("processSelectionChange", () => {
function createMockEditorRef(element: HTMLDivElement | null = null): React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement> {
return { current: element } as React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
function appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining(initialText = ""): [HTMLDivElement, Node] {
// create the elements/nodes
const mockEditor = document.createElement("div");
const textNode = document.createTextNode(initialText);
// append text node to the editor, editor to the document body
return [mockEditor, textNode];
const mockSetSuggestion = jest.fn();
beforeEach(() => {
it("returns early if current editorRef is null", () => {
const mockEditorRef = createMockEditorRef(null);
// we monitor for the call to document.createNodeIterator to indicate an early return
const nodeIteratorSpy = jest.spyOn(document, "createNodeIterator");
processSelectionChange(mockEditorRef, jest.fn());
// tidy up to avoid potential impacts on other tests
it("calls setSuggestion with null if selection is not a cursor", () => {
const [mockEditor, textNode] = appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining("content");
const mockEditorRef = createMockEditorRef(mockEditor);
// create a selection in the text node that has different start and end locations ie it
// is not a cursor
document.getSelection()?.setBaseAndExtent(textNode, 0, textNode, 4);
// process the selection and check that we do not attempt to set the suggestion
processSelectionChange(mockEditorRef, mockSetSuggestion);
it("calls setSuggestion with null if selection cursor is not inside a text node", () => {
const [mockEditor] = appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining("content");
const mockEditorRef = createMockEditorRef(mockEditor);
// create a selection that points at the editor element, not the text node it contains
document.getSelection()?.setBaseAndExtent(mockEditor, 0, mockEditor, 0);
// process the selection and check that we do not attempt to set the suggestion
processSelectionChange(mockEditorRef, mockSetSuggestion);
it("calls setSuggestion with null if we have an existing suggestion but no command match", () => {
const [mockEditor, textNode] = appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining("content");
const mockEditorRef = createMockEditorRef(mockEditor);
// create a selection in the text node that has identical start and end locations, ie it is a cursor
document.getSelection()?.setBaseAndExtent(textNode, 0, textNode, 0);
// the call to process the selection will have an existing suggestion in state due to the second
// argument being non-null, expect that we clear this suggestion now that the text is not a command
processSelectionChange(mockEditorRef, mockSetSuggestion);
it("calls setSuggestion with the expected arguments when text node is valid command", () => {
const commandText = "/potentialCommand";
const [mockEditor, textNode] = appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining(commandText);
const mockEditorRef = createMockEditorRef(mockEditor);
// create a selection in the text node that has identical start and end locations, ie it is a cursor
document.getSelection()?.setBaseAndExtent(textNode, 3, textNode, 3);
// process the change and check the suggestion that is set looks as we expect it to
processSelectionChange(mockEditorRef, mockSetSuggestion);
mappedSuggestion: {
keyChar: "/",
type: "command",
text: "potentialCommand",
node: textNode,
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: commandText.length,
it("does not treat a command outside the first text node to be a suggestion", () => {
const [mockEditor] = appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining("some text in first node");
const [, commandTextNode] = appendEditorWithTextNodeContaining("/potentialCommand");
const mockEditorRef = createMockEditorRef(mockEditor);
// create a selection in the text node that has identical start and end locations, ie it is a cursor
document.getSelection()?.setBaseAndExtent(commandTextNode, 3, commandTextNode, 3);
// process the change and check the suggestion that is set looks as we expect it to
processSelectionChange(mockEditorRef, mockSetSuggestion);
describe("findSuggestionInText", () => {
const command = "/someCommand";
const userMention = "@userMention";
const roomMention = "#roomMention";
const mentionTestCases = [userMention, roomMention];
const allTestCases = [command, userMention, roomMention];
it("returns null if content does not contain any mention or command characters", () => {
expect(findSuggestionInText("hello", 1, true)).toBeNull();
it("returns null if content contains a command but is not the first text node", () => {
expect(findSuggestionInText(command, 1, false)).toBeNull();
it("returns null if the offset is outside the content length", () => {
expect(findSuggestionInText("hi", 30, true)).toBeNull();
expect(findSuggestionInText("hi", -10, true)).toBeNull();
it.each(allTestCases)("returns an object when the whole input is special case: %s", (text) => {
const expected = {
mappedSuggestion: getMappedSuggestion(text),
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: text.length,
// test for cursor immediately before and after special character, before end, at end
expect(findSuggestionInText(text, 0, true)).toEqual(expected);
expect(findSuggestionInText(text, 1, true)).toEqual(expected);
expect(findSuggestionInText(text, text.length - 2, true)).toEqual(expected);
expect(findSuggestionInText(text, text.length, true)).toEqual(expected);
it("returns null when a command is followed by other text", () => {
const followingText = " followed by something";
// check for cursor inside and outside the command
expect(findSuggestionInText(command + followingText, command.length - 2, true)).toBeNull();
expect(findSuggestionInText(command + followingText, command.length + 2, true)).toBeNull();
it.each(mentionTestCases)("returns an object when a %s is followed by other text", (mention) => {
const followingText = " followed by something else";
expect(findSuggestionInText(mention + followingText, mention.length - 2, true)).toEqual({
mappedSuggestion: getMappedSuggestion(mention),
startOffset: 0,
endOffset: mention.length,
it("returns null if there is a command surrounded by text", () => {
const precedingText = "text before the command ";
const followingText = " text after the command";
findSuggestionInText(precedingText + command + followingText, precedingText.length + 4, true),
it.each(mentionTestCases)("returns an object if %s is surrounded by text", (mention) => {
const precedingText = "I want to mention ";
const followingText = " in my message";
const textInput = precedingText + mention + followingText;
const expected = {
mappedSuggestion: getMappedSuggestion(mention),
startOffset: precedingText.length,
endOffset: precedingText.length + mention.length,
// when the cursor is immediately before the special character
expect(findSuggestionInText(textInput, precedingText.length, true)).toEqual(expected);
// when the cursor is inside the mention
expect(findSuggestionInText(textInput, precedingText.length + 3, true)).toEqual(expected);
// when the cursor is right at the end of the mention
expect(findSuggestionInText(textInput, precedingText.length + mention.length, true)).toEqual(expected);
it("returns null for text content with an email address", () => {
const emailInput = "send to user@test.com";
expect(findSuggestionInText(emailInput, 15, true)).toBeNull();
it("returns null for double slashed command", () => {
const doubleSlashCommand = "//not a command";
expect(findSuggestionInText(doubleSlashCommand, 4, true)).toBeNull();
it("returns null for slash separated text", () => {
const slashSeparatedInput = "please to this/that/the other";
expect(findSuggestionInText(slashSeparatedInput, 21, true)).toBeNull();
it("returns an object for a mention that contains punctuation", () => {
const mentionWithPunctuation = "@userX14#5a_-";
const precedingText = "mention ";
const mentionInput = precedingText + mentionWithPunctuation;
expect(findSuggestionInText(mentionInput, 12, true)).toEqual({
mappedSuggestion: getMappedSuggestion(mentionWithPunctuation),
startOffset: precedingText.length,
endOffset: precedingText.length + mentionWithPunctuation.length,
it("returns null when user inputs any whitespace after the special character", () => {
const mentionWithSpaceAfter = "@ somebody";
expect(findSuggestionInText(mentionWithSpaceAfter, 2, true)).toBeNull();
it("returns an object for an emoji suggestion", () => {
const emoiticon = ":)";
const precedingText = "hello ";
const mentionInput = precedingText + emoiticon;
expect(findSuggestionInText(mentionInput, precedingText.length, true, true)).toEqual({
mappedSuggestion: getMappedSuggestion(emoiticon, true),
startOffset: precedingText.length,
endOffset: precedingText.length + emoiticon.length,
describe("getMappedSuggestion", () => {
it("returns null when the first character is not / # @", () => {
it("returns the expected mapped suggestion when first character is # or @", () => {
type: "mention",
keyChar: "@",
text: "user-mention",
type: "mention",
keyChar: "#",
text: "room-mention",
it("returns the expected mapped suggestion when first character is /", () => {
type: "command",
keyChar: "/",
text: "command",
it("returns the expected mapped suggestion when the text is a plain text emoiticon", () => {
expect(getMappedSuggestion(":)", true)).toEqual({
type: "custom",
keyChar: "",
text: "🙂",