mirror of https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web
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229 lines
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"Accept": "Terima",
"Account": "Akun",
"Add": "Tambah",
"Add a topic": "Tambah topik",
"Add email address": "Tambah alamat email",
"Add phone number": "Tambah nomor telpon",
"No Microphones detected": "Tidak ada mikrofon terdeteksi",
"No media permissions": "Tidak ada izin media",
"Microphone": "Mikrofon",
"Camera": "Kamera",
"Alias (optional)": "Alias (pilihan)",
"and": "dan",
"Are you sure?": "Anda yakin?",
"An error has occurred.": "Telah terjadi kesalahan.",
"Are you sure you want to reject the invitation?": "Anda yakin menolak undangannya?",
"Bug Report": "Laporan Bug",
"Can't load user settings": "Tidak dapat memuat pengaturan pengguna",
"Change Password": "Ubah Password",
"Click here to fix": "Klik di sini untuk perbaiki",
"Close": "Tutup",
"Commands": "Perintah",
"Confirm password": "Konfirmasi password",
"Confirm your new password": "Konfirmasi password baru",
"Continue": "Lanjut",
"Create an account": "Buat akun",
"Create Room": "Buat Ruang",
"Current password": "Password sekarang",
"Deactivate Account": "Nonaktifkan Akun",
"Delete": "Hapus",
"Device ID": "ID Perangkat",
"Devices": "Perangkat",
"disabled": "Nonaktif",
"Don't send typing notifications": "Jangan kirim notifikasi pengetikan",
"Email": "Email",
"Email address": "Alamat email",
"Email address (optional)": "Alamat email (pilihan)",
"Enable encryption": "Aktifkan enkripsi",
"Enable Notifications": "Aktifkan Notifikasi",
"Algorithm": "Algoritma",
"Attachment": "Lampiran",
"Command error": "Perintah gagal",
"Conference call failed.": "Panggilan konferensi gagal.",
"Decline": "Tolak",
"Default": "Bawaan",
"Device ID:": "ID Perangkat:",
"Direct chats": "Obrolan langsung",
"Display name": "Nama yang ditampilkan",
"Download %(text)s": "Unduh %(text)s",
"Encrypted room": "Ruang terenkripsi",
"Enter Code": "Masukkan Kode",
"Event information": "Informasi Event",
"Export": "Ekspor",
"Failed to delete device": "Gagal menghapus perangkat",
"Failed to join room": "Gagal gabung ruang",
"Failed to leave room": "Gagal meninggalkan ruang",
"Failed to reject invitation": "Gagal menolak undangan",
"Failed to send email": "Gagal mengirim email",
"Favourite": "Favorit",
"favourite": "favorit",
"Favourites": "Favorit",
"Forgot your password?": "Lupa password?",
"Found a bug?": "Menemukan bug?",
"Import": "Impor",
"Incorrect verification code": "Kode verifikasi tidak benar",
"Invalid Email Address": "Alamat email tidak benar",
"Invited": "Diundang",
"Sign in with": "Masuk dengan",
"joined": "bergabung",
"joined and left": "bergabung dan berpisah",
"Leave room": "Meninggalkan ruang",
"Level:": "Tingkat:",
"Login as guest": "Masuk sebagai tamu",
"Logout": "Keluar",
"Low priority": "Prioritas rendah",
"Markdown is disabled": "Markdown dinonaktifkan",
"Markdown is enabled": "Markdown diaktifkan",
"Members only": "Hanya anggota",
"Mobile phone number": "Nomor telpon seluler",
"Mute": "Bisu",
"Name": "Nama",
"New password": "Password Baru",
"New passwords don't match": "Password baru tidak cocok",
"not set": "tidak diisi",
"<not supported>": "<tidak didukung>",
"NOT verified": "TIDAK terverifikasi",
"No results": "Tidak ada hasil",
"OK": "OK",
"Operation failed": "Operasi gagal",
"People": "Orang",
"Passwords can't be empty": "Password tidak boleh kosong",
"Permissions": "Izin",
"Private Chat": "Obrolan Privat",
"Profile": "Profil",
"Public Chat": "Obrolan Publik",
"Reason": "Alasan",
"Register": "Registrasi",
"rejected": "ditolak",
"Report it": "Laporkan",
"Return to app": "Kembali ke aplikasi",
"riot-web version:": "riot-web versi:",
"Return to login screen": "Kembali ke halaman masuk",
"Room Colour": "Warna Ruang",
"Room name (optional)": "Nama ruang (pilihan)",
"Rooms": "Ruang",
"Save": "Simpan",
"Search": "Cari",
"Search failed": "Pencarian gagal",
"Send an encrypted message": "Kirim pesan terenkripsi",
"Send anyway": "Kirim saja",
"Send Reset Email": "Kirim Email Atur Ulang",
"Server error": "Server bermasalah",
"Session ID": "ID Sesi",
"Settings": "Pengaturan",
"Set": "Isi",
"Show panel": "Tampilkan panel",
"Sign in": "Masuk",
"Sign out": "Keluar",
"Someone": "Seseorang",
"Submit": "Kirim",
"Start Chat": "Mulai Obrolan",
"Success": "Sukses",
"This email address was not found": "Alamat email ini tidak ada",
"This room": "Ruang ini",
"times": "kali",
"Turn Markdown off": "Matikan Markdown",
"Unable to add email address": "Tidak dapat menambahkan alamat email",
"Unable to verify email address.": "Tidak dapat memverifikasi alamat email.",
"Unable to load device list": "Tidak dapat memuat daftar perangkat",
"unencrypted": "tidak terenkripsi",
"Unknown command": "Perintah tidak diketahui",
"unknown error code": "kode kesalahan tidak diketahui",
"unknown device": "perangkat tidak diketahui",
"User ID": "ID Pengguna",
"User name": "Nama pengguna",
"Verification": "Verifikasi",
"verified": "terverifikasi",
"Verification Pending": "Verifikasi Tertunda",
"Video call": "Panggilan Video",
"Voice call": "Panggilan Suara",
"(no answer)": "(tidak ada jawaban)",
"Warning!": "Peringatan!",
"You are already in a call.": "Anda telah berada di panggilan.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Anda tidak dapat melakukan panggilan dengan diri sendiri.",
"Your password has been reset": "Password Anda telah diatur ulang",
"Sun": "Min",
"Mon": "Sen",
"Tue": "Sel",
"Wed": "Rab",
"Thu": "Kam",
"Fri": "Jum",
"Sat": "Sab",
"Jan": "Jan",
"Feb": "Feb",
"Mar": "Mar",
"Apr": "Apr",
"May": "Mei",
"Jun": "Jun",
"Jul": "Jul",
"Aug": "Agu",
"Sep": "Sep",
"Oct": "Okt",
"Nov": "Nov",
"Dec": "Des",
"a room": "ruang",
"A text message has been sent to +%(msisdn)s. Please enter the verification code it contains": "Sebuah pesan sudah dikirim ke +%(msisdn)s. Mohon masukkan kode verifikasi pada pesan tersebut",
"%(targetName)s accepted an invitation.": "%(targetName)s telah menerima undangan.",
"%(targetName)s accepted the invitation for %(displayName)s.": "%(targetName)s menerima undangan untuk %(displayName)s.",
"Access Token:": "Token Akses:",
"Active call (%(roomName)s)": "Panggilan aktif (%(roomName)s)",
"Admin": "Admin",
"Admin Tools": "Alat admin",
"And %(count)s more...": "Dan %(count)s lagi...",
"VoIP": "VoIP",
"Missing Media Permissions, click here to request.": "Tidak ada Izin Media, klik disini untuk meminta.",
"No Webcams detected": "Tidak ada Webcam terdeteksi",
"You may need to manually permit Riot to access your microphone/webcam": "Anda mungkin perlu secara manual mengizinkan Riot untuk mengakses mikrofon/webcam",
"Default Device": "Perangkat Bawaan",
"Advanced": "Tingkat Lanjut",
"Hide removed messages": "Sembunyikan pesan yang dihapus",
"Always show message timestamps": "Selalu tampilkan cap waktu dari pesan",
"Authentication": "Autentikasi",
"and one other...": "dan satu lainnya...",
"An email has been sent to": "Sebuah email telah dikirim ke",
"Are you sure you want to leave the room '%(roomName)s'?": "Anda yakin ingin meninggalkan ruang '%(roomName)s'?",
"A new password must be entered.": "Password baru harus diisi.",
"%(names)s and one other are typing": "%(names)s dan satu lagi sedang mengetik",
"%(items)s and %(lastItem)s": "%(items)s dan %(lastItem)s",
"%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing": "%(names)s dan %(lastPerson)s sedang mengetik",
"%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing": "%(names)s dan %(count)s lainnya sedang mengetik",
"and %(overflowCount)s others...": "dan %(overflowCount)s lainnya...",
"%(items)s and %(remaining)s others": "%(items)s dan %(remaining)s lainnya",
"%(items)s and one other": "%(items)s dan satu lainnya",
"%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s telah menjawab panggilan.",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, including guests": "Siapa pun yang tahu tautan ruang, termasuk tamu",
"Anyone who knows the room's link, apart from guests": "Siapa pun yang tahu tautan ruang, selain tamu",
"Are you sure you want to upload the following files?": "Anda yakin akan mengunggah berkas-berkas berikut?",
"Blacklisted": "Didaftarhitamkan",
"%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s telah memblokir %(targetName)s.",
"Banned users": "Pengguna yang diblokir",
"Bulk Options": "Opsi Massal",
"Can't connect to homeserver - please check your connectivity, ensure your <a>homeserver's SSL certificate</a> is trusted, and that a browser extension is not blocking requests.": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke server Home - harap cek koneksi anda, pastikan <a>sertifikat SSL server Home</a> Anda terpercaya, dan ekstensi dari browser tidak memblokir permintaan.",
"%(senderName)s changed their display name from %(oldDisplayName)s to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s mengubah tampilan namanya dari %(oldDisplayName)s menjadi %(displayName)s.",
"Can't connect to homeserver via HTTP when an HTTPS URL is in your browser bar. Either use HTTPS or <a>enable unsafe scripts</a>.": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke server Home melalui HTTP ketika URL di browser berupa HTTPS. Pilih gunakan HTTPS atau <a>aktifkan skrip yang tidak aman</a>.",
"%(senderName)s changed their profile picture.": "%(senderName)s telah mengubah foto profilnya.",
"%(senderName)s changed the power level of %(powerLevelDiffText)s.": "%(senderName)s telah mengubah tingkat kekuatan dari %(powerLevelDiffText)s.",
"Changes your display nickname": "Ubah tampilan nama panggilan Anda",
"%(senderDisplayName)s removed the room name.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah menghapus nama ruang.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the room name to %(roomName)s.": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah mengubah nama ruang menjadi %(roomName)s.",
"%(senderDisplayName)s changed the topic to \"%(topic)s\".": "%(senderDisplayName)s telah mengubah topik menjadi \"%(topic)s\".",
"Changes to who can read history will only apply to future messages in this room": "Pengubahan siapa yang dapat membaca sejarah akan berlaku untuk pesan selanjutnya di ruang ini",
"Changing password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "Mengubah password saat ini akan mengatur ulang semua kunci enkripsi end-to-end di semua perangkat, menyebabkan sejarah obrolan yang terenkripsi menjadi tidak dapat dibaca, kecuali sebelumnya Anda ekspor dahulu kunci ruang lalu kemudian impor ulang setelahnya. Ke depan hal ini akan diperbaiki.",
"<a>Click here</a> to join the discussion!": "<a>Klik di sini</a> untuk gabung diskusi!",
"click to reveal": "Klik untuk menampilkan",
"Conference calls are not supported in this client": "Panggilan konferensi tidak didukung oleh klien ini",
"Could not connect to the integration server": "Tidak dapat terhubung ke server integrasi",
"Create a new chat or reuse an existing one": "Buat obrolan baru atau gunakan yang sudah ada",
"Cryptography": "Kriptografi",
"Deactivate my account": "Nonaktifkan akun saya",
"Decrypt %(text)s": "Dekrip %(text)s",
"Decryption error": "Dekripsi gagal",
"Device already verified!": "Perangkat telah terverifikasi!",
"device id: ": "id perangkat: ",
"Device key:": "Kunci Perangkat:",
"Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room": "Perangkat tidak akan dapat mendekripsi sejarah sebelum gabung ke ruang",
"Ban": "Blokir",
"Bans user with given id": "Blokir pengguna dengan id"