2023-02-14 14:42:35 +01:00
< ? php
use Cake\Utility\Inflector ;
use Cake\Routing\Router ;
$urlNewestMetaTemplate = Router :: url ([
'controller' => 'metaTemplates' ,
'action' => 'view' ,
$newestMetaTemplate -> id
$bodyHtml = '' ;
$bodyHtml .= sprintf ( '<div><span>%s: </span><span class="font-monospace">%s</span></div>' , __ ( 'Current version' ), h ( $oldMetaTemplate -> version ));
$bodyHtml .= sprintf ( '<div><span>%s: </span><a href="%s" target="_blank" class="font-monospac">%s</a></div>' , __ ( 'Newest version' ), $urlNewestMetaTemplate , h ( $newestMetaTemplate -> version ));
$bodyHtml .= sprintf ( '<h4 class="my-2">%s</h4>' , __ ( '{0} Entities with meta-fields for the meta-template version <span class="font-monospace">{1}</span>' , h ( $entityCount ), h ( $oldMetaTemplate -> version )));
// debug($conflictingEntities);
if ( empty ( $conflictingEntities )) {
$bodyHtml .= $this -> Bootstrap -> alert ([
'text' => __ ( 'All entities can updated automatically' , count ( $conflictingEntities )),
'variant' => 'success' ,
'dismissible' => false ,
} else {
$bodyHtml .= $this -> Bootstrap -> alert ([
'html' => sprintf (
'<ul>%s%s</ul>' ,
$this -> Bootstrap -> node ( 'li' , [], __ ( '{0} entities can be updated automatically' , $entityCount - count ( $conflictingEntities ))),
$this -> Bootstrap -> node ( 'li' , [], __ ( '{0} entities cannot be updated automatically and require manual migration' , count ( $conflictingEntities )))
'variant' => 'warning' ,
'dismissible' => false ,
$bodyHtml .= '<ul>' ;
2023-02-16 09:42:08 +01:00
foreach ( $conflictingEntities as $i => $entity ) {
2023-02-14 14:42:35 +01:00
$url = Router :: url ([
'controller' => 'metaTemplates' ,
'action' => 'migrateOldMetaTemplateToNewestVersionForEntity' ,
$oldMetaTemplate -> id ,
$entity -> id ,
$bodyHtml .= sprintf (
'<li><a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a> <span class="fw-light">%s<span></li>' ,
$url ,
__ ( '{0}::{1}' , h ( Inflector :: humanize ( $oldMetaTemplate -> scope )), $entity -> id ),
__ ( 'has {0} meta-fields to update' , count ( $entity -> meta_fields ))
2023-02-16 09:42:08 +01:00
if ( $i >= 9 ) {
$bodyHtml .= sprintf ( '<li class="list-inline-item fw-light fs-7">%s</li>' , __ ( '{0} more entities' , count ( $conflictingEntities ) - 10 ));
break ;
2023-02-14 14:42:35 +01:00
$bodyHtml .= '</ul>' ;
$form = sprintf (
'<div class="d-none hidden-form-container">%s%s</div>' ,
$this -> Form -> create ( null , [
'url' => [
'controller' => 'MetaTemplates' ,
'action' => 'migrateMetafieldsToNewestTemplate' ,
$oldMetaTemplate -> id ,
$this -> Form -> end ()
$bodyHtml .= $form ;
$title = __ ( '{0} has a new meta-template and meta-fields to be updated' , sprintf ( '<i class="me-1">%s</i>' , h ( $oldMetaTemplate -> name )));
if ( ! empty ( $ajax )) {
echo $this -> Bootstrap -> modal ([
'titleHtml' => $title ,
'bodyHtml' => $bodyHtml ,
'size' => 'lg' ,
'type' => 'confirm' ,
'confirmButton' => [
'text' => __ ( 'Migrate meta-fields' ),
'variant' => 'success' ,
'confirmFunction' => 'migrateMetafieldsToNewestTemplate' ,
} else {
echo $this -> Bootstrap -> node ( 'h1' , [], $title );
echo $bodyHtml ;
echo $this -> Bootstrap -> button ([
'text' => __ ( 'Migrate meta-fields' ),
'variant' => 'success' ,
'onclick' => '$(".hidden-form-container form").submit()' ,
< script >
function migrateMetafieldsToNewestTemplate ( modalObject , tmpApi ) {
const $form = modalObject . $modal . find ( 'form' )
return tmpApi . postForm ( $form [ 0 ]) . catch (( errors ) => {
const formHelper = new FormValidationHelper ( $form [ 0 ])
const errorHTMLNode = formHelper . buildValidationMessageNode ( errors , true )
modalObject . $modal . find ( 'div.form-error-container' ) . append ( errorHTMLNode )
return errors
</ script >