826 lines
31 KiB
826 lines
31 KiB
![]() |
import { c as ot, g as pt, s as mt, a as _t, b as kt, D as xt, B as vt, E as bt, f as wt, aQ as St, j as Y, k as Lt } from "./mermaid-e4a58915.js";
import { o as Et } from "./ordinal-5695958c.js";
import "./init-f9637058.js";
function At(t) {
for (var n = t.length / 6 | 0, i = new Array(n), a = 0; a < n; )
i[a] = "#" + t.slice(a * 6, ++a * 6);
return i;
const Tt = At("4e79a7f28e2ce1575976b7b259a14fedc949af7aa1ff9da79c755fbab0ab");
var tt = function() {
var t = function(_, s, o, c) {
for (o = o || {}, c = _.length; c--; o[_[c]] = s)
return o;
}, n = [1, 9], i = [1, 10], a = [1, 5, 10, 12], u = {
trace: function() {
yy: {},
symbols_: { error: 2, start: 3, SANKEY: 4, NEWLINE: 5, csv: 6, opt_eof: 7, record: 8, csv_tail: 9, EOF: 10, "field[source]": 11, COMMA: 12, "field[target]": 13, "field[value]": 14, field: 15, escaped: 16, non_escaped: 17, DQUOTE: 18, ESCAPED_TEXT: 19, NON_ESCAPED_TEXT: 20, $accept: 0, $end: 1 },
terminals_: { 2: "error", 4: "SANKEY", 5: "NEWLINE", 10: "EOF", 11: "field[source]", 12: "COMMA", 13: "field[target]", 14: "field[value]", 18: "DQUOTE", 19: "ESCAPED_TEXT", 20: "NON_ESCAPED_TEXT" },
productions_: [0, [3, 4], [6, 2], [9, 2], [9, 0], [7, 1], [7, 0], [8, 5], [15, 1], [15, 1], [16, 3], [17, 1]],
performAction: function(s, o, c, m, b, d, x) {
var E = d.length - 1;
switch (b) {
case 7:
const L = m.findOrCreateNode(d[E - 4].trim().replaceAll('""', '"')), A = m.findOrCreateNode(d[E - 2].trim().replaceAll('""', '"')), N = parseFloat(d[E].trim());
m.addLink(L, A, N);
case 8:
case 9:
case 11:
this.$ = d[E];
case 10:
this.$ = d[E - 1];
table: [{ 3: 1, 4: [1, 2] }, { 1: [3] }, { 5: [1, 3] }, { 6: 4, 8: 5, 15: 6, 16: 7, 17: 8, 18: n, 20: i }, { 1: [2, 6], 7: 11, 10: [1, 12] }, t(i, [2, 4], { 9: 13, 5: [1, 14] }), { 12: [1, 15] }, t(a, [2, 8]), t(a, [2, 9]), { 19: [1, 16] }, t(a, [2, 11]), { 1: [2, 1] }, { 1: [2, 5] }, t(i, [2, 2]), { 6: 17, 8: 5, 15: 6, 16: 7, 17: 8, 18: n, 20: i }, { 15: 18, 16: 7, 17: 8, 18: n, 20: i }, { 18: [1, 19] }, t(i, [2, 3]), { 12: [1, 20] }, t(a, [2, 10]), { 15: 21, 16: 7, 17: 8, 18: n, 20: i }, t([1, 5, 10], [2, 7])],
defaultActions: { 11: [2, 1], 12: [2, 5] },
parseError: function(s, o) {
if (o.recoverable)
else {
var c = new Error(s);
throw c.hash = o, c;
parse: function(s) {
var o = this, c = [0], m = [], b = [null], d = [], x = this.table, E = "", L = 0, A = 0, N = 2, P = 1, z = d.slice.call(arguments, 1), S = Object.create(this.lexer), M = { yy: {} };
for (var $ in this.yy)
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.yy, $) && (M.yy[$] = this.yy[$]);
S.setInput(s, M.yy), M.yy.lexer = S, M.yy.parser = this, typeof S.yylloc > "u" && (S.yylloc = {});
var C = S.yylloc;
var I = S.options && S.options.ranges;
typeof M.yy.parseError == "function" ? this.parseError = M.yy.parseError : this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
function g() {
var v;
return v = m.pop() || S.lex() || P, typeof v != "number" && (v instanceof Array && (m = v, v = m.pop()), v = o.symbols_[v] || v), v;
for (var w, O, T, R, e = {}, f, l, h, r; ; ) {
if (O = c[c.length - 1], this.defaultActions[O] ? T = this.defaultActions[O] : ((w === null || typeof w > "u") && (w = g()), T = x[O] && x[O][w]), typeof T > "u" || !T.length || !T[0]) {
var k = "";
r = [];
for (f in x[O])
this.terminals_[f] && f > N && r.push("'" + this.terminals_[f] + "'");
S.showPosition ? k = "Parse error on line " + (L + 1) + `:
` + S.showPosition() + `
Expecting ` + r.join(", ") + ", got '" + (this.terminals_[w] || w) + "'" : k = "Parse error on line " + (L + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (w == P ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[w] || w) + "'"), this.parseError(k, {
text: S.match,
token: this.terminals_[w] || w,
line: S.yylineno,
loc: C,
expected: r
if (T[0] instanceof Array && T.length > 1)
throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + O + ", token: " + w);
switch (T[0]) {
case 1:
c.push(w), b.push(S.yytext), d.push(S.yylloc), c.push(T[1]), w = null, A = S.yyleng, E = S.yytext, L = S.yylineno, C = S.yylloc;
case 2:
if (l = this.productions_[T[1]][1], e.$ = b[b.length - l], e._$ = {
first_line: d[d.length - (l || 1)].first_line,
last_line: d[d.length - 1].last_line,
first_column: d[d.length - (l || 1)].first_column,
last_column: d[d.length - 1].last_column
}, I && (e._$.range = [
d[d.length - (l || 1)].range[0],
d[d.length - 1].range[1]
]), R = this.performAction.apply(e, [
].concat(z)), typeof R < "u")
return R;
l && (c = c.slice(0, -1 * l * 2), b = b.slice(0, -1 * l), d = d.slice(0, -1 * l)), c.push(this.productions_[T[1]][0]), b.push(e.$), d.push(e._$), h = x[c[c.length - 2]][c[c.length - 1]], c.push(h);
case 3:
return !0;
return !0;
}, y = function() {
var _ = {
EOF: 1,
parseError: function(o, c) {
if (this.yy.parser)
this.yy.parser.parseError(o, c);
throw new Error(o);
// resets the lexer, sets new input
setInput: function(s, o) {
return this.yy = o || this.yy || {}, this._input = s, this._more = this._backtrack = this.done = !1, this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0, this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = "", this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"], this.yylloc = {
first_line: 1,
first_column: 0,
last_line: 1,
last_column: 0
}, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [0, 0]), this.offset = 0, this;
// consumes and returns one char from the input
input: function() {
var s = this._input[0];
this.yytext += s, this.yyleng++, this.offset++, this.match += s, this.matched += s;
var o = s.match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g);
return o ? (this.yylineno++, this.yylloc.last_line++) : this.yylloc.last_column++, this.options.ranges && this.yylloc.range[1]++, this._input = this._input.slice(1), s;
// unshifts one char (or a string) into the input
unput: function(s) {
var o = s.length, c = s.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
this._input = s + this._input, this.yytext = this.yytext.substr(0, this.yytext.length - o), this.offset -= o;
var m = this.match.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/g);
this.match = this.match.substr(0, this.match.length - 1), this.matched = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - 1), c.length - 1 && (this.yylineno -= c.length - 1);
var b = this.yylloc.range;
return this.yylloc = {
first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
last_column: c ? (c.length === m.length ? this.yylloc.first_column : 0) + m[m.length - c.length].length - c[0].length : this.yylloc.first_column - o
}, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [b[0], b[0] + this.yyleng - o]), this.yyleng = this.yytext.length, this;
// When called from action, caches matched text and appends it on next action
more: function() {
return this._more = !0, this;
// When called from action, signals the lexer that this rule fails to match the input, so the next matching rule (regex) should be tested instead.
reject: function() {
if (this.options.backtrack_lexer)
this._backtrack = !0;
return this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + `. You can only invoke reject() in the lexer when the lexer is of the backtracking persuasion (options.backtrack_lexer = true).
` + this.showPosition(), {
text: "",
token: null,
line: this.yylineno
return this;
// retain first n characters of the match
less: function(s) {
// displays already matched input, i.e. for error messages
pastInput: function() {
var s = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length);
return (s.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + s.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, "");
// displays upcoming input, i.e. for error messages
upcomingInput: function() {
var s = this.match;
return s.length < 20 && (s += this._input.substr(0, 20 - s.length)), (s.substr(0, 20) + (s.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, "");
// displays the character position where the lexing error occurred, i.e. for error messages
showPosition: function() {
var s = this.pastInput(), o = new Array(s.length + 1).join("-");
return s + this.upcomingInput() + `
` + o + "^";
// test the lexed token: return FALSE when not a match, otherwise return token
test_match: function(s, o) {
var c, m, b;
if (this.options.backtrack_lexer && (b = {
yylineno: this.yylineno,
yylloc: {
first_line: this.yylloc.first_line,
last_line: this.last_line,
first_column: this.yylloc.first_column,
last_column: this.yylloc.last_column
yytext: this.yytext,
match: this.match,
matches: this.matches,
matched: this.matched,
yyleng: this.yyleng,
offset: this.offset,
_more: this._more,
_input: this._input,
yy: this.yy,
conditionStack: this.conditionStack.slice(0),
done: this.done
}, this.options.ranges && (b.yylloc.range = this.yylloc.range.slice(0))), m = s[0].match(/(?:\r\n?|\n).*/g), m && (this.yylineno += m.length), this.yylloc = {
first_line: this.yylloc.last_line,
last_line: this.yylineno + 1,
first_column: this.yylloc.last_column,
last_column: m ? m[m.length - 1].length - m[m.length - 1].match(/\r?\n?/)[0].length : this.yylloc.last_column + s[0].length
}, this.yytext += s[0], this.match += s[0], this.matches = s, this.yyleng = this.yytext.length, this.options.ranges && (this.yylloc.range = [this.offset, this.offset += this.yyleng]), this._more = !1, this._backtrack = !1, this._input = this._input.slice(s[0].length), this.matched += s[0], c = this.performAction.call(this, this.yy, this, o, this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]), this.done && this._input && (this.done = !1), c)
return c;
if (this._backtrack) {
for (var d in b)
this[d] = b[d];
return !1;
return !1;
// return next match in input
next: function() {
if (this.done)
return this.EOF;
this._input || (this.done = !0);
var s, o, c, m;
this._more || (this.yytext = "", this.match = "");
for (var b = this._currentRules(), d = 0; d < b.length; d++)
if (c = this._input.match(this.rules[b[d]]), c && (!o || c[0].length > o[0].length)) {
if (o = c, m = d, this.options.backtrack_lexer) {
if (s = this.test_match(c, b[d]), s !== !1)
return s;
if (this._backtrack) {
o = !1;
} else
return !1;
} else if (!this.options.flex)
return o ? (s = this.test_match(o, b[m]), s !== !1 ? s : !1) : this._input === "" ? this.EOF : this.parseError("Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + `. Unrecognized text.
` + this.showPosition(), {
text: "",
token: null,
line: this.yylineno
// return next match that has a token
lex: function() {
var o = this.next();
return o || this.lex();
// activates a new lexer condition state (pushes the new lexer condition state onto the condition stack)
begin: function(o) {
// pop the previously active lexer condition state off the condition stack
popState: function() {
var o = this.conditionStack.length - 1;
return o > 0 ? this.conditionStack.pop() : this.conditionStack[0];
// produce the lexer rule set which is active for the currently active lexer condition state
_currentRules: function() {
return this.conditionStack.length && this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1] ? this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules : this.conditions.INITIAL.rules;
// return the currently active lexer condition state; when an index argument is provided it produces the N-th previous condition state, if available
topState: function(o) {
return o = this.conditionStack.length - 1 - Math.abs(o || 0), o >= 0 ? this.conditionStack[o] : "INITIAL";
// alias for begin(condition)
pushState: function(o) {
// return the number of states currently on the stack
stateStackSize: function() {
return this.conditionStack.length;
options: { easy_keword_rules: !0 },
performAction: function(o, c, m, b) {
switch (m) {
case 0:
return this.pushState("csv"), 4;
case 1:
return 10;
case 2:
return 5;
case 3:
return 12;
case 4:
return this.pushState("escaped_text"), 18;
case 5:
return 20;
case 6:
return this.popState("escaped_text"), 18;
case 7:
return 19;
rules: [/^(?:sankey-beta\b)/, /^(?:$)/, /^(?:((\u000D\u000A)|(\u000A)))/, /^(?:(\u002C))/, /^(?:(\u0022))/, /^(?:([\u0020-\u0021\u0023-\u002B\u002D-\u007E])*)/, /^(?:(\u0022)(?!(\u0022)))/, /^(?:(([\u0020-\u0021\u0023-\u002B\u002D-\u007E])|(\u002C)|(\u000D)|(\u000A)|(\u0022)(\u0022))*)/],
conditions: { csv: { rules: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], inclusive: !1 }, escaped_text: { rules: [6, 7], inclusive: !1 }, INITIAL: { rules: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], inclusive: !0 } }
return _;
u.lexer = y;
function p() {
this.yy = {};
return p.prototype = u, u.Parser = p, new p();
tt.parser = tt;
const H = tt;
let X = [], q = [], B = {};
const Mt = () => {
X = [], q = [], B = {}, bt();
class Nt {
constructor(n, i, a = 0) {
this.source = n, this.target = i, this.value = a;
const Pt = (t, n, i) => {
X.push(new Nt(t, n, i));
class Ct {
constructor(n) {
this.ID = n;
const It = (t) => (t = wt.sanitizeText(t, ot()), B[t] || (B[t] = new Ct(t), q.push(B[t])), B[t]), Ot = () => q, $t = () => X, zt = () => ({
nodes: q.map((t) => ({ id: t.ID })),
links: X.map((t) => ({
source: t.source.ID,
target: t.target.ID,
value: t.value
}), jt = {
nodesMap: B,
getConfig: () => ot().sankey,
getNodes: Ot,
getLinks: $t,
getGraph: zt,
addLink: Pt,
findOrCreateNode: It,
getAccTitle: pt,
setAccTitle: mt,
getAccDescription: _t,
setAccDescription: kt,
getDiagramTitle: xt,
setDiagramTitle: vt,
clear: Mt
function at(t, n) {
let i;
if (n === void 0)
for (const a of t)
a != null && (i < a || i === void 0 && a >= a) && (i = a);
else {
let a = -1;
for (let u of t)
(u = n(u, ++a, t)) != null && (i < u || i === void 0 && u >= u) && (i = u);
return i;
function yt(t, n) {
let i;
if (n === void 0)
for (const a of t)
a != null && (i > a || i === void 0 && a >= a) && (i = a);
else {
let a = -1;
for (let u of t)
(u = n(u, ++a, t)) != null && (i > u || i === void 0 && u >= u) && (i = u);
return i;
function Z(t, n) {
let i = 0;
if (n === void 0)
for (let a of t)
(a = +a) && (i += a);
else {
let a = -1;
for (let u of t)
(u = +n(u, ++a, t)) && (i += u);
return i;
function Dt(t) {
return t.target.depth;
function Bt(t) {
return t.depth;
function Rt(t, n) {
return n - 1 - t.height;
function dt(t, n) {
return t.sourceLinks.length ? t.depth : n - 1;
function Vt(t) {
return t.targetLinks.length ? t.depth : t.sourceLinks.length ? yt(t.sourceLinks, Dt) - 1 : 0;
function G(t) {
return function() {
return t;
function lt(t, n) {
return Q(t.source, n.source) || t.index - n.index;
function ct(t, n) {
return Q(t.target, n.target) || t.index - n.index;
function Q(t, n) {
return t.y0 - n.y0;
function J(t) {
return t.value;
function Ft(t) {
return t.index;
function Ut(t) {
return t.nodes;
function Wt(t) {
return t.links;
function ut(t, n) {
const i = t.get(n);
if (!i)
throw new Error("missing: " + n);
return i;
function ht({ nodes: t }) {
for (const n of t) {
let i = n.y0, a = i;
for (const u of n.sourceLinks)
u.y0 = i + u.width / 2, i += u.width;
for (const u of n.targetLinks)
u.y1 = a + u.width / 2, a += u.width;
function Yt() {
let t = 0, n = 0, i = 1, a = 1, u = 24, y = 8, p, _ = Ft, s = dt, o, c, m = Ut, b = Wt, d = 6;
function x() {
const e = { nodes: m.apply(null, arguments), links: b.apply(null, arguments) };
return E(e), L(e), A(e), N(e), S(e), ht(e), e;
x.update = function(e) {
return ht(e), e;
}, x.nodeId = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (_ = typeof e == "function" ? e : G(e), x) : _;
}, x.nodeAlign = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (s = typeof e == "function" ? e : G(e), x) : s;
}, x.nodeSort = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (o = e, x) : o;
}, x.nodeWidth = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (u = +e, x) : u;
}, x.nodePadding = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (y = p = +e, x) : y;
}, x.nodes = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (m = typeof e == "function" ? e : G(e), x) : m;
}, x.links = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (b = typeof e == "function" ? e : G(e), x) : b;
}, x.linkSort = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (c = e, x) : c;
}, x.size = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = n = 0, i = +e[0], a = +e[1], x) : [i - t, a - n];
}, x.extent = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (t = +e[0][0], i = +e[1][0], n = +e[0][1], a = +e[1][1], x) : [[t, n], [i, a]];
}, x.iterations = function(e) {
return arguments.length ? (d = +e, x) : d;
function E({ nodes: e, links: f }) {
for (const [h, r] of e.entries())
r.index = h, r.sourceLinks = [], r.targetLinks = [];
const l = new Map(e.map((h, r) => [_(h, r, e), h]));
for (const [h, r] of f.entries()) {
r.index = h;
let { source: k, target: v } = r;
typeof k != "object" && (k = r.source = ut(l, k)), typeof v != "object" && (v = r.target = ut(l, v)), k.sourceLinks.push(r), v.targetLinks.push(r);
if (c != null)
for (const { sourceLinks: h, targetLinks: r } of e)
h.sort(c), r.sort(c);
function L({ nodes: e }) {
for (const f of e)
f.value = f.fixedValue === void 0 ? Math.max(Z(f.sourceLinks, J), Z(f.targetLinks, J)) : f.fixedValue;
function A({ nodes: e }) {
const f = e.length;
let l = new Set(e), h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), r = 0;
for (; l.size; ) {
for (const k of l) {
k.depth = r;
for (const { target: v } of k.sourceLinks)
if (++r > f)
throw new Error("circular link");
l = h, h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function N({ nodes: e }) {
const f = e.length;
let l = new Set(e), h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), r = 0;
for (; l.size; ) {
for (const k of l) {
k.height = r;
for (const { source: v } of k.targetLinks)
if (++r > f)
throw new Error("circular link");
l = h, h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
function P({ nodes: e }) {
const f = at(e, (r) => r.depth) + 1, l = (i - t - u) / (f - 1), h = new Array(f);
for (const r of e) {
const k = Math.max(0, Math.min(f - 1, Math.floor(s.call(null, r, f))));
r.layer = k, r.x0 = t + k * l, r.x1 = r.x0 + u, h[k] ? h[k].push(r) : h[k] = [r];
if (o)
for (const r of h)
return h;
function z(e) {
const f = yt(e, (l) => (a - n - (l.length - 1) * p) / Z(l, J));
for (const l of e) {
let h = n;
for (const r of l) {
r.y0 = h, r.y1 = h + r.value * f, h = r.y1 + p;
for (const k of r.sourceLinks)
k.width = k.value * f;
h = (a - h + p) / (l.length + 1);
for (let r = 0; r < l.length; ++r) {
const k = l[r];
k.y0 += h * (r + 1), k.y1 += h * (r + 1);
function S(e) {
const f = P(e);
p = Math.min(y, (a - n) / (at(f, (l) => l.length) - 1)), z(f);
for (let l = 0; l < d; ++l) {
const h = Math.pow(0.99, l), r = Math.max(1 - h, (l + 1) / d);
$(f, h, r), M(f, h, r);
function M(e, f, l) {
for (let h = 1, r = e.length; h < r; ++h) {
const k = e[h];
for (const v of k) {
let V = 0, j = 0;
for (const { source: U, value: K } of v.targetLinks) {
let W = K * (v.layer - U.layer);
V += T(U, v) * W, j += W;
if (!(j > 0))
let F = (V / j - v.y0) * f;
v.y0 += F, v.y1 += F, w(v);
o === void 0 && k.sort(Q), C(k, l);
function $(e, f, l) {
for (let h = e.length, r = h - 2; r >= 0; --r) {
const k = e[r];
for (const v of k) {
let V = 0, j = 0;
for (const { target: U, value: K } of v.sourceLinks) {
let W = K * (U.layer - v.layer);
V += R(v, U) * W, j += W;
if (!(j > 0))
let F = (V / j - v.y0) * f;
v.y0 += F, v.y1 += F, w(v);
o === void 0 && k.sort(Q), C(k, l);
function C(e, f) {
const l = e.length >> 1, h = e[l];
g(e, h.y0 - p, l - 1, f), I(e, h.y1 + p, l + 1, f), g(e, a, e.length - 1, f), I(e, n, 0, f);
function I(e, f, l, h) {
for (; l < e.length; ++l) {
const r = e[l], k = (f - r.y0) * h;
k > 1e-6 && (r.y0 += k, r.y1 += k), f = r.y1 + p;
function g(e, f, l, h) {
for (; l >= 0; --l) {
const r = e[l], k = (r.y1 - f) * h;
k > 1e-6 && (r.y0 -= k, r.y1 -= k), f = r.y0 - p;
function w({ sourceLinks: e, targetLinks: f }) {
if (c === void 0) {
for (const { source: { sourceLinks: l } } of f)
for (const { target: { targetLinks: l } } of e)
function O(e) {
if (c === void 0)
for (const { sourceLinks: f, targetLinks: l } of e)
f.sort(ct), l.sort(lt);
function T(e, f) {
let l = e.y0 - (e.sourceLinks.length - 1) * p / 2;
for (const { target: h, width: r } of e.sourceLinks) {
if (h === f)
l += r + p;
for (const { source: h, width: r } of f.targetLinks) {
if (h === e)
l -= r;
return l;
function R(e, f) {
let l = f.y0 - (f.targetLinks.length - 1) * p / 2;
for (const { source: h, width: r } of f.targetLinks) {
if (h === e)
l += r + p;
for (const { target: h, width: r } of e.sourceLinks) {
if (h === f)
l -= r;
return l;
return x;
var et = Math.PI, nt = 2 * et, D = 1e-6, Gt = nt - D;
function it() {
this._x0 = this._y0 = // start of current subpath
this._x1 = this._y1 = null, this._ = "";
function gt() {
return new it();
it.prototype = gt.prototype = {
constructor: it,
moveTo: function(t, n) {
this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +t) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +n);
closePath: function() {
this._x1 !== null && (this._x1 = this._x0, this._y1 = this._y0, this._ += "Z");
lineTo: function(t, n) {
this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = +t) + "," + (this._y1 = +n);
quadraticCurveTo: function(t, n, i, a) {
this._ += "Q" + +t + "," + +n + "," + (this._x1 = +i) + "," + (this._y1 = +a);
bezierCurveTo: function(t, n, i, a, u, y) {
this._ += "C" + +t + "," + +n + "," + +i + "," + +a + "," + (this._x1 = +u) + "," + (this._y1 = +y);
arcTo: function(t, n, i, a, u) {
t = +t, n = +n, i = +i, a = +a, u = +u;
var y = this._x1, p = this._y1, _ = i - t, s = a - n, o = y - t, c = p - n, m = o * o + c * c;
if (u < 0)
throw new Error("negative radius: " + u);
if (this._x1 === null)
this._ += "M" + (this._x1 = t) + "," + (this._y1 = n);
else if (m > D)
if (!(Math.abs(c * _ - s * o) > D) || !u)
this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = t) + "," + (this._y1 = n);
else {
var b = i - y, d = a - p, x = _ * _ + s * s, E = b * b + d * d, L = Math.sqrt(x), A = Math.sqrt(m), N = u * Math.tan((et - Math.acos((x + m - E) / (2 * L * A))) / 2), P = N / A, z = N / L;
Math.abs(P - 1) > D && (this._ += "L" + (t + P * o) + "," + (n + P * c)), this._ += "A" + u + "," + u + ",0,0," + +(c * b > o * d) + "," + (this._x1 = t + z * _) + "," + (this._y1 = n + z * s);
arc: function(t, n, i, a, u, y) {
t = +t, n = +n, i = +i, y = !!y;
var p = i * Math.cos(a), _ = i * Math.sin(a), s = t + p, o = n + _, c = 1 ^ y, m = y ? a - u : u - a;
if (i < 0)
throw new Error("negative radius: " + i);
this._x1 === null ? this._ += "M" + s + "," + o : (Math.abs(this._x1 - s) > D || Math.abs(this._y1 - o) > D) && (this._ += "L" + s + "," + o), i && (m < 0 && (m = m % nt + nt), m > Gt ? this._ += "A" + i + "," + i + ",0,1," + c + "," + (t - p) + "," + (n - _) + "A" + i + "," + i + ",0,1," + c + "," + (this._x1 = s) + "," + (this._y1 = o) : m > D && (this._ += "A" + i + "," + i + ",0," + +(m >= et) + "," + c + "," + (this._x1 = t + i * Math.cos(u)) + "," + (this._y1 = n + i * Math.sin(u))));
rect: function(t, n, i, a) {
this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +t) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +n) + "h" + +i + "v" + +a + "h" + -i + "Z";
toString: function() {
return this._;
function ft(t) {
return function() {
return t;
function Ht(t) {
return t[0];
function Qt(t) {
return t[1];
var Xt = Array.prototype.slice;
function qt(t) {
return t.source;
function Kt(t) {
return t.target;
function Zt(t) {
var n = qt, i = Kt, a = Ht, u = Qt, y = null;
function p() {
var _, s = Xt.call(arguments), o = n.apply(this, s), c = i.apply(this, s);
if (y || (y = _ = gt()), t(y, +a.apply(this, (s[0] = o, s)), +u.apply(this, s), +a.apply(this, (s[0] = c, s)), +u.apply(this, s)), _)
return y = null, _ + "" || null;
return p.source = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (n = _, p) : n;
}, p.target = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (i = _, p) : i;
}, p.x = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (a = typeof _ == "function" ? _ : ft(+_), p) : a;
}, p.y = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (u = typeof _ == "function" ? _ : ft(+_), p) : u;
}, p.context = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (y = _ ?? null, p) : y;
}, p;
function Jt(t, n, i, a, u) {
t.moveTo(n, i), t.bezierCurveTo(n = (n + a) / 2, i, n, u, a, u);
function te() {
return Zt(Jt);
function ee(t) {
return [t.source.x1, t.y0];
function ne(t) {
return [t.target.x0, t.y1];
function ie() {
return te().source(ee).target(ne);
const st = class {
static next(t) {
return new st(t + ++st.count);
constructor(t) {
this.id = t, this.href = `#${t}`;
toString() {
return "url(" + this.href + ")";
let rt = st;
rt.count = 0;
const se = {
left: Bt,
right: Rt,
center: Vt,
justify: dt
}, re = function(t, n, i, a) {
const { securityLevel: u, sankey: y } = ot(), p = St.sankey;
let _;
u === "sandbox" && (_ = Y("#i" + n));
const s = u === "sandbox" ? Y(_.nodes()[0].contentDocument.body) : Y("body"), o = u === "sandbox" ? s.select(`[id="${n}"]`) : Y(`[id="${n}"]`), c = (y == null ? void 0 : y.width) ?? p.width, m = (y == null ? void 0 : y.height) ?? p.width, b = (y == null ? void 0 : y.useMaxWidth) ?? p.useMaxWidth, d = (y == null ? void 0 : y.nodeAlignment) ?? p.nodeAlignment, x = (y == null ? void 0 : y.prefix) ?? p.prefix, E = (y == null ? void 0 : y.suffix) ?? p.suffix, L = (y == null ? void 0 : y.showValues) ?? p.showValues;
Lt(o, m, c, b);
const A = a.db.getGraph(), N = se[d], P = 10;
Yt().nodeId((g) => g.id).nodeWidth(P).nodePadding(10 + (L ? 15 : 0)).nodeAlign(N).extent([
[0, 0],
[c, m]
const S = Et(Tt);
o.append("g").attr("class", "nodes").selectAll(".node").data(A.nodes).join("g").attr("class", "node").attr("id", (g) => (g.uid = rt.next("node-")).id).attr("transform", function(g) {
return "translate(" + g.x0 + "," + g.y0 + ")";
}).attr("x", (g) => g.x0).attr("y", (g) => g.y0).append("rect").attr("height", (g) => g.y1 - g.y0).attr("width", (g) => g.x1 - g.x0).attr("fill", (g) => S(g.id));
const M = ({ id: g, value: w }) => L ? `${g}
${x}${Math.round(w * 100) / 100}${E}` : g;
o.append("g").attr("class", "node-labels").attr("font-family", "sans-serif").attr("font-size", 14).selectAll("text").data(A.nodes).join("text").attr("x", (g) => g.x0 < c / 2 ? g.x1 + 6 : g.x0 - 6).attr("y", (g) => (g.y1 + g.y0) / 2).attr("dy", `${L ? "0" : "0.35"}em`).attr("text-anchor", (g) => g.x0 < c / 2 ? "start" : "end").text(M);
const $ = o.append("g").attr("class", "links").attr("fill", "none").attr("stroke-opacity", 0.5).selectAll(".link").data(A.links).join("g").attr("class", "link").style("mix-blend-mode", "multiply"), C = (y == null ? void 0 : y.linkColor) || "gradient";
if (C === "gradient") {
const g = $.append("linearGradient").attr("id", (w) => (w.uid = rt.next("linearGradient-")).id).attr("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("x1", (w) => w.source.x1).attr("x2", (w) => w.target.x0);
g.append("stop").attr("offset", "0%").attr("stop-color", (w) => S(w.source.id)), g.append("stop").attr("offset", "100%").attr("stop-color", (w) => S(w.target.id));
let I;
switch (C) {
case "gradient":
I = (g) => g.uid;
case "source":
I = (g) => S(g.source.id);
case "target":
I = (g) => S(g.target.id);
I = C;
$.append("path").attr("d", ie()).attr("stroke", I).attr("stroke-width", (g) => Math.max(1, g.width));
}, oe = {
draw: re
}, ae = (t) => t.replaceAll(/^[^\S\n\r]+|[^\S\n\r]+$/g, "").replaceAll(/([\n\r])+/g, `
`).trim(), le = H.parse.bind(H);
H.parse = (t) => le(ae(t));
const fe = {
parser: H,
db: jt,
renderer: oe
export {
fe as diagram