chg: [herlper:bootstrap] Major refactor of the BootstrapHelper to make it more modular + added documentation

Sami Mokaddem 2022-11-24 12:50:11 +01:00
parent d15f74698f
commit 2c840c7d4f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 164C473F627A06FA
54 changed files with 3045 additions and 1958 deletions

View File

@ -50,28 +50,28 @@ $footerButtons[] = [
$table = $this->Bootstrap->table(['small' => true, 'bordered' => false, 'striped' => false, 'hover' => false], [
'fields' => [
['key' => 'created', 'label' => __('Date'), 'formatter' => function($value, $row) {
['path' => 'created', 'label' => __('Date'), 'formatter' => function($value, $row) {
return $value->i18nFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
['key' => 'connector', 'label' => __('Tool Name'), 'formatter' => function($connector, $row) {
['path' => 'connector', 'label' => __('Tool Name'), 'formatter' => function($connector, $row) {
return sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>',
$this->Url->build(['controller' => 'localTools', 'action' => 'viewConnector', $connector['name']]),
sprintf('%s (v%s)', h($connector['name']), h($connector['connector_version']))
['key' => 'brood', 'label' => __('Brood'), 'formatter' => function($brood, $row) {
['path' => 'brood', 'label' => __('Brood'), 'formatter' => function($brood, $row) {
return sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>',
$this->Url->build(['controller' => 'broods', 'action' => 'view', $brood['id']]),
['key' => 'individual', 'label' => __('Individual'), 'formatter' => function($individual, $row) {
['path' => 'individual', 'label' => __('Individual'), 'formatter' => function($individual, $row) {
return sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>',
$this->Url->build(['controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'view', $individual['id']]),
['key' => 'individual.alignments', 'label' => __('Alignment'), 'formatter' => function($alignments, $row) {
['path' => 'individual.alignments', 'label' => __('Alignment'), 'formatter' => function($alignments, $row) {
$html = '';
foreach ($alignments as $alignment) {
$html .= sprintf('<div class="text-nowrap"><b>%s</b> @ <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></div>',
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $localToolHTML = $this->fetch('content', sprintf('<div class="d-none">%s</div><d
$requestData = $this->Bootstrap->collapse(
'title' => __('Inter-connection data'),
'text' => __('Inter-connection data'),
'open' => true,
sprintf('<pre class="p-2 rounded mb-0" style="background: #eeeeee55;"><code>%s</code></pre>', json_encode($request['data'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT))

View File

@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ echo $this->Bootstrap->modal([
'bodyHTML' => $this->element('genericElements/SingleViews/Fields/jsonField', ['field' => ['raw' => $data['changed']]])
'confirmText' => __('Acknowledge & Discard'),
'confirmIcon' => 'check',
'confirmButton' => [
'text' => __('Acknowledge & Discard'),
'icon' => 'check',

View File

@ -40,22 +40,22 @@ $tools = sprintf(
$table = $this->Bootstrap->table(['small' => true, 'bordered' => false, 'striped' => false, 'hover' => false], [
'fields' => [
['key' => 'created', 'label' => __('Date'), 'formatter' => function($value, $row) {
['path' => 'created', 'label' => __('Date'), 'formatter' => function($value, $row) {
return $value->i18nFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
['key' => 'brood', 'label' => __('Brood'), 'formatter' => function($brood, $row) {
['path' => 'brood', 'label' => __('Brood'), 'formatter' => function($brood, $row) {
return sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>',
$this->Url->build(['controller' => 'broods', 'action' => 'view', $brood['id']]),
['key' => 'individual', 'label' => __('Individual'), 'formatter' => function($individual, $row) {
['path' => 'individual', 'label' => __('Individual'), 'formatter' => function($individual, $row) {
return sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>',
$this->Url->build(['controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'view', $individual['id']]),
['key' => 'individual.alignments', 'label' => __('Alignment'), 'formatter' => function($alignments, $row) {
['path' => 'individual.alignments', 'label' => __('Alignment'), 'formatter' => function($alignments, $row) {
$html = '';
foreach ($alignments as $alignment) {
$html .= sprintf('<div class="text-nowrap"><b>%s</b> @ <a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a></div>',
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ $table = $this->Bootstrap->table(['small' => true, 'bordered' => false, 'striped
$requestData = $this->Bootstrap->collapse([
'title' => __('Message data'),
'text' => __('Message data'),
'open' => true,
sprintf('<pre class="p-2 rounded mb-0" style="background: #eeeeee55;"><code>%s</code></pre>', json_encode($request['data']['sent'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT))

View File

@ -60,9 +60,7 @@ class TagHelper extends Helper
'icon' => 'plus',
'variant' => 'secondary',
'class' => ['badge'],
'params' => [
'onclick' => 'createTagPicker(this)',
'onclick' => 'createTagPicker(this)',
} else {
$html .= '<script>$(document).ready(function() { initSelect2Pickers() })</script>';
@ -111,22 +109,20 @@ class TagHelper extends Helper
'class' => ['ms-1', 'border-0', "text-${textColour}"],
'variant' => 'text',
'title' => __('Delete tag'),
'params' => [
'onclick' => sprintf('deleteTag(\'%s\', \'%s\', this)',
'controller' => $this->getView()->getName(),
'action' => 'untag',
'onclick' => sprintf('deleteTag(\'%s\', \'%s\', this)',
'controller' => $this->getView()->getName(),
'action' => 'untag',
} else {
$deleteButton = '';
$html = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('span', [
$html = $this->Bootstrap->node('span', [
'class' => [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates an collapsible accordion component
* # Options:
* - stayOpen: Should collapsible components stay open when another one is opened
* - class: Additional classes to add to the main accordion container
* - content: Definition of the collapsible components. Must have at least the $body key set. See the "# Content" section for the options
* # Content:
* - class: Additional class to add to the body container
* - open: Should that collapsible element be opened by default
* - variant: The background variant to be applied to the body element
* - header: The definition of the interactive header. Accepts the following options:
* - variant: The bootstrap variant to apply on the header element
* - text: The text content of the header
* - html: The HTML content of the header
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->accordion(
* [
* 'stayOpen' => true,
* ],
* [
* [
* 'open' => true,
* 'header' => [
* 'variant' => 'danger',
* 'text' => 'nav 1',
* ],
* 'body' => '<b>body</b>',
* ],
* [
* 'class' => ['opacity-50'],
* 'variant' => 'success',
* 'header' => [
* 'html' => '<i>nav 1</i>',
* ],
* 'body' => '<b>body</b>',
* ],
* ]
* );
class BootstrapAccordion extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'stayOpen' => false,
'class' => [],
function __construct($options, $content, $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [];
$this->content = $content;
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
$this->seed = 'acc-' . mt_rand();
$this->contentSeeds = [];
foreach ($this->content as $accordionItem) {
$this->contentSeeds[] = mt_rand();
foreach ($this->content as $i => $item) {
$this->content[$i]['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($item['class'] ?? []);
$this->content[$i]['header']['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($item['header']['class'] ?? []);
public function accordion()
return $this->genAccordion();
private function genHeader($accordionItem, $i)
$html = $this->nodeOpen('h2', [
'class' => ['accordion-header'],
'id' => 'head-' . $this->contentSeeds[$i]
$content = $accordionItem['header']['html'] ?? h($accordionItem['header']['text']);
$buttonOptions = [
'class' => array_merge(
empty($accordionItem['open']) ? 'collapsed' : '',
self::getBGAndTextClassForVariant($accordionItem['header']['variant'] ?? ''),
'type' => 'button',
'data-bs-toggle' => 'collapse',
'data-bs-target' => '#body-' . $this->contentSeeds[$i],
'aria-expanded' => 'false',
'aria-controls' => 'body-' . $this->contentSeeds[$i],
$html .= $this->node('button', $buttonOptions, $content);
$html .= $this->nodeClose(('h2'));
return $html;
private function genBody($accordionItem, $i)
$content = $this->node('div', [
'class' => ['accordion-body']
], $accordionItem['body']);
$divOptions = [
'class' => array_merge(
'accordion-collapse collapse',
empty($accordionItem['open']) ? '' : 'show',
self::getBGAndTextClassForVariant($accordionItem['variant'] ?? ''),
'id' => 'body-' . $this->contentSeeds[$i],
'aria-labelledby' => 'head-' . $this->contentSeeds[$i],
if (empty($this->options['stayOpen'])) {
$divOptions['data-bs-parent'] = '#' . $this->seed;
$html = $this->node('div', $divOptions, $content);
return $html;
private function genAccordion()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(['accordion'], $this->options['class']),
'id' => $this->seed
foreach ($this->content as $i => $accordionItem) {
$html .= $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(['accordion-item'])
$html .= $this->genHeader($accordionItem, $i);
$html .= $this->genBody($accordionItem, $i);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('div');
$html .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap alert
* # Options:
* - text: The text content of the alert
* - html: The HTML content of the alert
* - dismissible: Can the alert be dissmissed
* - variant: The Bootstrap variant of the alert
* - fade: Should the alert fade when dismissed
* - class: Additional classes to add to the alert container
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->alert([
* 'text' => 'This is an alert',
* 'dismissible' => false,
* 'variant' => 'warning',
* 'fade' => false,
* ]);
class BootstrapAlert extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'text' => '',
'html' => null,
'dismissible' => true,
'variant' => 'primary',
'fade' => true,
'class' => [],
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
public function alert()
return $this->genAlert();
private function genAlert()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge([
$this->options['dismissible'] ? 'alert-dismissible' : '',
$this->options['fade'] ? 'fade show' : '',
], $this->options['class']),
'role' => "alert"
$html .= $this->options['html'] ?? h($this->options['text']);
$html .= $this->genCloseButton();
$html .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $html;
private function genCloseButton()
$html = '';
if ($this->options['dismissible']) {
$html .= $this->genericCloseButton('alert');
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a Bootstrap badge
* # Options:
* - text: The text content of the badge
* - html: The HTML content of the badge
* - variant: The Bootstrap variant of the badge
* - pill: Should the badge have a Bootstrap pill style
* - title: The title of the badge
* - class: Additional class to add to the button
* # Usage:
* echo $this->Bootstrap->badge([
* 'text' => 'text',
* 'variant' => 'success',
* 'pill' => false,
* ]);
class BootstrapBadge extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'text' => '',
'html' => null,
'variant' => 'primary',
'pill' => false,
'title' => '',
'class' => [],
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
public function badge()
return $this->genBadge();
private function genBadge()
$html = $this->node('span', [
'class' => array_merge($this->options['class'], [
$this->options['pill'] ? 'rounded-pill' : '',
'title' => $this->options['title']
], $this->options['html'] ?? h($this->options['text']));
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap button
* # Options:
* - text: The text content of the button
* - html: The HTML content of the button
* - variant: The Bootstrap variant of the button
* - outline: Should the button be outlined
* - size: The size of the button. Accepts 'xs', 'sm', 'lg'. Leave empty for normal size
* - icon: Should the button have an icon right before the text
* - image: Should the button have an image in place of an icon right before the text
* - class: Additional class to add to the button
* - type: The HTML type of the button for forms. Accepts: 'button' (default), 'submit', and 'reset'
* - nodeType: Allow to use a different HTML tag than 'button'
* - title: The button title
* - Badge: Should the button have a badge. Accepts a \BootstrapElement\BootstrapBadge configuration object
* - onclick: Shorthand to add a onclick listener function
* - attrs: Additional HTML attributes
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->button([
* 'text' => 'Press me!',
* 'variant' => 'warning',
* 'icon' => 'exclamation-triangle',
* 'onclick' => 'alert(1)',
* ]);
class BootstrapButton extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'id' => '',
'text' => '',
'html' => null,
'variant' => 'primary',
'outline' => false,
'size' => '',
'icon' => null,
'image' => null,
'class' => [],
'type' => 'button',
'nodeType' => 'button',
'title' => '',
'badge' => false,
'onclick' => false,
'attrs' => [],
private $bsClasses = [];
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['link', 'text']),
'size' => ['', 'xs', 'sm', 'lg'],
'type' => ['button', 'submit', 'reset']
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
if (!empty($this->options['id'])) {
$this->options['attrs']['id'] = $this->options['id'];
$this->bsClasses[] = 'btn';
if ($this->options['outline']) {
$this->bsClasses[] = "btn-outline-{$this->options['variant']}";
} else {
$this->bsClasses[] = "btn-{$this->options['variant']}";
if (!empty($this->options['size'])) {
$this->bsClasses[] = "btn-{$this->options['size']}";
if ($this->options['variant'] == 'text') {
$this->bsClasses[] = 'p-0';
$this->bsClasses[] = 'lh-1';
if (!empty($this->options['onclick'])) {
$this->options['attrs']['onclick'] = $this->options['onclick'];
public function button()
return $this->genButton();
private function genButton()
$html = $this->nodeOpen($this->options['nodeType'], array_merge($this->options['attrs'], [
'class' => array_merge($this->options['class'], $this->bsClasses),
'role' => "alert",
'type' => $this->options['type'],
'title' => h($this->options['title']),
$html .= $this->genIcon();
$html .= $this->genImage();
$html .= $this->options['html'] ?? h($this->options['text']);
if (!empty($this->options['badge'])) {
$bsBadge = new BootstrapBadge($this->options['badge']);
$html .= $bsBadge->badge();
$html .= $this->nodeClose($this->options['nodeType']);
return $html;
private function genIcon()
if (!empty($this->options['icon'])) {
$bsIcon = new BootstrapIcon($this->options['icon'], [
'class' => [(!empty($this->options['text']) ? 'me-1' : '')]
return $bsIcon->icon();
return '';
private function genImage()
if (!empty($this->options['image'])) {
return $this->node('img', [
'src' => $this->options['image']['path'] ?? '',
'class' => ['img-fluid', 'me-1'],
'width' => '26',
'height' => '26',
'alt' => $this->options['image']['alt'] ?? ''
return '';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a Bootstrap card with the given options
* # Options:
* - headerText, bodyText, footerText: The text for the mentioned card component
* - headerHTML, bodyHTML, footerHtml: The HTML for the mentioned card component
* - class: A list of additional class to be added to the main container
* - headerVariant, bodyVariant, footerVariant: The variant for the mentioned card component
* - headerClass, bodyClass, footerClass: A list of additional class to be added to the main container
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->card([
* 'headerText' => 'header',
* 'bodyHTML' => '<i>body</i>',
* 'footerText' => 'footer',
* 'headerVariant' => 'warning',
* 'footerVariant' => 'dark',
* );
class BootstrapCard extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'headerText' => '',
'bodyText' => '',
'footerText' => '',
'headerHTML' => null,
'bodyHTML' => null,
'footerHTML' => null,
'class' => [],
'headerVariant' => '',
'bodyVariant' => '',
'footerVariant' => '',
'headerClass' => '',
'bodyClass' => '',
'footerClass' => '',
public function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'headerVariant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'bodyVariant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'footerVariant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['headerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['headerClass']);
$this->options['bodyClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['bodyClass']);
$this->options['footerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['footerClass']);
$this->options['borderVariant'] = !empty($this->options['headerVariant']) ? "border-{$this->options['headerVariant']}" : '';
public function card()
return $this->genCard();
private function genCard()
$card = $this->node('div', [
'class' => array_merge(
], implode('', [$this->genHeader(), $this->genBody(), $this->genFooter()]));
return $card;
private function genHeader()
if (empty($this->options['headerHTML']) && empty($this->options['headerText'])) {
return '';
$content = $this->options['headerHTML'] ?? h($this->options['headerText']);
$header = $this->node('div', [
'class' => array_merge(
], $content);
return $header;
private function genBody()
if (empty($this->options['bodyHTML']) && empty($this->options['bodyText'])) {
return '';
$content = $this->options['bodyHTML'] ?? h($this->options['bodyText']);
$body = $this->node('div', [
'class' => array_merge(
], $content);
return $body;
private function genFooter()
if (empty($this->options['footerHTML']) && empty($this->options['footerText'])) {
return '';
$content = $this->options['footerHTML'] ?? h($this->options['footerText']);
$footer = $this->node('div', [
'class' => array_merge([
], $content);
return $footer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use Cake\Utility\Security;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a Bootstrap collapsible component
* # Options:
* - text: The text of the control element
* - html: The HTML content of the control element
* - open: Should the collapsible element be opened by default
* - horizontal: Should the collapsible be revealed from the side
* - class: List of additional classes to be added to the main container
* - id: Optional ID to link the collapsible element with its control button
* - button: Configuration object to make the control element into a button. Accepts BootstrapElements\BootstrapButton parameters
* - card: Configuration object to adjust the content container based on configuration. Accepts BootstrapElements\BootstrapCard parameters
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->collapse([
* 'button' => [
* 'text' => 'Open sesame',
* 'variant' => 'success',
* ],
* 'card' => [
* 'bodyClass' => 'p-2 rounded-3',
* 'bodyVariant' => 'secondary',
* ]
* ], '<i>content</i>');
class BootstrapCollapse extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'text' => '',
'html' => null,
'open' => false,
'horizontal' => false,
'class' => [],
'button' => [],
'card' => [],
'attrs' => [],
function __construct($options, $content, $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [];
$this->content = $content;
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
$this->options['class'][] = 'collapse';
if (!empty($this->options['horizontal'])) {
$this->options['class'][] = 'collapse-horizontal';
if ($this->options['open']) {
$this->options['class'][] = 'show';
if (empty($this->options['card']['bodyClass'])) {
$this->options['card']['bodyClass'] = ['p-0'];
if (empty($this->options['id'])) {
$this->options['id'] = 'c-' . Security::randomString(8);
public function collapse()
return $this->genCollapse();
private function genControl()
$attrsConfig = [
'data-bs-toggle' => 'collapse',
'role' => 'button',
'aria-expanded' => 'false',
'aria-controls' => $this->options['id'],
'href' => '#' . $this->options['id'],
$html = '';
if (!empty($this->options['button'])) {
$btnConfig = array_merge($this->options['button'], ['attrs' => $attrsConfig]);
$html = $this->btHelper->button($btnConfig);
} else {
$nodeConfig = [
'class' => ['text-decoration-none'],
$nodeConfig = array_merge($nodeConfig, $attrsConfig);
$html = $this->node('a', $nodeConfig, $this->options['html'] ?? h($this->options['text']));
return $html;
private function genContent()
$cardConfig = $this->options['card'];
$cardConfig['bodyHTML'] = $this->content;
$content = $this->btHelper->card($cardConfig);
$container = $this->node('div', [
'class' => $this->options['class'],
'id' => $this->options['id'],
], $content);
return $container;
private function genCollapse()
return $this->genControl() . $this->genContent();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* # Options
* - dropdown-class: Class for the dropdown
* - alignment: How should the dropdown be aligned. Valid: "start", "end"
* - direction: Position where the dropdown will be displayed Valid: "start", "end", "up", "down"
* - button: Configuration for the dropdown button to be passed to BootstrapElements\BootstrapButton
* - submenu_alignment: Alignment of the child dropdown will be displayed Valid: "start", "end", "up", "down"
* - submenu_direction: Position where the child dropdown will be displayed Valid: "start", "end", "up", "down"
* - attrs: Additional HTML attributes tro be applied on the dropdown container
* - menu: Entries making the dropdown menu. Accept the following options:
* - text: Text of the entry
* - html: HTML of the entry
* - icon: Icon displayed before the text
* - badge: Badge displayed after the text. Accepts BootstrapElements\BootstrapBadge
* - header: Is this item a list header
* - keepOpen: Keep the dropdown open if this entry is clicked
* - sup: Additional text to be added as a <sup> element
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->dropdownMenu([
* 'dropdown-class' => 'ms-1',
* 'alignment' => 'end',
* 'direction' => 'down',
* 'button' => [
* 'icon' => 'sliders-h',
* 'variant' => 'primary',
* ],
* 'submenu_alignment' => 'end',
* 'submenu_direction' => 'end',
* 'attrs' => [],
* 'menu' => [
* [
* 'text' => __('Eye'),
* 'icon' => 'eye-slash',
* 'keepOpen' => true,
* 'menu' => [
* ['header' => true, 'text' => 'nested menu'],
* ['text' => 'item 1'],
* ['text' => 'item 2', 'sup' => 'v1'],
* ],
* ],
* [
* 'html' => '<i class="p-3">html item</i>',
* ],
* ]
* ]);
class BootstrapDropdownMenu extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'dropdown-class' => [],
'alignment' => 'start',
'direction' => 'end',
'button' => [],
'menu' => [],
'submenu_direction' => 'end',
'submenu_classes' => [],
'attrs' => [],
function __construct($options, $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'direction' => ['start', 'end', 'up', 'down'],
'alignment' => ['start', 'end'],
'submenu_direction' => ['start', 'end', 'up', 'down'],
$this->menu = $this->options['menu'];
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['dropdown-class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['dropdown-class']);
public function dropdownMenu()
return $this->fullDropdown();
public function fullDropdown()
return $this->genDropdownWrapper($this->genDropdownToggleButton(), $this->genDropdownMenu($this->menu));
public function genDropdownWrapper($toggle = '', $menu = '', $direction = null, $classes = null)
$classes = !is_null($classes) ? $classes : $this->options['dropdown-class'];
$direction = !is_null($direction) ? $direction : $this->options['direction'];
$content = $toggle . $menu;
$html = $this->node('div', array_merge(
'class' => array_merge(
), $content);
return $html;
public function genDropdownToggleButton()
$defaultOptions = [
'class' => ['dropdown-toggle'],
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-toggle' => 'dropdown',
'aria-expanded' => 'false',
$options = array_merge_recursive($this->options['button'], $defaultOptions);
return $this->btHelper->button($options);
private function genDropdownMenu($entries, $alignment = null)
$alignment = !is_null($alignment) ? $alignment : $this->options['alignment'];
$html = $this->node('div', [
'class' => ['dropdown-menu', "dropdown-menu-{$alignment}"],
], $this->genEntries($entries));
return $html;
private function genEntries($entries)
$html = '';
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
$link = $this->genEntry($entry);
if (!empty($entry['menu'])) {
$html .= $this->genDropdownWrapper($link, $this->genDropdownMenu($entry['menu']), $this->options['submenu_direction'], $this->options['submenu_classes']);
} else {
$html .= $link;
return $html;
private function genEntry($entry)
if (!empty($entry['html'])) {
return $entry['html'];
$classes = [];
$icon = '';
if (!empty($entry['icon'])) {
$icon = $this->btHelper->icon($entry['icon'], ['class' => 'me-2']);
$badge = '';
if (!empty($entry['badge'])) {
$bsBadge = new BootstrapBadge(array_merge(
['class' => ['ms-auto']],
$badge = $bsBadge->badge();
if (!empty($entry['header'])) {
return $this->node('h6', [
'class' => ['dropdown-header',],
], $icon . h($entry['text']) . $badge);
$classes = ['dropdown-item'];
$params = ['href' => '#'];
if (!empty($entry['menu'])) {
$classes[] = 'dropdown-toggle';
$classes[] = 'd-flex align-items-center';
$params['data-bs-toggle'] = 'dropdown';
$params['aria-haspopup'] = 'true';
$params['aria-expanded'] = 'false';
if (!empty($entry['keepOpen'])) {
$classes[] = 'open-form';
$params['data-open-form-id'] = mt_rand();
$labelContent = sprintf(
!empty($entry['sup']) ? $this->node('sup', ['class' => 'ms-1 text-muted'], $entry['sup']) : ''
$label = $this->node('span', ['class' => 'mx-1'], $labelContent);
$content = $icon . $label . $badge;
return $this->node('a', array_merge([
'class' => $classes,
], $params), $content);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates an icon relying on the FontAwesome library.
* # Options:
* - class: Additional classes to add
* - title: A title to add to the icon
* - attrs: Additional HTML parameters to add
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->icon('eye-slash', [
* 'class' => 'm-3',
* ]);
class BootstrapIcon extends BootstrapGeneric
private $icon = '';
private $defaultOptions = [
'class' => [],
'title' => '',
'attrs' => [],
function __construct($icon, $options = [])
$this->icon = $icon;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
public function icon()
return $this->genIcon();
private function genIcon()
$html = $this->node('span', array_merge(
'class' => array_merge(
["fa fa-{$this->icon}"]
'title' => h($this->options['title'])
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* # Options for list container
* - class: A list of class
* - attrs: A list of additional HTML attributes
* # Options for list items
* - href: Link location
* - text: Text content of the item
* - html: Html content of the item
* - class: A list of class
* - attrs: A list of additional HTML attributes
* - badge: Options to be passed to BootstrapElements\BootstrapBadge
* Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->listGroup(
* [
* [
* 'text' => 'test',
* 'badge' => [
* 'text' => 'test',
* 'variant' => 'warning'
* ],
* 'attrs' => [
* 'data-test' => 'tes'
* ]
* ],
* [
* 'html' => '<i>test2</i>',
* ],
* ],
* [
* 'class' => 'container-class'
* ]
* );
class BootstrapListGroup extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'class' => [],
'attrs' => [],
private $defaultItemOptions = [
'href' => '#',
'text' => '',
'html' => null,
'badge' => '',
'class' => [],
'attrs' => [],
private static $defaultClasses = ['list-group',];
private static $defaultItemClasses = ['list-group-item', 'list-group-item-action', 'd-flex', 'align-items-start', 'justify-content-between'];
function __construct($items, $options, $btHelper)
$this->items = $items;
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
public function listGroup()
return $this->genListGroup();
private function genListGroup()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('div', array_merge([
'class' => array_merge(self::$defaultClasses, $this->options['class']),
], $this->options['attrs']));
foreach ($this->items as $item) {
$html .= $this->genItem($item);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $html;
private function genItem($item)
$item['class'] = !is_array($item['class']) ? [$item['class']] : $item['class'];
$itemOptions = array_merge($this->defaultItemOptions, $item);
$itemOptions['class'] = array_merge(self::$defaultItemClasses, $itemOptions['class']);
$html = $this->node('a',
'class' => array_merge(self::$defaultItemClasses, $itemOptions['class']),
'href' => '#',
], $itemOptions['attrs']),
!is_null($itemOptions['html']) ? $this->node('div', ['class' => 'w-100'], $itemOptions['html']) : h($itemOptions['text']),
return $html;
private function genBadge($badge)
if (empty($badge)) {
return '';
return $this->btHelper->badge($badge);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a list looking like a table from 1-dimensional data $item.
* Perfect to display the Key-Values of an object.
* # Options for table
* - striped, bordered, borderless, hover, small: Default bootstrap behavior
* - variant: Variant to apply on the entire table
* - tableClass: A list of class to add on the table container
* - bodyClass: A list of class to add on the tbody container
* - id: The ID to use for the table
* - caption: Optional table caption
* - elementsRootPath: Root path to use when item are relying on cakephp's element. See options for fields
* # Items
* - They have the content that's used to generate the table. Typically and array<array> or array<entity>
* # Options for fields
* - key: The name of the field to be displayed as a label
* - keyHtml: The HTML of the field to be displayed as a label
* - path: The path to be fed to Hash::get() in order to get the value from the $item
* - raw: The raw value to be displayed. Disable the `path` option
* - rawNoEscaping: If the raw value should not be escaped. False by default
* - type: The type of element to use combined with $elementsRootPath from the table's option
* - formatter: A callback function to format the value
* - cellVariant: The bootstrap variant to be applied on the cell
* - rowVariant: The bootstrap variant to be applied on the row
* - notice_$variant: A text with the passed variant to be append at the end
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->listTable(
* [
* 'hover' => false,
* 'variant' => 'success',
* ],
* [
* 'item' => [
* 'key1' => 'value1',
* 'key2' => true,
* 'key3' => 'value3',
* ],
* 'fields' => [
* [
* 'key' => 'Label 1',
* 'path' => 'key1',
* 'notice_warning' => '::warning::',
* 'notice_danger' => '::danger::',
* 'rowVariant' => 'danger',
* 'cellVariant' => 'success',
* ],
* [
* 'key' => 'Label 2',
* 'path' => 'key2',
* 'type' => 'boolean',
* ],
* [
* 'key' => 'Label 3',
* 'raw' => '<b>raw_value</b>',
* 'rawNoEscaping' => true,
* ],
* [
* 'key' => 'Label 4',
* 'path' => 'key3',
* 'formatter' => function ($value) {
* return '<i>' . $value . '</i>';
* },
* ],
* ],
* 'caption' => 'This is a caption'
* ]
* );
class BootstrapListTable extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'striped' => true,
'bordered' => false,
'borderless' => false,
'hover' => true,
'small' => false,
'variant' => '',
'tableClass' => [],
'bodyClass' => [],
'id' => '',
'caption' => '',
'elementsRootPath' => '/genericElements/SingleViews/Fields/',
function __construct($options, $data, $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, [''])
$this->fields = $data['fields'];
$this->item = $data['item'];
$this->caption = !empty($data['caption']) ? $data['caption'] : '';
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['tableClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['tableClass']);
$this->options['bodyClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['bodyClass']);
public function table()
return $this->genTable();
private function genTable()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('table', [
'class' => [
$this->options['striped'] ? 'table-striped' : '',
$this->options['bordered'] ? 'table-bordered' : '',
$this->options['borderless'] ? 'table-borderless' : '',
$this->options['hover'] ? 'table-hover' : '',
$this->options['small'] ? 'table-sm' : '',
implode(' ', $this->options['tableClass']),
!empty($this->options['variant']) ? "table-{$this->options['variant']}" : '',
'id' => $this->options['id'] ?? ''
$html .= $this->genCaption();
$html .= $this->genBody();
$html .= $this->nodeClose('table');
return $html;
private function genBody()
$body = $this->nodeOpen('tbody', [
'class' => $this->options['bodyClass'],
foreach ($this->fields as $i => $field) {
$body .= $this->genRow($field);
$body .= $this->nodeClose('tbody');
return $body;
private function genRow($field)
$rowValue = $this->genCell($field);
$rowKey = $this->node('th', [
'class' => [
'col-4 col-sm-2'
'scope' => 'row'
], $field['keyHtml'] ?? h($field['key']));
$row = $this->node('tr', [
'class' => [
!empty($field['rowVariant']) ? "table-{$field['rowVariant']}" : ''
], [$rowKey, $rowValue]);
return $row;
private function genCell($field = [])
if (isset($field['raw'])) {
$cellContent = !empty($field['rawNoEscaping']) ? $field['raw'] : h($field['raw']);
} else if (isset($field['formatter'])) {
$cellContent = $field['formatter']($this->getValueFromObject($field), $this->item);
} else if (isset($field['type'])) {
$cellContent = $this->btHelper->getView()->element($this->getElementPath($field['type']), [
'data' => $this->item,
'field' => $field
} else {
$cellContent = h($this->getValueFromObject($field));
foreach (BootstrapGeneric::$variants as $variant) {
if (!empty($field["notice_$variant"])) {
$cellContent .= sprintf(' <span class="text-%s">%s</span>', $variant, $field["notice_$variant"]);
return $this->node('td', [
'class' => [
'col-8 col-sm-10',
!empty($field['cellVariant']) ? "bg-{$field['cellVariant']}" : ''
], $cellContent);
private function getValueFromObject($field)
$key = is_array($field) ? $field['path'] : $field;
$cellValue = Hash::get($this->item, $key);
return $cellValue;
private function getElementPath($type)
return sprintf(
$this->options['elementsRootPath'] ?? '',
private function genCaption()
return !empty($this->caption) ? $this->node('caption', [], h($this->caption)) : '';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap modal based on the given options
* # Options
* - size: Control the horizontal size of the modal. Valid values: 'sm', 'lg', 'xl'
* - centered, scrollable, backdropStatic: Default bootstrap behavior
* - show: Immediately instantiate the modal and show it
* - header-variant, body-variant, footer-variant: Default bootstrap variant to be applied to these modal sections
* - title: The title of the modal
* - titleHtml: The HTML title of the modal
* - body: The body of the modal
* - bodyHtml: The HTML body of the modal
* - footerHtml: The HTML footer of the modal. Override the $type option
* - modalClass, headerClass, footerClass: Classes to be applied to these modal sections
* - type: Control the type of actions available.
* Valid values: 'ok-only', 'confirm', 'custom'
* - The `ok-only` Displays a single 'Ok' button
* - The `confirm` Displays a 'Confirm' and 'Cancel' buttons
* - `confirmButton` and `cancelButton`: Can be used to pass a BootstrapElements/BootstrapButton configuration
* - The `custom` Display a list of button defined in the $footerButtons parameter
* - confirmFunction: The function to be called when clicking the "confirm" button
* - This options only works if the option $show is enabled or if the modal is loaded with the UI ModalFactory function (e.g. `UI.submissionModal()` or `UI.modal()`)
* - cancelOnclick: The function to be called once the "cancel" button trigger the `onclick` event
* - footerButtons: A list of configuration to be passed to BootstrapElements/BootstrapButton
* - The option `clickFunction` can be used to set the function to be called when clicking the button. Behavior similar to "confirmFunction"
* # Click functions behaviors:
* - *-Onclick functions have the same behavior as the 'onclick' HTML parameter
* - `confirmFunction` and `clickFunction` are called with additional 2 additional arguments:
* - modalObject: The instantiated ModalFactory object
* - tmpApi: An instantiated AJAXApi object linked with the modal button
* - If no functions are provided, Submit the form in place or close the modal
* # Usage:
* ## Simple styled modal that is displayed automatically when the HTML is attached to the page
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'title' => 'Modal title',
* 'size' => 'lg',
* 'type' => 'ok-only',
* 'body' => '<b>Body content</b>',
* 'header-variant' => 'dark',
* 'body-variant' => 'light',
* 'footer-variant' => 'warning',
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
* ## Modal with custom onclick handler
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'type' => 'confirm',
* 'bodyHtml' => '<b>Body content</b>',
* 'confirmButton' => [
* 'text' => 'Show modal',
* 'icon' => 'eye',
* 'onclick' => 'UI.toast({"title": "confirmed!"})',
* ],
* 'cancelOnclick' => 'UI.toast({"title": "cancelled"})',
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
* ## Modal with a onclick handler with prepared arguments bound to the confirm button
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'type' => 'confirm',
* 'confirmButton' => [
* 'text' => 'Confirm',
* 'icon' => 'check',
* ],
* 'confirmFunction' => 'myConfirmFunction', // myConfirmFunction is called with the $modalObject and $tmpApi intialized
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
* /*
* Example of confirm function
* - case 1: If void is returned the modal close automatically regardless of the result
* - case 2: If a promise is returned, the modal close automatically if the promise is a success
* A success is defined as follow:
* - No exceptions
* - No data returned
* - Object returned with key `success` evaluting to true
* - case 3: The modal can be closed manually with: `modalObject.hide()`
* function myConfirmFunction(modalObject, tmpApi) {
* const $form = modalObject.$modal.find('form')
* const postPromise = $form.length == 1 ?
* tmpApi.postForm($form[0]) :
* tmpApi.fetchJSON('/users/view/', false, true)
* .then((result) => {
* console.log(result)
* constToReturn = {
* success: true, // will close the modal automatically
* }
* return constToReturn
* })
* .catch((errors) => {
* console.log(errors)
* })
* return postPromise
* }
* ## Modal with custom footer made of buttons
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'type' => 'custom',
* 'footerButtons' => [
* [
* 'text' => 'Confirm',
* 'icon' => 'check',
* 'variant' => 'danger',
* 'clickFunction' => 'testapi',
* ],
* [
* 'text' => 'Cancel',
* 'onclick' => 'UI.toast({"title": "confirmed!"})',
* ],
* ],
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
class BootstrapModal extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'size' => '',
'centered' => true,
'scrollable' => true,
'backdropStatic' => false,
'show' => false,
'header-variant' => '',
'body-variant' => '',
'footer-variant' => '',
'title' => '',
'titleHtml' => null,
'body' => '',
'bodyHtml' => null,
'footerHtml' => null,
'modalClass' => [''],
'headerClass' => [''],
'bodyClass' => [''],
'footerClass' => [''],
'confirmButton' => [
'text' => 'Confirm',
'cancelButton' => [
'text' => 'Cancel',
'type' => 'ok-only',
'footerButtons' => [],
'confirmFunction' => '', // Will be called with the following arguments confirmFunction(modalObject, tmpApi)
'cancelOnclick' => ''
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'size' => ['sm', 'lg', 'xl', ''],
'type' => ['ok-only', 'confirm', 'custom'],
'header-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'body-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'footer-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['modalClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['modalClass']);
$this->options['headerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['headerClass']);
$this->options['bodyClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['bodyClass']);
$this->options['footerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['footerClass']);
$possiblVariants = ['header-variant', 'body-variant', 'footer-variant'];
foreach ($possiblVariants as $possiblVariant) {
if (!empty($this->options[$possiblVariant])) {
$this->options[sprintf('%sClass', substr($possiblVariant, 0, -8))][] = self::getBGAndTextClassForVariant($this->options[$possiblVariant]);
if (!empty($options['confirmFunction']) && !empty($options['confirmButton']['onclick'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Option `{0}` can not be used in conjuction with `{1}` for the confirm button', 'confirmFunction', 'onclick'));
public function modal()
$modal = $this->genModal();
if ($this->options['show']) {
return $this->encapsulateWithUIHelper($modal);
return $modal;
private function encapsulateWithUIHelper(string $modal): string
return $this->node('script', [], sprintf(
"$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(() => {
rawHtml: \"%s\"
}, 1);
str_replace('"', '\"', $modal)
private function genModal()
$dialog = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(
['modal-dialog', (!empty($this->options['size'])) ? "modal-{$this->options['size']}" : ''],
$content = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => ['modal-content'],
$header = $this->genHeader();
$body = $this->genBody();
$footer = $this->genFooter();
$closedDiv = $this->nodeClose('div');
$html = "{$dialog}{$content}{$header}{$body}{$footer}{$closedDiv}{$closedDiv}";
return $html;
private function genHeader()
$header = $this->nodeOpen('div', ['class' => array_merge(['modal-header'], $this->options['headerClass'])]);
$header .= $this->options['titleHtml'] ?? $this->node('h5', ['class' => ['modal-title']], h($this->options['title']));
if (empty($this->options['backdropStatic'])) {
$header .= $this->genericCloseButton('modal');
$header .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $header;
private function genBody()
$body = $this->nodeOpen('div', ['class' => array_merge(['modal-body'], $this->options['bodyClass'])]);
$body .= $this->options['bodyHtml'] ?? h($this->options['body']);
$body .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $body;
private function genFooter()
$footer = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(['modal-footer'], $this->options['footerClass']),
'data-custom-footer' => $this->options['type'] == 'custom'
$footer .= $this->options['footerHtml'] ?? $this->getFooterBasedOnType();
$footer .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $footer;
private function getFooterBasedOnType()
if ($this->options['type'] == 'ok-only') {
return $this->getFooterOkOnly();
} else if (str_contains($this->options['type'], 'confirm')) {
return $this->getFooterConfirm();
} else if ($this->options['type'] == 'custom') {
return $this->getFooterCustom();
} else {
return $this->getFooterOkOnly();
private function getFooterOkOnly()
return (new BootstrapButton([
'variant' => 'primary',
'text' => __('Ok'),
'onclick' => $this->options['confirmOnclick'],
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-dismiss' => $this->options['confirmOnclick'] ?? 'modal',
private function getFooterConfirm()
$buttonCancelConfig = array_merge(
'variant' => 'secondary',
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-dismiss' => 'modal',
'onclick' => $this->options['cancelOnclick']
$buttonCancel = (new BootstrapButton($buttonCancelConfig))->button();
$defaultConfig = [
'variant' => 'primary',
'class' => 'modal-confirm-button',
if (!empty($this->options['confirmOnclick'])) {
$defaultConfig['onclick'] = $this->options['confirmOnclick'];
if (!empty($this->options['confirmFunction'])) {
$defaultConfig['attrs']['data-confirmFunction'] = $this->options['confirmFunction'];
$buttonConfirmConfig = array_merge(
$buttonConfirm = (new BootstrapButton($buttonConfirmConfig))->button();
return $buttonCancel . $buttonConfirm;
private function getFooterCustom()
$buttons = [];
foreach ($this->options['footerButtons'] as $buttonConfig) {
$defaultConfig = [
'variant' => 'primary',
'class' => 'modal-confirm-button',
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-dismiss' => !empty($buttonConfig['clickFunction']) ? '' : 'modal',
if (!empty($buttonConfig['clickFunction'])) {
$defaultConfig['attrs']['data-clickFunction'] = $buttonConfig['clickFunction'];
$buttonConfig = array_merge(
$buttons[] = (new BootstrapButton($buttonConfig))->button();
return implode('', $buttons);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a small colored circle meant to show notifications
* # Options
* - text: Optinal text to be displayed inside the circle
* - variant: The Bootstrap variant of the notification circle
* - borderVariant: If set, creates a border around the circle. Typically will hold the value `light` or `dark`
* - title: The HTML title of the notification
* - class: Additional classes to be added
* - attrs: Additional attributes to be added
* # Usage
* $this->Bootstrap->notificationBubble([
* 'text' => '3',
* 'variant' => 'warning',
* 'title' => '3 unread messages',
* ]);
class BootstrapNotificationBubble extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'text' => '',
'variant' => 'warning',
'borderVariant' => '',
'title' => '',
'class' => [],
'attrs' => [],
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
'borderVariant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
$this->defaultOptions['title'] = __('New notifications');
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['class'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['class']);
if (!empty($this->options['borderVariant'])) {
if (!empty($this->options['attrs']['style'])) {
$this->options['attrs']['style'] .= 'box-shadow: 0 0.125rem 0.25rem #00000050;';
} else {
$this->options['attrs']['style'] = 'box-shadow: 0 0.125rem 0.25rem #00000050;';
public function notificationBubble()
return $this->genNotificationBubble();
private function genNotificationBubble()
$tmpId = 'tmp-' . mt_rand();
$defaultClasses = [
if (!empty($this->options['borderVariant'])) {
$defaultClasses[] = "border border-2 border-{$this->options['borderVariant']}";
if (!empty($this->options['variant'])) {
$defaultClasses[] = "bg-{$this->options['variant']}";
if (!empty($this->options['text'])) {
$this->options['attrs']['style'] .= ' min-width: 0.7rem; line-height: 1; box-sizing: content-box;';
$defaultClasses[] = 'text-center';
$defaultClasses[] = 'fs-8';
$defaultClasses[] = 'fw-bold';
$html = $this->node('span',
'id' => $tmpId,
'class' => array_merge(
'title' => h($this->options['title'])
!empty($this->options['text']) ? $this->node('span', [], h($this->options['text'])) : ''
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap progress bar
* # Options:
* - label: A text to be centered in the active part of the progress bar. If set to `true`, will display the percentage of the progress bar
* - title: The title HTML attribute to set
* - total: The total amount of the progress
* - value: The active part of the progress
* - variant: The bootstrap variant of the active part of the progress bar
* - height: The height of the bar
* - striped, animated: If the bar should have the striped and animated bootstrap properties
* - attrs: Additional HTML attributes to add
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->progress([
* 'value' => 45,
* 'total' => 100,
* 'label' => true,
* ]);
class BootstrapProgress extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'value' => 0,
'total' => 100,
'label' => true,
'title' => '',
'variant' => 'primary',
'height' => '',
'striped' => false,
'animated' => false,
'attrs' => [],
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
public function progress()
return $this->genProgress();
private function genProgress()
$percentage = round(100 * $this->options['value'] / $this->options['total']);
$heightStyle = !empty($this->options['height']) ? sprintf('height: %s;', h($this->options['height'])) : '';
$widthStyle = sprintf('width: %s%%;', $percentage);
$label = !empty($this->options['label']) ? ($this->options['label'] === true ? "{$percentage}%" : h($this->options['label'])) : '';
$pb = $this->node('div', array_merge([
'class' => [
$this->options['striped'] ? 'progress-bar-striped' : '',
$this->options['animated'] ? 'progress-bar-animated' : '',
'role' => "progressbar",
'aria-valuemin' => "0", 'aria-valuemax' => "100", 'aria-valuenow' => $percentage,
'style' => $widthStyle,
'title' => h($this->options['title']),
], $this->options['attrs']), $label);
$container = $this->node('div', [
'class' => [
'style' => $heightStyle,
'title' => h($this->options['title']),
], $pb);
return $container;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a progress timeline similar to a form wizard
* # Options:
* - variant: The variant of the active part of the timeline
* - variantInactive: The variant of the inactive part of the timeline
* - selected: 0-indexed step number to be selected. Will make all steps before the selected step active
* - steps: The definition of the step. Options are:
* - text: The text of the step
* - icon: The icon of the step. Default to the text number if empty
* - title: A title to be set for the step
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->progressTimeline([
* 'selected' => 1,
* 'steps' => [
* [
* 'text' => __('Step 1'),
* 'icon' => 'star',
* 'title' => __('Title'),
* ],
* [
* 'text' => __('Step 3'),
* 'icon' => 'exchange-alt',
* ]
* ],
* ]);
class BootstrapProgressTimeline extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'steps' => [],
'selected' => 0,
'variant' => 'primary',
'variantInactive' => 'secondary',
function __construct($options, $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
'variantInactive' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
public function progressTimeline()
return $this->genProgressTimeline();
private function getStepIcon($step, $i, $nodeActive, $lineActive)
$icon = $this->node('b', [
'class' => [
!empty($step['icon']) ? h($this->btHelper->FontAwesome->getClass($step['icon'])) : '',
], empty($step['icon']) ? h($i + 1) : '');
$containerDefaultClass = [
$containerDefaultClass[] = $nodeActive ? "bg-{$this->options['variant']}" : "bg-{$this->options['variantInactive']}";
$iconContainer = $this->node('span', [
'class' => $containerDefaultClass,
'style' => 'width:50px; height:50px'
], $icon);
$li = $this->node('li', [
'class' => [
'd-flex', 'flex-column',
$nodeActive ? 'progress-active' : 'progress-inactive',
], $iconContainer);
$html = $li . $this->getHorizontalLine($i, $nodeActive, $lineActive);
return $html;
private function getHorizontalLine($i, $nodeActive, $lineActive)
$stepCount = count($this->options['steps']);
if ($i == $stepCount - 1) {
return '';
$progressBar = (new BootstrapProgress([
'label' => false,
'value' => $nodeActive ? ($lineActive ? 100 : 50) : 0,
'height' => '2px',
'variant' => $this->options['variant']
$line = $this->node('span', [
'class' => [
'flex-grow-1', 'align-self-center',
$lineActive ? "bg-{$this->options['variant']}" : ''
], $progressBar);
return $line;
private function getStepText($step, $isActive)
return $this->node('li', [
'class' => [
$isActive ? 'progress-active' : 'progress-inactive',
], h($step['text'] ?? ''));
private function genProgressTimeline()
$iconLis = '';
$textLis = '';
foreach ($this->options['steps'] as $i => $step) {
$nodeActive = $i <= $this->options['selected'];
$lineActive = $i < $this->options['selected'];
$iconLis .= $this->getStepIcon($step, $i, $nodeActive, $lineActive);
$textLis .= $this->getStepText($step, $nodeActive);
$ulIcons = $this->node('ul', [
'class' => [
'd-flex', 'justify-content-around',
], $iconLis);
$ulText = $this->node('ul', [
'class' => [
'd-flex', 'justify-content-between',
], $textLis);
$html = $this->node('div', [
'class' => ['progress-timeline', 'mw-75', 'mx-auto']
], $ulIcons . $ulText);
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a switch acting as a checkbox
* # Options:
* - label: The label associated with the switch
* - disabled: Should the switch be disabled
* - checked: Should the switch be checked by default
* - title: Optional title to add to the switch
* - variant: The variant to use to show if the switch is active
* - class: Additional class to add to the switch
* - attrs: Additional HTML attributes to add to the switch
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->switch([
* 'label' => 'my label',
* 'checked' => true,
* ]);
class BootstrapSwitch extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'label' => '',
'variant' => 'primary',
'disabled' => false,
'checked' => false,
'title' => '',
'class' => [],
'attrs' => [],
public function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => BootstrapGeneric::$variants,
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
public function switch()
return $this->genSwitch();
public function genSwitch()
$tmpId = 'tmp-' . mt_rand();
$input = self::node('input', array_merge(
'type' => "checkbox",
'class' => 'form-check-input',
'id' => $tmpId,
'disabled' => !empty($this->options['disabled']),
'checked' => !empty($this->options['checked']),
$label = self::node('label', [
'class' => 'form-check-label',
'for' => $tmpId,
], h($this->options['label']));
$html = self::node('div', [
'class' => [
'form-check form-switch',
'title' => h($this->options['title']),
], [$input, $label]);
return $html;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
use Cake\Utility\Inflector;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a table from 2-dimensional data $items.
* Perfect to display a list of objects.
* # Options for table
* - striped, bordered, borderless, hover, small: Default bootstrap behavior
* - variant: Variant to apply on the entire table
* - tableClass: A list of class to add on the table container
* - bodyClass: A list of class to add on the tbody container
* - id: The ID to use for the table
* - caption: Optional table caption
* - elementsRootPath: Root path to use when item are relying on cakephp's element. See options for fields
* # Options for fields
* - label: The name of the field to be displayed as a label
* - labelHtml: The HTML of the field to be displayed as a label
* - path: The path to be fed to Hash::get() in order to get the value from the $item
* - element: The type of element to use combined with $elementsRootPath from the table's option
* - formatter: A callback function to format the value
* - columnVariant: The bootstrap variant to be applied on the cell
* - notice_$variant: A text with the passed variant to be append at the end. $variant can be any valid bootstrap variant. Example: `notice_warning` or `notice_info`.
* # Special fields for $items
* - _rowVariant: The bootstrap variant to be applied on the row
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->table(
* [
* 'hover' => false,
* 'striped' => 'false',
* ],
* [
* 'items' => [
* ['column 1' => 'col1', 'column 2' => 'col2', 'key1' => 'val1', 'key2' => true],
* ['column 1' => 'col1', 'column 2' => 'col2', 'key1' => 'val2', 'key2' => false,'_rowVariant' => 'success'],
* ['column 1' => 'col1', 'column 2' => 'col2', 'key1' => 'val3', 'key2' => true],
* ],
* 'fields' => [
* 'column 1',
* [
* 'path' => 'column 2',
* 'label' => 'COLUMN 2',
* 'columnVariant' => 'danger',
* ],
* [
* 'labelHtml' => '<i>column 3</i>',
* ],
* [
* 'path' => 'key1',
* 'label' => __('Field'),
* 'formatter' => function ($field, $row) {
* return sprintf('<i>%s</i>', h($field));
* }
* ],
* [
* 'path' => 'key2',
* 'element' => 'boolean',
* ],
* ],
* 'caption' => 'This is a caption'
* ]
* );
class BootstrapTable extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'striped' => true,
'bordered' => true,
'borderless' => false,
'hover' => true,
'small' => false,
'variant' => '',
'tableClass' => [],
'headerClass' => [],
'bodyClass' => [],
'id' => '',
'caption' => '',
'elementsRootPath' => '/genericElements/SingleViews/Fields/',
function __construct($options, $data, $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, [''])
$this->fields = $data['fields'];
$this->items = $data['items'];
$this->caption = !empty($data['caption']) ? $data['caption'] : '';
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['tableClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['tableClass']);
$this->options['bodyClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['bodyClass']);
$this->options['headerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['headerClass']);
public function table()
return $this->genTable();
private function genTable()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('table', [
'class' => [
$this->options['striped'] ? 'table-striped' : '',
$this->options['bordered'] ? 'table-bordered' : '',
$this->options['borderless'] ? 'table-borderless' : '',
$this->options['hover'] ? 'table-hover' : '',
$this->options['small'] ? 'table-sm' : '',
implode(' ', $this->options['tableClass']),
!empty($this->options['variant']) ? "table-{$this->options['variant']}" : '',
'id' => $this->options['id'] ?? ''
$html .= $this->genCaption();
$html .= $this->genHeader();
$html .= $this->genBody();
$html .= $this->nodeClose('table');
return $html;
private function genHeader()
$head = $this->nodeOpen('thead', [
'class' => $this->options['headerClass'],
$head .= $this->nodeOpen('tr');
foreach ($this->fields as $i => $field) {
if (is_array($field)) {
if (!empty($field['labelHtml'])) {
$label = $field['labelHtml'];
} else {
$label = !empty($field['label']) ? $field['label'] : Inflector::humanize($field['path']);
$label = h($label);
} else {
$label = Inflector::humanize($field);
$label = h($label);
$head .= $this->node('th', [], $label);
$head .= $this->nodeClose('tr');
$head .= $this->nodeClose('thead');
return $head;
private function genBody()
$body = $this->nodeOpen('tbody', [
'class' => $this->options['bodyClass'],
foreach ($this->items as $i => $row) {
$body .= $this->genRow($row, $i);
$body .= $this->nodeClose('tbody');
return $body;
private function genRow($row, $rowIndex)
$html = $this->nodeOpen('tr', [
'class' => [
!empty($row['_rowVariant']) ? "table-{$row['_rowVariant']}" : ''
if (array_keys($row) !== range(0, count($row) - 1)) { // associative array
foreach ($this->fields as $i => $field) {
$cellValue = $this->getValueFromObject($row, $field);
$html .= $this->genCell($cellValue, $field, $row, $rowIndex);
} else { // indexed array
foreach ($row as $i => $cellValue) {
$html .= $this->genCell($cellValue, 'index', $row, $rowIndex);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('tr');
return $html;
private function genCell($value, $field = [], $row = [], $rowIndex = 0)
if (isset($field['formatter'])) {
$cellContent = $field['formatter']($value, $row, $rowIndex);
} else if (isset($field['element'])) {
$cellContent = $this->btHelper->getView()->element($this->getElementPath($field['element']), [
'data' => [$value],
'field' => ['path' => '0']
} else {
$cellContent = h($value);
return $this->node('td', [
'class' => [
!empty($field['columnVariant']) ? "table-{$field['columnVariant']}" : ''
], $cellContent);
private function getValueFromObject($row, $field)
$path = is_array($field) ? $field['path'] : $field;
$cellValue = Hash::get($row, $path);
return $cellValue;
private function getElementPath($type)
return sprintf(
$this->options['elementsRootPath'] ?? '',
private function genCaption()
return !empty($this->caption) ? $this->node('caption', [], h($this->caption)) : '';

View File

@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use Cake\Utility\Security;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap panel with navigation component.
* # Options:
* - fill-header: Should the navigation header takes up all the space available
* - justify-header: Allow to specify how the naviation component should be justified. Accepts: false (no justify), 'start', 'end', 'center';
* - pills: Should the navigation element be pills
* - card: Should the content and navigation elements be wrapped in a Bootstrap card component
* - header-variant, body-variant: The variant that the card's header and body should have. Ignore if $card is not set
* - body-class, nav-class, nav-class-item, content-class: Additional classes to be added to the nav, body, navigation items or content
* - vertical: Should the navigation component be placed vertically next to the content. Best used with the `pills` option enabled.
* - vertical-size: Controls the horizontal size of the vertical header. Must be between [1, 11]
* - vertical-position: Controls the position of the header. Accepts 'start and 'end'
* - horizontal-position: Controls the position of the header. Accepts 'top and 'bottom'
* - data: The data used to generate the tabs. Must have a `navs` and `content` key. See the "# Data" section
* # Data
* - navs: The data for the navigation items. Supported options:
* - id: The ID of the nav. Auto-generated if left empty
* - active: Should the tab be active
* - disabled: Should the tab be disabled
* - text: The text content of the tab
* - html: The HTML content of the tab
* - content: The HTML content for each tabs
* # Usage:
* ## Simple formatted tabs using the card option
* echo $this->Bootstrap->tabs([
* 'horizontal-position' => 'top',
* 'header-variant' => 'danger',
* 'card' => true,
* 'data' => [
* 'navs' => [
* ['text' => 'nav 1'],
* ['html' => '<b>nav 2</b>', 'active' => true],
* ],
* 'content' => [
* '<i>content 1</i>',
* 'content 2',
* ]
* ]
* ]);
* ## Simple formatted tabs using the card option and vertical options
* echo $this->Bootstrap->tabs([
* 'pills' => true,
* 'vertical' => true,
* 'vertical-position' => 'start',
* 'card' => true,
* 'data' => [
* 'navs' => [
* ['text' => 'nav 1'],
* ['html' => '<b>nav 2</b>', 'disabled' => true],
* ],
* 'content' => [
* '<i>content 1</i>',
* 'content 2',
* ]
* ]
* ]);
class BootstrapTabs extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'fill-header' => false,
'justify-header' => false,
'pills' => false,
'vertical' => false,
'vertical-size' => 3,
'vertical-position' => 'start',
'horizontal-position' => 'top',
'card' => false,
'header-variant' => '',
'body-variant' => '',
'body-class' => [],
'nav-class' => [],
'nav-item-class' => [],
'content-class' => [],
'data' => [
'navs' => [],
'content' => [],
private $bsClasses = null;
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'justify-header' => [false, 'center', 'end', 'start'],
'vertical-position' => ['start', 'end'],
'horizontal-position' => ['top', 'bottom'],
'body-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'header-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
public function tabs()
return $this->genTabs();
private function processOptions($options)
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->data = $this->options['data'];
if (empty($this->data['navs'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No navigation data provided'));
$this->bsClasses = [
'nav' => [],
'nav-item' => $this->options['nav-item-class'],
if (!empty($this->options['justify-header'])) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'justify-content-' . $this->options['justify-header'];
if ($this->options['vertical'] && !isset($options['pills']) && !isset($options['card'])) {
$this->options['pills'] = true;
$this->options['card'] = true;
if ($this->options['pills']) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'nav-pills';
if ($this->options['vertical']) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'flex-column';
if ($this->options['card']) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'card-header-pills';
} else {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'nav-tabs';
if ($this->options['card']) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'card-header-tabs';
if ($this->options['fill-header']) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'nav-fill';
if ($this->options['justify-header']) {
$this->bsClasses['nav'][] = 'nav-justify';
$activeTab = array_key_first($this->data['navs']);
foreach ($this->data['navs'] as $i => $nav) {
if (!is_array($nav)) {
$this->data['navs'][$i] = ['text' => $nav];
if (!isset($this->data['navs'][$i]['id'])) {
$this->data['navs'][$i]['id'] = 't-' . Security::randomString(8);
if (!empty($nav['active'])) {
$activeTab = $i;
$this->data['navs'][$activeTab]['active'] = true;
if (!empty($this->options['vertical-size']) && $this->options['vertical-size'] != 'auto') {
$this->options['vertical-size'] = ($this->options['vertical-size'] < 0 || $this->options['vertical-size'] > 11) ? 3 : $this->options['vertical-size'];
if (!is_array($this->options['nav-class'])) {
$this->options['nav-class'] = [$this->options['nav-class']];
if (!is_array($this->options['content-class'])) {
$this->options['content-class'] = [$this->options['content-class']];
private function genTabs()
return $this->options['vertical'] ? $this->genVerticalTabs() : $this->genHorizontalTabs();
private function genHorizontalTabs()
if ($this->options['card']) {
$cardOptions = [
'bodyHTML' => $this->genContent(),
'bodyVariant' => $this->options['body-variant'],
if ($this->options['horizontal-position'] === 'bottom') {
$cardOptions['footerHTML'] = $this->genNav();
$cardOptions['footerVariant'] = $this->options['header-variant'];
$cardOptions['headerVariant'] = $this->options['header-variant'];
} else {
$cardOptions['headerHTML'] = $this->genNav();
$cardOptions['headerVariant'] = $this->options['header-variant'];
$bsCard = new BootstrapCard($cardOptions);
return $bsCard->card();
} else {
return $this->genNav() . $this->genContent();
private function genVerticalTabs()
$header = $this->node('div', ['class' => array_merge(
($this->options['vertical-size'] != 'auto' ? 'col-' . $this->options['vertical-size'] : ''),
($this->options['card'] ? 'card-header border-end' : '')
)], $this->genNav());
$content = $this->node('div', ['class' => array_merge(
($this->options['vertical-size'] != 'auto' ? 'col-' . (12 - $this->options['vertical-size']) : ''),
($this->options['card'] ? 'card-body2' : '')
)], $this->genContent());
$containerContent = $this->options['vertical-position'] === 'start' ? [$header, $content] : [$content, $header];
$container = $this->node('div', ['class' => array_merge(
($this->options['card'] ? 'card flex-row' : ''),
($this->options['vertical-size'] == 'auto' ? 'flex-nowrap' : '')
)], $containerContent);
return $container;
private function genNav()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('ul', [
'class' => array_merge(['nav'], $this->bsClasses['nav'], $this->options['nav-class']),
'role' => 'tablist',
foreach ($this->data['navs'] as $navItem) {
$html .= $this->genNavItem($navItem);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('ul');
return $html;
private function genNavItem($navItem)
$html = $this->nodeOpen('li', [
'class' => array_merge(['nav-item'], $this->bsClasses['nav-item'], $this->options['nav-item-class']),
'role' => 'presentation',
$html .= $this->nodeOpen('a', [
'class' => array_merge(
[!empty($navItem['active']) ? 'active' : ''],
[!empty($navItem['disabled']) ? 'disabled' : '']
'data-bs-toggle' => $this->options['pills'] ? 'pill' : 'tab',
'id' => $navItem['id'] . '-tab',
'href' => '#' . $navItem['id'],
'aria-controls' => $navItem['id'],
'aria-selected' => !empty($navItem['active']),
'role' => 'tab',
$html .= $navItem['html'] ?? h($navItem['text']);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('a');
$html .= $this->nodeClose('li');
return $html;
private function genContent()
$html = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(['tab-content'], $this->options['content-class']),
foreach ($this->data['content'] as $i => $content) {
$navItem = $this->data['navs'][$i];
$html .= $this->genContentItem($navItem, $content);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $html;
private function genContentItem($navItem, $content)
return $this->node('div', [
'class' => array_merge(['tab-pane', 'fade'], [!empty($navItem['active']) ? 'show active' : '']),
'role' => 'tabpanel',
'id' => $navItem['id'],
'aria-labelledby' => $navItem['id'] . '-tab'
], $content);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap toast by calling creating a Toaster object and passing the provided options
* # Options:
* - text: The text content of the alert
* - html: The HTML content of the alert
* - dismissible: Can the alert be dissmissed
* - variant: The Bootstrap variant of the alert
* - fade: Should the alert fade when dismissed
* - class: Additional classes to add to the alert container
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->toast([
* 'title' => 'Title',
* 'bodyHtml' => '<i>Body</i>',
* 'muted' => 'Muted text',
* 'variant' => 'warning',
* 'closeButton' => true,
* ]);
class BootstrapToast extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'id' => false,
'title' => false,
'muted' => false,
'body' => false,
'variant' => 'default',
'autohide' => true,
'delay' => 'auto',
'titleHtml' => false,
'mutedHtml' => false,
'bodyHtml' => false,
'closeButton' => true,
function __construct($options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['default']),
private function processOptions($options)
$validOptions = array_filter($options, function($optionName) {
return isset($this->defaultOptions[$optionName]);
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $validOptions);
public function toast()
return $this->genToast();
private function genToast()
return $this->node('script', [], sprintf(
"$(document).ready(function() {
json_encode($this->options, JSON_FORCE_OBJECT)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class SocialProviderHelper extends Helper
private function genImage($url, $alt)
return $this->Bootstrap->genNode('img', [
return $this->Bootstrap->node('img', [
'src' => $url,
'class' => ['img-fluid'],
'width' => '16',

View File

@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ if (!empty($updateAvailables)) {
'icon' => 'arrow-alt-circle-up',
'class' => 'mt-1',
'text' => __n('Run update', 'Run all updates', count($updateAvailables)),
'params' => [
'onclick' => 'runAllUpdate()'
'onclick' => 'runAllUpdate()',
echo $this->Bootstrap->alert([
@ -35,11 +33,11 @@ foreach ($status as $i => &$update) {
echo $this->Bootstrap->table([], [
'fields' => [
['key' => 'id', 'label' => __('ID')],
['key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name')],
['key' => 'end_time', 'label' => __('End Time')],
['key' => 'time_taken_formated', 'label' => __('Time Taken')],
['key' => 'status', 'label' => __('Status')]
['path' => 'id', 'label' => __('ID')],
['path' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name')],
['path' => 'end_time', 'label' => __('End Time')],
['path' => 'time_taken_formated', 'label' => __('Time Taken')],
['path' => 'status', 'label' => __('Status')]
'items' => $status,

View File

@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ if (!empty($updateableTemplates['new'])) {
'size' => 'sm',
'icon' => 'download',
'title' => __('Create this template'),
'params' => [
'onclick' => "UI.submissionModalForIndex('/metaTemplates/createNewTemplate/{$entry['uuid']}', '/meta-templates')"
'onclick' => "UI.submissionModalForIndex('/metaTemplates/createNewTemplate/{$entry['uuid']}', '/meta-templates')",
}, $alertList);
@ -225,4 +223,3 @@ function getConflictingTemplate($row, $data) {
return [];

View File

@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ use Cake\Routing\Router;
'text' => __('Update to version {0}', h($newMetaTemplate->version)),
'variant' => 'success',
'params' => [
'onclick' => 'submitMigration()'
'onclick' => 'submitMigration()',

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ if ($updateStatus['up-to-date']) {
'templateOnDisk' => $templateOnDisk,
$bodyHtml .= $this->Bootstrap->collapse([
'title' => __('View conflicts'),
'text' => __('View conflicts'),
'open' => false
], $conflictTable);
$bodyHtml .= $this->element('MetaTemplates/conflictResolution', [

View File

@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ use Cake\Core\Configure;
'class' => ['d-block', 'w-100'],
'image' => [
'path' => '/img/keycloak_logo.png',
'alt' => 'Keycloak'
'alt' => 'Keycloak',
echo $this->Form->end();

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
if ($setting['type'] == 'string' || $setting['type'] == 'textarea' || empty($setting['type'])) {
$input = (function ($settingName, $setting, $appView) {
$settingId = str_replace('.', '_', $settingName);
return $appView->Bootstrap->genNode(
return $appView->Bootstrap->node(
$setting['type'] == 'textarea' ? 'textarea' : 'input',
'class' => [
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
} elseif ($setting['type'] == 'integer') {
$input = (function ($settingName, $setting, $appView) {
$settingId = str_replace('.', '_', $settingName);
return $appView->Bootstrap->genNode('input', [
return $appView->Bootstrap->node('input', [
'class' => [
(!empty($setting['error']) ? 'is-invalid' : ''),
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
$options = [];
$options[] = $appView->Bootstrap->genNode('option', ['value' => '-1', 'data-is-empty-option' => '1'], __('Select an option'));
$options[] = $appView->Bootstrap->node('option', ['value' => '-1', 'data-is-empty-option' => '1'], __('Select an option'));
foreach ($setting['options'] as $key => $value) {
$optionParam = [
'class' => [],
@ -88,10 +88,10 @@
$optionParam['selected'] = 'selected';
$options[] = $appView->Bootstrap->genNode('option', $optionParam, h($value));
$options[] = $appView->Bootstrap->node('option', $optionParam, h($value));
$options = implode('', $options);
return $appView->Bootstrap->genNode('select', [
return $appView->Bootstrap->node('select', [
'class' => [

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
$dependsOnHtml = '';
if (!empty($setting['dependsOn'])) {
$dependsOnHtml = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('span', [
$dependsOnHtml = $this->Bootstrap->node('span', [
'class' => [
@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
'style' => 'min-width: 0.75em;',
'title' => __('This setting depends on the validity of: {0}', h($setting['dependsOn'])),
], $this->Bootstrap->genNode('sup', [
], $this->Bootstrap->node('sup', [
'class' => $this->FontAwesome->getClass('info'),
$label = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('label', [
$label = $this->Bootstrap->node('label', [
'class' => ['form-label', 'fw-bolder', 'mb-0'],
'for' => $settingId
], sprintf('<a id="lb-%s" href="#lb-%s" class="text-reset text-decoration-none">%s</a>', h($settingId), h($settingId), h($setting['name'])) . $dependsOnHtml);
$description = '';
if (!empty($setting['description']) && (empty($setting['type']) || $setting['type'] != 'boolean')) {
$description = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('small', [
$description = $this->Bootstrap->node('small', [
'class' => ['form-text', 'text-muted', 'mt-0'],
'id' => "{$settingId}Help"
], h($setting['description']));
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
if (!empty($setting['severity'])) {
$textColor = "text-{$this->get('variantFromSeverity')[$setting['severity']]}";
$validationError = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('div', [
$validationError = $this->Bootstrap->node('div', [
'class' => ['d-block', 'invalid-feedback', $textColor],
], (!empty($setting['error']) ? h($setting['errorMessage']) : ''));
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@
'variant' => 'success',
'class' => ['btn-setting-action', 'btn-save-setting', 'd-none'],
$inputGroup = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('div', [
$inputGroup = $this->Bootstrap->node('div', [
'class' => ['input-group'],
], implode('', [$input, $inputGroupSave]));
$container = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('div', [
$container = $this->Bootstrap->node('div', [
'class' => ['setting-group', 'row', 'mb-2']
], implode('', [$label, $inputGroup, $description, $validationError]));

View File

@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ foreach (array_keys($mainNoticeHeading) as $level) {
'bordered' => false,
], [
'fields' => [
['key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name'), 'formatter' => function($name, $row) {
['path' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name'), 'formatter' => function($name, $row) {
$settingID = preg_replace('/(\.|\W)/', '_', h($row['true-name']));
return sprintf('<a style="max-width: 200px; white-space: pre-wrap;" href="#lb-%s" onclick="redirectToSetting(\'#lb-%s\')">%s</a>', $settingID, $settingID, h($name));
['key' => 'setting-path', 'label' => __('Category'), 'formatter' => function($path, $row) {
['path' => 'setting-path', 'label' => __('Category'), 'formatter' => function($path, $row) {
return '<span class="text-nowrap">' . h(str_replace('.', ' ▸ ', $path)) . '</span>';
['key' => 'value', 'label' => __('Value'), 'formatter' => function($value, $row) {
['path' => 'value', 'label' => __('Value'), 'formatter' => function($value, $row) {
$formatedValue = '<span class="p-1 rounded mb-0" style="background: #eeeeee55; font-family: monospace;">';
if (is_null($value)) {
$formatedValue .= '<i class="text-nowrap">' . __('No value') . '</i>';
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ foreach (array_keys($mainNoticeHeading) as $level) {
$formatedValue .= '</span>';
return $formatedValue;
['key' => 'description', 'label' => __('Description')]
['path' => 'description', 'label' => __('Description')]
'items' => $notices[$level],
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ $alertBody = $this->Bootstrap->table([
'tableClass' => 'mb-0'
], [
'fields' => [
['key' => 'severity', 'label' => __('Severity')],
['key' => 'issues', 'label' => __('Issues'), 'formatter' => function($count, $row) {
['path' => 'severity', 'label' => __('Severity')],
['path' => 'issues', 'label' => __('Issues'), 'formatter' => function($count, $row) {
return $this->Bootstrap->badge([
'variant' => $row['badge-variant'],
'text' => $count
['key' => 'description', 'label' => __('Description')]
['path' => 'description', 'label' => __('Description')]
'items' => $tableItems,

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ if (isLeaf($panelSettings)) {
if (!empty($panelSettings['_description'])) {
$panelHTML .= $this->Bootstrap->genNode('div', [
$panelHTML .= $this->Bootstrap->node('div', [
'class' => ['mb-1',],
], h($panelSettings['_description']));
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if (isLeaf($panelSettings)) {
$panelHTML = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('div', [
$panelHTML = $this->Bootstrap->node('div', [
'class' => [

View File

@ -5,19 +5,17 @@ $table = $this->Bootstrap->table([
'hover' => false,
], [
'fields' => [
['key' => 'label', 'label' => __('Label')],
['key' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name')],
['key' => 'url', 'label' => __('URL'), 'formatter' => function ($value, $row) {
['path' => 'label', 'label' => __('Label')],
['path' => 'name', 'label' => __('Name')],
['path' => 'url', 'label' => __('URL'), 'formatter' => function ($value, $row) {
return sprintf('<span class="font-monospace">%s</span>', h($value));
['key' => 'action', 'label' => __('Action'), 'formatter' => function ($value, $row, $index) {
['path' => 'action', 'label' => __('Action'), 'formatter' => function ($value, $row, $index) {
return $this->Bootstrap->button([
'icon' => 'trash',
'variant' => 'danger',
'size' => 'sm',
'params' => [
'onclick' => sprintf('deleteBookmark(window.bookmarks[%s])', $index),
'onclick' => sprintf('deleteBookmark(window.bookmarks[%s])', $index),

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
'_open' => true,
'open' => true,
'header' => [
'title' => __('Meta fields')

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
'_open' => true,
'open' => true,
'header' => [
'title' => __('Meta fields')

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ foreach ($metaTemplate->meta_template_fields as $metaTemplateField) {
$fieldContainer = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('div', [
$fieldContainer = $this->Bootstrap->node('div', [
'class' => [],
], $fieldsHtml);
echo $fieldContainer;

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ foreach ($statistics['usage'] as $scope => $graphData) {
'nodeType' => 'a',
'onclick' => '',
'class' => ['btn-statistics-pie-configurator-' . $seedPiechart],
'params' => [
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-toggle' => 'popover',
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ foreach ($statistics['usage'] as $scope => $graphData) {
$statPie = $this->Bootstrap->card([
'variant' => 'secondary',
'bodyVariant' => 'secondary',
'bodyHTML' => $panelHtml,
'bodyClass' => 'py-1 px-2',
'class' => ['shadow-sm', 'h-100']

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $panelControlHtml = sprintf(
'nodeType' => 'a',
'onclick' => '',
'class' => ['btn-statistics-days-configurator-' . $seed,],
'params' => [
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-toggle' => 'popover',
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ $panelControlHtml = sprintf(
$createdNumber = empty($timeline['created']) ? '' : sprintf(
'<div class="lh-1 d-flex align-items-center" title="%s">%s<span class="ms-1"> %s</span></div>',
__('{0} Created', $timeline['created']['variation']),
$this->Bootstrap->icon('plus', ['class' => ['fa-fw'], 'params' => ['style' => 'font-size: 60%;']]),
$this->Bootstrap->icon('plus', ['class' => ['fa-fw'], 'attrs' => ['style' => 'font-size: 60%;']]),
$modifiedNumber = empty($timeline['modified']) ? '' : sprintf(
'<div class="lh-1 d-flex align-items-center" title="%s">%s<span class="ms-1"> %s</span></div>',
__('{0} Modified', $timeline['modified']['variation']),
$this->Bootstrap->icon('edit', ['class' => ['fa-fw'], 'params' => ['style' => 'font-size: 60%;']]),
$this->Bootstrap->icon('edit', ['class' => ['fa-fw'], 'attrs' => ['style' => 'font-size: 60%;']]),
$activityNumbers = sprintf('<div class="my-1 fs-5">%s%s</div>', $createdNumber, $modifiedNumber);
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ $cardContent = sprintf(
$card = $this->Bootstrap->card([
'variant' => 'secondary',
'bodyVariant' => 'secondary',
'bodyHTML' => $cardContent,
'bodyClass' => 'py-1 px-2',
'class' => ['shadow-sm', 'h-100']

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use Cake\Utility\Text;
* ),
* 'title' => optional title,
* 'description' => optional description,
* 'notice' => optional alert to be placed at the top,
* 'index_statistics' => optional statistics to be displayed for the index,
* 'primary_id_path' => path to each primary ID (extracted and passed as $primary to fields)
* ));
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ if (!empty($data['title'])) {
'help' => $this->Bootstrap->icon('info', [
'class' => ['fs-6', 'align-text-top',],
'title' => empty($data['description']) ? '' : h($data['description']),
'params' => [
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-toggle' => 'tooltip',

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
'text' => $child['text'],
'outline' => !empty($child['outline']),
'icon' => $child['icon'] ?? null,
'params' => array_merge([
'attrs' => array_merge([
'data-onclick-function' => $child['onclick'] ?? '',
'data-table-random-value' => $tableRandomValue,
'onclick' => 'multiActionClickHandler(this)'

View File

@ -31,10 +31,8 @@
$buttonConfig = [
'icon' => 'filter',
'variant' => $numberActiveFilters > 0 ? 'warning' : 'primary',
'params' => [
'title' => __('Filter index'),
'id' => sprintf('toggleFilterButton-%s', h($tableRandomValue))
'title' => __('Filter index'),
'id' => sprintf('toggleFilterButton-%s', h($tableRandomValue))
if (count($activeFilters) > 0) {
$buttonConfig['badge'] = [

View File

@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ $numberOfElementHtml = $this->element('/genericElements/ListTopBar/group_table_a
'dropdown-class' => 'ms-1',
'alignment' => 'end',
'direction' => 'down',
'toggle-button' => [
'button' => [
'icon' => 'sliders-h',
'variant' => 'primary',
'class' => ['table_setting_dropdown_button'],
'submenu_alignment' => 'end',
'submenu_direction' => 'start',
'params' => [
'attrs' => [
'data-table-random-value' => $tableRandomValue,
'data-table_setting_id' => $data['table_setting_id'],

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ foreach ($table_data['fields'] as $field) {
$availableColumnsHtml = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('form', [
$availableColumnsHtml = $this->Bootstrap->node('form', [
'class' => ['visible-column-form', 'px-2 py-1'],
], $availableColumnsHtml);
echo $availableColumnsHtml;

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ if (!empty($meta_template)) {
$availableMetaColumnsHtml = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('form', [
$availableMetaColumnsHtml = $this->Bootstrap->node('form', [
'class' => ['visible-meta-column-form', 'px-2 py-1'],
], $availableMetaColumnsHtml);
echo $availableMetaColumnsHtml;

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ foreach($data['MetaTemplates'] as $metaTemplate) {
'text' => __('Migrate to version {0}', $metaTemplate['hasNewerVersion']->version),
'variant' => 'success',
'nodeType' => 'a',
'params' => [
'attrs' => [
'href' => Router::url([
'controller' => 'metaTemplates',
'action' => 'migrateOldMetaTemplateToNewestVersionForEntity',

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ $variant = array_flip($severity)[$maxSeverity];
if ($hasNotification) {
echo $this->Bootstrap->notificationBubble([
'variant' => $variant,
'borderVariant' => 'light',

View File

@ -6,7 +6,5 @@ echo $this->Bootstrap->button([
'variant' => 'primary',
'size' => 'sm',
'class' => 'mb-1',
'params' => [
'id' => 'btn-add-bookmark',
'id' => 'btn-add-bookmark',

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
'size' => 'sm',
'icon' => h($icon),
'class' => ['mb-1', !$validURI ? 'disabled' : ''],
'params' => [
'attrs' => [
'href' => $validURI ? h($url) : '#',

View File

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
if ($childHasNotification || ($hasNotification && !empty($children))) {
echo $this->Bootstrap->notificationBubble([
'variant' => $childHasNotification ? $childNotificationVariant : $notificationVariant,
'borderVariant' => 'light',

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ $cardContent = sprintf(
echo $this->Bootstrap->card([
'variant' => 'secondary',
'bodyVariant' => 'secondary',
'bodyHTML' => $cardContent,
'bodyClass' => 'p-3',
'class' => ['shadow-sm', (empty($panelNoGrow) ? 'grow-on-hover' : '')]

View File

@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ $filteringForm = $this->Bootstrap->table(
'fields' => [
'key' => 'fieldname', 'label' => __('Field'), 'formatter' => function ($field, $row) {
'path' => 'fieldname', 'label' => __('Field'), 'formatter' => function ($field, $row) {
return sprintf('<span class="fieldName" data-fieldname="%s">%s</span>', h($field), h($field));
'key' => 'operator', 'label' => __('Operator'), 'formatter' => function ($field, $row) use ($typeMap) {
'path' => 'operator', 'label' => __('Operator'), 'formatter' => function ($field, $row) use ($typeMap) {
$fieldName = $row['fieldname'];
$type = $typeMap[$fieldName] ?? 'text';
$options = [
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $filteringForm = $this->Bootstrap->table(
'key' => 'value',
'path' => 'value',
'labelHtml' => sprintf(
'%s %s',
@ -71,23 +71,23 @@ $filteringForm = $this->Bootstrap->table(
$filteringMetafields = '';
if ($metaFieldsEnabled) {
$helpText = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('sup', [
$helpText = $this->Bootstrap->node('sup', [
'class' => ['ms-1 fa fa-info'],
'title' => __('Include help'),
'data-bs-toggle' => 'tooltip',
$filteringMetafields = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('h5', [], __('Meta Fields') . $helpText);
$filteringMetafields = $this->Bootstrap->node('h5', [], __('Meta Fields') . $helpText);
$filteringMetafields .= $this->element('genericElements/IndexTable/metafield_filtering', $metaTemplates);
$filteringTags = '';
if ($taggingEnabled) {
$helpText = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('sup', [
$helpText = $this->Bootstrap->node('sup', [
'class' => ['ms-1 fa fa-info'],
'title' => __('Supports negation matches (with the `!` character) and LIKE matches (with the `%` character).&#10;Example: `!exportable`, `%able`'),
'data-bs-toggle' => 'tooltip',
$filteringTags = $this->Bootstrap->genNode('h5', [
$filteringTags = $this->Bootstrap->node('h5', [
'class' => 'mt-2'
], __('Tags') . $helpText);
$filteringTags .= $this->Tag->tags([], [
@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ echo $this->Bootstrap->modal([
'size' => !empty($metaFieldsEnabled) ? 'xl' : 'lg',
'type' => 'confirm',
'bodyHtml' => $modalBody,
'confirmText' => __('Filter'),
'confirmButton' => [
'text' => __('Filter'),
'confirmFunction' => 'filterIndex'

View File

@ -359,6 +359,9 @@ class AJAXApi {
if (!skipRequestHooks) {
if (form === undefined || form.nodeName !== 'FORM') {
throw new Error(`Form argument must be a valid HTMLFormELement.`)
let toReturn
let feedbackShown = false
try {

View File

@ -257,6 +257,9 @@ class Toaster {
constructor(options) {
this.options = Object.assign({}, Toaster.defaultOptions, options)
if (this.options.delay == 'auto') {
this.options.delay = this.computeDelay()
this.bsToastOptions = {
autohide: this.options.autohide,
delay: this.options.delay,
@ -271,7 +274,7 @@ class Toaster {
* @property {string} body - The body's content of the toast
* @property {string=('primary'|'secondary'|'success'|'danger'|'warning'|'info'|'light'|'dark'|'white'|'transparent')} variant - The variant of the toast
* @property {boolean} autohide - If the toast show be hidden after some time defined by the delay
* @property {number} delay - The number of milliseconds the toast should stay visible before being hidden
* @property {(number|string)} delay - The number of milliseconds the toast should stay visible before being hidden or 'auto' to deduce the delay based on the content
* @property {(jQuery|string)} titleHtml - The raw HTML title's content of the toast
* @property {(jQuery|string)} mutedHtml - The raw HTML muted's content of the toast
* @property {(jQuery|string)} bodyHtml - The raw HTML body's content of the toast
@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ class Toaster {
body: false,
variant: 'default',
autohide: true,
delay: 5000,
delay: 'auto',
titleHtml: false,
mutedHtml: false,
bodyHtml: false,
@ -389,6 +392,12 @@ class Toaster {
return $toast
computeDelay() {
return 3000
+ 40*((this.options.title?.length ?? 0) + (this.options.body?.length ?? 0))
+ (['danger', 'warning'].includes(this.options.variant) ? 5000 : 0)
/** Class representing a Modal */
@ -400,15 +409,16 @@ class ModalFactory {
constructor(options) {
this.options = Object.assign({}, ModalFactory.defaultOptions, options)
if (options.POSTSuccessCallback !== undefined) {
if (this.options.rawHtml) {
this.attachSubmitButtonListener = true
} else {
if (!this.options.rawHtml) {
variant: 'danger',
bodyHtml: '<b>POSTSuccessCallback</b> can only be used in conjuction with the <i>rawHtml</i> option. Instead, use the promise instead returned by the API call in <b>APIConfirm</b>.'
if (this.options.rawHtml) {
this.attachSubmitButtonListener = true
if (options.type === undefined && options.cancel !== undefined) {
this.options.type = 'confirm'
@ -794,17 +804,25 @@ class ModalFactory {
$form = this.$modal.find('form')
if ($'confirmfunction') !== undefined && $'confirmfunction') !== '') {
const clickHandler = window[$'confirmfunction')]
if (clickHandler === undefined) {
console.error(`Function \`${$'confirmfunction')}\` is not defined`)
this.options.APIConfirm = (tmpApi) => {
let clickResult = clickHandler(this, tmpApi)
if (clickResult !== undefined) {
return clickResult
.then((data) => {
if (data.success) {
if (!data) {
this.options.POSTSuccessCallback([data, this])
} else { // Validation error
this.injectFormValidationFeedback(form, data.errors)
return Promise.reject('Validation error');
} else {
if (data.success == undefined || data.success) {
this.options.POSTSuccessCallback([data, this])
} else { // Validation error
this.injectFormValidationFeedback(form, data.errors)
return Promise.reject('Validation error');
.catch((errorMessage) => {
@ -814,23 +832,28 @@ class ModalFactory {
} else {
this.options.APIConfirm = (tmpApi) => {
return tmpApi.postForm($form[0])
.then((data) => {
if (data.success) {
// this.options.POSTSuccessCallback(data)
this.options.POSTSuccessCallback([data, this])
} else { // Validation error
this.injectFormValidationFeedback(form, data.errors)
return Promise.reject('Validation error');
.catch((errorMessage) => {
this.options.POSTFailCallback([errorMessage, this])
// this.options.POSTFailCallback(errorMessage)
return Promise.reject(errorMessage);
if ($form[0]) {
// Submit the form via the AJAXApi
this.options.APIConfirm = (tmpApi) => {
return tmpApi.postForm($form[0])
.then((data) => {
if (!data) {
this.options.POSTSuccessCallback([data, this])
} else {
if (data.success == undefined || data.success) {
this.options.POSTSuccessCallback([data, this])
} else { // Validation error
this.injectFormValidationFeedback(form, data.errors)
return Promise.reject('Validation error');
.catch((errorMessage) => {
this.options.POSTFailCallback([errorMessage, this])
return Promise.reject(errorMessage);
@ -877,7 +900,7 @@ class OverlayFactory {
spinnerVariant: '',
spinnerSmall: false,
spinnerType: 'border',
fallbackBoostrapVariant: '',
fallbackBootstrapVariant: '',
wrapperCSSDisplay: '',
@ -976,7 +999,7 @@ class OverlayFactory {
let classes = this.$node.attr('class')
if (classes !== undefined) {
classes = classes.split(' ')
const detectedVariant = OverlayFactory.detectedBootstrapVariant(classes, this.options.fallbackBoostrapVariant)
const detectedVariant = OverlayFactory.detectedBootstrapVariant(classes, this.options.fallbackBootstrapVariant)
this.options.spinnerVariant = detectedVariant
@ -985,7 +1008,7 @@ class OverlayFactory {
* Detect the bootstrap variant from a list of classes
* @param {Array} classes - A list of classes containg a bootstrap variant
static detectedBootstrapVariant(classes, fallback=OverlayFactory.defaultOptions.fallbackBoostrapVariant) {
static detectedBootstrapVariant(classes, fallback = OverlayFactory.defaultOptions.fallbackBootstrapVariant) {
const re = /^[a-zA-Z]+-(?<variant>primary|success|danger|warning|info|light|dark|white|transparent)$/;
let result
for (let i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {