chg: tighten tests assertions

Luciano Righetti 2022-01-26 11:00:48 +01:00
parent d18471ba95
commit 4c60fa0017
1 changed files with 121 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use Cake\TestSuite\TestCase;
use App\Test\Fixture\OrganisationsFixture;
use App\Test\Fixture\AuthKeysFixture;
use App\Test\Fixture\UsersFixture;
use App\Test\Fixture\RolesFixture;
use App\Test\Helper\ApiTestTrait;
use App\Test\Helper\WireMockTestTrait;
use \WireMock\Client\WireMock;
@ -28,18 +29,19 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
/** constants related to the local Cerebrate instance */
private const LOCAL_CEREBRATE_URL = '';
/** constants related to the local MISP instance */
private const LOCAL_MISP_INSTANCE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/MISP_LOCAL';
private const LOCAL_MISP_SYNC_USER_ID = 999;
private const LOCAL_MISP_SYNC_USER_AUTHKEY = '7f59533a2f792b389f18b086d88f6d7af02cba3e';
private const LOCAL_MISP_SYNC_USER_EMAIL = 'sync@misp.local';
private const LOCAL_MISP_ADMIN_USER_AUTHKEY = 'b17ce79ac0f05916f382ab06ea4790665dbc174c';
/** constants related to the remote Cerebrate instance */
private const REMOTE_CEREBRATE_URL = '';
private const REMOTE_CEREBRATE_AUTHKEY = 'a192ba3c749b545f9cec6b6bba0643736f6c3022';
private const REMOTE_MISP_INSTANCE_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/MISP_REMOTE';
/** constants related to the remote MISP instance */
private const REMOTE_MISP_SYNC_USER_ID = 333;
private const REMOTE_MISP_SYNC_USER_AUTHKEY = '429f629abf98f7bf79e5a7f3a8fc694ca19ed357';
private const REMOTE_MISP_SYNC_USER_EMAIL = 'sync@misp.remote';
public function testInterConnectMispViaCerebrate(): void
@ -50,7 +52,9 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
$faker = \Faker\Factory::create();
// 1. Create LocalTool connection to `MISP LOCAL` (local MISP instance)
* 1. Create LocalTool connection to `MISP LOCAL` (local MISP instance)
sprintf('%s/localTools/add', self::LOCAL_CEREBRATE_URL),
@ -67,13 +71,17 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
$this->assertDbRecordExists('LocalTools', ['name' => 'MISP_LOCAL']);
$connection = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// print_r($connection);
// 2. Create a new Brood (connect to a remote Cerebrate instance)
* 2. Create a new Brood (connect to a remote Cerebrate instance)
* This step assumes that the remote Cerebrate instance is already
* running and has a user created for the local Cerebrate instance.
* NOTE: Uses OrganisationsFixture::ORGANISATION_A_ID from the
* fixtures as the local Organisation.
$LOCAL_BROOD_UUID = $faker->uuid;
@ -91,9 +99,85 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
$this->assertDbRecordExists('Broods', ['uuid' => $LOCAL_BROOD_UUID]);
$brood = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// print_r($brood);
// 3. Get remote Cerebrate exposed tools
* 3. Create a new Cerebrate local user for the remote Cerebrate
* These includes:
* - 3.a: Create a new Organisation
* - 3.b: Create a new Individual
* - 3.c: Create a new User
* - 3.d: Create a new Authkey
// Create Organisation
$remoteOrgUuid = $faker->uuid;
'name' => 'Remote Organisation',
'description' => $faker->text,
'uuid' => $remoteOrgUuid,
'url' => 'http://cerebrate.remote',
'nationality' => 'US',
'sector' => 'sector',
'type' => 'type',
$this->assertDbRecordExists('Organisations', ['uuid' => $remoteOrgUuid]);
$remoteOrg = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// Create Individual
'email' => 'sync@cerebrate.remote',
'first_name' => 'Remote',
'last_name' => 'Cerebrate'
$this->assertDbRecordExists('Individuals', ['email' => 'sync@cerebrate.remote']);
$remoteIndividual = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// Create User
'individual_id' => $remoteIndividual['id'],
'organisation_id' => $remoteOrg['id'],
'role_id' => RolesFixture::ROLE_SYNC_ID,
'disabled' => false,
'username' => 'remote_cerebrate',
'password' => 'Password123456!',
$this->assertDbRecordExists('Users', ['username' => 'remote_cerebrate']);
$user = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// Create Authkey
$remoteCerebrateAuthkey = $faker->sha1;
$remoteAuthkeyUuid = $faker->uuid;
'uuid' => $remoteAuthkeyUuid,
'authkey' => $remoteCerebrateAuthkey,
'expiration' => 0,
'user_id' => $user['id'],
'comment' => $faker->text
$this->assertDbRecordExists('AuthKeys', ['uuid' => $remoteAuthkeyUuid]);
* 4. Get remote Cerebrate exposed tools
$this->mockCerebrateGetExposedToolsResponse('CEREBRATE_REMOTE', self::REMOTE_CEREBRATE_AUTHKEY);
$this->get(sprintf('/localTools/broodTools/%s', $brood['id']));
@ -101,16 +185,22 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
$tools = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// print_r($tools);
// 4. Issue a connection request to the remote MISP instance
* 5. Issue a connection request to the remote MISP instance
$this->mockCerebrateGetExposedToolsResponse('CEREBRATE_REMOTE', self::REMOTE_CEREBRATE_AUTHKEY);
$this->mockMispViewOrganisationByUuid('MISP_LOCAL', OrganisationsFixture::ORGANISATION_A_UUID);
@ -126,16 +216,16 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
// $connectionRequest = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// print_r($connectionRequest);
// 5. Remote Cerebrate accepts the connection request
$this->setAuthToken(AuthKeysFixture::ADMIN_API_KEY); // TODO: use the Cerebrate admin authkey
* 6. Remote Cerebrate accepts the connection request
'authkey' => $remoteCerebrateAuthkey,
'reflected_user_id' => self::REMOTE_MISP_SYNC_USER_ID,
'connectorName' => 'MispConnector',
@ -147,24 +237,23 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
$acceptRequest = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// print_r($acceptRequest);
// 6. Finalize the connection
* 7. Finalize the connection
$stub = $this->mockAddMispServer(
'authkey' => $remoteCerebrateAuthkey,
'name' => 'MISP_LOCAL',
'remote_org_id' => 1
$this->post(sprintf('/inbox/process/%s', $acceptRequest['data']['id']));
// $finalizeConnection = $this->getJsonResponseAsArray();
// print_r($finalizeConnection);
$this->assertResponseContains('"success": true');
@ -189,17 +278,18 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
private function mockMispViewOrganisationByUuid(string $instance, string $orgUuid): \WireMock\Stubbing\StubMapping
private function mockMispViewOrganisationByUuid(string $instance, string $mispAuthkey, string $orgUuid, int $orgId): \WireMock\Stubbing\StubMapping
return $this->getWireMock()->stubFor(
->withHeader('Authorization', WireMock::equalTo($mispAuthkey))
->withHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
"Organisation" => [
"id" => 1,
"name" => "Local Organisation",
"id" => $orgId,
"name" => $instance . ' Organisation',
"uuid" => $orgUuid,
"local" => true
@ -208,7 +298,7 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
private function mockMispCreateSyncUser(string $instance, string $mispAuthkey, int $userId, string $email, string $authkey): \WireMock\Stubbing\StubMapping
private function mockMispCreateSyncUser(string $instance, string $mispAuthkey, int $userId, string $email): \WireMock\Stubbing\StubMapping
return $this->getWireMock()->stubFor(
@ -219,7 +309,6 @@ class MispInterConnectionTest extends TestCase
"User" => [
"id" => $userId,
"authkey" => $authkey,
"email" => $email