chg: [element:widget] Added support of condensed UI for highlight-panel

This could be later on refactored to be formed from smaller views
Sami Mokaddem 2021-11-15 11:51:08 +01:00
parent 5e39707623
commit 829e471ac1
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 164C473F627A06FA
1 changed files with 91 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
// debug($timeline);
// $chartData = $timeline['modified']['timeline'];
$seed = 's-' . mt_rand();
$variationIcon = '';
$variationClass = '';
if (!empty($variation)) {
if ($variation == 0) {
$variationIcon = $this->FontAwesome->getClass('minus');
} elseif ($variation > 0) {
@ -12,53 +12,112 @@ if ($variation == 0) {
$variationIcon = 'trends-arrow-up-white fs-6 fa-rotate-180 fa-flip-vertical';
$variationClass = 'bg-danger';
$series = [];
$statistics_day_number = '';
if (!empty($timeline['created']['timeline'])) {
$series[0]['name'] = __('Created');
$series[0]['type'] = 'column';
$statistics_day_number = $timeline['created']['days'];
$i = count($series);
$series[$i]['name'] = __('Created');
$series[$i]['type'] = !empty($chartType) ? $chartType : 'column';
foreach ($timeline['created']['timeline'] as $entry) {
$series[0]['data'][] = $entry['count'];
$series[$i]['data'][] = ['x' => $entry['time'], 'y' => $entry['count']];
if (!empty($timeline['modified']['timeline'])) {
$series[1]['name'] = __('Modified');
$series[1]['type'] = 'line';
$statistics_day_number = empty($statistics_day_number) ? $timeline['modified']['days'] : $statistics_day_number;
$i = count($series);
$series[$i]['name'] = __('Modified');
$series[$i]['type'] = !empty($chartType) ? $chartType : 'line';
foreach ($timeline['modified']['timeline'] as $entry) {
$series[1]['data'][] = $entry['count'];
$series[$i]['data'][] = ['x' => $entry['time'], 'y' => $entry['count']];
$variationHtml = '';
if (!empty($variation)) {
$variationHtml = sprintf(
'<div class="badge %s fw-bold"><span class="%s me-2 align-middle"></span>%s</div>',
!empty($variation) ? h($variation) : ''
$titleHtml = isset($title) ? h($title) : ($titleHtml ?? '');
$leftContent = sprintf('<div class="">%s</div><h2 class="my-2">%s</h2>%s',
$leftContent = sprintf(
'<div class="">%s</div><%s class="%s">%s <span class="fs-8 fw-light">%s%s</span></%s>%s',
(!empty($condensed) ? 'h3' : 'h2'),
(!empty($condensed) ? 'my-1' : 'my-2'),
h($number ?? ''),
__('Past {0} days', $statistics_day_number),
empty($allowConfiguration) ? '' : $this->Bootstrap->button([
'variant' => 'link',
'icon' => 'cog',
'size' => 'xs',
'nodeType' => 'a',
'onclick' => '',
'class' => ['btn-statistics-days-configurator-' . $seed],
'params' => [
'data-bs-toggle' => 'popover',
'data-bs-title' => __('Set statistics spanning days'),
(!empty($condensed) ? 'h3' : 'h2'),
$rightContent = sprintf('<div class="">%s</div>', $this->element('charts/bar', [
'series' => $series,
'chartOptions' => [
// 'colors' => ['var(--bs-light)', 'var(--bs-primary)'],
'stroke' => [
'width' => [0, 2]
'chartOptions' => array_merge(
'chart' => [
'height' => '90px',
'stroke' => [
'width' => [0, 2],
'curve' => 'smooth',
!empty($chartOptions) ? $chartOptions : []
$cardContent = sprintf('<div class="highlight-panel-container d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><div class="number-container">%s</div><div class="chart-container w-50">%s</div></div>', $leftContent, $rightContent);
$cardContent = sprintf('<div class="highlight-panel-container d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between %s" style="%s %s"><div class="number-container">%s</div><div class="chart-container w-50 %s">%s</div></div>', $panelClasses ?? '', (!empty($condensed) ? 'max-height: 100px' : ''), $panelStyle ?? '', $leftContent, (!empty($condensed) ? 'p-2' : ''), $rightContent);
echo $this->Bootstrap->card([
'variant' => 'secondary',
'bodyHTML' => $cardContent,
'bodyClass' => 'p-3',
'class' => 'grow-on-hover shadow-sm'
'bodyClass' => (!empty($condensed) ? 'py-1 px-2' : 'p-3'),
'class' => ['shadow-sm', (empty($panelNoGrow) ? 'grow-on-hover' : '')]
<?php if (!empty($allowConfiguration)): ?>
$(document).ready(function() {
let popovers = new bootstrap.Popover(document.querySelector('.btn-statistics-days-configurator-<?= $seed ?>'), {
container: 'body',
html: true,
sanitize: false,
content: () => {
return '<div class="input-group flex-nowrap"> \
<span class="input-group-text" id="addon-wrapping-<?= $seed ?>"><?= __('Days') ?></span> \
<input type="number" min="1" class="form-control" placeholder="7" aria-label="<?= __('Days') ?>" aria-describedby="addon-wrapping-<?= $seed ?>" value="<?= h($statistics_day_number) ?>"> \
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" onclick="statisticsDaysRedirect(this)"><?= __('Get statistics') ?> </button> \
function statisticsDaysRedirect(clicked) {
const endpoint = window.location.pathname
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
statistics_days: $(clicked).closest('.input-group').find('input').val()
const url = endpoint + '?' + searchParams
window.location = url
<?php endif; ?>