new: [localtools] Integration of codemirror of tools parameters

mokaddem 2021-07-05 14:14:17 +02:00
parent 256b39691c
commit bc7e2baf83
22 changed files with 13577 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -23,12 +23,16 @@ class LocalToolsController extends AppController
$this->set('metaGroup', 'Administration');
public function connectorIndex()
public function connectorIndex($connectorName)
$this->set('metaGroup', 'Admin');
'filters' => ['name', 'connector'],
'quickFilters' => ['name', 'connector'],
'filterFunction' => function($query) use ($connectorName) {
$query->where(['connector' => $connectorName]);
return $query;
'afterFind' => function($data) {
foreach ($data as $connector) {
$connector['health'] = [$this->LocalTools->healthCheckIndividual($connector)];
@ -41,6 +45,7 @@ class LocalToolsController extends AppController
return $responsePayload;
$this->set('metaGroup', 'Administration');
$this->set('connector', $connectorName);
public function action($connectionId, $actionName)
@ -100,18 +105,25 @@ class LocalToolsController extends AppController
public function add($connector = false)
public function add($connectorName = false)
$responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload();
if (!empty($responsePayload)) {
return $responsePayload;
$connectors = $this->LocalTools->extractMeta($this->LocalTools->getConnectors());
$localConnectors = $this->LocalTools->extractMeta($this->LocalTools->getConnectors());
$dropdownData = ['connectors' => []];
foreach ($connectors as $connector) {
$dropdownData['connectors'][$connector['connector']] = $connector['name'];
$connector = false;
$connectors = [];
foreach ($localConnectors as $c) {
if (empty($connectorName) || $c['connector'] == $connectorName) {
$dropdownData['connectors'][$c['connector']] = $c['name'];
$connectors[] = $c;
$this->set('connectorName', $connectorName);
$this->set('connectors', $connectors);
$this->set('metaGroup', 'Administration');
@ -121,7 +133,7 @@ class LocalToolsController extends AppController
$connectors = $this->LocalTools->extractMeta($this->LocalTools->getConnectors());
$connector = false;
foreach ($connectors as $c) {
if ($connector === false || version_compare($c['version'], $connectors['version']) > 0) {
if ($connector_name == $c['connector'] && ($connector === false || version_compare($c['version'], $connectors['version']) > 0)) {
$connector = $c;
@ -134,6 +146,7 @@ class LocalToolsController extends AppController
public function edit($id)
$localTool = $this->LocalTools->get($id);
$responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload();
if (!empty($responsePayload)) {
@ -142,12 +155,19 @@ class LocalToolsController extends AppController
if ($this->ParamHandler->isAjax() && !empty($this->ajaxResponsePayload)) {
return $this->ajaxResponsePayload;
$connectors = $this->LocalTools->extractMeta($this->LocalTools->getConnectors());
$localConnectors = $this->LocalTools->extractMeta($this->LocalTools->getConnectors());
$dropdownData = ['connectors' => []];
foreach ($connectors as $connector) {
$dropdownData['connectors'][$connector['connector']] = $connector['name'];
$connector = false;
$connectors = [];
foreach ($localConnectors as $c) {
if (empty($localTool->connector) || $c['connector'] == $localTool->connector) {
$dropdownData['connectors'][$c['connector']] = $c['name'];
$connectors[] = $c;
$this->set('connectorName', $localTool->connector);
$this->set('connectors', $connectors);
$this->set('metaGroup', 'Administration');

View File

@ -97,6 +97,25 @@ class MispConnector extends CommonConnectorTools
public $version = '0.1';
public $parameters = [
'url' => [
'required' => true,
// 'validation' => 'url',
'authkey' => [
'required' => true,
// 'validation' => 'authkeyLength',
'skip_ssl' => [
// 'validation' => 'boolean',
'test_param' => [
'options' => [
public function addExposedFunction(string $functionName): void

View File

@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ class LocalToolsTable extends AppTable
'name' => $connector_class->name,
'connector' => $connector_type,
'connector_version' => $connector_class->version,
'connector_description' => $connector_class->description
'connector_description' => $connector_class->description,
'connector_parameters' => $connector_class->parameters ?? []
if ($includeConnections) {
$connector['connections'] = $this->healthCheck($connector_type, $connector_class);

View File

@ -4,21 +4,25 @@
'description' => __('Add connections to local tools via any of the available connectors below.'),
'model' => 'LocalTools',
'fields' => [
'field' => 'name'
'field' => 'connector',
'options' => $dropdownData['connectors'],
'type' => 'dropdown'
'field' => 'name'
'field' => 'exposed',
'type' => 'checkbox'
'field' => 'settings',
'type' => 'textarea'
'type' => 'codemirror',
'codemirror' => [
'height' => '10rem',
'hints' => $connectors[0]['connector_parameters']
'field' => 'description',

View File

@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ echo $this->element('genericElements/IndexTable/index_table', [
'data' => $data,
'top_bar' => [
'children' => [
'type' => 'simple',
'children' => [
'data' => [
'type' => 'simple',
'text' => __('Add connection'),
'popover_url' => sprintf('/localTools/add/%s', h($connector))
'type' => 'search',
'button' => __('Filter'),
@ -53,7 +63,6 @@ echo $this->element('genericElements/IndexTable/index_table', [
'title' => false,
'description' => false,
'pull' => 'right',
'actions' => [
'url' => '/localTools/view',
@ -63,16 +72,19 @@ echo $this->element('genericElements/IndexTable/index_table', [
'open_modal' => '/localTools/connectLocal/[onclick_params_data_path]',
'modal_params_data_path' => 'id',
'reload_url' => sprintf('/localTools/connectorIndex/%s', h($connector)),
'icon' => 'plug'
'open_modal' => '/localTools/edit/[onclick_params_data_path]',
'modal_params_data_path' => 'id',
'reload_url' => sprintf('/localTools/connectorIndex/%s', h($connector)),
'icon' => 'edit'
'open_modal' => '/localTools/delete/[onclick_params_data_path]',
'modal_params_data_path' => 'id',
'reload_url' => sprintf('/localTools/connectorIndex/%s', h($connector)),
'icon' => 'trash'

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ echo $this->element(
'children' => [
'url' => '/localTools/connectorIndex/',
'url' => '/localTools/connectorIndex/{{0}}',
'url_params' => ['connector'],
'title' => __('Connections')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// $randomVal = Cake\Utility\Security::randomString(8);
// $params['type'] = 'textarea';
// $textareaClass = "area-for-codemirror-{$randomVal}";
// $params['class'] = [$textareaClass];
// echo $this->FormFieldMassage->prepareFormElement($this->Form, $params, $fieldData);
echo $this->element('genericElements/codemirror', [
'data' => $fieldData,
'params' => $params,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
if (empty($textareaClass)) {
$params['type'] = 'textarea';
$randomVal = Cake\Utility\Security::randomString(8);
$textareaClass = "area-for-codemirror-{$randomVal}";
$params['class'] = [
echo $this->FormFieldMassage->prepareFormElement($this->Form, $params, $data);
} else {
echo sprintf('<textarea class="%s"></textarea>', $textareaClass);
(function() {
"use strict";
const $textArea = $('.<?= $textareaClass ?>')
const cmDefaultOptions = {
mode: {
name: 'javascript',
json: true
gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"],
lint: true,
showCursorWhenSelecting: true,
indentUnit: 4,
autoCloseBrackets: true,
matchBrackets: true,
smartIndent: true,
lineNumbers: true,
lineWrapping: true,
extraKeys: {
"Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete",
hintOptions: {
completeSingle: false,
hint: jsonHints,
maxHints: 100
hintData: {}
const passedOptions = <?= json_encode($data['codemirror'] ?? $data['codemirror']) ?>;
const cmOptions = Object.assign({}, cmDefaultOptions, passedOptions)
let cm
function init() {
cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($textArea[0], cmOptions);
if (cmOptions['height'] || cmOptions['width']) {
cmOptions['width'] ? cmOptions['width'] : null,
cmOptions['height'] ? cmOptions['height'] : null
if (cmOptions.hints) {
for (const key in cmOptions.hints) {
if (, key)) {
const element = cmOptions.hints[key];
cmOptions.hintData[key] = element.options ? element.options: null
cm.on("keyup", function (cm, event) {
if (!cm.state.completionActive && /*Enables keyboard navigation in autocomplete list*/
event.keyCode != 13) { /*Enter - do not open autocomplete list just after item has been selected in it*/
function postInit() {
if ($(cm.getInputField()).closest('.modal').length) { // editor is in modal
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200); // modal takes 150ms to be displayed
function jsonHints() {
const cur = cm.getCursor()
const token = cm.getTokenAt(cur)
if (token.type != 'string property' && token.type != 'string') {
if (cm.getMode().helperType !== "json") {
token.state = cm.state;
token.line = cur.line
if (/\"([^\"]*)\"/.test(token.string)) {
token.end =;
token.string = token.string.slice(1, - token.start);
return {
list: getCompletions(token, token.type == 'string property'),
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, token.start+1),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, token.end)
function getCompletions(token, isJSONKey) {
let hints = []
if (isJSONKey) {
hints = findMatchingHints(token.string, Object.keys(cmOptions.hintData))
} else {
const jsonKey = findPropertyForValue(token)
if (cmOptions.hintData[jsonKey]) {
hints = findMatchingHints(token.string, cmOptions.hintData[jsonKey])
return hints
function findMatchingHints(str, hints) {
hints = {
var strArray = typeof str === "object" ? String(str.value).split('&quot;') : str.split('&quot;')
return {
text: strArray.join('\\\"'), // transforms quoted elements into escaped quote
displayText: typeof str === "object" ? str.label : strArray.join('\"'),
render: function(elem, self, data) {
if (str.length > 0) {
let validHints = []
let hint
for (let i = 0; hints.length < cmOptions.hintOptions.maxHints && i < validHints.length; i++) {
if (hints[i].text.startsWith(str)) {
return validHints
} else {
return hints.slice(0, cmOptions.hintOptions.maxHints)
function findPropertyForValue(token) {
const absoluteIndex = cm.indexFromPos(CodeMirror.Pos(token.line, token.start))
const rawText = cm.getValue()
for (let index = absoluteIndex; index > 0; index--) {
const ch = rawText[index];
if (ch == ':') {
const token = cm.getTokenAt(cm.posFromIndex(index-2))
if (token.type == 'string property') {
return token.string.slice(1, token.string.length-1);
return false

View File

@ -41,6 +41,18 @@ $cakeDescription = 'Cerebrate';
<?= $this->Html->script('main.js') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('bootstrap-helper.js') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('api-helper.js') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/codemirror.js') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/mode/javascript/javascript') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/addon/hint/show-hint') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/addon/lint/lint') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/addon/lint/jsonlint') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/addon/lint/json-lint') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets') ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('CodeMirror/addon/edit/closebrackets') ?>
<?= $this->Html->css('CodeMirror/codemirror') ?>
<?= $this->Html->css('CodeMirror/codemirror-additional') ?>
<?= $this->Html->css('CodeMirror/addon/hint/show-hint') ?>
<?= $this->Html->css('CodeMirror/addon/lint/lint') ?>
<?= $this->fetch('meta') ?>
<?= $this->fetch('css') ?>
<?= $this->fetch('script') ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
.CodeMirror-hints {
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
overflow: hidden;
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 2px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.2);
border-radius: 3px;
border: 1px solid silver;
background: white;
font-size: 90%;
font-family: monospace;
max-height: 20em;
overflow-y: auto;
.CodeMirror-hint {
margin: 0;
padding: 0 4px;
border-radius: 2px;
white-space: pre;
color: black;
cursor: pointer;
li.CodeMirror-hint-active {
background: #08f;
color: white;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
/* The lint marker gutter */
.CodeMirror-lint-markers {
width: 16px;
.CodeMirror-lint-tooltip {
background-color: #ffd;
border: 1px solid black;
border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
color: black;
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 10pt;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 2px 5px;
position: fixed;
white-space: pre;
white-space: pre-wrap;
z-index: 100;
max-width: 600px;
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity .4s;
-moz-transition: opacity .4s;
-webkit-transition: opacity .4s;
-o-transition: opacity .4s;
-ms-transition: opacity .4s;
.CodeMirror-lint-mark {
background-position: left bottom;
background-repeat: repeat-x;
.CodeMirror-lint-mark-warning {
.CodeMirror-lint-mark-error {
.CodeMirror-lint-marker {
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
vertical-align: middle;
position: relative;
.CodeMirror-lint-message {
padding-left: 18px;
background-position: top left;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
.CodeMirror-lint-marker-warning, .CodeMirror-lint-message-warning {
background-image: url("");
.CodeMirror-lint-marker-error, .CodeMirror-lint-message-error {
.CodeMirror-lint-marker-multiple {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right bottom;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
.CodeMirror-lint-line-error {
background-color: rgba(183, 76, 81, 0.08);
.CodeMirror-lint-line-warning {
background-color: rgba(255, 211, 0, 0.1);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.cm-s-default {
border: 1px solid #ced4da;
border-radius: 0.25rem;
.CodeMirror-gutters {
border-radius: 0.25rem 0 0 0.25rem;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
/* BASICS */
.CodeMirror {
/* Set height, width, borders, and global font properties here */
font-family: monospace;
height: 300px;
color: black;
direction: ltr;
.CodeMirror-lines {
padding: 4px 0; /* Vertical padding around content */
.CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line,
.CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line-like {
padding: 0 4px; /* Horizontal padding of content */
.CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler, .CodeMirror-gutter-filler {
background-color: white; /* The little square between H and V scrollbars */
/* GUTTER */
.CodeMirror-gutters {
border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
background-color: #f7f7f7;
white-space: nowrap;
.CodeMirror-linenumbers {}
.CodeMirror-linenumber {
padding: 0 3px 0 5px;
min-width: 20px;
text-align: right;
color: #999;
white-space: nowrap;
.CodeMirror-guttermarker { color: black; }
.CodeMirror-guttermarker-subtle { color: #999; }
/* CURSOR */
.CodeMirror-cursor {
border-left: 1px solid black;
border-right: none;
width: 0;
/* Shown when moving in bi-directional text */
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-secondarycursor {
border-left: 1px solid silver;
.cm-fat-cursor .CodeMirror-cursor {
width: auto;
border: 0 !important;
background: #7e7;
.cm-fat-cursor div.CodeMirror-cursors {
z-index: 1;
.cm-fat-cursor-mark {
background-color: rgba(20, 255, 20, 0.5);
-webkit-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite;
-moz-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite;
animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite;
.cm-animate-fat-cursor {
width: auto;
border: 0;
-webkit-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite;
-moz-animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite;
animation: blink 1.06s steps(1) infinite;
background-color: #7e7;
@-moz-keyframes blink {
0% {}
50% { background-color: transparent; }
100% {}
@-webkit-keyframes blink {
0% {}
50% { background-color: transparent; }
100% {}
@keyframes blink {
0% {}
50% { background-color: transparent; }
100% {}
/* Can style cursor different in overwrite (non-insert) mode */
.CodeMirror-overwrite .CodeMirror-cursor {}
.cm-tab { display: inline-block; text-decoration: inherit; }
.CodeMirror-rulers {
position: absolute;
left: 0; right: 0; top: -50px; bottom: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.CodeMirror-ruler {
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
top: 0; bottom: 0;
position: absolute;
.cm-s-default .cm-header {color: blue;}
.cm-s-default .cm-quote {color: #090;}
.cm-negative {color: #d44;}
.cm-positive {color: #292;}
.cm-header, .cm-strong {font-weight: bold;}
.cm-em {font-style: italic;}
.cm-link {text-decoration: underline;}
.cm-strikethrough {text-decoration: line-through;}
.cm-s-default .cm-keyword {color: #708;}
.cm-s-default .cm-atom {color: #219;}
.cm-s-default .cm-number {color: #164;}
.cm-s-default .cm-def {color: #00f;}
.cm-s-default .cm-variable,
.cm-s-default .cm-punctuation,
.cm-s-default .cm-property,
.cm-s-default .cm-operator {}
.cm-s-default .cm-variable-2 {color: #05a;}
.cm-s-default .cm-variable-3, .cm-s-default .cm-type {color: #085;}
.cm-s-default .cm-comment {color: #a50;}
.cm-s-default .cm-string {color: #a11;}
.cm-s-default .cm-string-2 {color: #f50;}
.cm-s-default .cm-meta {color: #555;}
.cm-s-default .cm-qualifier {color: #555;}
.cm-s-default .cm-builtin {color: #30a;}
.cm-s-default .cm-bracket {color: #997;}
.cm-s-default .cm-tag {color: #170;}
.cm-s-default .cm-attribute {color: #00c;}
.cm-s-default .cm-hr {color: #999;}
.cm-s-default .cm-link {color: #00c;}
.cm-s-default .cm-error {color: #f00;}
.cm-invalidchar {color: #f00;}
.CodeMirror-composing { border-bottom: 2px solid; }
/* Default styles for common addons */
div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket {color: #0b0;}
div.CodeMirror span.CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket {color: #a22;}
.CodeMirror-matchingtag { background: rgba(255, 150, 0, .3); }
.CodeMirror-activeline-background {background: #e8f2ff;}
/* STOP */
/* The rest of this file contains styles related to the mechanics of
the editor. You probably shouldn't touch them. */
.CodeMirror {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
background: white;
.CodeMirror-scroll {
overflow: scroll !important; /* Things will break if this is overridden */
/* 50px is the magic margin used to hide the element's real scrollbars */
/* See overflow: hidden in .CodeMirror */
margin-bottom: -50px; margin-right: -50px;
padding-bottom: 50px;
height: 100%;
outline: none; /* Prevent dragging from highlighting the element */
position: relative;
.CodeMirror-sizer {
position: relative;
border-right: 50px solid transparent;
/* The fake, visible scrollbars. Used to force redraw during scrolling
before actual scrolling happens, thus preventing shaking and
flickering artifacts. */
.CodeMirror-vscrollbar, .CodeMirror-hscrollbar, .CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler, .CodeMirror-gutter-filler {
position: absolute;
z-index: 6;
display: none;
outline: none;
.CodeMirror-vscrollbar {
right: 0; top: 0;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: scroll;
.CodeMirror-hscrollbar {
bottom: 0; left: 0;
overflow-y: hidden;
overflow-x: scroll;
.CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler {
right: 0; bottom: 0;
.CodeMirror-gutter-filler {
left: 0; bottom: 0;
.CodeMirror-gutters {
position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;
min-height: 100%;
z-index: 3;
.CodeMirror-gutter {
white-space: normal;
height: 100%;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
margin-bottom: -50px;
.CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper {
position: absolute;
z-index: 4;
background: none !important;
border: none !important;
.CodeMirror-gutter-background {
position: absolute;
top: 0; bottom: 0;
z-index: 4;
.CodeMirror-gutter-elt {
position: absolute;
cursor: default;
z-index: 4;
.CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper ::selection { background-color: transparent }
.CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper ::-moz-selection { background-color: transparent }
.CodeMirror-lines {
cursor: text;
min-height: 1px; /* prevents collapsing before first draw */
.CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line,
.CodeMirror pre.CodeMirror-line-like {
/* Reset some styles that the rest of the page might have set */
-moz-border-radius: 0; -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0;
border-width: 0;
background: transparent;
font-family: inherit;
font-size: inherit;
margin: 0;
white-space: pre;
word-wrap: normal;
line-height: inherit;
color: inherit;
z-index: 2;
position: relative;
overflow: visible;
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
-webkit-font-variant-ligatures: contextual;
font-variant-ligatures: contextual;
.CodeMirror-wrap pre.CodeMirror-line,
.CodeMirror-wrap pre.CodeMirror-line-like {
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: normal;
.CodeMirror-linebackground {
position: absolute;
left: 0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;
z-index: 0;
.CodeMirror-linewidget {
position: relative;
z-index: 2;
padding: 0.1px; /* Force widget margins to stay inside of the container */
.CodeMirror-widget {}
.CodeMirror-rtl pre { direction: rtl; }
.CodeMirror-code {
outline: none;
/* Force content-box sizing for the elements where we expect it */
.CodeMirror-linenumber {
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;
.CodeMirror-measure {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
visibility: hidden;
.CodeMirror-cursor {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
.CodeMirror-measure pre { position: static; }
div.CodeMirror-cursors {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
z-index: 3;
div.CodeMirror-dragcursors {
visibility: visible;
.CodeMirror-focused div.CodeMirror-cursors {
visibility: visible;
.CodeMirror-selected { background: #d9d9d9; }
.CodeMirror-focused .CodeMirror-selected { background: #d7d4f0; }
.CodeMirror-crosshair { cursor: crosshair; }
.CodeMirror-line::selection, .CodeMirror-line > span::selection, .CodeMirror-line > span > span::selection { background: #d7d4f0; }
.CodeMirror-line::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-line > span::-moz-selection, .CodeMirror-line > span > span::-moz-selection { background: #d7d4f0; }
.cm-searching {
background-color: #ffa;
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 0, .4);
/* Used to force a border model for a node */
.cm-force-border { padding-right: .1px; }
@media print {
/* Hide the cursor when printing */
.CodeMirror div.CodeMirror-cursors {
visibility: hidden;
/* See issue #2901 */
.cm-tab-wrap-hack:after { content: ''; }
/* Help users use markselection to safely style text background */
span.CodeMirror-selectedtext { background: none; }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
var defaults = {
pairs: "()[]{}''\"\"",
closeBefore: ")]}'\":;>",
triples: "",
explode: "[]{}"
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
CodeMirror.defineOption("autoCloseBrackets", false, function(cm, val, old) {
if (old && old != CodeMirror.Init) {
cm.state.closeBrackets = null;
if (val) {
ensureBound(getOption(val, "pairs"))
cm.state.closeBrackets = val;
function getOption(conf, name) {
if (name == "pairs" && typeof conf == "string") return conf;
if (typeof conf == "object" && conf[name] != null) return conf[name];
return defaults[name];
var keyMap = {Backspace: handleBackspace, Enter: handleEnter};
function ensureBound(chars) {
for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
var ch = chars.charAt(i), key = "'" + ch + "'"
if (!keyMap[key]) keyMap[key] = handler(ch)
ensureBound(defaults.pairs + "`")
function handler(ch) {
return function(cm) { return handleChar(cm, ch); };
function getConfig(cm) {
var deflt = cm.state.closeBrackets;
if (!deflt || deflt.override) return deflt;
var mode = cm.getModeAt(cm.getCursor());
return mode.closeBrackets || deflt;
function handleBackspace(cm) {
var conf = getConfig(cm);
if (!conf || cm.getOption("disableInput")) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var pairs = getOption(conf, "pairs");
var ranges = cm.listSelections();
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
if (!ranges[i].empty()) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var around = charsAround(cm, ranges[i].head);
if (!around || pairs.indexOf(around) % 2 != 0) return CodeMirror.Pass;
for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var cur = ranges[i].head;
cm.replaceRange("", Pos(cur.line, - 1), Pos(cur.line, + 1), "+delete");
function handleEnter(cm) {
var conf = getConfig(cm);
var explode = conf && getOption(conf, "explode");
if (!explode || cm.getOption("disableInput")) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var ranges = cm.listSelections();
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
if (!ranges[i].empty()) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var around = charsAround(cm, ranges[i].head);
if (!around || explode.indexOf(around) % 2 != 0) return CodeMirror.Pass;
cm.operation(function() {
var linesep = cm.lineSeparator() || "\n";
cm.replaceSelection(linesep + linesep, null);
moveSel(cm, -1)
ranges = cm.listSelections();
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
var line = ranges[i].head.line;
cm.indentLine(line, null, true);
cm.indentLine(line + 1, null, true);
function moveSel(cm, dir) {
var newRanges = [], ranges = cm.listSelections(), primary = 0
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
var range = ranges[i]
if (range.head == cm.getCursor()) primary = i
var pos = || dir > 0 ? {line: range.head.line, ch: + dir} : {line: range.head.line - 1}
newRanges.push({anchor: pos, head: pos})
cm.setSelections(newRanges, primary)
function contractSelection(sel) {
var inverted = CodeMirror.cmpPos(sel.anchor, sel.head) > 0;
return {anchor: new Pos(sel.anchor.line, + (inverted ? -1 : 1)),
head: new Pos(sel.head.line, + (inverted ? 1 : -1))};
function handleChar(cm, ch) {
var conf = getConfig(cm);
if (!conf || cm.getOption("disableInput")) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var pairs = getOption(conf, "pairs");
var pos = pairs.indexOf(ch);
if (pos == -1) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var closeBefore = getOption(conf,"closeBefore");
var triples = getOption(conf, "triples");
var identical = pairs.charAt(pos + 1) == ch;
var ranges = cm.listSelections();
var opening = pos % 2 == 0;
var type;
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
var range = ranges[i], cur = range.head, curType;
var next = cm.getRange(cur, Pos(cur.line, + 1));
if (opening && !range.empty()) {
curType = "surround";
} else if ((identical || !opening) && next == ch) {
if (identical && stringStartsAfter(cm, cur))
curType = "both";
else if (triples.indexOf(ch) >= 0 && cm.getRange(cur, Pos(cur.line, + 3)) == ch + ch + ch)
curType = "skipThree";
curType = "skip";
} else if (identical && > 1 && triples.indexOf(ch) >= 0 &&
cm.getRange(Pos(cur.line, - 2), cur) == ch + ch) {
if ( > 2 && /\bstring/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(cur.line, - 2)))) return CodeMirror.Pass;
curType = "addFour";
} else if (identical) {
var prev = == 0 ? " " : cm.getRange(Pos(cur.line, - 1), cur)
if (!CodeMirror.isWordChar(next) && prev != ch && !CodeMirror.isWordChar(prev)) curType = "both";
else return CodeMirror.Pass;
} else if (opening && (next.length === 0 || /\s/.test(next) || closeBefore.indexOf(next) > -1)) {
curType = "both";
} else {
return CodeMirror.Pass;
if (!type) type = curType;
else if (type != curType) return CodeMirror.Pass;
var left = pos % 2 ? pairs.charAt(pos - 1) : ch;
var right = pos % 2 ? ch : pairs.charAt(pos + 1);
cm.operation(function() {
if (type == "skip") {
moveSel(cm, 1)
} else if (type == "skipThree") {
moveSel(cm, 3)
} else if (type == "surround") {
var sels = cm.getSelections();
for (var i = 0; i < sels.length; i++)
sels[i] = left + sels[i] + right;
cm.replaceSelections(sels, "around");
sels = cm.listSelections().slice();
for (var i = 0; i < sels.length; i++)
sels[i] = contractSelection(sels[i]);
} else if (type == "both") {
cm.replaceSelection(left + right, null);
cm.triggerElectric(left + right);
moveSel(cm, -1)
} else if (type == "addFour") {
cm.replaceSelection(left + left + left + left, "before");
moveSel(cm, 1)
function charsAround(cm, pos) {
var str = cm.getRange(Pos(pos.line, - 1),
Pos(pos.line, + 1));
return str.length == 2 ? str : null;
function stringStartsAfter(cm, pos) {
var token = cm.getTokenAt(Pos(pos.line, + 1))
return /\bstring/.test(token.type) && token.start == &&
( == 0 || !/\bstring/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(pos)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
var ie_lt8 = /MSIE \d/.test(navigator.userAgent) &&
(document.documentMode == null || document.documentMode < 8);
var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
var matching = {"(": ")>", ")": "(<", "[": "]>", "]": "[<", "{": "}>", "}": "{<", "<": ">>", ">": "<<"};
function bracketRegex(config) {
return config && config.bracketRegex || /[(){}[\]]/
function findMatchingBracket(cm, where, config) {
var line = cm.getLineHandle(where.line), pos = - 1;
var afterCursor = config && config.afterCursor
if (afterCursor == null)
afterCursor = /(^| )cm-fat-cursor($| )/.test(cm.getWrapperElement().className)
var re = bracketRegex(config)
// A cursor is defined as between two characters, but in in vim command mode
// (i.e. not insert mode), the cursor is visually represented as a
// highlighted box on top of the 2nd character. Otherwise, we allow matches
// from before or after the cursor.
var match = (!afterCursor && pos >= 0 && re.test(line.text.charAt(pos)) && matching[line.text.charAt(pos)]) ||
re.test(line.text.charAt(pos + 1)) && matching[line.text.charAt(++pos)];
if (!match) return null;
var dir = match.charAt(1) == ">" ? 1 : -1;
if (config && config.strict && (dir > 0) != (pos == return null;
var style = cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(where.line, pos + 1));
var found = scanForBracket(cm, Pos(where.line, pos + (dir > 0 ? 1 : 0)), dir, style, config);
if (found == null) return null;
return {from: Pos(where.line, pos), to: found && found.pos,
match: found && == match.charAt(0), forward: dir > 0};
// bracketRegex is used to specify which type of bracket to scan
// should be a regexp, e.g. /[[\]]/
// Note: If "where" is on an open bracket, then this bracket is ignored.
// Returns false when no bracket was found, null when it reached
// maxScanLines and gave up
function scanForBracket(cm, where, dir, style, config) {
var maxScanLen = (config && config.maxScanLineLength) || 10000;
var maxScanLines = (config && config.maxScanLines) || 1000;
var stack = [];
var re = bracketRegex(config)
var lineEnd = dir > 0 ? Math.min(where.line + maxScanLines, cm.lastLine() + 1)
: Math.max(cm.firstLine() - 1, where.line - maxScanLines);
for (var lineNo = where.line; lineNo != lineEnd; lineNo += dir) {
var line = cm.getLine(lineNo);
if (!line) continue;
var pos = dir > 0 ? 0 : line.length - 1, end = dir > 0 ? line.length : -1;
if (line.length > maxScanLen) continue;
if (lineNo == where.line) pos = - (dir < 0 ? 1 : 0);
for (; pos != end; pos += dir) {
var ch = line.charAt(pos);
if (re.test(ch) && (style === undefined ||
(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(lineNo, pos + 1)) || "") == (style || ""))) {
var match = matching[ch];
if (match && (match.charAt(1) == ">") == (dir > 0)) stack.push(ch);
else if (!stack.length) return {pos: Pos(lineNo, pos), ch: ch};
else stack.pop();
return lineNo - dir == (dir > 0 ? cm.lastLine() : cm.firstLine()) ? false : null;
function matchBrackets(cm, autoclear, config) {
// Disable brace matching in long lines, since it'll cause hugely slow updates
var maxHighlightLen = cm.state.matchBrackets.maxHighlightLineLength || 1000,
highlightNonMatching = config && config.highlightNonMatching;
var marks = [], ranges = cm.listSelections();
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
var match = ranges[i].empty() && findMatchingBracket(cm, ranges[i].head, config);
if (match && (match.match || highlightNonMatching !== false) && cm.getLine(match.from.line).length <= maxHighlightLen) {
var style = match.match ? "CodeMirror-matchingbracket" : "CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket";
marks.push(cm.markText(match.from, Pos(match.from.line, + 1), {className: style}));
if ( && cm.getLine( <= maxHighlightLen)
marks.push(cm.markText(, Pos(, + 1), {className: style}));
if (marks.length) {
// Kludge to work around the IE bug from issue #1193, where text
// input stops going to the textarea whenever this fires.
if (ie_lt8 && cm.state.focused) cm.focus();
var clear = function() {
cm.operation(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) marks[i].clear();
if (autoclear) setTimeout(clear, 800);
else return clear;
function doMatchBrackets(cm) {
cm.operation(function() {
if (cm.state.matchBrackets.currentlyHighlighted) {
cm.state.matchBrackets.currentlyHighlighted = null;
cm.state.matchBrackets.currentlyHighlighted = matchBrackets(cm, false, cm.state.matchBrackets);
function clearHighlighted(cm) {
if (cm.state.matchBrackets && cm.state.matchBrackets.currentlyHighlighted) {
cm.state.matchBrackets.currentlyHighlighted = null;
CodeMirror.defineOption("matchBrackets", false, function(cm, val, old) {
if (old && old != CodeMirror.Init) {"cursorActivity", doMatchBrackets);"focus", doMatchBrackets)"blur", clearHighlighted)
if (val) {
cm.state.matchBrackets = typeof val == "object" ? val : {};
cm.on("cursorActivity", doMatchBrackets);
cm.on("focus", doMatchBrackets)
cm.on("blur", clearHighlighted)
CodeMirror.defineExtension("matchBrackets", function() {matchBrackets(this, true);});
CodeMirror.defineExtension("findMatchingBracket", function(pos, config, oldConfig){
// Backwards-compatibility kludge
if (oldConfig || typeof config == "boolean") {
if (!oldConfig) {
config = config ? {strict: true} : null
} else {
oldConfig.strict = config
config = oldConfig
return findMatchingBracket(this, pos, config)
CodeMirror.defineExtension("scanForBracket", function(pos, dir, style, config){
return scanForBracket(this, pos, dir, style, config);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
// declare global: DOMRect
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-hint";
var ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS = "CodeMirror-hint-active";
// This is the old interface, kept around for now to stay
// backwards-compatible.
CodeMirror.showHint = function(cm, getHints, options) {
if (!getHints) return cm.showHint(options);
if (options && options.async) getHints.async = true;
var newOpts = {hint: getHints};
if (options) for (var prop in options) newOpts[prop] = options[prop];
return cm.showHint(newOpts);
CodeMirror.defineExtension("showHint", function(options) {
options = parseOptions(this, this.getCursor("start"), options);
var selections = this.listSelections()
if (selections.length > 1) return;
// By default, don't allow completion when something is selected.
// A hint function can have a `supportsSelection` property to
// indicate that it can handle selections.
if (this.somethingSelected()) {
if (!options.hint.supportsSelection) return;
// Don't try with cross-line selections
for (var i = 0; i < selections.length; i++)
if (selections[i].head.line != selections[i].anchor.line) return;
if (this.state.completionActive) this.state.completionActive.close();
var completion = this.state.completionActive = new Completion(this, options);
if (!completion.options.hint) return;
CodeMirror.signal(this, "startCompletion", this);
CodeMirror.defineExtension("closeHint", function() {
if (this.state.completionActive) this.state.completionActive.close()
function Completion(cm, options) { = cm;
this.options = options;
this.widget = null;
this.debounce = 0;
this.tick = 0;
this.startPos ="start");
this.startLen = -;
if (this.options.updateOnCursorActivity) {
var self = this;
cm.on("cursorActivity", this.activityFunc = function() { self.cursorActivity(); });
var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || function(fn) {
return setTimeout(fn, 1000/60);
var cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame || clearTimeout;
Completion.prototype = {
close: function() {
if (! return; = null;
this.tick = null;
if (this.options.updateOnCursorActivity) {"cursorActivity", this.activityFunc);
if (this.widget && CodeMirror.signal(, "close");
if (this.widget) this.widget.close();
CodeMirror.signal(, "endCompletion",;
active: function() {
return == this;
pick: function(data, i) {
var completion = data.list[i], self = this; {
if (completion.hint)
completion.hint(, data, completion);
else, completion.from || data.from, ||, "complete");
CodeMirror.signal(data, "pick", completion);;
if (this.options.closeOnPick) {
cursorActivity: function() {
if (this.debounce) {
this.debounce = 0;
var identStart = this.startPos;
if( {
identStart =;
var pos =, line =;
if (pos.line != this.startPos.line || line.length - != this.startLen - || < || ||
(! || this.options.closeCharacters.test(line.charAt( - 1)))) {
} else {
var self = this;
this.debounce = requestAnimationFrame(function() {self.update();});
if (this.widget) this.widget.disable();
update: function(first) {
if (this.tick == null) return
var self = this, myTick = ++this.tick
fetchHints(this.options.hint,, this.options, function(data) {
if (self.tick == myTick) self.finishUpdate(data, first)
finishUpdate: function(data, first) {
if ( CodeMirror.signal(, "update");
var picked = (this.widget && this.widget.picked) || (first && this.options.completeSingle);
if (this.widget) this.widget.close(); = data;
if (data && data.list.length) {
if (picked && data.list.length == 1) {
this.pick(data, 0);
} else {
this.widget = new Widget(this, data);
CodeMirror.signal(data, "shown");
function parseOptions(cm, pos, options) {
var editor = cm.options.hintOptions;
var out = {};
for (var prop in defaultOptions) out[prop] = defaultOptions[prop];
if (editor) for (var prop in editor)
if (editor[prop] !== undefined) out[prop] = editor[prop];
if (options) for (var prop in options)
if (options[prop] !== undefined) out[prop] = options[prop];
if (out.hint.resolve) out.hint = out.hint.resolve(cm, pos)
return out;
function getText(completion) {
if (typeof completion == "string") return completion;
else return completion.text;
function buildKeyMap(completion, handle) {
var baseMap = {
Up: function() {handle.moveFocus(-1);},
Down: function() {handle.moveFocus(1);},
PageUp: function() {handle.moveFocus(-handle.menuSize() + 1, true);},
PageDown: function() {handle.moveFocus(handle.menuSize() - 1, true);},
Home: function() {handle.setFocus(0);},
End: function() {handle.setFocus(handle.length - 1);},
Enter: handle.pick,
Tab: handle.pick,
Esc: handle.close
var mac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform);
if (mac) {
baseMap["Ctrl-P"] = function() {handle.moveFocus(-1);};
baseMap["Ctrl-N"] = function() {handle.moveFocus(1);};
var custom = completion.options.customKeys;
var ourMap = custom ? {} : baseMap;
function addBinding(key, val) {
var bound;
if (typeof val != "string")
bound = function(cm) { return val(cm, handle); };
// This mechanism is deprecated
else if (baseMap.hasOwnProperty(val))
bound = baseMap[val];
bound = val;
ourMap[key] = bound;
if (custom)
for (var key in custom) if (custom.hasOwnProperty(key))
addBinding(key, custom[key]);
var extra = completion.options.extraKeys;
if (extra)
for (var key in extra) if (extra.hasOwnProperty(key))
addBinding(key, extra[key]);
return ourMap;
function getHintElement(hintsElement, el) {
while (el && el != hintsElement) {
if (el.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "LI" && el.parentNode == hintsElement) return el;
el = el.parentNode;
function Widget(completion, data) {
this.completion = completion; = data;
this.picked = false;
var widget = this, cm =;
var ownerDocument = cm.getInputField().ownerDocument;
var parentWindow = ownerDocument.defaultView || ownerDocument.parentWindow;
var hints = this.hints = ownerDocument.createElement("ul");
var theme =;
hints.className = "CodeMirror-hints " + theme;
this.selectedHint = data.selectedHint || 0;
var completions = data.list;
for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) {
var elt = hints.appendChild(ownerDocument.createElement("li")), cur = completions[i];
var className = HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS + (i != this.selectedHint ? "" : " " + ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS);
if (cur.className != null) className = cur.className + " " + className;
elt.className = className;
if (cur.render) cur.render(elt, data, cur);
else elt.appendChild(ownerDocument.createTextNode(cur.displayText || getText(cur)));
elt.hintId = i;
var container = completion.options.container || ownerDocument.body;
var pos = cm.cursorCoords(completion.options.alignWithWord ? data.from : null);
var left = pos.left, top = pos.bottom, below = true;
var offsetLeft = 0, offsetTop = 0;
if (container !== ownerDocument.body) {
// We offset the cursor position because left and top are relative to the offsetParent's top left corner.
var isContainerPositioned = ['absolute', 'relative', 'fixed'].indexOf(parentWindow.getComputedStyle(container).position) !== -1;
var offsetParent = isContainerPositioned ? container : container.offsetParent;
var offsetParentPosition = offsetParent.getBoundingClientRect();
var bodyPosition = ownerDocument.body.getBoundingClientRect();
offsetLeft = (offsetParentPosition.left - bodyPosition.left - offsetParent.scrollLeft);
offsetTop = ( - - offsetParent.scrollTop);
} = (left - offsetLeft) + "px"; = (top - offsetTop) + "px";
// If we're at the edge of the screen, then we want the menu to appear on the left of the cursor.
var winW = parentWindow.innerWidth || Math.max(ownerDocument.body.offsetWidth, ownerDocument.documentElement.offsetWidth);
var winH = parentWindow.innerHeight || Math.max(ownerDocument.body.offsetHeight, ownerDocument.documentElement.offsetHeight);
var box = completion.options.moveOnOverlap ? hints.getBoundingClientRect() : new DOMRect();
var scrolls = completion.options.paddingForScrollbar ? hints.scrollHeight > hints.clientHeight + 1 : false;
// Compute in the timeout to avoid reflow on init
var startScroll;
setTimeout(function() { startScroll = cm.getScrollInfo(); });
var overlapY = box.bottom - winH;
if (overlapY > 0) {
var height = box.bottom -, curTop = - (pos.bottom -;
if (curTop - height > 0) { // Fits above cursor = (top = - height - offsetTop) + "px";
below = false;
} else if (height > winH) { = (winH - 5) + "px"; = (top = pos.bottom - - offsetTop) + "px";
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
if ( != {
pos = cm.cursorCoords(cursor); = (left = pos.left - offsetLeft) + "px";
box = hints.getBoundingClientRect();
var overlapX = box.right - winW;
if (scrolls) overlapX += cm.display.nativeBarWidth;
if (overlapX > 0) {
if (box.right - box.left > winW) { = (winW - 5) + "px";
overlapX -= (box.right - box.left) - winW;
} = (left = pos.left - overlapX - offsetLeft) + "px";
if (scrolls) for (var node = hints.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling) = cm.display.nativeBarWidth + "px"
cm.addKeyMap(this.keyMap = buildKeyMap(completion, {
moveFocus: function(n, avoidWrap) { widget.changeActive(widget.selectedHint + n, avoidWrap); },
setFocus: function(n) { widget.changeActive(n); },
menuSize: function() { return widget.screenAmount(); },
length: completions.length,
close: function() { completion.close(); },
pick: function() { widget.pick(); },
data: data
if (completion.options.closeOnUnfocus) {
var closingOnBlur;
cm.on("blur", this.onBlur = function() { closingOnBlur = setTimeout(function() { completion.close(); }, 100); });
cm.on("focus", this.onFocus = function() { clearTimeout(closingOnBlur); });
cm.on("scroll", this.onScroll = function() {
var curScroll = cm.getScrollInfo(), editor = cm.getWrapperElement().getBoundingClientRect();
if (!startScroll) startScroll = cm.getScrollInfo();
var newTop = top + -;
var point = newTop - (parentWindow.pageYOffset || (ownerDocument.documentElement || ownerDocument.body).scrollTop);
if (!below) point += hints.offsetHeight;
if (point <= || point >= editor.bottom) return completion.close(); = newTop + "px"; = (left + startScroll.left - curScroll.left) + "px";
CodeMirror.on(hints, "dblclick", function(e) {
var t = getHintElement(hints, || e.srcElement);
if (t && t.hintId != null) {widget.changeActive(t.hintId); widget.pick();}
CodeMirror.on(hints, "click", function(e) {
var t = getHintElement(hints, || e.srcElement);
if (t && t.hintId != null) {
if (completion.options.completeOnSingleClick) widget.pick();
CodeMirror.on(hints, "mousedown", function() {
setTimeout(function(){cm.focus();}, 20);
// The first hint doesn't need to be scrolled to on init
var selectedHintRange = this.getSelectedHintRange();
if (selectedHintRange.from !== 0 || !== 0) {
CodeMirror.signal(data, "select", completions[this.selectedHint], hints.childNodes[this.selectedHint]);
return true;
Widget.prototype = {
close: function() {
if (this.completion.widget != this) return;
this.completion.widget = null;
if (this.hints.parentNode) this.hints.parentNode.removeChild(this.hints);;
var cm =;
if (this.completion.options.closeOnUnfocus) {"blur", this.onBlur);"focus", this.onFocus);
}"scroll", this.onScroll);
disable: function() {;
var widget = this;
this.keyMap = {Enter: function() { widget.picked = true; }};;
pick: function() {
this.completion.pick(, this.selectedHint);
changeActive: function(i, avoidWrap) {
if (i >=
i = avoidWrap ? - 1 : 0;
else if (i < 0)
i = avoidWrap ? 0 : - 1;
if (this.selectedHint == i) return;
var node = this.hints.childNodes[this.selectedHint];
if (node) node.className = node.className.replace(" " + ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS, "");
node = this.hints.childNodes[this.selectedHint = i];
node.className += " " + ACTIVE_HINT_ELEMENT_CLASS;
CodeMirror.signal(, "select",[this.selectedHint], node);
scrollToActive: function() {
var selectedHintRange = this.getSelectedHintRange();
var node1 = this.hints.childNodes[selectedHintRange.from];
var node2 = this.hints.childNodes[];
var firstNode = this.hints.firstChild;
if (node1.offsetTop < this.hints.scrollTop)
this.hints.scrollTop = node1.offsetTop - firstNode.offsetTop;
else if (node2.offsetTop + node2.offsetHeight > this.hints.scrollTop + this.hints.clientHeight)
this.hints.scrollTop = node2.offsetTop + node2.offsetHeight - this.hints.clientHeight + firstNode.offsetTop;
screenAmount: function() {
return Math.floor(this.hints.clientHeight / this.hints.firstChild.offsetHeight) || 1;
getSelectedHintRange: function() {
var margin = this.completion.options.scrollMargin || 0;
return {
from: Math.max(0, this.selectedHint - margin),
to: Math.min( - 1, this.selectedHint + margin),
function applicableHelpers(cm, helpers) {
if (!cm.somethingSelected()) return helpers
var result = []
for (var i = 0; i < helpers.length; i++)
if (helpers[i].supportsSelection) result.push(helpers[i])
return result
function fetchHints(hint, cm, options, callback) {
if (hint.async) {
hint(cm, callback, options)
} else {
var result = hint(cm, options)
if (result && result.then) result.then(callback)
else callback(result)
function resolveAutoHints(cm, pos) {
var helpers = cm.getHelpers(pos, "hint"), words
if (helpers.length) {
var resolved = function(cm, callback, options) {
var app = applicableHelpers(cm, helpers);
function run(i) {
if (i == app.length) return callback(null)
fetchHints(app[i], cm, options, function(result) {
if (result && result.list.length > 0) callback(result)
else run(i + 1)
resolved.async = true
resolved.supportsSelection = true
return resolved
} else if (words = cm.getHelper(cm.getCursor(), "hintWords")) {
return function(cm) { return CodeMirror.hint.fromList(cm, {words: words}) }
} else if (CodeMirror.hint.anyword) {
return function(cm, options) { return CodeMirror.hint.anyword(cm, options) }
} else {
return function() {}
CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "auto", {
resolve: resolveAutoHints
CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "fromList", function(cm, options) {
var cur = cm.getCursor(), token = cm.getTokenAt(cur)
var term, from = CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, token.start), to = cur
if (token.start < && /\w/.test(token.string.charAt( - token.start - 1))) {
term = token.string.substr(0, - token.start)
} else {
term = ""
from = cur
var found = [];
for (var i = 0; i < options.words.length; i++) {
var word = options.words[i];
if (word.slice(0, term.length) == term)
if (found.length) return {list: found, from: from, to: to};
CodeMirror.commands.autocomplete = CodeMirror.showHint;
var defaultOptions = {
completeSingle: true,
alignWithWord: true,
closeCharacters: /[\s()\[\]{};:>,]/,
closeOnPick: true,
closeOnUnfocus: true,
updateOnCursorActivity: true,
completeOnSingleClick: true,
container: null,
customKeys: null,
extraKeys: null,
paddingForScrollbar: true,
moveOnOverlap: true,
CodeMirror.defineOption("hintOptions", null);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
// Depends on jsonlint.js from
// declare global: jsonlint
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.registerHelper("lint", "json", function(text) {
var found = [];
if (!window.jsonlint) {
if (window.console) {
window.console.error("Error: window.jsonlint not defined, CodeMirror JSON linting cannot run.");
return found;
// for jsonlint's web dist jsonlint is exported as an object with a single property parser, of which parseError
// is a subproperty
var jsonlint = window.jsonlint.parser || window.jsonlint
jsonlint.parseError = function(str, hash) {
var loc = hash.loc;
found.push({from: CodeMirror.Pos(loc.first_line - 1, loc.first_column),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(loc.last_line - 1, loc.last_column),
message: str});
try { jsonlint.parse(text); }
catch(e) {}
return found;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

webroot/js/CodeMirror/addon/lint/lint.js vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
var GUTTER_ID = "CodeMirror-lint-markers";
var LINT_LINE_ID = "CodeMirror-lint-line-";
function showTooltip(cm, e, content) {
var tt = document.createElement("div");
tt.className = "CodeMirror-lint-tooltip cm-s-" + cm.options.theme;
if (cm.state.lint.options.selfContain)
function position(e) {
if (!tt.parentNode) return, "mousemove", position); = Math.max(0, e.clientY - tt.offsetHeight - 5) + "px"; = (e.clientX + 5) + "px";
CodeMirror.on(document, "mousemove", position);
if ( != null) = 1;
return tt;
function rm(elt) {
if (elt.parentNode) elt.parentNode.removeChild(elt);
function hideTooltip(tt) {
if (!tt.parentNode) return;
if ( == null) rm(tt); = 0;
setTimeout(function() { rm(tt); }, 600);
function showTooltipFor(cm, e, content, node) {
var tooltip = showTooltip(cm, e, content);
function hide() {, "mouseout", hide);
if (tooltip) { hideTooltip(tooltip); tooltip = null; }
var poll = setInterval(function() {
if (tooltip) for (var n = node;; n = n.parentNode) {
if (n && n.nodeType == 11) n =;
if (n == document.body) return;
if (!n) { hide(); break; }
if (!tooltip) return clearInterval(poll);
}, 400);
CodeMirror.on(node, "mouseout", hide);
function LintState(cm, options, hasGutter) {
this.marked = [];
this.options = options;
this.timeout = null;
this.hasGutter = hasGutter;
this.onMouseOver = function(e) { onMouseOver(cm, e); };
this.waitingFor = 0
function parseOptions(_cm, options) {
if (options instanceof Function) return {getAnnotations: options};
if (!options || options === true) options = {};
return options;
function clearMarks(cm) {
var state = cm.state.lint;
if (state.hasGutter) cm.clearGutter(GUTTER_ID);
if (isHighlightErrorLinesEnabled(state)) clearErrorLines(cm);
for (var i = 0; i < state.marked.length; ++i)
state.marked.length = 0;
function clearErrorLines(cm) {
cm.eachLine(function(line) {
var has = line.wrapClass && /\bCodeMirror-lint-line-\w+\b/.exec(line.wrapClass);
if (has) cm.removeLineClass(line, "wrap", has[0]);
function isHighlightErrorLinesEnabled(state) {
return state.options.highlightLines;
function makeMarker(cm, labels, severity, multiple, tooltips) {
var marker = document.createElement("div"), inner = marker;
marker.className = "CodeMirror-lint-marker CodeMirror-lint-marker-" + severity;
if (multiple) {
inner = marker.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
inner.className = "CodeMirror-lint-marker CodeMirror-lint-marker-multiple";
if (tooltips != false) CodeMirror.on(inner, "mouseover", function(e) {
showTooltipFor(cm, e, labels, inner);
return marker;
function getMaxSeverity(a, b) {
if (a == "error") return a;
else return b;
function groupByLine(annotations) {
var lines = [];
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; ++i) {
var ann = annotations[i], line = ann.from.line;
(lines[line] || (lines[line] = [])).push(ann);
return lines;
function annotationTooltip(ann) {
var severity = ann.severity;
if (!severity) severity = "error";
var tip = document.createElement("div");
tip.className = "CodeMirror-lint-message CodeMirror-lint-message-" + severity;
if (typeof ann.messageHTML != 'undefined') {
tip.innerHTML = ann.messageHTML;
} else {
return tip;
function lintAsync(cm, getAnnotations, passOptions) {
var state = cm.state.lint
var id = ++state.waitingFor
function abort() {
id = -1"change", abort)
cm.on("change", abort)
getAnnotations(cm.getValue(), function(annotations, arg2) {"change", abort)
if (state.waitingFor != id) return
if (arg2 && annotations instanceof CodeMirror) annotations = arg2
cm.operation(function() {updateLinting(cm, annotations)})
}, passOptions, cm);
function startLinting(cm) {
var state = cm.state.lint;
if (!state) return;
var options = state.options;
* Passing rules in `options` property prevents JSHint (and other linters) from complaining
* about unrecognized rules like `onUpdateLinting`, `delay`, `lintOnChange`, etc.
var passOptions = options.options || options;
var getAnnotations = options.getAnnotations || cm.getHelper(CodeMirror.Pos(0, 0), "lint");
if (!getAnnotations) return;
if (options.async || getAnnotations.async) {
lintAsync(cm, getAnnotations, passOptions)
} else {
var annotations = getAnnotations(cm.getValue(), passOptions, cm);
if (!annotations) return;
if (annotations.then) annotations.then(function(issues) {
cm.operation(function() {updateLinting(cm, issues)})
else cm.operation(function() {updateLinting(cm, annotations)})
function updateLinting(cm, annotationsNotSorted) {
var state = cm.state.lint;
if (!state) return;
var options = state.options;
var annotations = groupByLine(annotationsNotSorted);
for (var line = 0; line < annotations.length; ++line) {
var anns = annotations[line];
if (!anns) continue;
// filter out duplicate messages
var message = [];
anns = anns.filter(function(item) { return message.indexOf(item.message) > -1 ? false : message.push(item.message) });
var maxSeverity = null;
var tipLabel = state.hasGutter && document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0; i < anns.length; ++i) {
var ann = anns[i];
var severity = ann.severity;
if (!severity) severity = "error";
maxSeverity = getMaxSeverity(maxSeverity, severity);
if (options.formatAnnotation) ann = options.formatAnnotation(ann);
if (state.hasGutter) tipLabel.appendChild(annotationTooltip(ann));
if ( state.marked.push(cm.markText(ann.from,, {
className: "CodeMirror-lint-mark CodeMirror-lint-mark-" + severity,
__annotation: ann
// use original annotations[line] to show multiple messages
if (state.hasGutter)
cm.setGutterMarker(line, GUTTER_ID, makeMarker(cm, tipLabel, maxSeverity, annotations[line].length > 1,
if (isHighlightErrorLinesEnabled(state))
cm.addLineClass(line, "wrap", LINT_LINE_ID + maxSeverity);
if (options.onUpdateLinting) options.onUpdateLinting(annotationsNotSorted, annotations, cm);
function onChange(cm) {
var state = cm.state.lint;
if (!state) return;
state.timeout = setTimeout(function(){startLinting(cm);}, state.options.delay || 500);
function popupTooltips(cm, annotations, e) {
var target = || e.srcElement;
var tooltip = document.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
var ann = annotations[i];
showTooltipFor(cm, e, tooltip, target);
function onMouseOver(cm, e) {
var target = || e.srcElement;
if (!/\bCodeMirror-lint-mark-/.test(target.className)) return;
var box = target.getBoundingClientRect(), x = (box.left + box.right) / 2, y = ( + box.bottom) / 2;
var spans = cm.findMarksAt(cm.coordsChar({left: x, top: y}, "client"));
var annotations = [];
for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) {
var ann = spans[i].__annotation;
if (ann) annotations.push(ann);
if (annotations.length) popupTooltips(cm, annotations, e);
CodeMirror.defineOption("lint", false, function(cm, val, old) {
if (old && old != CodeMirror.Init) {
if (cm.state.lint.options.lintOnChange !== false)"change", onChange);, "mouseover", cm.state.lint.onMouseOver);
delete cm.state.lint;
if (val) {
var gutters = cm.getOption("gutters"), hasLintGutter = false;
for (var i = 0; i < gutters.length; ++i) if (gutters[i] == GUTTER_ID) hasLintGutter = true;
var state = cm.state.lint = new LintState(cm, parseOptions(cm, val), hasLintGutter);
if (state.options.lintOnChange !== false)
cm.on("change", onChange);
if (state.options.tooltips != false && state.options.tooltips != "gutter")
CodeMirror.on(cm.getWrapperElement(), "mouseover", state.onMouseOver);
CodeMirror.defineExtension("performLint", function() {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("javascript", function(config, parserConfig) {
var indentUnit = config.indentUnit;
var statementIndent = parserConfig.statementIndent;
var jsonldMode = parserConfig.jsonld;
var jsonMode = parserConfig.json || jsonldMode;
var trackScope = parserConfig.trackScope !== false
var isTS = parserConfig.typescript;
var wordRE = parserConfig.wordCharacters || /[\w$\xa1-\uffff]/;
// Tokenizer
var keywords = function(){
function kw(type) {return {type: type, style: "keyword"};}
var A = kw("keyword a"), B = kw("keyword b"), C = kw("keyword c"), D = kw("keyword d");
var operator = kw("operator"), atom = {type: "atom", style: "atom"};
return {
"if": kw("if"), "while": A, "with": A, "else": B, "do": B, "try": B, "finally": B,
"return": D, "break": D, "continue": D, "new": kw("new"), "delete": C, "void": C, "throw": C,
"debugger": kw("debugger"), "var": kw("var"), "const": kw("var"), "let": kw("var"),
"function": kw("function"), "catch": kw("catch"),
"for": kw("for"), "switch": kw("switch"), "case": kw("case"), "default": kw("default"),
"in": operator, "typeof": operator, "instanceof": operator,
"true": atom, "false": atom, "null": atom, "undefined": atom, "NaN": atom, "Infinity": atom,
"this": kw("this"), "class": kw("class"), "super": kw("atom"),
"yield": C, "export": kw("export"), "import": kw("import"), "extends": C,
"await": C
var isOperatorChar = /[+\-*&%=<>!?|~^@]/;
var isJsonldKeyword = /^@(context|id|value|language|type|container|list|set|reverse|index|base|vocab|graph)"/;
function readRegexp(stream) {
var escaped = false, next, inSet = false;
while ((next = != null) {
if (!escaped) {
if (next == "/" && !inSet) return;
if (next == "[") inSet = true;
else if (inSet && next == "]") inSet = false;
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
// Used as scratch variables to communicate multiple values without
// consing up tons of objects.
var type, content;
function ret(tp, style, cont) {
type = tp; content = cont;
return style;
function tokenBase(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") {
state.tokenize = tokenString(ch);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
} else if (ch == "." && stream.match(/^\d[\d_]*(?:[eE][+\-]?[\d_]+)?/)) {
return ret("number", "number");
} else if (ch == "." && stream.match("..")) {
return ret("spread", "meta");
} else if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) {
return ret(ch);
} else if (ch == "=" &&">")) {
return ret("=>", "operator");
} else if (ch == "0" && stream.match(/^(?:x[\dA-Fa-f_]+|o[0-7_]+|b[01_]+)n?/)) {
return ret("number", "number");
} else if (/\d/.test(ch)) {
return ret("number", "number");
} else if (ch == "/") {
if ("*")) {
state.tokenize = tokenComment;
return tokenComment(stream, state);
} else if ("/")) {
return ret("comment", "comment");
} else if (expressionAllowed(stream, state, 1)) {
return ret("regexp", "string-2");
} else {"=");
return ret("operator", "operator", stream.current());
} else if (ch == "`") {
state.tokenize = tokenQuasi;
return tokenQuasi(stream, state);
} else if (ch == "#" && stream.peek() == "!") {
return ret("meta", "meta");
} else if (ch == "#" && stream.eatWhile(wordRE)) {
return ret("variable", "property")
} else if (ch == "<" && stream.match("!--") ||
(ch == "-" && stream.match("->") && !/\S/.test(stream.string.slice(0, stream.start)))) {
return ret("comment", "comment")
} else if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) {
if (ch != ">" || !state.lexical || state.lexical.type != ">") {
if ("=")) {
if (ch == "!" || ch == "=")"=")
} else if (/[<>*+\-|&?]/.test(ch)) {
if (ch == ">")
if (ch == "?" &&".")) return ret(".")
return ret("operator", "operator", stream.current());
} else if (wordRE.test(ch)) {
var word = stream.current()
if (state.lastType != ".") {
if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(word)) {
var kw = keywords[word]
return ret(kw.type,, word)
if (word == "async" && stream.match(/^(\s|\/\*([^*]|\*(?!\/))*?\*\/)*[\[\(\w]/, false))
return ret("async", "keyword", word)
return ret("variable", "variable", word)
function tokenString(quote) {
return function(stream, state) {
var escaped = false, next;
if (jsonldMode && stream.peek() == "@" && stream.match(isJsonldKeyword)){
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return ret("jsonld-keyword", "meta");
while ((next = != null) {
if (next == quote && !escaped) break;
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
if (!escaped) state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return ret("string", "string");
function tokenComment(stream, state) {
var maybeEnd = false, ch;
while (ch = {
if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) {
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
maybeEnd = (ch == "*");
return ret("comment", "comment");
function tokenQuasi(stream, state) {
var escaped = false, next;
while ((next = != null) {
if (!escaped && (next == "`" || next == "$" &&"{"))) {
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
return ret("quasi", "string-2", stream.current());
var brackets = "([{}])";
// This is a crude lookahead trick to try and notice that we're
// parsing the argument patterns for a fat-arrow function before we
// actually hit the arrow token. It only works if the arrow is on
// the same line as the arguments and there's no strange noise
// (comments) in between. Fallback is to only notice when we hit the
// arrow, and not declare the arguments as locals for the arrow
// body.
function findFatArrow(stream, state) {
if (state.fatArrowAt) state.fatArrowAt = null;
var arrow = stream.string.indexOf("=>", stream.start);
if (arrow < 0) return;
if (isTS) { // Try to skip TypeScript return type declarations after the arguments
var m = /:\s*(?:\w+(?:<[^>]*>|\[\])?|\{[^}]*\})\s*$/.exec(stream.string.slice(stream.start, arrow))
if (m) arrow = m.index
var depth = 0, sawSomething = false;
for (var pos = arrow - 1; pos >= 0; --pos) {
var ch = stream.string.charAt(pos);
var bracket = brackets.indexOf(ch);
if (bracket >= 0 && bracket < 3) {
if (!depth) { ++pos; break; }
if (--depth == 0) { if (ch == "(") sawSomething = true; break; }
} else if (bracket >= 3 && bracket < 6) {
} else if (wordRE.test(ch)) {
sawSomething = true;
} else if (/["'\/`]/.test(ch)) {
for (;; --pos) {
if (pos == 0) return
var next = stream.string.charAt(pos - 1)
if (next == ch && stream.string.charAt(pos - 2) != "\\") { pos--; break }
} else if (sawSomething && !depth) {
if (sawSomething && !depth) state.fatArrowAt = pos;
// Parser
var atomicTypes = {"atom": true, "number": true, "variable": true, "string": true,
"regexp": true, "this": true, "import": true, "jsonld-keyword": true};
function JSLexical(indented, column, type, align, prev, info) {
this.indented = indented;
this.column = column;
this.type = type;
this.prev = prev; = info;
if (align != null) this.align = align;
function inScope(state, varname) {
if (!trackScope) return false
for (var v = state.localVars; v; v =
if ( == varname) return true;
for (var cx = state.context; cx; cx = cx.prev) {
for (var v = cx.vars; v; v =
if ( == varname) return true;
function parseJS(state, style, type, content, stream) {
var cc =;
// Communicate our context to the combinators.
// (Less wasteful than consing up a hundred closures on every call.)
cx.state = state; = stream; cx.marked = null, = cc; = style;
if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
state.lexical.align = true;
while(true) {
var combinator = cc.length ? cc.pop() : jsonMode ? expression : statement;
if (combinator(type, content)) {
while(cc.length && cc[cc.length - 1].lex)
if (cx.marked) return cx.marked;
if (type == "variable" && inScope(state, content)) return "variable-2";
return style;
// Combinator utils
var cx = {state: null, column: null, marked: null, cc: null};
function pass() {
for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)[i]);
function cont() {
pass.apply(null, arguments);
return true;
function inList(name, list) {
for (var v = list; v; v = if ( == name) return true
return false;
function register(varname) {
var state = cx.state;
cx.marked = "def";
if (!trackScope) return
if (state.context) {
if ( == "var" && state.context && state.context.block) {
// FIXME function decls are also not block scoped
var newContext = registerVarScoped(varname, state.context)
if (newContext != null) {
state.context = newContext
} else if (!inList(varname, state.localVars)) {
state.localVars = new Var(varname, state.localVars)
// Fall through means this is global
if (parserConfig.globalVars && !inList(varname, state.globalVars))
state.globalVars = new Var(varname, state.globalVars)
function registerVarScoped(varname, context) {
if (!context) {
return null
} else if (context.block) {
var inner = registerVarScoped(varname, context.prev)
if (!inner) return null
if (inner == context.prev) return context
return new Context(inner, context.vars, true)
} else if (inList(varname, context.vars)) {
return context
} else {
return new Context(context.prev, new Var(varname, context.vars), false)
function isModifier(name) {
return name == "public" || name == "private" || name == "protected" || name == "abstract" || name == "readonly"
// Combinators
function Context(prev, vars, block) { this.prev = prev; this.vars = vars; this.block = block }
function Var(name, next) { = name; = next }
var defaultVars = new Var("this", new Var("arguments", null))
function pushcontext() {
cx.state.context = new Context(cx.state.context, cx.state.localVars, false)
cx.state.localVars = defaultVars
function pushblockcontext() {
cx.state.context = new Context(cx.state.context, cx.state.localVars, true)
cx.state.localVars = null
function popcontext() {
cx.state.localVars = cx.state.context.vars
cx.state.context = cx.state.context.prev
popcontext.lex = true
function pushlex(type, info) {
var result = function() {
var state = cx.state, indent = state.indented;
if (state.lexical.type == "stat") indent = state.lexical.indented;
else for (var outer = state.lexical; outer && outer.type == ")" && outer.align; outer = outer.prev)
indent = outer.indented;
state.lexical = new JSLexical(indent,, type, null, state.lexical, info);
result.lex = true;
return result;
function poplex() {
var state = cx.state;
if (state.lexical.prev) {
if (state.lexical.type == ")")
state.indented = state.lexical.indented;
state.lexical = state.lexical.prev;
poplex.lex = true;
function expect(wanted) {
function exp(type) {
if (type == wanted) return cont();
else if (wanted == ";" || type == "}" || type == ")" || type == "]") return pass();
else return cont(exp);
return exp;
function statement(type, value) {
if (type == "var") return cont(pushlex("vardef", value), vardef, expect(";"), poplex);
if (type == "keyword a") return cont(pushlex("form"), parenExpr, statement, poplex);
if (type == "keyword b") return cont(pushlex("form"), statement, poplex);
if (type == "keyword d") return^\s*$/, false) ? cont() : cont(pushlex("stat"), maybeexpression, expect(";"), poplex);
if (type == "debugger") return cont(expect(";"));
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), pushblockcontext, block, poplex, popcontext);
if (type == ";") return cont();
if (type == "if") {
if ( == "else" &&[ - 1] == poplex);
return cont(pushlex("form"), parenExpr, statement, poplex, maybeelse);
if (type == "function") return cont(functiondef);
if (type == "for") return cont(pushlex("form"), pushblockcontext, forspec, statement, popcontext, poplex);
if (type == "class" || (isTS && value == "interface")) {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont(pushlex("form", type == "class" ? type : value), className, poplex)
if (type == "variable") {
if (isTS && value == "declare") {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont(statement)
} else if (isTS && (value == "module" || value == "enum" || value == "type") &&^\s*\w/, false)) {
cx.marked = "keyword"
if (value == "enum") return cont(enumdef);
else if (value == "type") return cont(typename, expect("operator"), typeexpr, expect(";"));
else return cont(pushlex("form"), pattern, expect("{"), pushlex("}"), block, poplex, poplex)
} else if (isTS && value == "namespace") {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont(pushlex("form"), expression, statement, poplex)
} else if (isTS && value == "abstract") {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont(statement)
} else {
return cont(pushlex("stat"), maybelabel);
if (type == "switch") return cont(pushlex("form"), parenExpr, expect("{"), pushlex("}", "switch"), pushblockcontext,
block, poplex, poplex, popcontext);
if (type == "case") return cont(expression, expect(":"));
if (type == "default") return cont(expect(":"));
if (type == "catch") return cont(pushlex("form"), pushcontext, maybeCatchBinding, statement, poplex, popcontext);
if (type == "export") return cont(pushlex("stat"), afterExport, poplex);
if (type == "import") return cont(pushlex("stat"), afterImport, poplex);
if (type == "async") return cont(statement)
if (value == "@") return cont(expression, statement)
return pass(pushlex("stat"), expression, expect(";"), poplex);
function maybeCatchBinding(type) {
if (type == "(") return cont(funarg, expect(")"))
function expression(type, value) {
return expressionInner(type, value, false);
function expressionNoComma(type, value) {
return expressionInner(type, value, true);
function parenExpr(type) {
if (type != "(") return pass()
return cont(pushlex(")"), maybeexpression, expect(")"), poplex)
function expressionInner(type, value, noComma) {
if (cx.state.fatArrowAt == {
var body = noComma ? arrowBodyNoComma : arrowBody;
if (type == "(") return cont(pushcontext, pushlex(")"), commasep(funarg, ")"), poplex, expect("=>"), body, popcontext);
else if (type == "variable") return pass(pushcontext, pattern, expect("=>"), body, popcontext);
var maybeop = noComma ? maybeoperatorNoComma : maybeoperatorComma;
if (atomicTypes.hasOwnProperty(type)) return cont(maybeop);
if (type == "function") return cont(functiondef, maybeop);
if (type == "class" || (isTS && value == "interface")) { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(pushlex("form"), classExpression, poplex); }
if (type == "keyword c" || type == "async") return cont(noComma ? expressionNoComma : expression);
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), maybeexpression, expect(")"), poplex, maybeop);
if (type == "operator" || type == "spread") return cont(noComma ? expressionNoComma : expression);
if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), arrayLiteral, poplex, maybeop);
if (type == "{") return contCommasep(objprop, "}", null, maybeop);
if (type == "quasi") return pass(quasi, maybeop);
if (type == "new") return cont(maybeTarget(noComma));
return cont();
function maybeexpression(type) {
if (type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) return pass();
return pass(expression);
function maybeoperatorComma(type, value) {
if (type == ",") return cont(maybeexpression);
return maybeoperatorNoComma(type, value, false);
function maybeoperatorNoComma(type, value, noComma) {
var me = noComma == false ? maybeoperatorComma : maybeoperatorNoComma;
var expr = noComma == false ? expression : expressionNoComma;
if (type == "=>") return cont(pushcontext, noComma ? arrowBodyNoComma : arrowBody, popcontext);
if (type == "operator") {
if (/\+\+|--/.test(value) || isTS && value == "!") return cont(me);
if (isTS && value == "<" &&^([^<>]|<[^<>]*>)*>\s*\(/, false))
return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeexpr, ">"), poplex, me);
if (value == "?") return cont(expression, expect(":"), expr);
return cont(expr);
if (type == "quasi") { return pass(quasi, me); }
if (type == ";") return;
if (type == "(") return contCommasep(expressionNoComma, ")", "call", me);
if (type == ".") return cont(property, me);
if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), maybeexpression, expect("]"), poplex, me);
if (isTS && value == "as") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(typeexpr, me) }
if (type == "regexp") {
cx.state.lastType = cx.marked = "operator" - - 1)
return cont(expr)
function quasi(type, value) {
if (type != "quasi") return pass();
if (value.slice(value.length - 2) != "${") return cont(quasi);
return cont(maybeexpression, continueQuasi);
function continueQuasi(type) {
if (type == "}") {
cx.marked = "string-2";
cx.state.tokenize = tokenQuasi;
return cont(quasi);
function arrowBody(type) {
findFatArrow(, cx.state);
return pass(type == "{" ? statement : expression);
function arrowBodyNoComma(type) {
findFatArrow(, cx.state);
return pass(type == "{" ? statement : expressionNoComma);
function maybeTarget(noComma) {
return function(type) {
if (type == ".") return cont(noComma ? targetNoComma : target);
else if (type == "variable" && isTS) return cont(maybeTypeArgs, noComma ? maybeoperatorNoComma : maybeoperatorComma)
else return pass(noComma ? expressionNoComma : expression);
function target(_, value) {
if (value == "target") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(maybeoperatorComma); }
function targetNoComma(_, value) {
if (value == "target") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(maybeoperatorNoComma); }
function maybelabel(type) {
if (type == ":") return cont(poplex, statement);
return pass(maybeoperatorComma, expect(";"), poplex);
function property(type) {
if (type == "variable") {cx.marked = "property"; return cont();}
function objprop(type, value) {
if (type == "async") {
cx.marked = "property";
return cont(objprop);
} else if (type == "variable" || == "keyword") {
cx.marked = "property";
if (value == "get" || value == "set") return cont(getterSetter);
var m // Work around fat-arrow-detection complication for detecting typescript typed arrow params
if (isTS && cx.state.fatArrowAt == && (m =^\s*:\s*/, false)))
cx.state.fatArrowAt = + m[0].length
return cont(afterprop);
} else if (type == "number" || type == "string") {
cx.marked = jsonldMode ? "property" : ( + " property");
return cont(afterprop);
} else if (type == "jsonld-keyword") {
return cont(afterprop);
} else if (isTS && isModifier(value)) {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont(objprop)
} else if (type == "[") {
return cont(expression, maybetype, expect("]"), afterprop);
} else if (type == "spread") {
return cont(expressionNoComma, afterprop);
} else if (value == "*") {
cx.marked = "keyword";
return cont(objprop);
} else if (type == ":") {
return pass(afterprop)
function getterSetter(type) {
if (type != "variable") return pass(afterprop);
cx.marked = "property";
return cont(functiondef);
function afterprop(type) {
if (type == ":") return cont(expressionNoComma);
if (type == "(") return pass(functiondef);
function commasep(what, end, sep) {
function proceed(type, value) {
if (sep ? sep.indexOf(type) > -1 : type == ",") {
var lex = cx.state.lexical;
if ( == "call") lex.pos = (lex.pos || 0) + 1;
return cont(function(type, value) {
if (type == end || value == end) return pass()
return pass(what)
}, proceed);
if (type == end || value == end) return cont();
if (sep && sep.indexOf(";") > -1) return pass(what)
return cont(expect(end));
return function(type, value) {
if (type == end || value == end) return cont();
return pass(what, proceed);
function contCommasep(what, end, info) {
for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++)[i]);
return cont(pushlex(end, info), commasep(what, end), poplex);
function block(type) {
if (type == "}") return cont();
return pass(statement, block);
function maybetype(type, value) {
if (isTS) {
if (type == ":") return cont(typeexpr);
if (value == "?") return cont(maybetype);
function maybetypeOrIn(type, value) {
if (isTS && (type == ":" || value == "in")) return cont(typeexpr)
function mayberettype(type) {
if (isTS && type == ":") {
if (^\s*\w+\s+is\b/, false)) return cont(expression, isKW, typeexpr)
else return cont(typeexpr)
function isKW(_, value) {
if (value == "is") {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont()
function typeexpr(type, value) {
if (value == "keyof" || value == "typeof" || value == "infer" || value == "readonly") {
cx.marked = "keyword"
return cont(value == "typeof" ? expressionNoComma : typeexpr)
if (type == "variable" || value == "void") {
cx.marked = "type"
return cont(afterType)
if (value == "|" || value == "&") return cont(typeexpr)
if (type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "atom") return cont(afterType);
if (type == "[") return cont(pushlex("]"), commasep(typeexpr, "]", ","), poplex, afterType)
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), typeprops, poplex, afterType)
if (type == "(") return cont(commasep(typearg, ")"), maybeReturnType, afterType)
if (type == "<") return cont(commasep(typeexpr, ">"), typeexpr)
if (type == "quasi") { return pass(quasiType, afterType); }
function maybeReturnType(type) {
if (type == "=>") return cont(typeexpr)
function typeprops(type) {
if (type.match(/[\}\)\]]/)) return cont()
if (type == "," || type == ";") return cont(typeprops)
return pass(typeprop, typeprops)
function typeprop(type, value) {
if (type == "variable" || == "keyword") {
cx.marked = "property"
return cont(typeprop)
} else if (value == "?" || type == "number" || type == "string") {
return cont(typeprop)
} else if (type == ":") {
return cont(typeexpr)
} else if (type == "[") {
return cont(expect("variable"), maybetypeOrIn, expect("]"), typeprop)
} else if (type == "(") {
return pass(functiondecl, typeprop)
} else if (!type.match(/[;\}\)\],]/)) {
return cont()
function quasiType(type, value) {
if (type != "quasi") return pass();
if (value.slice(value.length - 2) != "${") return cont(quasiType);
return cont(typeexpr, continueQuasiType);
function continueQuasiType(type) {
if (type == "}") {
cx.marked = "string-2";
cx.state.tokenize = tokenQuasi;
return cont(quasiType);
function typearg(type, value) {
if (type == "variable" &&^\s*[?:]/, false) || value == "?") return cont(typearg)
if (type == ":") return cont(typeexpr)
if (type == "spread") return cont(typearg)
return pass(typeexpr)
function afterType(type, value) {
if (value == "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeexpr, ">"), poplex, afterType)
if (value == "|" || type == "." || value == "&") return cont(typeexpr)
if (type == "[") return cont(typeexpr, expect("]"), afterType)
if (value == "extends" || value == "implements") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(typeexpr) }
if (value == "?") return cont(typeexpr, expect(":"), typeexpr)
function maybeTypeArgs(_, value) {
if (value == "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeexpr, ">"), poplex, afterType)
function typeparam() {
return pass(typeexpr, maybeTypeDefault)
function maybeTypeDefault(_, value) {
if (value == "=") return cont(typeexpr)
function vardef(_, value) {
if (value == "enum") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(enumdef)}
return pass(pattern, maybetype, maybeAssign, vardefCont);
function pattern(type, value) {
if (isTS && isModifier(value)) { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(pattern) }
if (type == "variable") { register(value); return cont(); }
if (type == "spread") return cont(pattern);
if (type == "[") return contCommasep(eltpattern, "]");
if (type == "{") return contCommasep(proppattern, "}");
function proppattern(type, value) {
if (type == "variable" && !^\s*:/, false)) {
return cont(maybeAssign);
if (type == "variable") cx.marked = "property";
if (type == "spread") return cont(pattern);
if (type == "}") return pass();
if (type == "[") return cont(expression, expect(']'), expect(':'), proppattern);
return cont(expect(":"), pattern, maybeAssign);
function eltpattern() {
return pass(pattern, maybeAssign)
function maybeAssign(_type, value) {
if (value == "=") return cont(expressionNoComma);
function vardefCont(type) {
if (type == ",") return cont(vardef);
function maybeelse(type, value) {
if (type == "keyword b" && value == "else") return cont(pushlex("form", "else"), statement, poplex);
function forspec(type, value) {
if (value == "await") return cont(forspec);
if (type == "(") return cont(pushlex(")"), forspec1, poplex);
function forspec1(type) {
if (type == "var") return cont(vardef, forspec2);
if (type == "variable") return cont(forspec2);
return pass(forspec2)
function forspec2(type, value) {
if (type == ")") return cont()
if (type == ";") return cont(forspec2)
if (value == "in" || value == "of") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(expression, forspec2) }
return pass(expression, forspec2)
function functiondef(type, value) {
if (value == "*") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(functiondef);}
if (type == "variable") {register(value); return cont(functiondef);}
if (type == "(") return cont(pushcontext, pushlex(")"), commasep(funarg, ")"), poplex, mayberettype, statement, popcontext);
if (isTS && value == "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeparam, ">"), poplex, functiondef)
function functiondecl(type, value) {
if (value == "*") {cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(functiondecl);}
if (type == "variable") {register(value); return cont(functiondecl);}
if (type == "(") return cont(pushcontext, pushlex(")"), commasep(funarg, ")"), poplex, mayberettype, popcontext);
if (isTS && value == "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeparam, ">"), poplex, functiondecl)
function typename(type, value) {
if (type == "keyword" || type == "variable") {
cx.marked = "type"
return cont(typename)
} else if (value == "<") {
return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeparam, ">"), poplex)
function funarg(type, value) {
if (value == "@") cont(expression, funarg)
if (type == "spread") return cont(funarg);
if (isTS && isModifier(value)) { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(funarg); }
if (isTS && type == "this") return cont(maybetype, maybeAssign)
return pass(pattern, maybetype, maybeAssign);
function classExpression(type, value) {
// Class expressions may have an optional name.
if (type == "variable") return className(type, value);
return classNameAfter(type, value);
function className(type, value) {
if (type == "variable") {register(value); return cont(classNameAfter);}
function classNameAfter(type, value) {
if (value == "<") return cont(pushlex(">"), commasep(typeparam, ">"), poplex, classNameAfter)
if (value == "extends" || value == "implements" || (isTS && type == ",")) {
if (value == "implements") cx.marked = "keyword";
return cont(isTS ? typeexpr : expression, classNameAfter);
if (type == "{") return cont(pushlex("}"), classBody, poplex);
function classBody(type, value) {
if (type == "async" ||
(type == "variable" &&
(value == "static" || value == "get" || value == "set" || (isTS && isModifier(value))) &&^\s+[\w$\xa1-\uffff]/, false))) {
cx.marked = "keyword";
return cont(classBody);
if (type == "variable" || == "keyword") {
cx.marked = "property";
return cont(classfield, classBody);
if (type == "number" || type == "string") return cont(classfield, classBody);
if (type == "[")
return cont(expression, maybetype, expect("]"), classfield, classBody)
if (value == "*") {
cx.marked = "keyword";
return cont(classBody);
if (isTS && type == "(") return pass(functiondecl, classBody)
if (type == ";" || type == ",") return cont(classBody);
if (type == "}") return cont();
if (value == "@") return cont(expression, classBody)
function classfield(type, value) {
if (value == "!") return cont(classfield)
if (value == "?") return cont(classfield)
if (type == ":") return cont(typeexpr, maybeAssign)
if (value == "=") return cont(expressionNoComma)
var context = cx.state.lexical.prev, isInterface = context && == "interface"
return pass(isInterface ? functiondecl : functiondef)
function afterExport(type, value) {
if (value == "*") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(maybeFrom, expect(";")); }
if (value == "default") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(expression, expect(";")); }
if (type == "{") return cont(commasep(exportField, "}"), maybeFrom, expect(";"));
return pass(statement);
function exportField(type, value) {
if (value == "as") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(expect("variable")); }
if (type == "variable") return pass(expressionNoComma, exportField);
function afterImport(type) {
if (type == "string") return cont();
if (type == "(") return pass(expression);
if (type == ".") return pass(maybeoperatorComma);
return pass(importSpec, maybeMoreImports, maybeFrom);
function importSpec(type, value) {
if (type == "{") return contCommasep(importSpec, "}");
if (type == "variable") register(value);
if (value == "*") cx.marked = "keyword";
return cont(maybeAs);
function maybeMoreImports(type) {
if (type == ",") return cont(importSpec, maybeMoreImports)
function maybeAs(_type, value) {
if (value == "as") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(importSpec); }
function maybeFrom(_type, value) {
if (value == "from") { cx.marked = "keyword"; return cont(expression); }
function arrayLiteral(type) {
if (type == "]") return cont();
return pass(commasep(expressionNoComma, "]"));
function enumdef() {
return pass(pushlex("form"), pattern, expect("{"), pushlex("}"), commasep(enummember, "}"), poplex, poplex)
function enummember() {
return pass(pattern, maybeAssign);
function isContinuedStatement(state, textAfter) {
return state.lastType == "operator" || state.lastType == "," ||
isOperatorChar.test(textAfter.charAt(0)) ||
function expressionAllowed(stream, state, backUp) {
return state.tokenize == tokenBase &&
/^(?:operator|sof|keyword [bcd]|case|new|export|default|spread|[\[{}\(,;:]|=>)$/.test(state.lastType) ||
(state.lastType == "quasi" && /\{\s*$/.test(stream.string.slice(0, stream.pos - (backUp || 0))))
// Interface
return {
startState: function(basecolumn) {
var state = {
tokenize: tokenBase,
lastType: "sof",
cc: [],
lexical: new JSLexical((basecolumn || 0) - indentUnit, 0, "block", false),
localVars: parserConfig.localVars,
context: parserConfig.localVars && new Context(null, null, false),
indented: basecolumn || 0
if (parserConfig.globalVars && typeof parserConfig.globalVars == "object")
state.globalVars = parserConfig.globalVars;
return state;
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) {
if (!state.lexical.hasOwnProperty("align"))
state.lexical.align = false;
state.indented = stream.indentation();
findFatArrow(stream, state);
if (state.tokenize != tokenComment && stream.eatSpace()) return null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (type == "comment") return style;
state.lastType = type == "operator" && (content == "++" || content == "--") ? "incdec" : type;
return parseJS(state, style, type, content, stream);
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
if (state.tokenize == tokenComment || state.tokenize == tokenQuasi) return CodeMirror.Pass;
if (state.tokenize != tokenBase) return 0;
var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), lexical = state.lexical, top
// Kludge to prevent 'maybelse' from blocking lexical scope pops
if (!/^\s*else\b/.test(textAfter)) for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var c =[i];
if (c == poplex) lexical = lexical.prev;
else if (c != maybeelse && c != popcontext) break;
while ((lexical.type == "stat" || lexical.type == "form") &&
(firstChar == "}" || ((top =[ - 1]) &&
(top == maybeoperatorComma || top == maybeoperatorNoComma) &&
lexical = lexical.prev;
if (statementIndent && lexical.type == ")" && lexical.prev.type == "stat")
lexical = lexical.prev;
var type = lexical.type, closing = firstChar == type;
if (type == "vardef") return lexical.indented + (state.lastType == "operator" || state.lastType == "," ? + 1 : 0);
else if (type == "form" && firstChar == "{") return lexical.indented;
else if (type == "form") return lexical.indented + indentUnit;
else if (type == "stat")
return lexical.indented + (isContinuedStatement(state, textAfter) ? statementIndent || indentUnit : 0);
else if ( == "switch" && !closing && parserConfig.doubleIndentSwitch != false)
return lexical.indented + (/^(?:case|default)\b/.test(textAfter) ? indentUnit : 2 * indentUnit);
else if (lexical.align) return lexical.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
else return lexical.indented + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit);
electricInput: /^\s*(?:case .*?:|default:|\{|\})$/,
blockCommentStart: jsonMode ? null : "/*",
blockCommentEnd: jsonMode ? null : "*/",
blockCommentContinue: jsonMode ? null : " * ",
lineComment: jsonMode ? null : "//",
fold: "brace",
closeBrackets: "()[]{}''\"\"``",
helperType: jsonMode ? "json" : "javascript",
jsonldMode: jsonldMode,
jsonMode: jsonMode,
expressionAllowed: expressionAllowed,
skipExpression: function(state) {
parseJS(state, "atom", "atom", "true", new CodeMirror.StringStream("", 2, null))
CodeMirror.registerHelper("wordChars", "javascript", /[\w$]/);
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/javascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/ecmascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/javascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-javascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/ecmascript", "javascript");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/json", { name: "javascript", json: true });
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-json", { name: "javascript", json: true });
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/manifest+json", { name: "javascript", json: true })
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/ld+json", { name: "javascript", jsonld: true });
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/typescript", { name: "javascript", typescript: true });
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/typescript", { name: "javascript", typescript: true });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,886 @@
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license:
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../xml/xml"), require("../meta"));
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../xml/xml", "../meta"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("markdown", function(cmCfg, modeCfg) {
var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(cmCfg, "text/html");
var htmlModeMissing = == "null"
function getMode(name) {
if (CodeMirror.findModeByName) {
var found = CodeMirror.findModeByName(name);
if (found) name = found.mime || found.mimes[0];
var mode = CodeMirror.getMode(cmCfg, name);
return == "null" ? null : mode;
// Should characters that affect highlighting be highlighted separate?
// Does not include characters that will be output (such as `1.` and `-` for lists)
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting === undefined)
modeCfg.highlightFormatting = false;
// Maximum number of nested blockquotes. Set to 0 for infinite nesting.
// Excess `>` will emit `error` token.
if (modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth === undefined)
modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth = 0;
// Turn on task lists? ("- [ ] " and "- [x] ")
if (modeCfg.taskLists === undefined) modeCfg.taskLists = false;
// Turn on strikethrough syntax
if (modeCfg.strikethrough === undefined)
modeCfg.strikethrough = false;
if (modeCfg.emoji === undefined)
modeCfg.emoji = false;
if (modeCfg.fencedCodeBlockHighlighting === undefined)
modeCfg.fencedCodeBlockHighlighting = true;
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modeCfg.fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode = 'text/plain';
if (modeCfg.xml === undefined)
modeCfg.xml = true;
// Allow token types to be overridden by user-provided token types.
if (modeCfg.tokenTypeOverrides === undefined)
modeCfg.tokenTypeOverrides = {};
var tokenTypes = {
header: "header",
code: "comment",
quote: "quote",
list1: "variable-2",
list2: "variable-3",
list3: "keyword",
hr: "hr",
image: "image",
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linkHref: "string",
em: "em",
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strikethrough: "strikethrough",
emoji: "builtin"
for (var tokenType in tokenTypes) {
if (tokenTypes.hasOwnProperty(tokenType) && modeCfg.tokenTypeOverrides[tokenType]) {
tokenTypes[tokenType] = modeCfg.tokenTypeOverrides[tokenType];
var hrRE = /^([*\-_])(?:\s*\1){2,}\s*$/
, listRE = /^(?:[*\-+]|^[0-9]+([.)]))\s+/
, taskListRE = /^\[(x| )\](?=\s)/i // Must follow listRE
, atxHeaderRE = modeCfg.allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace ? /^(#+)/ : /^(#+)(?: |$)/
, setextHeaderRE = /^ {0,3}(?:\={1,}|-{2,})\s*$/
, textRE = /^[^#!\[\]*_\\<>` "'(~:]+/
, fencedCodeRE = /^(~~~+|```+)[ \t]*([\w\/+#-]*)[^\n`]*$/
, linkDefRE = /^\s*\[[^\]]+?\]:.*$/ // naive link-definition
, punctuation = /[!"#$%&'()*+,\-.\/:;<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|}~\xA1\xA7\xAB\xB6\xB7\xBB\xBF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0AF0\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166D\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E42\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]|\uD800[\uDD00-\uDD02\uDF9F\uDFD0]|\uD801\uDD6F|\uD802[\uDC57\uDD1F\uDD3F\uDE50-\uDE58\uDE7F\uDEF0-\uDEF6\uDF39-\uDF3F\uDF99-\uDF9C]|\uD804[\uDC47-\uDC4D\uDCBB\uDCBC\uDCBE-\uDCC1\uDD40-\uDD43\uDD74\uDD75\uDDC5-\uDDC9\uDDCD\uDDDB\uDDDD-\uDDDF\uDE38-\uDE3D\uDEA9]|\uD805[\uDCC6\uDDC1-\uDDD7\uDE41-\uDE43\uDF3C-\uDF3E]|\uD809[\uDC70-\uDC74]|\uD81A[\uDE6E\uDE6F\uDEF5\uDF37-\uDF3B\uDF44]|\uD82F\uDC9F|\uD836[\uDE87-\uDE8B]/
, expandedTab = " " // CommonMark specifies tab as 4 spaces
function switchInline(stream, state, f) {
state.f = state.inline = f;
return f(stream, state);
function switchBlock(stream, state, f) {
state.f = state.block = f;
return f(stream, state);
function lineIsEmpty(line) {
return !line || !/\S/.test(line.string)
// Blocks
function blankLine(state) {
// Reset linkTitle state
state.linkTitle = false;
state.linkHref = false;
state.linkText = false;
// Reset EM state
state.em = false;
// Reset STRONG state
state.strong = false;
// Reset strikethrough state
state.strikethrough = false;
// Reset state.quote
state.quote = 0;
// Reset state.indentedCode
state.indentedCode = false;
if (state.f == htmlBlock) {
var exit = htmlModeMissing
if (!exit) {
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(htmlMode, state.htmlState)
exit = == "xml" && inner.state.tagStart === null &&
(!inner.state.context && inner.state.tokenize.isInText)
if (exit) {
state.f = inlineNormal;
state.block = blockNormal;
state.htmlState = null;
// Reset state.trailingSpace
state.trailingSpace = 0;
state.trailingSpaceNewLine = false;
// Mark this line as blank
state.prevLine = state.thisLine
state.thisLine = {stream: null}
return null;
function blockNormal(stream, state) {
var firstTokenOnLine = stream.column() === state.indentation;
var prevLineLineIsEmpty = lineIsEmpty(;
var prevLineIsIndentedCode = state.indentedCode;
var prevLineIsHr =;
var prevLineIsList = state.list !== false;
var maxNonCodeIndentation = (state.listStack[state.listStack.length - 1] || 0) + 3;
state.indentedCode = false;
var lineIndentation = state.indentation;
// compute once per line (on first token)
if (state.indentationDiff === null) {
state.indentationDiff = state.indentation;
if (prevLineIsList) {
state.list = null;
// While this list item's marker's indentation is less than the deepest
// list item's content's indentation,pop the deepest list item
// indentation off the stack, and update block indentation state
while (lineIndentation < state.listStack[state.listStack.length - 1]) {
if (state.listStack.length) {
state.indentation = state.listStack[state.listStack.length - 1];
// less than the first list's indent -> the line is no longer a list
} else {
state.list = false;
if (state.list !== false) {
state.indentationDiff = lineIndentation - state.listStack[state.listStack.length - 1]
// not comprehensive (currently only for setext detection purposes)
var allowsInlineContinuation = (
!prevLineLineIsEmpty && !prevLineIsHr && !state.prevLine.header &&
(!prevLineIsList || !prevLineIsIndentedCode) &&
var isHr = (state.list === false || prevLineIsHr || prevLineLineIsEmpty) &&
state.indentation <= maxNonCodeIndentation && stream.match(hrRE);
var match = null;
if (state.indentationDiff >= 4 && (prevLineIsIndentedCode || state.prevLine.fencedCodeEnd ||
state.prevLine.header || prevLineLineIsEmpty)) {
state.indentedCode = true;
return tokenTypes.code;
} else if (stream.eatSpace()) {
return null;
} else if (firstTokenOnLine && state.indentation <= maxNonCodeIndentation && (match = stream.match(atxHeaderRE)) && match[1].length <= 6) {
state.quote = 0;
state.header = match[1].length;
state.thisLine.header = true;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "header";
state.f = state.inline;
return getType(state);
} else if (state.indentation <= maxNonCodeIndentation &&'>')) {
state.quote = firstTokenOnLine ? 1 : state.quote + 1;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "quote";
return getType(state);
} else if (!isHr && !state.setext && firstTokenOnLine && state.indentation <= maxNonCodeIndentation && (match = stream.match(listRE))) {
var listType = match[1] ? "ol" : "ul";
state.indentation = lineIndentation + stream.current().length;
state.list = true;
state.quote = 0;
// Add this list item's content's indentation to the stack
// Reset inline styles which shouldn't propagate across list items
state.em = false;
state.strong = false;
state.code = false;
state.strikethrough = false;
if (modeCfg.taskLists && stream.match(taskListRE, false)) {
state.taskList = true;
state.f = state.inline;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = ["list", "list-" + listType];
return getType(state);
} else if (firstTokenOnLine && state.indentation <= maxNonCodeIndentation && (match = stream.match(fencedCodeRE, true))) {
state.quote = 0;
state.fencedEndRE = new RegExp(match[1] + "+ *$");
// try switching mode
state.localMode = modeCfg.fencedCodeBlockHighlighting && getMode(match[2] || modeCfg.fencedCodeBlockDefaultMode );
if (state.localMode) state.localState = CodeMirror.startState(state.localMode);
state.f = state.block = local;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "code-block";
state.code = -1
return getType(state);
// SETEXT has lowest block-scope precedence after HR, so check it after
// the others (code, blockquote, list...)
} else if (
// if setext set, indicates line after ---/===
state.setext || (
// line before ---/===
(!allowsInlineContinuation || !prevLineIsList) && !state.quote && state.list === false &&
!state.code && !isHr && !linkDefRE.test(stream.string) &&
(match = stream.lookAhead(1)) && (match = match.match(setextHeaderRE))
) {
if ( !state.setext ) {
state.header = match[0].charAt(0) == '=' ? 1 : 2;
state.setext = state.header;
} else {
state.header = state.setext;
// has no effect on type so we can reset it now
state.setext = 0;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "header";
state.thisLine.header = true;
state.f = state.inline;
return getType(state);
} else if (isHr) {
stream.skipToEnd(); = true; = true;
} else if (stream.peek() === '[') {
return switchInline(stream, state, footnoteLink);
return switchInline(stream, state, state.inline);
function htmlBlock(stream, state) {
var style = htmlMode.token(stream, state.htmlState);
if (!htmlModeMissing) {
var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(htmlMode, state.htmlState)
if (( == "xml" && inner.state.tagStart === null &&
(!inner.state.context && inner.state.tokenize.isInText)) ||
(state.md_inside && stream.current().indexOf(">") > -1)) {
state.f = inlineNormal;
state.block = blockNormal;
state.htmlState = null;
return style;
function local(stream, state) {
var currListInd = state.listStack[state.listStack.length - 1] || 0;
var hasExitedList = state.indentation < currListInd;
var maxFencedEndInd = currListInd + 3;
if (state.fencedEndRE && state.indentation <= maxFencedEndInd && (hasExitedList || stream.match(state.fencedEndRE))) {
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "code-block";
var returnType;
if (!hasExitedList) returnType = getType(state)
state.localMode = state.localState = null;
state.block = blockNormal;
state.f = inlineNormal;
state.fencedEndRE = null;
state.code = 0
state.thisLine.fencedCodeEnd = true;
if (hasExitedList) return switchBlock(stream, state, state.block);
return returnType;
} else if (state.localMode) {
return state.localMode.token(stream, state.localState);
} else {
return tokenTypes.code;
// Inline
function getType(state) {
var styles = [];
if (state.formatting) {
if (typeof state.formatting === "string") state.formatting = [state.formatting];
for (var i = 0; i < state.formatting.length; i++) {
styles.push(tokenTypes.formatting + "-" + state.formatting[i]);
if (state.formatting[i] === "header") {
styles.push(tokenTypes.formatting + "-" + state.formatting[i] + "-" + state.header);
// Add `formatting-quote` and `formatting-quote-#` for blockquotes
// Add `error` instead if the maximum blockquote nesting depth is passed
if (state.formatting[i] === "quote") {
if (!modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth || modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth >= state.quote) {
styles.push(tokenTypes.formatting + "-" + state.formatting[i] + "-" + state.quote);
} else {
if (state.taskOpen) {
return styles.length ? styles.join(' ') : null;
if (state.taskClosed) {
return styles.length ? styles.join(' ') : null;
if (state.linkHref) {
styles.push(tokenTypes.linkHref, "url");
} else { // Only apply inline styles to non-url text
if (state.strong) { styles.push(tokenTypes.strong); }
if (state.em) { styles.push(tokenTypes.em); }
if (state.strikethrough) { styles.push(tokenTypes.strikethrough); }
if (state.emoji) { styles.push(tokenTypes.emoji); }
if (state.linkText) { styles.push(tokenTypes.linkText); }
if (state.code) { styles.push(tokenTypes.code); }
if (state.image) { styles.push(tokenTypes.image); }
if (state.imageAltText) { styles.push(tokenTypes.imageAltText, "link"); }
if (state.imageMarker) { styles.push(tokenTypes.imageMarker); }
if (state.header) { styles.push(tokenTypes.header, tokenTypes.header + "-" + state.header); }
if (state.quote) {
// Add `quote-#` where the maximum for `#` is modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth
if (!modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth || modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth >= state.quote) {
styles.push(tokenTypes.quote + "-" + state.quote);
} else {
styles.push(tokenTypes.quote + "-" + modeCfg.maxBlockquoteDepth);
if (state.list !== false) {
var listMod = (state.listStack.length - 1) % 3;
if (!listMod) {
} else if (listMod === 1) {
} else {
if (state.trailingSpaceNewLine) {
} else if (state.trailingSpace) {
styles.push("trailing-space-" + (state.trailingSpace % 2 ? "a" : "b"));
return styles.length ? styles.join(' ') : null;
function handleText(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(textRE, true)) {
return getType(state);
return undefined;
function inlineNormal(stream, state) {
var style = state.text(stream, state);
if (typeof style !== 'undefined')
return style;
if (state.list) { // List marker (*, +, -, 1., etc)
state.list = null;
return getType(state);
if (state.taskList) {
var taskOpen = stream.match(taskListRE, true)[1] === " ";
if (taskOpen) state.taskOpen = true;
else state.taskClosed = true;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "task";
state.taskList = false;
return getType(state);
state.taskOpen = false;
state.taskClosed = false;
if (state.header && stream.match(/^#+$/, true)) {
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "header";
return getType(state);
var ch =;
// Matches link titles present on next line
if (state.linkTitle) {
state.linkTitle = false;
var matchCh = ch;
if (ch === '(') {
matchCh = ')';
matchCh = (matchCh+'').replace(/([.?*+^\[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1");
var regex = '^\\s*(?:[^' + matchCh + '\\\\]+|\\\\\\\\|\\\\.)' + matchCh;
if (stream.match(new RegExp(regex), true)) {
return tokenTypes.linkHref;
// If this block is changed, it may need to be updated in GFM mode
if (ch === '`') {
var previousFormatting = state.formatting;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "code";
var count = stream.current().length
if (state.code == 0 && (!state.quote || count == 1)) {
state.code = count
return getType(state)
} else if (count == state.code) { // Must be exact
var t = getType(state)
state.code = 0
return t
} else {
state.formatting = previousFormatting
return getType(state)
} else if (state.code) {
return getType(state);
if (ch === '\\') {;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) {
var type = getType(state);
var formattingEscape = tokenTypes.formatting + "-escape";
return type ? type + " " + formattingEscape : formattingEscape;
if (ch === '!' && stream.match(/\[[^\]]*\] ?(?:\(|\[)/, false)) {
state.imageMarker = true;
state.image = true;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "image";
return getType(state);
if (ch === '[' && state.imageMarker && stream.match(/[^\]]*\](\(.*?\)| ?\[.*?\])/, false)) {
state.imageMarker = false;
state.imageAltText = true
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "image";
return getType(state);
if (ch === ']' && state.imageAltText) {
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "image";
var type = getType(state);
state.imageAltText = false;
state.image = false;
state.inline = state.f = linkHref;
return type;
if (ch === '[' && !state.image) {
if (state.linkText && stream.match(/^.*?\]/)) return getType(state)
state.linkText = true;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
return getType(state);
if (ch === ']' && state.linkText) {
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
var type = getType(state);
state.linkText = false;
state.inline = state.f = stream.match(/\(.*?\)| ?\[.*?\]/, false) ? linkHref : inlineNormal
return type;
if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^(https?|ftps?):\/\/(?:[^\\>]|\\.)+>/, false)) {
state.f = state.inline = linkInline;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
var type = getType(state);
if (type){
type += " ";
} else {
type = "";
return type + tokenTypes.linkInline;
if (ch === '<' && stream.match(/^[^> \\]+@(?:[^\\>]|\\.)+>/, false)) {
state.f = state.inline = linkInline;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
var type = getType(state);
if (type){
type += " ";
} else {
type = "";
return type + tokenTypes.linkEmail;
if (modeCfg.xml && ch === '<' && stream.match(/^(!--|\?|!\[CDATA\[|[a-z][a-z0-9-]*(?:\s+[a-z_:.\-]+(?:\s*=\s*[^>]+)?)*\s*(?:>|$))/i, false)) {
var end = stream.string.indexOf(">", stream.pos);
if (end != -1) {
var atts = stream.string.substring(stream.start, end);
if (/markdown\s*=\s*('|"){0,1}1('|"){0,1}/.test(atts)) state.md_inside = true;
state.htmlState = CodeMirror.startState(htmlMode);
return switchBlock(stream, state, htmlBlock);
if (modeCfg.xml && ch === '<' && stream.match(/^\/\w*?>/)) {
state.md_inside = false;
return "tag";
} else if (ch === "*" || ch === "_") {
var len = 1, before = stream.pos == 1 ? " " : stream.string.charAt(stream.pos - 2)
while (len < 3 && len++
var after = stream.peek() || " "
// See
var leftFlanking = !/\s/.test(after) && (!punctuation.test(after) || /\s/.test(before) || punctuation.test(before))
var rightFlanking = !/\s/.test(before) && (!punctuation.test(before) || /\s/.test(after) || punctuation.test(after))
var setEm = null, setStrong = null
if (len % 2) { // Em
if (!state.em && leftFlanking && (ch === "*" || !rightFlanking || punctuation.test(before)))
setEm = true
else if (state.em == ch && rightFlanking && (ch === "*" || !leftFlanking || punctuation.test(after)))
setEm = false
if (len > 1) { // Strong
if (!state.strong && leftFlanking && (ch === "*" || !rightFlanking || punctuation.test(before)))
setStrong = true
else if (state.strong == ch && rightFlanking && (ch === "*" || !leftFlanking || punctuation.test(after)))
setStrong = false
if (setStrong != null || setEm != null) {
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = setEm == null ? "strong" : setStrong == null ? "em" : "strong em"
if (setEm === true) state.em = ch
if (setStrong === true) state.strong = ch
var t = getType(state)
if (setEm === false) state.em = false
if (setStrong === false) state.strong = false
return t
} else if (ch === ' ') {
if ('*') ||'_')) { // Probably surrounded by spaces
if (stream.peek() === ' ') { // Surrounded by spaces, ignore
return getType(state);
} else { // Not surrounded by spaces, back up pointer
if (modeCfg.strikethrough) {
if (ch === '~' && stream.eatWhile(ch)) {
if (state.strikethrough) {// Remove strikethrough
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "strikethrough";
var t = getType(state);
state.strikethrough = false;
return t;
} else if (stream.match(/^[^\s]/, false)) {// Add strikethrough
state.strikethrough = true;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "strikethrough";
return getType(state);
} else if (ch === ' ') {
if (stream.match('~~', true)) { // Probably surrounded by space
if (stream.peek() === ' ') { // Surrounded by spaces, ignore
return getType(state);
} else { // Not surrounded by spaces, back up pointer
if (modeCfg.emoji && ch === ":" && stream.match(/^(?:[a-z_\d+][a-z_\d+-]*|\-[a-z_\d+][a-z_\d+-]*):/)) {
state.emoji = true;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "emoji";
var retType = getType(state);
state.emoji = false;
return retType;
if (ch === ' ') {
if (stream.match(/^ +$/, false)) {
} else if (state.trailingSpace) {
state.trailingSpaceNewLine = true;
return getType(state);
function linkInline(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch === ">") {
state.f = state.inline = inlineNormal;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
var type = getType(state);
if (type){
type += " ";
} else {
type = "";
return type + tokenTypes.linkInline;
stream.match(/^[^>]+/, true);
return tokenTypes.linkInline;
function linkHref(stream, state) {
// Check if space, and return NULL if so (to avoid marking the space)
return null;
var ch =;
if (ch === '(' || ch === '[') {
state.f = state.inline = getLinkHrefInside(ch === "(" ? ")" : "]");
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link-string";
state.linkHref = true;
return getType(state);
return 'error';
var linkRE = {
")": /^(?:[^\\\(\)]|\\.|\((?:[^\\\(\)]|\\.)*\))*?(?=\))/,
"]": /^(?:[^\\\[\]]|\\.|\[(?:[^\\\[\]]|\\.)*\])*?(?=\])/
function getLinkHrefInside(endChar) {
return function(stream, state) {
var ch =;
if (ch === endChar) {
state.f = state.inline = inlineNormal;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link-string";
var returnState = getType(state);
state.linkHref = false;
return returnState;
state.linkHref = true;
return getType(state);
function footnoteLink(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^([^\]\\]|\\.)*\]:/, false)) {
state.f = footnoteLinkInside;; // Consume [
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
state.linkText = true;
return getType(state);
return switchInline(stream, state, inlineNormal);
function footnoteLinkInside(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(']:', true)) {
state.f = state.inline = footnoteUrl;
if (modeCfg.highlightFormatting) state.formatting = "link";
var returnType = getType(state);
state.linkText = false;
return returnType;
stream.match(/^([^\]\\]|\\.)+/, true);
return tokenTypes.linkText;
function footnoteUrl(stream, state) {
// Check if space, and return NULL if so (to avoid marking the space)
return null;
// Match URL
stream.match(/^[^\s]+/, true);
// Check for link title
if (stream.peek() === undefined) { // End of line, set flag to check next line
state.linkTitle = true;
} else { // More content on line, check if link title
stream.match(/^(?:\s+(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)+"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)+'|\((?:[^)\\]|\\.)+\)))?/, true);
state.f = state.inline = inlineNormal;
return tokenTypes.linkHref + " url";
var mode = {
startState: function() {
return {
f: blockNormal,
prevLine: {stream: null},
thisLine: {stream: null},
block: blockNormal,
htmlState: null,
indentation: 0,
inline: inlineNormal,
text: handleText,
formatting: false,
linkText: false,
linkHref: false,
linkTitle: false,
code: 0,
em: false,
strong: false,
header: 0,
setext: 0,
hr: false,
taskList: false,
list: false,
listStack: [],
quote: 0,
trailingSpace: 0,
trailingSpaceNewLine: false,
strikethrough: false,
emoji: false,
fencedEndRE: null
copyState: function(s) {
return {
f: s.f,
prevLine: s.prevLine,
thisLine: s.thisLine,
block: s.block,
htmlState: s.htmlState && CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, s.htmlState),
indentation: s.indentation,
localMode: s.localMode,
localState: s.localMode ? CodeMirror.copyState(s.localMode, s.localState) : null,
inline: s.inline,
text: s.text,
formatting: false,
linkText: s.linkText,
linkTitle: s.linkTitle,
linkHref: s.linkHref,
code: s.code,
em: s.em,
strong: s.strong,
strikethrough: s.strikethrough,
emoji: s.emoji,
header: s.header,
setext: s.setext,
taskList: s.taskList,
list: s.list,
listStack: s.listStack.slice(0),
quote: s.quote,
indentedCode: s.indentedCode,
trailingSpace: s.trailingSpace,
trailingSpaceNewLine: s.trailingSpaceNewLine,
md_inside: s.md_inside,
fencedEndRE: s.fencedEndRE
token: function(stream, state) {
// Reset state.formatting
state.formatting = false;
if (stream != {
state.header = 0; = false;
if (stream.match(/^\s*$/, true)) {
return null;
state.prevLine = state.thisLine
state.thisLine = {stream: stream}
// Reset state.taskList
state.taskList = false;
// Reset state.trailingSpace
state.trailingSpace = 0;
state.trailingSpaceNewLine = false;
if (!state.localState) {
state.f = state.block;
if (state.f != htmlBlock) {
var indentation = stream.match(/^\s*/, true)[0].replace(/\t/g, expandedTab).length;
state.indentation = indentation;
state.indentationDiff = null;
if (indentation > 0) return null;
return state.f(stream, state);
innerMode: function(state) {
if (state.block == htmlBlock) return {state: state.htmlState, mode: htmlMode};
if (state.localState) return {state: state.localState, mode: state.localMode};
return {state: state, mode: mode};
indent: function(state, textAfter, line) {
if (state.block == htmlBlock && htmlMode.indent) return htmlMode.indent(state.htmlState, textAfter, line)
if (state.localState && state.localMode.indent) return state.localMode.indent(state.localState, textAfter, line)
return CodeMirror.Pass
blankLine: blankLine,
getType: getType,
blockCommentStart: "<!--",
blockCommentEnd: "-->",
closeBrackets: "()[]{}''\"\"``",
fold: "markdown"
return mode;
}, "xml");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/markdown", "markdown");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-markdown", "markdown");