new: [command] First version of FieldSquasher - WiP

mokaddem 2021-02-26 15:02:39 +01:00
parent 76617565fa
commit f8e9632f78
2 changed files with 376 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
namespace App\Command;
use Cake\Console\Command;
use Cake\Console\Arguments;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleIo;
use Cake\Console\ConsoleOptionParser;
use Cake\Filesystem\File;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
use Cake\Utility\Text;
use Cake\Validation\Validator;
use Cake\Http\Client;
class FieldSquasherCommand extends Command
protected $modelClass = 'Organisations';
private $targetModel = 'Organisations';
protected function buildOptionParser(ConsoleOptionParser $parser): ConsoleOptionParser
$parser->setDescription('Squash field value from external data source');
$parser->addArgument('config', [
'help' => 'JSON configuration file path for the importer.',
'required' => true
return $parser;
public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io)
$this->io = $io;
$configPath = $args->getArgument('config');
$config = $this->getConfigFromFile($configPath);
$this->modelClass = $config['target']['model'];
$source = $config['source'];
$table = $this->modelClass;
$sourceData = $this->getDataFromSource($source);
$candidateResult = $this->findCanditates($this->{$table}, $config, $sourceData);
$entitiesSample = array_slice($candidateResult['candidates'], 0, min(10, count($candidateResult['candidates'])));
$noCandidatesSample = array_slice($candidateResult['noCandidatesFound'], 0, min(10, count($candidateResult['noCandidatesFound'])));
$totalNotFound = count($candidateResult['noCandidatesFound']);
$this->io->out("Sample of no candidates found (total: {$totalNotFound}):");
$ioTable = $this->transformEntitiesIntoTable($noCandidatesSample);
$filename = 'no_candidates_found_' . time() . '.json';
$selection = $io->askChoice("Would you like to save these entries on the disk as `{$filename}`", ['Y', 'N'], 'Y');
if ($selection == 'Y') {
$this->saveDataOnDisk($filename, $candidateResult['noCandidatesFound']);
$ioTable = $this->transformEntitiesIntoTable($entitiesSample, [
$filename = 'replacement_done_' . time() . '.json';
$selection = $io->askChoice("Would you like to save these entries on the disk as `{$filename}`", ['Y', 'N'], 'Y');
if ($selection == 'Y') {
$this->saveDataOnDisk($filename, $candidateResult['candidates']);
$selection = $io->askChoice('A sample of the data you about to be saved is provided above. Would you like to proceed?', ['Y', 'N'], 'N');
if ($selection == 'Y') {
// $this->saveData($this->{$table}, $entities);
private function saveData($table, $entities)
$this->io->verbose('Saving data');
$progress = $this->io->helper('Progress');
$entities = $table->saveMany($entities);
if ($entities === false) {
$this->io->error('Error while saving data');
$this->io->verbose('Saving meta fields');
'total' => count($entities),
'length' => 20
foreach ($entities as $i => $entity) {
private function findCanditates($table, $config, $source)
$this->io->verbose('Finding candidates');
if ($config['finder']['type'] == 'exact') {
$candidateResult = $this->findCanditatesByStrictMatching($table, $config, $source);
} else {
$this->io->error('Unsupported search type');
return $candidateResult;
private function findCanditatesByStrictMatching($table, $config, $source)
$squashingObjects = Hash::extract($source, $config['finder']['path']);
if (empty($squashingObjects)) {
$this->io->error('finder.path returned nothing');
return [];
$values = Hash::extract($squashingObjects, "{n}.{$config['finder']['joinFields']['squashing']}");
$query = $table->find('list', [
'keyField' => $config['finder']['joinFields']['squashed'],
'valueField' => function ($entry) {
return $entry;
"{$config['finder']['joinFields']['squashed']} IN" => $values
$potentialCanditates = $query->toArray();
$candidates = [];
$noCandidatesFound = [];
foreach ($squashingObjects as $i => $squashingObject) {
$squashingData = Hash::get($squashingObject, $config['squashingData']['squashingField']);
if (isset($this->{$config['squashingData']['massage']})) {
$squashingData = $this->{$config['squashingData']['massage']}($squashingData);
$squashingJoinField = Hash::get($squashingObject, $config['finder']['joinFields']['squashing']);
if (empty($potentialCanditates[$squashingJoinField])) {
$noCandidatesFound[] = $squashingObject;
} else {
$squashedTarget = $potentialCanditates[$squashingJoinField];
$squashedTarget->{"{$config['target']['squashedField']}_original_value"} = $squashedTarget->{$config['target']['squashedField']};
$squashedTarget->{$config['target']['squashedField']} = $squashingData;
$candidates[] = $squashedTarget;
return [
'candidates' => $candidates,
'noCandidatesFound' => $noCandidatesFound
private function extractDataFromJSON($defaultFields, $config, $source)
$data = [];
foreach ($config['mapping'] as $key => $fieldConfig) {
$values = null;
if (!is_array($fieldConfig)) {
$fieldConfig = ['path' => $fieldConfig];
if (!empty($fieldConfig['path'])) {
$values = Hash::extract($source, $fieldConfig['path']);
if (!empty($fieldConfig['massage'])) {
$values = array_map("self::{$fieldConfig['massage']}", $values);
if (isset($defaultFields[$key])) {
$data[$key] = $values;
} else {
$data['metaFields'][$key] = $values;
return $this->invertArray($data);
private function getDataFromSource($source)
$data = $this->getDataFromFile($source);
if ($data === false) {
$data = $this->getDataFromURL($source);
return $data;
private function getDataFromURL($url)
$validator = new Validator();
->notEmptyString('url', 'Please provide a valid source')
$errors = $validator->validate(['url' => $url]);
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->io->error(json_encode(Hash::extract($errors, '{s}'), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$http = new Client();
$this->io->verbose('Downloading file');
$response = $http->get($url);
return $response->getJson();
private function getDataFromFile($path)
$file = new File($path);
if ($file->exists()) {
$this->io->verbose('Reading file');
$data = $file->read();
if (!empty($data)) {
$data = json_decode($data, true);
if (is_null($data)) {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the source file');
return $data;
return false;
private function saveDataOnDisk($filename, $data)
$file = new File($filename, true);
$this->io->out("File saved at: {$file->pwd()}");
private function getConfigFromFile($configPath)
$file = new File($configPath);
if ($file->exists()) {
$config = $file->read();
if (!empty($config)) {
$config = json_decode($config, true);
if (is_null($config)) {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file');
return $config;
} else {
$this->io->error('Configuration file cound not be read');
} else {
$this->io->error('Configuration file not found');
private function processConfig($config)
$allowedModels = ['Organisations', 'Individuals'];
$allowedFinderType = ['exact', 'bestMatch'];
if (empty($config['source']) || empty($config['finder']) || empty($config['target']) || empty($config['squashingData'])) {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file, some of these fields are missing: `source`, `finder`, `target`, `squashingData`');
if (!empty($config['target']['model'])) {
if (!in_array($config['target']['model'], $allowedModels)) {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file, target.model configuration must be one of: ' . implode(', ', $allowedModels));
} else {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file, target.model configuration is missing');
if (empty($config['finder']['path']) || empty($config['finder']['joinFields'])) {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file, some finder fields are missing');
if (!empty($config['finder']['type'])) {
if (!in_array($config['finder']['type'], $allowedFinderType)) {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file, finder.type configuration must be one of: ' . implode(', ', $allowedFinderType));
} else {
$this->io->error('Error while parsing the configuration file, finder.type configuration is missing');
private function transformResultSetsIntoTable($result, $header=[])
$table = [[]];
if (!empty($result)) {
$tableHeader = empty($header) ? array_keys($result[0]) : $header;
$tableContent = [];
foreach ($result as $item) {
if (empty($header)) {
$tableContent[] = array_map('strval', array_values($item));
} else {
$row = [];
foreach ($tableHeader as $key) {
$row[] = (string) $item[$key];
$tableContent[] = $row;
$table = array_merge([$tableHeader], $tableContent);
return $table;
private function transformEntitiesIntoTable($entities, $header=[])
$table = [[]];
if (!empty($entities)) {
if (empty($header)) {
if (!is_array($entities[0])) {
$tableHeader = array_keys(Hash::flatten($entities[0]->toArray()));
} else {
$tableHeader = array_keys($entities[0]);
} else {
$tableHeader = $header;
$tableContent = [];
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
$row = [];
foreach ($tableHeader as $key) {
$subKeys = explode('.', $key);
if (is_array($entity[$key])) {
$row[] = json_encode($entity[$key]);
} else {
$row[] = (string) $entity[$key];
$tableContent[] = $row;
$table = array_merge([$tableHeader], $tableContent);
return $table;
private function invertArray($data)
$inverted = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $values) {
foreach ($values as $i => $value) {
$inverted[$i][$key] = $value;
return $inverted;
private function genUUID($value)
return Text::uuid();
private function nullToEmptyString($value)
return is_null($value) ? '' : $value;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"source": "/var/www/cerebrate/src/Command/misp_org.json",
"finder": {
"joinFields": {
"squashed": "name",
"squashing": "name"
"path": "{n}.Organisation",
"type": "exact"
"target": {
"model": "Organisations",
"squashedField": "uuid"
"squashingData": {
"squashingField": "uuid",
"massage": "validateUUID"