/** AJAXApi class providing helpers to perform AJAX request */ class AJAXApi { static genericRequestHeaders = { 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' }; static genericRequestConfigGET = { headers: new Headers(Object.assign({}, AJAXApi.genericRequestHeaders)) } static genericRequestConfigPOST = { headers: new Headers(Object.assign({}, AJAXApi.genericRequestHeaders)), redirect: 'manual', method: 'POST', } static genericRequestConfigGETJSON = { headers: new Headers(Object.assign({}, AJAXApi.genericRequestHeaders, {Accept: 'application/json'})) } /** * @namespace * @property {boolean} provideFeedback - Should a toast be used to provide feedback upon request fulfillment * @property {(jQuery|string)} statusNode - The node on which the loading overlay should be placed (OverlayFactory.node) * @property {Object} statusNodeOverlayConfig - The configuration (OverlayFactory.options) of the overlay applied on the status node * @property {Object} errorToastOptions - The options supported by Toaster#defaultOptions * @property {Object} successToastOptions - The options supported by Toaster#defaultOptions */ static defaultOptions = { provideFeedback: true, statusNode: false, statusNodeOverlayConfig: {}, errorToastOptions: { delay: 10000 }, successToastOptions: { }, } options = {} loadingOverlay = false /** * Instantiate an AJAXApi object. * @param {Object} options - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions */ constructor(options) { this.mergeOptions(AJAXApi.defaultOptions) this.mergeOptions(options) } /** * Based on the current configuration, provide feedback to the user via toast, console or do not * @param {Object} toastOptions - The options supported by Toaster#defaultOptions * @param {boolean} isError - If true and toast feedback is disable, write the feedback in the console * @param {boolean} skip - If true, skip the feedback regardless of the configuration */ provideFeedback(toastOptions, isError=false, skip=false) { const alteredToastOptions = Object.assign( {}, isError ? AJAXApi.defaultOptions.errorToastOptions : AJAXApi.defaultOptions.successToastOptions, toastOptions ) if (!skip) { if (this.options.provideFeedback) { UI.toast(alteredToastOptions) } else { if (isError) { console.error(alteredToastOptions.body) } } } } /** * Merge newOptions configuration into the current object * @param {Object} The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions */ mergeOptions(newOptions) { this.options = Object.assign({}, this.options, newOptions) } /** * * @param {FormData} formData - The data of a form * @param {Object} dataToMerge - Data to be merge into formData * @return {FormData} The form data merged with the additional dataToMerge data */ static mergeFormData(formData, dataToMerge) { for (const [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(dataToMerge)) { formData.set(fieldName, value) } return formData } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {Object} [options={}] - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the fetched HTML */ static async quickFetchURL(url, options={}) { const constAlteredOptions = Object.assign({}, {provideFeedback: false}, options) const tmpApi = new AJAXApi(constAlteredOptions) return tmpApi.fetchURL(url, constAlteredOptions.skipRequestHooks) } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {Object} [options={}] - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the fetched HTML */ static async quickFetchJSON(url, options={}) { const constAlteredOptions = Object.assign({}, {provideFeedback: false}, options) const tmpApi = new AJAXApi(constAlteredOptions) return tmpApi.fetchJSON(url, constAlteredOptions.skipRequestHooks) } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {Object} [options={}] - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the fetched form */ static async quickFetchForm(url, options={}) { const constAlteredOptions = Object.assign({}, {provideFeedback: false}, options) const tmpApi = new AJAXApi(constAlteredOptions) return tmpApi.fetchForm(url, constAlteredOptions.skipRequestHooks) } /** * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - The form to be posted * @param {Object} [dataToMerge={}] - Additional data to be integrated or modified in the form * @param {Object} [options={}] - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the result of the POST operation */ static async quickPostForm(form, dataToMerge={}, options={}) { const constAlteredOptions = Object.assign({}, {}, options) const tmpApi = new AJAXApi(constAlteredOptions) return tmpApi.postForm(form, dataToMerge, constAlteredOptions.skipRequestHooks) } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to on which to execute the POST * @param {Object} [data={}] - The data to be posted * @param {Object} [options={}] - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the result of the POST operation */ static async quickPostData(url, data={}, options={}) { const constAlteredOptions = Object.assign({}, {}, options) const tmpApi = new AJAXApi(constAlteredOptions) return tmpApi.postData(url, data, constAlteredOptions.skipRequestHooks) } /** * @param {string} url - The URL from which to fetch the form * @param {Object} [dataToMerge={}] - Additional data to be integrated or modified in the form * @param {Object} [options={}] - The options supported by AJAXApi#defaultOptions * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the result of the POST operation */ static async quickFetchAndPostForm(url, dataToMerge={}, options={}) { const constAlteredOptions = Object.assign({}, {}, options) const tmpApi = new AJAXApi(constAlteredOptions) return tmpApi.fetchAndPostForm(url, dataToMerge, constAlteredOptions.skipRequestHooks, constAlteredOptions.skipFeedback) } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {boolean} [skipRequestHooks=false] - If true, default request hooks will be skipped * @param {boolean} [skipFeedback=false] - Pass this value to the AJAXApi.provideFeedback function * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the fetched HTML */ async fetchURL(url, skipRequestHooks=false, skipFeedback=false) { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.beforeRequest() } let toReturn try { const response = await fetch(url, AJAXApi.genericRequestConfigGET); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok. \`${response.statusText}\``) } const dataHtml = await response.text(); this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'success', title: 'URL fetched', }, false, skipFeedback); toReturn = dataHtml; } catch (error) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: error.message }, true, skipFeedback); toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } finally { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.afterRequest() } } return toReturn } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {boolean} [skipRequestHooks=false] - If true, default request hooks will be skipped * @param {boolean} [skipFeedback=false] - Pass this value to the AJAXApi.provideFeedback function * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the fetched JSON */ async fetchJSON(url, skipRequestHooks=false, skipFeedback=false) { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.beforeRequest() } let toReturn try { const response = await fetch(url, AJAXApi.genericRequestConfigGETJSON); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok. \`${response.statusText}\``) } const dataJson = await response.json(); this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'success', title: 'URL fetched', }, false, skipFeedback); toReturn = dataJson; } catch (error) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: error.message }, true, skipFeedback); toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } finally { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.afterRequest() } } return toReturn } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {boolean} [skipRequestHooks=false] - If true, default request hooks will be skipped * @param {boolean} [skipFeedback=false] - Pass this value to the AJAXApi.provideFeedback function * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the fetched HTML */ async fetchForm(url, skipRequestHooks=false, skipFeedback=false) { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.beforeRequest() } let toReturn try { const response = await fetch(url, AJAXApi.genericRequestConfigGET); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok. \`${response.statusText}\``) } const formHtml = await response.text(); let tmpNode = document.createElement("div"); tmpNode.innerHTML = formHtml; let form = tmpNode.getElementsByTagName('form'); if (form.length == 0) { throw new Error('The server did not return a form element') } toReturn = form[0]; } catch (error) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: error.message }, true, skipFeedback); toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } finally { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.afterRequest() } } return toReturn } /** * @param {string} url - The URL to fetch * @param {Object} dataToPost - data to be posted * @param {boolean} [skipRequestHooks=false] - If true, default request hooks will be skipped * @param {boolean} [skipFeedback=false] - Pass this value to the AJAXApi.provideFeedback function * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the result of the POST */ async postData(url, dataToPost, skipRequestHooks=false, skipFeedback=false) { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.beforeRequest() } let toReturn try { let formData = new FormData() formData = AJAXApi.mergeFormData(formData, dataToPost) let requestConfig = AJAXApi.genericRequestConfigPOST requestConfig.headers.append('AUTHORIZATION', '~HACKY-HACK~') let options = { ...requestConfig, body: formData, }; const response = await fetch(url, options); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok. \`${response.statusText}\``) } const data = await response.json() if (data.success) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'success', body: data.message }, false, skipFeedback); toReturn = data; } else { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: data.message }, true, skipFeedback); toReturn = Promise.reject(data.errors); } } catch (error) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: error.message }, true, skipFeedback); toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } finally { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.afterRequest() } } return toReturn } /** * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - The form to be posted * @param {Object} [dataToMerge={}] - Additional data to be integrated or modified in the form * @param {boolean} [skipRequestHooks=false] - If true, default request hooks will be skipped * @param {boolean} [skipFeedback=false] - Pass this value to the AJAXApi.provideFeedback function * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the result of the POST operation */ async postForm(form, dataToMerge={}, skipRequestHooks=false, skipFeedback=false) { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.beforeRequest() } let toReturn let feedbackShown = false try { try { let formData = new FormData(form) formData = AJAXApi.mergeFormData(formData, dataToMerge) let requestConfig = AJAXApi.genericRequestConfigPOST let options = { ...requestConfig, body: formData, }; const response = await fetch(form.action, options); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Network response was not ok. \`${response.statusText}\``) } const clonedResponse = response.clone() try { const data = await response.json() if (data.success) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'success', body: data.message }, false, skipFeedback); toReturn = data; } else { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: data.message }, true, skipFeedback); feedbackShown = true this.injectFormValidationFeedback(form, data.errors) toReturn = Promise.reject(data.errors); } } catch (error) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: error.message }, true, feedbackShown); toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } } catch (error) { this.provideFeedback({ variant: 'danger', title: 'There has been a problem with the operation', body: error.message }, true, feedbackShown); toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } } catch (error) { toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } finally { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.afterRequest() } } return toReturn } /** * @param {string} url - The URL from which to fetch the form * @param {Object} [dataToMerge={}] - Additional data to be integrated or modified in the form * @param {boolean} [skipRequestHooks=false] - If true, default request hooks will be skipped * @return {Promise} Promise object resolving to the result of the POST operation */ async fetchAndPostForm(url, dataToMerge={}, skipRequestHooks=false, skipFeedback=false) { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.beforeRequest() } let toReturn try { const form = await this.fetchForm(url, true, true); toReturn = await this.postForm(form, dataToMerge, true, skipFeedback) } catch (error) { toReturn = Promise.reject(error); } finally { if (!skipRequestHooks) { this.afterRequest() } } return toReturn } /** * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - The form form which the POST operation is coming from * @param {Object} [validationErrors={}] - Validation errors reported by the server */ injectFormValidationFeedback(form, validationErrors) { const formHelper = new FormValidationHelper(form) formHelper.injectValidationErrors(validationErrors) } /** Based on the configuration, show the loading overlay */ beforeRequest() { if (this.options.statusNode !== false) { this.toggleLoading(true) } } /** Based on the configuration, hide the loading overlay */ afterRequest() { if (this.options.statusNode !== false) { this.toggleLoading(false) } } /** Show or hide the loading overlay */ toggleLoading(loading) { if (this.loadingOverlay === false) { this.loadingOverlay = new OverlayFactory(this.options.statusNode, this.options.statusNodeOverlayConfig); } if (loading) { this.loadingOverlay.show() } else { this.loadingOverlay.hide() } } }