'address-book', 'Organisations' => 'building', 'EncryptionKeys' => 'key', 'SharingGroups' => 'user-friends', 'MailingLists' => 'mail-bulk', 'Broods' => 'network-wired', 'Roles' => 'id-badge', 'Users' => 'users', 'UserSettings' => 'user-cog', 'Inbox' => 'inbox', 'Outbox' => 'inbox', 'MetaTemplates' => 'object-group', 'LocalTools' => 'tools', 'Instance' => 'server', 'Tags' => 'tags', 'API' => 'code', 'EnumerationCollections' => 'list', ]; public function initialize(array $config): void { $this->request = $config['request']; } public function beforeRender($event) { $this->fullBreadcrumb = $this->genBreadcrumb(); } public function getSideMenu(): array { $sidemenu = new Sidemenu($this->iconToTableMapping, $this->request); $sidemenu = $sidemenu->get(); $sidemenu = $this->addUserBookmarks($sidemenu); return $sidemenu; } public function addUserBookmarks($sidemenu): array { $bookmarks = $this->getUserBookmarks(); $sidemenu = array_merge([ '__bookmarks' => $bookmarks ], $sidemenu); return $sidemenu; } public function getUserBookmarks(): array { $userSettingTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('UserSettings'); $setting = $userSettingTable->getSettingByName($this->request->getAttribute('identity'), 'ui.bookmarks'); $bookmarks = is_null($setting) ? [] : json_decode($setting->value, true); $links = array_map(function($bookmark) { return [ 'name' => $bookmark['name'], 'label' => $bookmark['label'], 'url' => $bookmark['url'], ]; }, $bookmarks); return $links; } public function getBreadcrumb(): array { $controller = $this->request->getParam('controller'); $action = $this->request->getParam('action'); if (empty($this->fullBreadcrumb[$controller][$action])) { return [[ 'label' => $controller, 'url' => Router::url(['controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action]), ]]; // no breadcrumb defined for this endpoint } $currentRoute = $this->fullBreadcrumb[$controller][$action]; $breadcrumbPath = $this->getBreadcrumbPath($currentRoute); return $breadcrumbPath; } public function getBreadcrumbPath(array $currentRoute): array { $path = []; $visitedURL = []; while (empty($visitedURL[$currentRoute['url']])) { $visitedURL[$currentRoute['url']] = true; $path[] = $currentRoute; if (!empty($currentRoute['after'])) { if (is_callable($currentRoute['after'])) { $route = $currentRoute['after'](); } else { $route = $currentRoute['after']; } if (empty($route)) { continue; } $currentRoute = $route; } } $path = array_reverse($path); return $path; } public function genBreadcrumb(): array { $request = $this->request; $bcf = new BreadcrumbFactory($this->iconToTableMapping); $fullConfig = $this->getFullConfig($bcf, $this->request); return $fullConfig; } private function loadNavigationClasses($bcf, $request) { $navigationClasses = []; $navigationDir = new Folder(APP . DS . 'Controller' . DS . 'Component' . DS . 'Navigation'); $navigationFiles = $navigationDir->find('.*\.php', true); foreach ($navigationFiles as $navigationFile) { if ($navigationFile == 'base.php' || $navigationFile == 'sidemenu.php') { continue; } $navigationClassname = str_replace('.php', '', $navigationFile); require_once(APP . 'Controller' . DS . 'Component' . DS . 'Navigation' . DS . $navigationFile); $reflection = new \ReflectionClass("BreadcrumbNavigation\\{$navigationClassname}Navigation"); $viewVars = $this->_registry->getController()->viewBuilder()->getVars(); $navigationClasses[$navigationClassname] = $reflection->newInstance($bcf, $request, $viewVars); $navigationClasses[$navigationClassname]->setCurrentUser($this->currentUser); } return $navigationClasses; } public function getFullConfig($bcf, $request) { $navigationClasses = $this->loadNavigationClasses($bcf, $request); $CRUDControllers = [ 'Individuals', 'Organisations', 'EncryptionKeys', 'SharingGroups', 'Broods', 'Roles', 'Users', 'Tags', 'LocalTools', 'UserSettings', 'MailingLists', 'EnumerationCollections', ]; foreach ($CRUDControllers as $controller) { $bcf->setDefaultCRUDForModel($controller); } foreach ($navigationClasses as $className => $class) { $class->addRoutes(); } foreach ($navigationClasses as $className => $class) { $class->addParents(); } foreach ($navigationClasses as $className => $class) { $class->addLinks(); } foreach ($navigationClasses as $className => $class) { $class->addActions(); } return $bcf->getEndpoints(); } } class BreadcrumbFactory { private $endpoints = []; private $iconToTableMapping = []; public function __construct($iconToTableMapping) { $this->iconToTableMapping = $iconToTableMapping; } public function defaultCRUD(string $controller, string $action, array $overrides = []): array { $table = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get($controller); $item = []; if ($action === 'index') { $item = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, [ 'label' => __('{0} index', Inflector::humanize($controller)), 'url' => "/{$controller}/index", 'icon' => $this->iconToTableMapping[$controller] ]); } else if ($action === 'view') { $item = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, [ 'label' => __('View'), 'icon' => 'eye', 'url' => "/{$controller}/view/{{id}}", 'url_vars' => ['id' => 'id'], 'textGetter' => !empty($table->getDisplayField()) ? $table->getDisplayField() : 'id', ]); } else if ($action === 'add') { $item = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, [ 'label' => __('[new {0}]', $controller), 'icon' => 'plus', 'url' => "/{$controller}/add", 'isPOST' => true, ]); } else if ($action === 'edit') { $item = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, [ 'label' => __('Edit'), 'icon' => 'edit', 'url' => "/{$controller}/edit/{{id}}", 'url_vars' => ['id' => 'id'], 'isPOST' => true, 'textGetter' => !empty($table->getDisplayField()) ? $table->getDisplayField() : 'id', ]); } else if ($action === 'delete') { $item = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, [ 'label' => __('Delete'), 'icon' => 'trash', 'url' => "/{$controller}/delete/{{id}}", 'url_vars' => ['id' => 'id'], 'isPOST' => true, 'textGetter' => !empty($table->getDisplayField()) ? $table->getDisplayField() : 'id', ]); } else if ($action === 'audit') { $item = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, [ 'label' => __('Audit changes'), 'icon' => 'history', 'url' => "/audit-logs?model={{model}}&model_id={{id}}&sort=created&direction=desc&embedInModal=1&excludeStats=1&skipTableToolbar=1", 'url_vars' => ['id' => 'id', 'model' => ['raw' => $table->getAlias()]], 'textGetter' => !empty($table->getDisplayField()) ? $table->getDisplayField() : 'id', ]); } $item['route_path'] = "{$controller}:{$action}"; $item = array_merge($item, $overrides); return $item; } public function genRouteConfig($controller, $action, $config = []) { $routeConfig = [ 'controller' => $controller, 'action' => $action, 'route_path' => "{$controller}:{$action}", ]; $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'url'); $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'url_vars'); $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'icon'); $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'label'); $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'textGetter'); $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'badge'); $routeConfig = $this->addIfNotEmpty($routeConfig, $config, 'isPOST'); return $routeConfig; } private function addIfNotEmpty($arr, $data, $key, $default = null) { if (!empty($data[$key])) { $arr[$key] = $data[$key]; } else { if (!is_null($default)) { $arr[$key] = $default; } } return $arr; } public function addRoute($controller, $action, $config = []) { $this->endpoints[$controller][$action] = $this->genRouteConfig($controller, $action, $config); } public function setDefaultCRUDForModel($controller) { $this->addRoute($controller, 'index', $this->defaultCRUD($controller, 'index')); $this->addRoute($controller, 'view', $this->defaultCRUD($controller, 'view')); $this->addRoute($controller, 'add', $this->defaultCRUD($controller, 'add')); $this->addRoute($controller, 'edit', $this->defaultCRUD($controller, 'edit')); $this->addRoute($controller, 'delete', $this->defaultCRUD($controller, 'delete')); $this->addRoute($controller, 'audit', $this->defaultCRUD($controller, 'audit')); $this->addParent($controller, 'view', $controller, 'index'); $this->addParent($controller, 'add', $controller, 'index'); $this->addParent($controller, 'edit', $controller, 'index'); $this->addParent($controller, 'delete', $controller, 'index'); $this->addSelfLink($controller, 'view'); $this->addLink($controller, 'view', $controller, 'edit'); $this->addLink($controller, 'edit', $controller, 'view'); $this->addSelfLink($controller, 'edit'); $this->addAction($controller, 'view', $controller, 'add'); $this->addAction($controller, 'view', $controller, 'delete'); $this->addAction($controller, 'view', $controller, 'audit'); $this->addAction($controller, 'edit', $controller, 'add'); $this->addAction($controller, 'edit', $controller, 'delete'); $this->addAction($controller, 'edit', $controller, 'audit'); } public function get($controller, $action) { if (empty($this->endpoints[$controller]) || empty($this->endpoints[$controller][$action])) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("Tried to add a reference to %s:%s which does not exists", $controller, $action), 1); } return $this->endpoints[$controller][$action]; } public function getEndpoints() { return $this->endpoints; } public function addParent(string $sourceController, string $sourceAction, string $targetController, string $targetAction, $overrides = []) { $routeSourceConfig = $this->get($sourceController, $sourceAction); $routeTargetConfig = $this->get($targetController, $targetAction); $overrides = $this->execClosureIfNeeded($overrides, $routeSourceConfig); if (!is_array($overrides)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("Override closure for %s:%s -> %s:%s must return an array", $sourceController, $sourceAction, $targetController, $targetAction), 1); } $routeTargetConfig = array_merge($routeTargetConfig, $overrides); $parents = array_merge($routeSourceConfig['after'] ?? [], $routeTargetConfig); $this->endpoints[$sourceController][$sourceAction]['after'] = $parents; } public function addSelfLink(string $controller, string $action, array $options=[]) { $this->addLink($controller, $action, $controller, $action, array_merge($options, [ 'selfLink' => true, ])); } public function addLink(string $sourceController, string $sourceAction, string $targetController, string $targetAction, $overrides = []) { $routeSourceConfig = $this->getRouteConfig($sourceController, $sourceAction, true); $routeTargetConfig = $this->getRouteConfig($targetController, $targetAction); $overrides = $this->execClosureIfNeeded($overrides, $routeSourceConfig); if (is_null($overrides)) { // Overrides is null, the link should not be added return; } if (!is_array($overrides)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("Override closure for %s:%s -> %s:%s must return an array", $sourceController, $sourceAction, $targetController, $targetAction), 1); } $routeTargetConfig = array_merge($routeTargetConfig, $overrides); $links = array_merge($routeSourceConfig['links'] ?? [], [$routeTargetConfig]); $this->endpoints[$sourceController][$sourceAction]['links'] = $links; } public function addCustomLink(string $sourceController, string $sourceAction, string $targetUrl, string $label, $overrides = []) { $routeSourceConfig = $this->getRouteConfig($sourceController, $sourceAction, true); $links = array_merge($routeSourceConfig['links'] ?? [], [[ 'url' => $targetUrl, 'icon' => 'link', 'label' => $label, 'route_path' => 'foo:bar' ]]); $this->endpoints[$sourceController][$sourceAction]['links'] = $links; } public function addAction(string $sourceController, string $sourceAction, string $targetController, string $targetAction, $overrides = []) { $routeSourceConfig = $this->getRouteConfig($sourceController, $sourceAction, true); $routeTargetConfig = $this->getRouteConfig($targetController, $targetAction); $overrides = $this->execClosureIfNeeded($overrides, $routeSourceConfig); if (!is_array($overrides)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("Override closure for %s:%s -> %s:%s must return an array", $sourceController, $sourceAction, $targetController, $targetAction), 1); } $routeTargetConfig = array_merge($routeTargetConfig, $overrides); $links = array_merge($routeSourceConfig['actions'] ?? [], [$routeTargetConfig]); $this->endpoints[$sourceController][$sourceAction]['actions'] = $links; } public function removeLink(string $sourceController, string $sourceAction, string $targetController, string $targetAction) { $routeSourceConfig = $this->getRouteConfig($sourceController, $sourceAction, true); if (!empty($routeSourceConfig['links'])) { foreach ($routeSourceConfig['links'] as $i => $routeConfig) { if ($routeConfig['controller'] == $targetController && $routeConfig['action'] == $targetAction) { unset($routeSourceConfig['links'][$i]); $this->endpoints[$sourceController][$sourceAction]['links'] = $routeSourceConfig['links']; break; } } } } public function getRouteConfig($controller, $action, $fullRoute = false) { $routeConfig = $this->get($controller, $action); if (empty($fullRoute)) { unset($routeConfig['after']); unset($routeConfig['links']); unset($routeConfig['actions']); } return $routeConfig; } private function execClosureIfNeeded($closure, $routeConfig=[]) { if (is_callable($closure)) { return $closure($routeConfig); } return $closure; } }