import type { DiagramDefinition, DiagramDetector } from './types.js'; import * as _commonDb from '../diagrams/common/commonDb.js'; export declare const log: Record; export declare const setLogLevel: (level?: string | number) => void; export declare const getConfig: () => import("../config.type.js").MermaidConfig; export declare const sanitizeText: (text: string) => string; export declare const setupGraphViewbox: (graph: any, svgElem: any, padding: any, useMaxWidth: any) => void; export declare const getCommonDb: () => typeof _commonDb; export interface Detectors { [key: string]: DiagramDetector; } /** * Registers the given diagram with Mermaid. * * Can be used for third-party custom diagrams. * * @param id - A unique ID for the given diagram. * @param diagram - The diagram definition. * @param detector - Function that returns `true` if a given mermaid text is this diagram definition. */ export declare const registerDiagram: (id: string, diagram: DiagramDefinition, detector?: DiagramDetector) => void; export declare const getDiagram: (name: string) => DiagramDefinition; export declare class DiagramNotFoundError extends Error { constructor(name: string); }