setDescription('Create alignements (and optionally enroll users) based on the provided CSV file.'); $parser->addArgument('path', [ 'help' => 'A path to the source file that should be used to create the alignments.', 'required' => true ]); $parser->addOption('alignment_type', [ 'short' => 't', 'help' => 'The alignment type to use', 'default' => 'member', ]); $parser->addOption('individual_email_column', [ 'short' => 'i', 'help' => 'The name of the column to find the individual email address', 'default' => 'Email', ]); $parser->addOption('organisation_name_column', [ 'short' => 'o', 'help' => 'The name of the column to find the organisation name', 'default' => 'TeamName', ]); $parser->addOption('create_user', [ 'short' => 'c', 'help' => 'Should the user be created', 'boolean' => true, 'default' => false, ]); $parser->addOption('role_id', [ 'short' => 'r', 'help' => 'The role to assign to the user', ]); $parser->addOption('yes', [ 'short' => 'y', 'help' => 'Automatically assume yes to any prompts', 'default' => false, 'boolean' => true ]); return $parser; } public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io) { $this->io = $io; $path = $args->getArgument('path'); $this->alignment_type = $args->getOption('alignment_type'); $this->individual_email_column = $args->getOption('individual_email_column'); $this->organisation_name_column = $args->getOption('organisation_name_column'); $this->create_user = $args->getOption('create_user'); $this->role_id = $args->getOption('role_id'); $this->autoYes = $args->getOption('yes'); $alignmentTable = $this->modelClass; $this->loadModel($alignmentTable); $data = $this->getDataFromFile($path); $updatedData = $this->updateBeforeSave($data); $alignmentEntities = $this->marshalData($this->{$alignmentTable}, $updatedData); $alignmentEntitiesSample = array_slice($alignmentEntities, 0, min(5, count($alignmentEntities))); $ioTable = $this->transformEntitiesIntoTable($alignmentEntitiesSample); if ($this->autoYes) { $this->saveAligmentData($this->{$alignmentTable}, $alignmentEntities); } else { $io->helper('Table')->output($ioTable); $selection = $io->askChoice('A sample of the data you about to be saved is provided above. Would you like to proceed?', ['Y', 'N'], 'N'); if ($selection == 'Y') { $this->saveAligmentData($this->{$alignmentTabble}, $alignmentEntities); } } if ($this->create_user) { $this->loadModel('Users'); if (is_null($this->role_id)) { $defaultRole = $this->Users->Roles->find()->select(['id'])->where(['is_default' => true])->first(); if (empty($defaultRole)) { $this->io->error(__('No default role available. Create a default role or provide the role ID to be assigned.')); die(1); } $defaultRole = $defaultRole->toArray(); if (!empty($defaultRole['perm_admin'])) { $selection = $io->askChoice('The default role has the `admin` permission. Confirm giving the admin permission to users to be enrolled.', ['Y', 'N'], 'N'); if ($selection != 'Y') { die(1); } } $this->role_id = $defaultRole['id']; } else { $role = $this->Users->Roles->find()->select(['id'])->where(['id' => $this->role_id])->first(); if (empty($role)) { $this->io->error(__('Provided role ID does not exist')); die(1); } } $userEntities = $this->createEntitiesForUsers($alignmentEntities); if ($this->autoYes) { $this->enrolUsers($userEntities); } else { $userEntitiesSample = array_slice($userEntities, 0, min(5, count($userEntities))); $ioTable = $this->transformEntitiesIntoTable($userEntitiesSample); $io->helper('Table')->output($ioTable); $selection = $io->askChoice('A sample of the data you about to be saved is provided above. Would you like to proceed?', ['Y', 'N'], 'N'); if ($selection == 'Y') { $this->enrolUsers($userEntities); } } } } private function saveAligmentData($alignmentTable, $entities) { $this->io->verbose('Saving data'); $saveResult = $alignmentTable->saveMany($entities); if ($saveResult === false) { $errors = []; $errorCount = 0; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $errorCount += 1; $errors[json_encode($entity->getErrors())] = true; } $this->io->error(__('{0} Errors while saving data', $errorCount)); $this->io->error(json_encode(array_keys($errors))); $this->io->success(__('Saved {0} aligments', count($entities) - $errorCount)); } } private function enrolUsers($entities) { $this->io->verbose('Saving data'); $errors = []; $errorCount = 0; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $succes = $this->Users->save($entity); if (empty($succes)) { $errorCount += 1; $errors[json_encode($entity->getErrors())] = true; } else { if (Configure::read('keycloak.enabled')) { $this->Users->enrollUserRouter($succes); } } } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->io->error(__('{0} Errors while saving data', $errorCount)); $this->io->error(json_encode(array_keys($errors))); } $this->io->success(__('Enrolled {0} users', count($entities) - $errorCount)); } private function createEntitiesForUsers($alignmentEntities) { $entities = []; foreach ($alignmentEntities as $alignmentEntity) { $entity = $this->Users->newEntity([ 'individual_id' => $alignmentEntity->individual_id, 'organisation_id' => $alignmentEntity->organisation_id, 'username' => $alignmentEntity->individual_email, 'password' => Security::randomString(20), 'role_id' => $this->role_id, ]); $entities[] = $entity; } return $entities; } private function marshalData($alignmentTable, $data) { $entities = $alignmentTable->newEntities($data, [ 'accessibleFields' => ($alignmentTable->newEmptyEntity())->getAccessibleFieldForNew() ]); return $entities; } private function updateBeforeSave($data) { $this->loadModel('Individuals'); $this->loadModel('Organisations'); $updatedData = []; foreach ($data as $entry) { $individual = $this->getIndividualByEmail($entry[$this->individual_email_column]); $organisation = $this->getOrganisationsByName($entry[$this->organisation_name_column]); if (empty($organisation)) { $this->io->error("Error while parsing source data. Could not find organisation with name: " . $entry[$this->organisation_name_column]); die(1); } if (empty($individual)) { $this->io->error("Error while parsing source data. Could not find individuals with email: " . $entry[$this->individual_email_column]); die(1); } $new = [ 'individual_id' => $individual->id, 'organisation_id' => $organisation->id, 'type' => $this->alignment_type, 'individual_email' => $entry[$this->individual_email_column], ]; $updatedData[] = $new; } return $updatedData; } private function getIndividualByEmail($email) { return $this->Individuals->find()->where([ 'email' => $email, ])->first(); } private function getOrganisationsByName($name) { return $this->Organisations->find()->where([ 'name' => $name, ])->first(); } private function getDataFromFile($path) { $file = new File($path); if ($file->exists()) { $this->io->verbose('Reading file'); $text = $file->read(); $file->close(); if (!empty($text)) { $rows = array_map('str_getcsv', explode(PHP_EOL, $text)); if (count($rows[0]) != count($rows[1])) { $this->io->error('Error while parsing source data. CSV doesn\'t have the same number of columns'); die(1); } $csvData = []; $headers = array_shift($rows); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (count($headers) == count($row)) { $csvData[] = array_combine($headers, $row); } } return $csvData; } } return false; } private function transformEntitiesIntoTable($entities, $header = []) { $table = [[]]; if (!empty($entities)) { $tableHeader = empty($header) ? array_keys(Hash::flatten($entities[0]->toArray())) : $header; $tableContent = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $row = []; foreach ($tableHeader as $key) { if (in_array($key, $entity->getVirtual())) { continue; } $row[] = (string) $entity[$key]; } $tableContent[] = $row; } $table = array_merge([$tableHeader], $tableContent); } return $table; } }