true], 'uuid', 'nationality', 'sector', 'type', 'url']; public $filterFields = ['name', 'uuid', 'nationality', 'sector', 'type', 'url', '', 'MetaFields.field', 'MetaFields.value', '']; public $containFields = ['Alignments' => 'Individuals', 'OrgGroups']; public $statisticsFields = ['nationality', 'sector']; public function index() { $customContextFilters = [ // [ // 'label' => __('ENISA Accredited'), // 'filterCondition' => [ // 'MetaFields.field' => 'enisa-tistatus', // 'MetaFields.value' => 'Accredited', // '' => 'ENISA CSIRT Network' // ] // ], // [ // 'label' => __('ENISA not-Accredited'), // 'filterCondition' => [ // 'MetaFields.field' => 'enisa-tistatus', // 'MetaFields.value !=' => 'Accredited', // '' => 'ENISA CSIRT Network' // ] // ], // [ // 'label' => __('ENISA CSIRT Network (GOV)'), // 'filterConditionFunction' => function ($query) { // return $this->CRUD->setParentConditionsForMetaFields($query, [ // 'ENISA CSIRT Network' => [ // [ // 'field' => 'constituency', // 'value LIKE' => '%Government%', // ], // [ // 'field' => 'csirt-network-status', // 'value' => 'Member', // ], // ] // ]); // } // ], ]; $loggedUserOrganisationNationality = $this->ACL->getUser()['organisation']['nationality']; if (!empty($loggedUserOrganisationNationality)) { $customContextFilters[] = [ 'label' => __('Country: {0}', $loggedUserOrganisationNationality), 'filterCondition' => [ 'nationality' => $loggedUserOrganisationNationality, ] ]; } $additionalContainFields = []; if ($this->ParamHandler->isRest()) { $additionalContainFields[] = 'MetaFields'; } $containFields = array_merge($this->containFields, $additionalContainFields); $this->CRUD->index([ 'filters' => $this->filterFields, 'quickFilters' => $this->quickFilterFields, 'quickFilterForMetaField' => ['enabled' => true, 'wildcard_search' => true], 'contextFilters' => [ 'custom' => $customContextFilters, ], 'contain' => $containFields, 'statisticsFields' => $this->statisticsFields, ]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('alignmentScope', 'individuals'); $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); } public function filtering() { $this->CRUD->filtering(); } public function add() { $this->CRUD->add(); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } } public function view($id) { $this->CRUD->view($id, ['contain' => ['Alignments' => 'Individuals', 'OrgGroups']]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('canEdit', $this->canEdit($id)); } public function edit($id) { if (!$this->canEdit($id)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You cannot modify that organisation.')); } $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); $this->CRUD->edit($id, [ 'beforeSave' => function($data) use ($currentUser) { if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { unset($data['uuid']); } return $data; } ]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); $this->render('add'); } public function delete($id) { $this->CRUD->delete($id); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); } public function tag($id) { if (!$this->canEdit($id)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You cannot tag that organisation.')); } $this->CRUD->tag($id); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } } public function untag($id) { if (!$this->canEdit($id)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You cannot untag that organisation.')); } $this->CRUD->untag($id); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } } public function viewTags($id) { $this->CRUD->viewTags($id); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } } private function canEdit($orgId): bool { $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); if ($currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { return true; } if ($currentUser['role']['perm_org_admin'] && $currentUser['organisation']['id'] == $orgId) { return true; } return false; } }