# cerebrate The Cerebrate Sync Platform core software Cerebrate is an open-source platform meant to act as a trusted contact information provider and interconnection orchestrator for other security tools. It is currently being built under the Melicertes v2 project and is heavily work in progress. Currently it maintains a repository of organisations and individuals along with signing keys and their affiliations. The platform is built on CakePHP 4 along with Bootstrap 4 and shares parts of the code-base with MISP. #### Screnshots List of individuals along with their affiliations ![List of individuals](/documentation/images/individuals.png) Adding organisations ![Adding an organisation](/documentation/images/orgs_api.png) Everything is available via the API, here an example of a search query for all international organisations in the DB. ![API query](/documentation/images/orgs_api.png) Managing public keys and assigning them to users both for communication and validating signed information shared in the community ![Encryption key management](add_encryption_key.png)