setDescription('Create a summary for data associated to the passed nationality that has been modified.'); $parser->addArgument('nationality', [ 'short' => 'n', 'help' => 'The organisation nationality.', 'required' => false ]); $parser->addOption('days', [ 'short' => 'd', 'help' => 'The amount of days to look back in the logs', 'default' => 7 ]); return $parser; } public function execute(Arguments $args, ConsoleIo $io) { $this->__loadTables(); $this->io = $io; $nationality = $args->getArgument('nationality'); $days = $args->getOption('days'); if (!is_null($nationality)) { $nationalities = [$nationality]; } else { $nationalities = $this->_fetchOrgNationalities(); } foreach ($nationalities as $nationality) { $this->io->out(sprintf('Nationality: %s', $nationality)); $this->_collectChangedForNationality($nationality, $days); $this->io->out($io->nl(2)); $this->io->hr(); } } protected function _collectChangedForNationality($nationality, $days) { $filename = sprintf('/tmp/%s.txt', $nationality); $file_input = fopen($filename, 'w'); $organisationIDsForNationality = $this->_fetchOrganisationsForNationality($nationality); if (empty($organisationIDsForNationality)) { $message = sprintf('No changes for organisations with nationality `%s`', $nationality); fwrite($file_input, $message); $this->io->warning($message); return; } $userForOrg = $this->_fetchUserForOrg($organisationIDsForNationality); $userID = Hash::extract($userForOrg, '{n}.id'); $individualID = Hash::extract($userForOrg, '{n}.individual_id'); $message = 'Modified users:' . PHP_EOL; fwrite($file_input, $message); $this->io->out($message); $logsUsers = $this->_fetchLogsForUsers($userID, $days); $modifiedUsers = $this->_formatLogsForTable($logsUsers); foreach ($modifiedUsers as $row) { fputcsv($file_input, $row); } $this->io->helper('Table')->output($modifiedUsers); $message = PHP_EOL . 'Modified organisations:' . PHP_EOL; fwrite($file_input, $message); $this->io->out($message); $logsOrgs = $this->_fetchLogsForOrgs($organisationIDsForNationality, $days); $modifiedOrgs = $this->_formatLogsForTable($logsOrgs); foreach ($modifiedOrgs as $row) { fputcsv($file_input, $row); } $this->io->helper('Table')->output($modifiedOrgs); $message = PHP_EOL . 'Modified individuals:' . PHP_EOL; fwrite($file_input, $message); $this->io->out($message); $logsIndividuals = $this->_fetchLogsForIndividuals($individualID, $days); $modifiedIndividuals = $this->_formatLogsForTable($logsIndividuals); foreach ($modifiedIndividuals as $row) { fputcsv($file_input, $row); } $this->io->helper('Table')->output($modifiedIndividuals); fclose($file_input); } private function __loadTables() { $tables = ['Users', 'Organisations', 'Individuals', 'AuditLogs']; foreach ($tables as $table) { $this->loadModel($table); } } protected function _fetchOrganisationsForNationality(string $nationality): array { return array_keys($this->Organisations->find('list') ->where([ 'nationality' => $nationality, ]) ->all() ->toArray()); } protected function _fetchOrgNationalities(): array { return $this->Organisations->find() ->where([ 'nationality !=' => '', ]) ->all() ->extract('nationality') ->toList(); } protected function _fetchUserForOrg(array $orgIDs = []): array { if (empty($orgIDs)) { return []; } return $this->Users->find() ->contain(['Individuals', 'Roles', 'UserSettings', 'Organisations']) ->where([ ' IN' => $orgIDs, ]) ->enableHydration(false) ->all()->toList(); } protected function _fetchLogsForUsers(array $userIDs = [], int $days=7): array { if (empty($userIDs)) { return []; } return $this->_fetchLogs([ 'contain' => ['Users'], 'conditions' => [ 'model' => 'Users', 'request_action IN' => ['add', 'edit', 'delete'], 'model_id IN' => $userIDs, 'AuditLogs.created >=' => FrozenTime::now()->subDays($days), ] ]); } protected function _fetchLogsForOrgs(array $orgIDs = [], int $days = 7): array { if (empty($orgIDs)) { return []; } return $this->_fetchLogs([ 'contain' => ['Users'], 'conditions' => [ 'model' => 'Organisations', 'request_action IN' => ['add', 'edit', 'delete'], 'model_id IN' => $orgIDs, 'AuditLogs.created >=' => FrozenTime::now()->subDays($days), ] ]); } protected function _fetchLogsForIndividuals(array $individualID = [], int $days = 7): array { if (empty($individualID)) { return []; } return $this->_fetchLogs([ 'contain' => ['Users'], 'conditions' => [ 'model' => 'Individuals', 'request_action IN' => ['add', 'edit', 'delete'], 'model_id IN' => $individualID, 'AuditLogs.created >=' => FrozenTime::now()->subDays($days), ] ]); } protected function _fetchLogs(array $options=[]): array { $logs = $this->AuditLogs->find() ->contain($options['contain']) ->where($options['conditions']) ->enableHydration(false) ->all()->toList(); return array_map(function ($log) { $log['changed'] = is_resource($log['changed']) ? stream_get_contents($log['changed']) : $log['changed']; $log['changed'] = json_decode($log['changed']); return $log; }, $logs); } protected function _formatLogsForTable($logEntries): array { $header = ['Model', 'Action', 'Editor user', 'Log ID', 'Datetime', 'Change']; $data = [$header]; foreach ($logEntries as $logEntry) { $formatted = [ $logEntry['model'], $logEntry['request_action'], sprintf('%s (%s)', $logEntry['user']['username'], $logEntry['user_id']), $logEntry['id'], $logEntry['created']->i18nFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), ]; if ($logEntry['request_action'] == 'edit') { $formatted[] = json_encode($logEntry['changed'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } else { $formatted[] = json_encode($logEntry['changed'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); } $data[] = $formatted; } return $data; } }