%s %s', __('New meta-templates available!'), __n('There is one new template on disk that can be loaded in the database', 'There are {0} new templates on disk that can be loaded in the database:', count($updateableTemplates['new']), count($updateableTemplates['new'])) ); $alertList = []; $alertList = Hash::extract($updateableTemplates['new'], '{s}.template'); $alertList = array_map(function($entry) { return sprintf('%s:%s %s', h($entry['namespace']), h($entry['name']), $this->Bootstrap->button([ 'variant' => 'link', 'size' => 'sm', 'icon' => 'download', 'title' => __('Create this template'), 'onclick' => "UI.submissionModalForIndex('/metaTemplates/createNewTemplate/{$entry['uuid']}', '/meta-templates')", ]) ); }, $alertList); $alertHtml .= $this->Html->nestedList($alertList); } echo $this->element('genericElements/IndexTable/index_table', [ 'notice' => !empty($alertHtml) ? ['html' => $alertHtml, 'variant' => 'warning',] : false, 'data' => [ 'data' => $data, 'top_bar' => [ 'children' => [ [ 'type' => 'context_filters', 'context_filters' => $filteringContexts ], [ 'type' => 'search', 'button' => __('Search'), 'placeholder' => __('Enter value to search'), 'data' => '', 'searchKey' => 'value' ] ] ], 'fields' => [ [ 'name' => '#', 'sort' => 'id', 'data_path' => 'id', ], [ 'name' => 'Enabled', 'sort' => 'enabled', 'data_path' => 'enabled', 'element' => 'toggle', 'url' => '/metaTemplates/toggle/{{0}}', 'url_params_vars' => ['id'], 'toggle_data' => [ 'editRequirement' => [ 'function' => function($row, $options) { return true; }, ], 'skip_full_reload' => true ] ], [ 'name' => 'Default', 'sort' => 'is_default', 'data_path' => 'is_default', 'element' => 'toggle', 'url' => '/metaTemplates/toggle/{{0}}/{{1}}', 'url_params_vars' => [['datapath' => 'id'], ['raw' => 'is_default']], 'toggle_data' => [ 'editRequirement' => [ 'function' => function($row, $options) { return true; } ], 'confirm' => [ 'enable' => [ 'titleHtml' => __('Make {{0}} the default template?'), 'bodyHtml' => $this->Html->nestedList([ __('Only one template per scope can be set as the default template'), '{{0}}', ]), 'type' => '{{0}}', 'confirmText' => __('Yes, set as default'), 'arguments' => [ 'titleHtml' => ['name'], 'bodyHtml' => [ [ 'function' => function($row, $data) { $conflictingTemplate = getConflictingTemplate($row, $data); if (!empty($conflictingTemplate)) { return sprintf( "%s %s.
", __('Conflict with:'), $this->Html->link( h($conflictingTemplate->name), '/metaTemplates/view/' . h($conflictingTemplate->id), ['target' => '_blank'] ), __('By proceeding'), h($conflictingTemplate->name), __('will not be the default anymore') ); } return __('Current scope: {0}', h($row->scope)); }, 'data' => [ 'defaultTemplatePerScope' => $defaultTemplatePerScope ] ] ], 'type' => [ 'function' => function($row, $data) { $conflictingTemplate = getConflictingTemplate($row, $data); if (!empty($conflictingTemplate)) { return 'confirm-danger'; } return 'confirm-warning'; }, 'data' => [ 'defaultTemplatePerScope' => $defaultTemplatePerScope ] ] ] ], 'disable' => [ 'titleHtml' => __('Remove {{0}} as the default template?'), 'type' => 'confirm-warning', 'confirmText' => __('Yes, do not set as default'), 'arguments' => [ 'titleHtml' => ['name'], ] ] ] ] ], [ 'name' => __('Scope'), 'sort' => 'scope', 'data_path' => 'scope', ], [ 'name' => __('Name'), 'sort' => 'name', 'data_path' => 'name', ], [ 'name' => __('Namespace'), 'sort' => 'namespace', 'data_path' => 'namespace', ], [ 'name' => __('Version'), 'sort' => 'version', 'data_path' => 'version', ], [ 'name' => __('UUID'), 'sort' => 'uuid', 'data_path' => 'uuid' ], ], 'title' => __('Meta Field Templates'), 'description' => __('The various templates used to enrich certain objects by a set of standardised fields.'), 'actions' => [ [ 'url' => '/metaTemplates/view', 'url_params_data_paths' => ['id'], 'icon' => 'eye' ], [ 'open_modal' => '/metaTemplates/update/[onclick_params_data_path]', 'modal_params_data_path' => 'id', 'title' => __('Update Meta-Template'), 'icon' => 'download', 'complex_requirement' => [ 'function' => function ($row, $options) { return empty($row['updateStatus']['up-to-date']) && empty($row['updateStatus']['to-existing']); } ] ], [ 'open_modal' => '/metaTemplates/getMetaFieldsToUpdate/[onclick_params_data_path]', 'modal_params_data_path' => 'id', 'title' => __('Get meta-fields that should be moved to the newest version of this meta-template'), 'icon' => 'exclamation-triangle', 'variant' => 'warning', 'complex_requirement' => [ 'function' => function ($row, $options) { return !empty($row['updateStatus']['to-existing']) && empty($row['updateStatus']['can-be-removed']); } ] ], [ 'open_modal' => '/metaTemplates/delete/[onclick_params_data_path]', 'modal_params_data_path' => 'id', 'title' => __('Get meta-fields that should be moved to the newest version of this meta-template'), 'icon' => 'trash', 'variant' => 'success', 'complex_requirement' => [ 'function' => function ($row, $options) { return !empty($row['updateStatus']['to-existing']) && !empty($row['updateStatus']['can-be-removed']); } ] ], ] ] ]); function getConflictingTemplate($row, $data) { if (!empty($data['data']['defaultTemplatePerScope'][$row->scope])) { $conflictingTemplate = $data['data']['defaultTemplatePerScope'][$row->scope]; if (!empty($conflictingTemplate)) { return $conflictingTemplate; } } return []; }