hasMany( 'MetaTemplateFields', [ 'foreignKey' => 'meta_template_id' ] ); $this->setDisplayField('name'); } public function validationDefault(Validator $validator): Validator { $validator ->notEmptyString('scope') ->notEmptyString('name') ->notEmptyString('namespace') ->notEmptyString('uuid') ->notEmptyString('version') ->notEmptyString('source') ->requirePresence(['scope', 'source', 'version', 'uuid', 'name', 'namespace'], 'create'); return $validator; } public function update() { $paths = [ ROOT . '/libraries/default/meta_fields/', ROOT . '/libraries/custom/meta_fields/' ]; $files_processed = []; foreach ($paths as $path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $files = scandir($path); foreach ($files as $k => $file) { if (substr($file, -5) === '.json') { if ($this->loadMetaFile($path . $file) === true) { $files_processed[] = $file; } } } } } return $files_processed; } public function getTemplate($id) { $query = $this->find(); $query->where(['id' => $id]); $template = $query->first(); if (empty($template)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid template ID specified.')); } return $template; } public function getDefaultTemplatePerScope(String $scope = '') { $query = $this->find('list', [ 'keyField' => 'scope', 'valueField' => function ($template) { return $template; } ])->where(['is_default' => true]); if (!empty($scope)) { $query->where(['scope' => $scope]); } return $query->all()->toArray(); } public function removeDefaultFlag(String $scope) { $this->updateAll( ['is_default' => false], ['scope' => $scope] ); } public function loadMetaFile(String $filePath) { if (file_exists($filePath)) { $contents = file_get_contents($filePath); $metaTemplate = json_decode($contents, true); if (!empty($metaTemplate) && !empty($metaTemplate['uuid']) && !empty($metaTemplate['version'])) { $query = $this->find(); $query->where(['uuid' => $metaTemplate['uuid']]); $template = $query->first(); if (empty($template)) { $template = $this->newEntity($metaTemplate); $result = $this->save($template); if (!$result) { return __('Something went wrong, could not create the template.'); } } else { if ($template->version >= $metaTemplate['version']) { return false; } foreach (['version', 'source', 'name', 'namespace', 'scope', 'description'] as $field) { $template->{$field} = $metaTemplate[$field]; } $result = $this->save($template); if (!$result) { return __('Something went wrong, could not update the template.'); return false; } } if ($result) { $this->MetaTemplateFields->deleteAll(['meta_template_id' => $template->id]); foreach ($metaTemplate['metaFields'] as $metaField) { $metaField['meta_template_id'] = $template->id; $metaField = $this->MetaTemplateFields->newEntity($metaField); $this->MetaTemplateFields->save($metaField); } } } return true; } } }