[ 'ToolInterconnection' => false, 'OneWaySynchronization' => false, ], 'Proposal' => [ 'ProposalEdit' => false, ], 'Synchronisation' => [ 'DataExchange' => false, ], 'User' => [ 'Registration' => true, ], ]; public function initialize(array $config): void { parent::initialize($config); $this->loadProcessors(); } public function getProcessor($scope, $action=null) { if (isset($this->inboxProcessors[$scope])) { if (is_null($action)) { return $this->inboxProcessors[$scope]; } else if (!empty($this->inboxProcessors[$scope]->{$action})) { return $this->inboxProcessors[$scope]->{$action}; } else { throw new \Exception(__('Processor {0}.{1} not found', $scope, $action)); } } throw new MissingInboxProcessorException(__('Processor not found')); } public function getLocalToolProcessor($action, $connectorName) { $scope = "LocalTool"; $specificScope = "{$connectorName}LocalTool"; try { // try to get specific processor for module name or fall back to generic local tool processor $processor = $this->getProcessor($specificScope, $action); } catch (MissingInboxProcessorException $e) { $processor = $this->getProcessor($scope, $action); } return $processor; } public function listProcessors($scope=null) { if (is_null($scope)) { return $this->inboxProcessors; } else { if (isset($this->inboxProcessors[$scope])) { return $this->inboxProcessors[$scope]; } else { throw new MissingInboxProcessorException(__('Processors for {0} not found', $scope)); } } } private function loadProcessors() { $processorDir = new Folder($this->processorsDirectory); $processorFiles = $processorDir->find('.*InboxProcessor\.php', true); foreach ($processorFiles as $processorFile) { if ($processorFile == 'GenericInboxProcessor.php') { continue; } $processorMainClassName = str_replace('.php', '', $processorFile); $processorMainClassNameShort = str_replace('InboxProcessor.php', '', $processorFile); $processorMainClass = $this->getProcessorClass($processorDir->pwd() . DS . $processorFile, $processorMainClassName); if (is_object($processorMainClass)) { $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort] = $processorMainClass; foreach ($this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->getRegisteredActions() as $registeredAction) { $scope = $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->getScope(); if (!empty($this->enabledProcessors[$scope][$registeredAction])) { $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->{$registeredAction}->enabled = true; } else { $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->{$registeredAction}->enabled = false; } } } else { $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort] = new \stdClass(); $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->{$registeredAction} = new \stdClass(); $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->{$registeredAction}->action = "N/A"; $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->{$registeredAction}->enabled = false; $this->inboxProcessors[$processorMainClassNameShort]->{$registeredAction}->error = $processorMainClass; } } } /** * getProcessorClass * * @param string $filePath * @param string $processorMainClassName * @return object|string Object loading success, string containing the error if failure */ private function getProcessorClass($filePath, $processorMainClassName) { try { require_once($filePath); try { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($processorMainClassName); } catch (\ReflectionException $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } $processorMainClass = $reflection->newInstance(true); if ($processorMainClass->checkLoading() === 'Assimilation successful!') { return $processorMainClass; } } catch (Exception $e) { return $e->getMessage(); } } /** * createInboxEntry * * @param Object|Array $processor can either be the processor object or an array containing data to fetch it * @param Array $data * @return Array */ public function createInboxEntry($processor, $data) { if (!is_object($processor) && !is_array($processor)) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__("Invalid processor passed")); } if (is_array($processor)) { if (empty($processor['scope']) || empty($processor['action'])) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__("Invalid data passed. Missing either `scope` or `action`")); } $processor = $this->getProcessor('User', 'Registration'); } return $processor->create($data); } }