addBehavior('UUID'); $this->addBehavior('Timestamp'); $this->addBehavior('AuditLog'); $this->belongsTo('Users'); $this->setDisplayField('title'); } protected function _initializeSchema(TableSchemaInterface $schema): TableSchemaInterface { $schema->setColumnType('data', 'json'); return $schema; } public function validationDefault(Validator $validator): Validator { $validator ->notEmptyString('scope') ->notEmptyString('action') ->notEmptyString('title') ->notEmptyString('origin') ->datetime('created') ->requirePresence([ 'scope' => ['message' => __('The field `scope` is required')], 'action' => ['message' => __('The field `action` is required')], 'title' => ['message' => __('The field `title` is required')], 'origin' => ['message' => __('The field `origin` is required')], ], 'create'); return $validator; } public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules): RulesChecker { $rules->add($rules->existsIn('user_id', 'Users'), [ 'message' => 'The provided `user_id` does not exist' ]); return $rules; } public function checkUserBelongsToBroodOwnerOrg($user, $entryData) { $this->Broods = \Cake\ORM\TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Broods'); $this->Individuals = \Cake\ORM\TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Individuals'); $errors = []; $originUrl = trim($entryData['origin'], '/'); $brood = $this->Broods->find() ->where([ 'url IN' => [$originUrl, "{$originUrl}/"] ]) ->first(); if (empty($brood)) { $errors[] = __('Unkown brood `{0}`', $entryData['data']['cerebrateURL']); } // $found = false; // foreach ($user->individual->organisations as $organisations) { // if ($organisations->id == $brood->organisation_id) { // $found = true; // } // } // if (!$found) { // $errors[] = __('User `{0}` is not part of the brood\'s organisation. Make sure `{0}` is aligned with the organisation owning the brood.', $user->individual->email); // } return $errors; } public function createEntry($entryData) { $savedEntry = $this->save($entryData); return $savedEntry; } public function collectNotifications(\App\Model\Entity\User $user): array { $allNotifications = []; $inboxNotifications = $this->getNotificationsForUser($user); foreach ($inboxNotifications as $notification) { $title = __('New message'); $details = $notification->title; $router = [ 'controller' => 'inbox', 'action' => 'process', 'plugin' => null, $notification->id ]; $allNotifications[] = (new Notification($title, $router, [ 'icon' => 'envelope', 'details' => $details, 'datetime' => $notification->created, 'variant' => 'warning', '_useModal' => true, '_sidebarId' => 'inbox', ]))->get(); } return $allNotifications; } public function getNotificationsForUser(\App\Model\Entity\User $user): array { $query = $this->find(); $conditions = []; if ($user['role']['perm_admin']) { // Admin will not see notifications if it doesn't belong to them. They can see process the message from the inbox $conditions['Inbox.user_id IS'] = null; } else { $conditions['Inbox.user_id'] = $user->id; } $query->where($conditions); $notifications = $query->all()->toArray(); return $notifications; } }