CRUD->index([ 'quickFilters' => $this->quickFilterFields, 'filters' => $this->filterFields, 'contextFilters' => [ 'fields' => [ 'type' ] ], 'contain' => $this->containFields ]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); } public function delete($id) { $this->CRUD->delete($id); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); } public function add() { $orgConditions = []; $individualConditions = []; $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); $params = ['redirect' => $this->referer()]; if (empty($currentUser['role']['perm_admin'])) { $orgConditions = [ 'id' => $currentUser['organisation_id'] ]; if (empty($currentUser['role']['perm_org_admin'])) { $individualConditions = [ 'id' => $currentUser['individual_id'] ]; } $params['beforeSave'] = function($entity) use($currentUser) { if ($entity['owner_model'] === 'organisation') { $entity['owner_id'] = $currentUser['organisation_id']; } else { if ($currentUser['role']['perm_org_admin']) { $this->loadModel('Alignments'); $validIndividuals = $this->Alignments->find('list', [ 'keyField' => 'individual_id', 'valueField' => 'id', 'conditions' => ['organisation_id' => $currentUser['organisation_id']] ])->toArray(); if (!isset($validIndividuals[$entity['owner_id']])) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Selected individual cannot be linked by the current user.')); } } else { if ($entity['owner_id'] !== $currentUser['id']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Selected individual cannot be linked by the current user.')); } } } return $entity; }; } $this->CRUD->add($params); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->loadModel('Organisations'); $this->loadModel('Individuals'); $dropdownData = [ 'organisation' => $this->Organisations->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['name' => 'asc'], 'conditions' => $orgConditions ]), 'individual' => $this->Individuals->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['email' => 'asc'], 'conditions' => $individualConditions ]) ]; $this->set(compact('dropdownData')); $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); } public function edit($id = false) { $conditions = []; $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); $params = [ 'fields' => [ 'type', 'encryption_key', 'revoked' ], 'redirect' => $this->referer() ]; if (empty($currentUser['role']['perm_admin'])) { if (empty($currentUser['role']['perm_org_admin'])) { } } $this->CRUD->edit($id, $params); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('dropdownData', []); $this->set('metaGroup', 'ContactDB'); $this->render('add'); } }