*/ private $config; public function initializeWireMock(): void { $this->config = [ 'hostname' => $_ENV['WIREMOCK_HOST'] ?? 'localhost', 'port' => $_ENV['WIREMOCK_PORT'] ?? 8080 ]; $this->wiremock = WireMock::create( $this->config['hostname'], $this->config['port'] ); if (!$this->wiremock->isAlive()) { throw new \Exception('Failed to connect to WireMock server.'); } $this->clearWireMockStubs(); } public function clearWireMockStubs(): void { $this->wiremock->resetToDefault(); } public function getWireMock(): WireMock { return $this->wiremock; } public function getWireMockBaseUrl(): string { return sprintf('http://%s:%s', $this->config['hostname'], $this->config['port']); } /** * Verify all WireMock stubs were called. * * @return void */ public function verifyAllStubsCalled(): void { $stubs = $this->wiremock->listAllStubMappings()->getMappings(); foreach ((array)$stubs as $stub) { $this->verifyStubCalled($stub); } } /** * Verify the WireMock stub was called. * * @param StubMapping $stub * @return void */ public function verifyStubCalled(StubMapping $stub): void { $validator = new RequestPatternBuilder($stub->getRequest()->getMethod(), $stub->getRequest()->getUrlMatchingStrategy()); // validate headers $headers = $stub->getRequest()->getHeaders(); if (is_array($headers)) { foreach ($headers as $header => $rule) { $validator = $validator->withHeader($header, $rule); } } // TODO: Add body matching // TODO: Add query matching // TODO: Add cookie matching $this->wiremock->verify($validator); } }