[ 'quickFilterFields' => ['uuid', ['name' => true],], 'contain' => ['MetaFields' => ['MetaTemplateNameDirectory'], 'Tags'], 'compareFields' => ['name', 'url', 'nationality', 'sector', 'type', 'contacts', 'modified', 'tags', 'meta_fields',], ], 'individuals' => [ 'quickFilterFields' => ['uuid', ['email' => true], ['first_name' => true], ['last_name' => true],], 'contain' => ['MetaFields'], 'compareFields' => ['email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'position', 'modified', 'meta_fields', 'tags',], ], 'sharingGroups' => [ 'quickFilterFields' => ['uuid', ['name' => true],], 'contain' => ['SharingGroupOrgs', 'Organisations'], 'compareFields' => ['name', 'releasability', 'description', 'organisation_id', 'user_id', 'active', 'local', 'modified', 'organisation', 'sharing_group_orgs',], ], ]; private $metaFieldCompareFields = ['modified', 'value']; public function initialize(array $config): void { parent::initialize($config); $this->addBehavior('UUID'); $this->addBehavior('Timestamp'); $this->addBehavior('AuditLog'); $this->BelongsTo( 'Organisations' ); $this->setDisplayField('name'); } public function validationDefault(Validator $validator): Validator { return $validator ->requirePresence(['name', 'url', 'organisation_id'], 'create') ->notEmptyString('name') ->notEmptyString('url') ->add('url', 'isValidUrl', [ 'rule' => 'isValidUrl', 'message' => __('The provided value is not a valid URL'), 'provider' => 'table' ]) ->naturalNumber('organisation_id', false); } public function genHTTPClient(Object $brood, array $options=[]): Object { $defaultOptions = [ 'headers' => [ 'Authorization' => $brood->authkey, ], ]; if (empty($options['type'])) { $options['type'] = 'json'; } $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options); $http = new Client($options); return $http; } public function HTTPClientGET(String $relativeURL, Object $brood, array $data=[], array $options=[]): Object { $http = $this->genHTTPClient($brood, $options); $url = sprintf('%s%s', $brood->url, $relativeURL); return $http->get($url, $data, $options); } public function HTTPClientPOST(String $relativeURL, Object $brood, $data, array $options=[]): Object { $http = $this->genHTTPClient($brood, $options); $url = sprintf('%s%s', $brood->url, $relativeURL); return $http->post($url, $data, $options); } public function queryStatus($id) { $brood = $this->find()->where(['id' => $id])->first(); $start = microtime(true); try { $response = $this->HTTPClientGET('/instance/status.json', $brood); } catch (NetworkException $e) { return [ 'error' => __('Could not query status'), 'reason' => $e->getMessage(), ]; } $ping = ((int)(100 * (microtime(true) - $start))); $errors = [ 403 => [ 'error' => __('Authentication failure'), 'reason' => __('Invalid user credentials.') ], 404 => [ 'error' => __('Not found'), 'reason' => __('Incorrect URL or proxy error') ], 405 => [ 'error' => __('Insufficient privileges'), 'reason' => __('The remote user account doesn\'t have the required privileges to synchronise.') ], 500 => [ 'error' => __('Internal error'), 'reason' => __('Something is probably broken on the remote side. Get in touch with the instance owner.') ] ]; $result = [ 'code' => $response->getStatusCode() ]; if ($response->isOk()) { $raw = $response->getJson(); $result['response']['role'] = $raw['user']['role']; $result['response']['user'] = $raw['user']['username']; $result['response']['application'] = $raw['application']; $result['response']['version'] = $raw['version']; $result['ping'] = $ping; } else { $result['error'] = $errors[$result['code']]['error']; $result['reason'] = $errors[$result['code']]['reason']; $result['ping'] = $ping; } return $result; } public function queryIndex($id, $scope, $filter, $full = false) { $brood = $this->find()->where(['id' => $id])->first(); if (empty($brood)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Brood not found')); } $filterQuery = empty($filter) ? '' : '?quickFilter=' . urlencode($filter); if (!empty($full)) { $filterQuery .= (empty($filterQuery) ? '?' : '&') . 'full=1'; } $response = $this->HTTPClientGET(sprintf('/%s/index.json%s', $scope, $filterQuery), $brood); if ($response->isOk()) { return $response->getJson(); } else { return false; } } // TODO: Delete this function? public function downloadAndCapture($brood_id, $object_id, $scope, $path) { $query = $this->find(); $brood = $query->where(['id' => $brood_id])->first(); if (empty($brood)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Brood not found')); } $response = $this->HTTPClientGET(sprintf('/%s/view/%s.json', $scope, $org_id), $brood); if ($response->isOk()) { $org = $response->getJson(); $this->Organisation = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Organisations'); $result = $this->Organisation->captureOrg($org); return $result; } else { return false; } } public function downloadOrg($brood_id, $org_id) { $query = $this->find(); $brood = $query->where(['id' => $brood_id])->first(); if (empty($brood)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Brood not found')); } $response = $this->HTTPClientGET(sprintf('/organisations/view/%s.json', $org_id), $brood); if ($response->isOk()) { $org = $response->getJson(); $this->Organisation = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Organisations'); $result = $this->Organisation->captureOrg($org); return $result; } else { return false; } } public function downloadIndividual($brood_id, $individual_id) { $query = $this->find(); $brood = $query->where(['id' => $brood_id])->first(); if (empty($brood)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Brood not found')); } $response = $this->HTTPClientGET(sprintf('/individuals/view/%s.json', $individual_id), $brood); if ($response->isOk()) { $individual = $response->getJson(); $this->Individuals = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Individuals'); $result = $this->Individuals->captureIndividual($individual); return $result; } else { return false; } } public function downloadSharingGroup($brood_id, $sg_id, $user_id) { $query = $this->find(); $brood = $query->where(['id' => $brood_id])->first(); if (empty($brood)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Brood not found')); } $response = $this->HTTPClientGET(sprintf('/sharing-groups/view/%s.json', $sg_id), $brood); if ($response->isOk()) { $individual = $response->getJson(); $this->SharingGroups = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('SharingGroups'); $result = $this->SharingGroups->captureSharingGroup($individual, $user_id); return $result; } else { return false; } } public function queryLocalTools($brood_id) { $query = $this->find(); $brood = $query->where(['id' => $brood_id])->first(); if (empty($brood)) { throw new NotFoundException(__('Brood not found')); } $response = $this->HTTPClientGET('/localTools/exposedTools', $brood); if ($response->isOk()) { return $response->getJson(); } else { return false; } } public function sendRequest($brood, $urlPath, $methodPost = true, $data = []): Response { if ($methodPost) { $response = $this->HTTPClientPOST($urlPath, $brood, json_encode($data)); } else { $response = $this->HTTPClientGET($urlPath, $brood, $data); } return $response; } private function injectRequiredData($params, $data): Array { $data['connectorName'] = $params['remote_tool']['connector']; $data['cerebrateURL'] = Configure::read('App.fullBaseUrl'); $data['local_tool_id'] = $params['connection']['id']; $data['remote_tool_id'] = $params['remote_tool']['id']; $data['tool_name'] = $params['connection']['name']; return $data; } public function sendLocalToolConnectionRequest($params, $data): array { $url = '/inbox/createEntry/LocalTool/IncomingConnectionRequest'; $data = $this->injectRequiredData($params, $data); try { $response = $this->sendRequest($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, true, $data); $jsonReply = $response->getJson(); if (empty($jsonReply['success'])) { $jsonReply = $this->handleMessageNotCreated($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, $data, 'LocalTool', 'IncomingConnectionRequest', $response, $params, 'STATE_INITIAL'); } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $jsonReply = $this->handleSendingFailed($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, $data, 'LocalTool', 'IncomingConnectionRequest', $e, $params, 'STATE_INITIAL'); } return $jsonReply; } public function sendLocalToolAcceptedRequest($params, $data): array { $url = '/inbox/createEntry/LocalTool/AcceptedRequest'; $data = $this->injectRequiredData($params, $data); try { $response = $this->sendRequest($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, true, $data); $jsonReply = $response->getJson(); if (empty($jsonReply['success'])) { $jsonReply = $this->handleMessageNotCreated($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, $data, 'LocalTool', 'AcceptedRequest', $response, $params, 'STATE_CONNECTED'); } else { $this->setRemoteToolConnectionStatus($params, 'STATE_CONNECTED'); } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $jsonReply = $this->handleSendingFailed($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, $data, 'LocalTool', 'AcceptedRequest', $e, $params, 'STATE_CONNECTED'); } return $jsonReply; } public function sendLocalToolDeclinedRequest($params, $data): array { $url = '/inbox/createEntry/LocalTool/DeclinedRequest'; $data = $this->injectRequiredData($params, $data); try { $response = $this->sendRequest($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, true, $data); $jsonReply = $response->getJson(); if (empty($jsonReply['success'])) { $jsonReply = $this->handleMessageNotCreated($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, $data, 'LocalTool', 'AcceptedRequest', $response, $params, 'STATE_DECLINED'); } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $jsonReply = $this->handleSendingFailed($params['remote_cerebrate'], $url, $data, 'LocalTool', 'AcceptedRequest', $e, $params, 'STATE_DECLINED'); } return $jsonReply; } /** * handleSendingFailed - Handle the case if the request could not be sent or if the remote rejected the connection request * * @param Object $response * @return array */ private function handleSendingFailed($brood, $url, $data, $model, $action, $e, $params, $next_connector_state): array { $connector = $params['connector'][$params['remote_tool']['connector']]; $reason = [ 'message' => __('Failed to send message to remote cerebrate. It has been placed in the outbox.'), 'errors' => [$e->getMessage()], ]; $outboxSaveResult = $this->saveErrorInOutbox($brood, $url, $data, $reasonMessage, $params, $next_connector_state); $connector->remoteToolConnectionStatus($params, $connector::STATE_SENDING_ERROR); $creationResult = [ 'success' => false, 'message' => $reason['message'], 'errors' => $reason['errors'], 'placed_in_outbox' => !empty($outboxSaveResult['success']), ]; return $creationResult; } /** * handleMessageNotCreated - Handle the case if the request was sent but the remote brood did not save the message in the inbox * * @param Object $response * @return array */ private function handleMessageNotCreated($brood, $url, $data, $model, $action, $response, $params, $next_connector_state): array { $connector = $params['connector'][$params['remote_tool']['connector']]; $responseErrors = $response->getStringBody(); if (!is_null($response->getJson())) { $responseErrors = $response->getJson()['errors'] ?? $response->getJson()['message']; } $reason = [ 'message' => __('Message rejected by the remote cerebrate. It has been placed in the outbox.'), 'errors' => [$responseErrors], ]; $outboxSaveResult = $this->saveErrorInOutbox($brood, $url, $data, $reason, $model, $action, $params, $next_connector_state); $connector->remoteToolConnectionStatus($params, $connector::STATE_SENDING_ERROR); $creationResult = [ 'success' => false, 'message' => $reason['message'], 'errors' => $reason['errors'], 'placed_in_outbox' => !empty($outboxSaveResult['success']), ]; return $creationResult; } private function saveErrorInOutbox($brood, $url, $data, $reason, $model, $action, $params, $next_connector_state): array { $this->OutboxProcessors = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('OutboxProcessors'); $processor = $this->OutboxProcessors->getProcessor('Broods', 'ResendFailedMessage'); $entryData = [ 'data' => [ 'sent' => $data, 'url' => $url, 'brood_id' => $brood->id, 'reason' => $reason, 'local_tool_id' => $params['connection']['id'], 'remote_tool' => $params['remote_tool'], 'next_connector_state' => $next_connector_state, ], 'brood' => $brood, 'model' => $model, 'action' => $action, ]; $creationResult = $processor->create($entryData); return $creationResult; } private function setRemoteToolConnectionStatus($params, String $status): void { $connector = $params['connector'][$params['remote_tool']['connector']]; $connector->remoteToolConnectionStatus($params, constant(get_class($connector) . '::' . $status)); } public function attachAllSyncStatus(array $data, string $scope): array { $options = $this->previewScopes[$scope]; foreach ($data as $i => $entry) { $data[$i] = $this->__attachSyncStatus($scope, $entry, $options); } return $data; } private function __attachSyncStatus(string $scope, array $entry, array $options = []): array { $table = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get(Inflector::camelize($scope)); $localEntry = $table ->find() ->where(['uuid' => $entry['uuid']]) ->first(); if (is_null($localEntry)) { $entry['status'] = $this->__statusNotLocal(); } else { if (!empty($options['contain'])) { $localEntry = $table->loadInto($localEntry, $options['contain']); } $localEntry = json_decode(json_encode($localEntry), true); $entry['status'] = $this->__statusLocal($entry, $localEntry, $options); } return $entry; } private function __statusNotLocal(): array { return self::__getStatus(false); } private function __statusLocal(array $remoteEntry, $localEntry, array $options = []): array { $isLocalNewer = (new FrozenTime($localEntry['modified']))->toUnixString() >= (new FrozenTime($remoteEntry['modified']))->toUnixString(); $compareFields = $options['compareFields']; $fieldDifference = []; $fieldDifference = array_diff_recursive($remoteEntry, $localEntry); // if (in_array('meta_fields', $options['compareFields']) && !empty($fieldDifference['meta_fields'])) { // $fieldDifference['meta_fields'] = $this->_compareMetaFields($remoteEntry, $localEntry, $options); // } $fieldDifference = array_filter($fieldDifference, function($value, $field) use ($compareFields) { return in_array($field, $compareFields); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH); foreach ($fieldDifference as $fieldName => $value) { $fieldDifference[$fieldName] = [ 'local' => $localEntry[$fieldName], 'remote' => $value, ]; } if (in_array('meta_fields', $options['compareFields']) && !empty($fieldDifference['meta_fields'])) { $fieldDifference['meta_fields'] = $this->_compareMetaFields($remoteEntry, $localEntry, $options); } return self::__getStatus(true, $isLocalNewer, $fieldDifference); } private static function __getStatus($local=true, $updateToDate=false, array $data = []): array { $status = [ 'local' => $local, 'up_to_date' => $updateToDate, 'data' => $data, ]; if ($status['local'] && $status['up_to_date']) { $status['title'] = __('This entity is up-to-date'); } else if ($status['local'] && !$status['up_to_date']) { $status['title'] = __('This entity is known but differs with the remote'); } else { $status['title'] = __('This entity is not known locally'); } return $status; } private function _compareMetaFields($remoteEntry, $localEntry): array { $compareFields = $this->metaFieldCompareFields; $indexedRemoteMF = []; $indexedLocalMF = []; foreach ($remoteEntry['meta_fields'] as $metafields) { $indexedRemoteMF[$metafields['uuid']] = array_intersect_key($metafields, array_flip($compareFields)); } foreach ($localEntry['meta_fields'] as $metafields) { $indexedLocalMF[$metafields['uuid']] = array_intersect_key($metafields, array_flip($compareFields)); } $fieldDifference = []; foreach ($remoteEntry['meta_fields'] as $remoteMetafield) { $uuid = $remoteMetafield['uuid']; $metafieldName = $remoteMetafield['field']; // $metafieldName = sprintf('%s(v%s) :: %s', $remoteMetafield['template_name'], $remoteMetafield['template_version'], $remoteMetafield['field']); if (empty($fieldDifference[$metafieldName])) { $fieldDifference[$metafieldName] = [ 'meta_template' => [ 'name' => $remoteMetafield['template_name'], 'version' => $remoteMetafield['template_version'], 'uuid' => $remoteMetafield['template_uuid'] ], 'delta' => [], ]; } if (empty($indexedLocalMF[$uuid])) { $fieldDifference[$metafieldName]['delta'][] = [ 'local' => null, 'remote' => $indexedRemoteMF[$uuid], ]; } else { $fieldDifferenceTmp = array_diff_recursive($indexedRemoteMF[$uuid], $indexedLocalMF[$uuid]); if (!empty($fieldDifferenceTmp)) { $fieldDifference[$metafieldName]['delta'][] = [ 'local' => $indexedLocalMF[$uuid], 'remote' => $indexedRemoteMF[$uuid], ]; } } } return $fieldDifference; } }