# Actual data and volumes The actual database will be located in `./run/database` exposed with the following volume `- ./run/database:/var/lib/mysql` Application logs (CakePHP / Cerebrate) will be stored in `./run/logs`, volume `- ./run/logs:/var/www/html/logs` You're free to change those parameters if you're using Swarm, Kubernetes or your favorite config management tool to deploy this stack # Building yourself You can create the following Makefile in basedir of this repository and issue `make image` ``` COMPOSER_VERSION?=2.1.5 PHP_VERSION?=7.4 DEBIAN_RELEASE?=buster IMAGE_NAME?=cerebrate:latest image: docker build -t $(IMAGE_NAME) \ -f docker/Dockerfile \ --build-arg COMPOSER_VERSION=$(COMPOSER_VERSION) \ --build-arg PHP_VERSION=$(PHP_VERSION) \ --build-arg DEBIAN_RELEASE=$(DEBIAN_RELEASE) \ . ```