true], ['Individuals.first_name' => true], ['Individuals.last_name' => true], '']; public $containFields = ['Individuals', 'Roles', 'UserSettings', 'Organisations']; public function index() { $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); $conditions = []; if (empty($currentUser['role']['perm_admin'])) { $conditions['organisation_id'] = $currentUser['organisation_id']; } $this->CRUD->index([ 'contain' => $this->containFields, 'filters' => $this->filterFields, 'quickFilters' => $this->quickFilterFields, 'conditions' => $conditions ]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set( 'validRoles', $this->Users->Roles->find('list')->select(['id', 'name'])->order(['name' => 'asc'])->where(['perm_admin' => 0])->all()->toArray() ); $this->set('metaGroup', $this->isAdmin ? 'Administration' : 'Cerebrate'); } public function add() { $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); $validRoles = []; if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { $validRoles = $this->Users->Roles->find('list')->order(['name' => 'asc'])->all()->toArray(); } $this->CRUD->add([ 'beforeSave' => function($data) use ($currentUser, $validRoles) { if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { $data['organisation_id'] = $currentUser['organisation_id']; if (!in_array($data['role_id'], array_keys($validRoles))) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have permission to assign that role.')); } } $this->Users->enrollUserRouter($data); return $data; } ]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } /* $alignments = $this->Users->Individuals->Alignments->find('list', [ //'keyField' => 'id', 'valueField' => 'organisation_id', 'groupField' => 'individual_id' ])->toArray(); $alignments = array_map(function($value) { return array_values($value); }, $alignments); */ $org_conditions = []; if (empty($currentUser['role']['perm_admin'])) { $org_conditions = ['id' => $currentUser['organisation_id']]; } $dropdownData = [ 'role' => $validRoles, 'individual' => $this->Users->Individuals->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['email' => 'asc'] ]), 'organisation' => $this->Users->Organisations->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['name' => 'asc'], 'conditions' => $org_conditions ]) ]; $this->set(compact('dropdownData')); $this->set('metaGroup', $this->isAdmin ? 'Administration' : 'Cerebrate'); } public function view($id = false) { if (empty($id) || empty($this->ACL->getUser()['role']['perm_admin'])) { $id = $this->ACL->getUser()['id']; } $this->CRUD->view($id, [ 'contain' => ['Individuals' => ['Alignments' => 'Organisations'], 'Roles', 'Organisations'] ]); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('metaGroup', $this->isAdmin ? 'Administration' : 'Cerebrate'); } public function edit($id = false) { $currentUser = $this->ACL->getUser(); $validRoles = []; if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { $validRoles = $this->Users->Roles->find('list')->select(['id', 'name'])->order(['name' => 'asc'])->where(['perm_admin' => 0])->all()->toArray(); } if (empty($id)) { $id = $currentUser['id']; } else { $id = intval($id); if ((empty($currentUser['role']['perm_org_admin']) && empty($currentUser['role']['perm_admin']))) { if ($id !== $currentUser['id']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You are not authorised to edit that user.')); } } } $params = [ 'get' => [ 'fields' => [ 'id', 'individual_id', 'role_id', 'username', 'disabled' ] ], 'removeEmpty' => [ 'password' ], 'fields' => [ 'password', 'confirm_password' ] ]; if (!empty($this->ACL->getUser()['role']['perm_admin'])) { $params['fields'][] = 'individual_id'; $params['fields'][] = 'username'; $params['fields'][] = 'role_id'; $params['fields'][] = 'organisation_id'; $params['fields'][] = 'disabled'; } else if (!empty($this->ACL->getUser()['role']['perm_org_admin'])) { $params['fields'][] = 'username'; $params['fields'][] = 'role_id'; $params['fields'][] = 'disabled'; if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { $params['afterFind'] = function ($data, &$params) use ($currentUser, $validRoles) { if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin'] && $currentUser['role']['perm_org_admin']) { if (!in_array($data['role_id'], array_keys($validRoles))) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You cannot edit the given privileged user.')); } } return $data; }; } } $this->CRUD->edit($id, $params); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $dropdownData = [ 'role' => $validRoles, 'individual' => $this->Users->Individuals->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['email' => 'asc'] ]), 'organisation' => $this->Users->Organisations->find('list', [ 'sort' => ['name' => 'asc'] ]) ]; $this->set(compact('dropdownData')); $this->set('metaGroup', $this->isAdmin ? 'Administration' : 'Cerebrate'); $this->render('add'); } public function toggle($id, $fieldName = 'disabled') { $this->CRUD->toggle($id, $fieldName); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } } public function delete($id) { $validRoles = []; if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { $validRoles = $this->Users->Roles->find('list')->order(['name' => 'asc'])->all()->toArray(); } $params = [ 'beforeSave' => function($data) use ($currentUser, $validRoles) { if (!$currentUser['role']['perm_admin']) { if ($data['organisation_id'] !== $currentUser['organisation_id']) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have permission to remove the given user.')); } if (!in_array($data['role_id'], array_keys($validRoles))) { throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You do not have permission to remove the given user.')); } } return $data; } ]; $this->CRUD->delete($id); $responsePayload = $this->CRUD->getResponsePayload(); if (!empty($responsePayload)) { return $responsePayload; } $this->set('metaGroup', $this->isAdmin ? 'Administration' : 'Cerebrate'); } public function login() { $result = $this->Authentication->getResult(); // If the user is logged in send them away. $logModel = $this->Users->auditLogs(); if ($result->isValid()) { $user = $logModel->userInfo(); $logModel->insert([ 'request_action' => 'login', 'model' => 'Users', 'model_id' => $user['id'], 'model_title' => $user['name'], 'changed' => [] ]); $target = $this->Authentication->getLoginRedirect() ?? '/instance/home'; return $this->redirect($target); } if ($this->request->is('post') && !$result->isValid()) { $logModel->insert([ 'request_action' => 'login_fail', 'model' => 'Users', 'model_id' => 0, 'model_title' => 'unknown_user', 'changed' => [] ]); $this->Flash->error(__('Invalid username or password')); } $this->viewBuilder()->setLayout('login'); } public function logout() { $result = $this->Authentication->getResult(); if ($result->isValid()) { $logModel = $this->Users->auditLogs(); $user = $logModel->userInfo(); $logModel->insert([ 'request_action' => 'logout', 'model' => 'Users', 'model_id' => $user['id'], 'model_title' => $user['name'], 'changed' => [] ]); $this->Authentication->logout(); $this->Flash->success(__('Goodbye.')); return $this->redirect(\Cake\Routing\Router::url('/users/login')); } } public function settings() { $this->set('user', $this->ACL->getUser()); $all = $this->Users->UserSettings->getSettingsFromProviderForUser($this->ACL->getUser()['id'], true); $this->set('settingsProvider', $all['settingsProvider']); $this->set('settings', $all['settings']); $this->set('settingsFlattened', $all['settingsFlattened']); $this->set('notices', $all['notices']); } public function register() { if (empty(Configure::read('security.registration.self-registration'))) { throw new UnauthorizedException(__('User self-registration is not open.')); } if ($this->request->is('post')) { $data = $this->request->getData(); $this->InboxProcessors = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('InboxProcessors'); $processor = $this->InboxProcessors->getProcessor('User', 'Registration'); $data = [ 'origin' => $this->request->clientIp(), 'comment' => '-no comment-', 'data' => [ 'username' => $data['username'], 'email' => $data['email'], 'first_name' => $data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $data['last_name'], 'password' => $data['password'], ], ]; $processorResult = $processor->create($data); return $processor->genHTTPReply($this, $processorResult, ['controller' => 'Inbox', 'action' => 'index']); } $this->viewBuilder()->setLayout('login'); } }