* - requirements: boolean, if false is passed the field is skipped
* - metafields: fields that are outside of the scope of the form itself
- use these to define dynamic form fields, or anything that will feed into the regular fields via JS population
* - submit: The submit button itself. By default it will simply submit to the form as defined via the 'model' field
$modelForForm = empty($data['model']) ?
h(\Cake\Utility\Inflector::singularize(\Cake\Utility\Inflector::classify($this->request->getParam('controller')))) :
$fieldsString = '';
$simpleFieldWhitelist = [
'default', 'type', 'placeholder', 'label', 'empty', 'rows', 'div', 'required'
//$fieldsArrayForPersistence = array();
if (empty($data['url'])) {
$data['url'] = ["controller" => $this->request->getParam('controller'), "action" => $this->request->getParam('url')];
$formRandomValue = Cake\Utility\Security::randomString(8);
$formCreate = $this->Form->create($entity, ['id' => 'form-' . $formRandomValue]);
$default_template = [
'inputContainer' => '