
350 lines
13 KiB

namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
* Creates a bootstrap modal based on the given options
* # Options
* - size: Control the horizontal size of the modal. Valid values: 'sm', 'lg', 'xl'
* - centered, scrollable, backdropStatic: Default bootstrap behavior
* - show: Immediately instantiate the modal and show it
* - header-variant, body-variant, footer-variant: Default bootstrap variant to be applied to these modal sections
* - title: The title of the modal
* - titleHtml: The HTML title of the modal
* - body: The body of the modal
* - bodyHtml: The HTML body of the modal
* - footerHtml: The HTML footer of the modal. Override the $type option
* - dialogScrollable: Allows to scroll the modal body
* - modalClass, headerClass, footerClass: Classes to be applied to these modal sections
* - type: Control the type of actions available.
* Valid values: 'ok-only', 'confirm', 'custom'
* - The `ok-only` Displays a single 'Ok' button
* - The `confirm` Displays a 'Confirm' and 'Cancel' buttons
* - `confirmButton` and `cancelButton`: Can be used to pass a BootstrapElements/BootstrapButton configuration
* - The `custom` Display a list of button defined in the $footerButtons parameter
* - confirmFunction: The function to be called when clicking the "confirm" button
* - This options *only* works if the option $show is enabled or if the modal is loaded with the UI ModalFactory function (e.g. `UI.submissionModal()` or `UI.modal()`)
* - cancelOnclick: The function to be called once the "cancel" button trigger the `onclick` event
* - footerButtons: A list of configuration to be passed to BootstrapElements/BootstrapButton
* - The option `clickFunction` can be used to set the function to be called when clicking the button. Behavior similar to "confirmFunction"
* # Click functions behaviors:
* - *-Onclick functions have the same behavior as the 'onclick' HTML parameter
* - `confirmFunction` and `clickFunction` are called with additional 2 additional arguments:
* - modalObject: The instantiated ModalFactory object
* - tmpApi: An instantiated AJAXApi object linked with the modal button
* - If no functions are provided, Submit the form in place or close the modal
* # Usage:
* ## Simple styled modal that is displayed automatically when the HTML is attached to the page
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'title' => 'Modal title',
* 'size' => 'lg',
* 'type' => 'ok-only',
* 'body' => '<b>Body content</b>',
* 'header-variant' => 'dark',
* 'body-variant' => 'light',
* 'footer-variant' => 'warning',
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
* ## Modal with custom onclick handler
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'type' => 'confirm',
* 'bodyHtml' => '<b>Body content</b>',
* 'confirmButton' => [
* 'text' => 'Show modal',
* 'icon' => 'eye',
* 'onclick' => 'UI.toast({"title": "confirmed!"})',
* ],
* 'cancelOnclick' => 'UI.toast({"title": "cancelled"})',
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
* ## Modal with a onclick handler with prepared arguments bound to the confirm button
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'type' => 'confirm',
* 'confirmButton' => [
* 'text' => 'Confirm',
* 'icon' => 'check',
* ],
* 'confirmFunction' => 'myConfirmFunction', // myConfirmFunction is called with the $modalObject and $tmpApi intialized
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
* /*
* Example of confirm function
* - case 1: If void is returned the modal close automatically regardless of the result
* - case 2: If a promise is returned, the modal close automatically if the promise is a success
* A success is defined as follow:
* - No exceptions
* - No data returned
* - Object returned with key `success` evaluting to true
* - case 3: The modal can be closed manually with: `modalObject.hide()`
* function myConfirmFunction(modalObject, tmpApi) {
* const $form = modalObject.$modal.find('form')
* const postPromise = $form.length == 1 ?
* tmpApi.postForm($form[0]) :
* tmpApi.fetchJSON('/users/view/', false, true)
* .then((result) => {
* console.log(result)
* constToReturn = {
* success: true, // will close the modal automatically
* }
* return constToReturn
* })
* .catch((errors) => {
* console.log(errors)
* })
* return postPromise
* }
* ## Modal with custom footer made of buttons
* $this->Bootstrap->modal([
* 'type' => 'custom',
* 'footerButtons' => [
* [
* 'text' => 'Confirm',
* 'icon' => 'check',
* 'variant' => 'danger',
* 'clickFunction' => 'testapi',
* ],
* [
* 'text' => 'Cancel',
* 'onclick' => 'UI.toast({"title": "confirmed!"})',
* ],
* ],
* 'show' => true,
* ]);
class BootstrapModal extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'size' => '',
'centered' => true,
'scrollable' => true,
'backdropStatic' => false,
'show' => false,
'header-variant' => '',
'body-variant' => '',
'footer-variant' => '',
'title' => '',
'titleHtml' => null,
'body' => '',
'bodyHtml' => null,
'footerHtml' => null,
'dialogScrollable' => true,
'modalClass' => [''],
'headerClass' => [''],
'bodyClass' => [''],
'footerClass' => [''],
'confirmButton' => [
'text' => 'Confirm',
'cancelButton' => [
'text' => 'Cancel',
'type' => 'ok-only',
'footerButtons' => [],
'confirmFunction' => '', // Will be called with the following arguments confirmFunction(modalObject, tmpApi)
'cancelOnclick' => ''
function __construct(array $options)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'size' => ['sm', 'lg', 'xl', ''],
'type' => ['ok-only', 'confirm', 'custom'],
'header-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'body-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
'footer-variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, ['']),
private function processOptions(array $options): void
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['modalClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['modalClass']);
$this->options['headerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['headerClass']);
$this->options['bodyClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['bodyClass']);
$this->options['footerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['footerClass']);
if (!empty($this->options['dialogScrollable'])) {
$this->options['modalClass'][] = 'modal-dialog-scrollable';
$possiblVariants = ['header-variant', 'body-variant', 'footer-variant'];
foreach ($possiblVariants as $possiblVariant) {
if (!empty($this->options[$possiblVariant])) {
$this->options[sprintf('%sClass', substr($possiblVariant, 0, -8))][] = self::getBGAndTextClassForVariant($this->options[$possiblVariant]);
if (!empty($options['confirmFunction']) && !empty($options['confirmButton']['onclick'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Option `{0}` can not be used in conjuction with `{1}` for the confirm button', 'confirmFunction', 'onclick'));
public function modal(): string
$modal = $this->genModal();
if ($this->options['show']) {
return $this->encapsulateWithUIHelper($modal);
return $modal;
private function encapsulateWithUIHelper(string $modal): string
return $this->node('script', [], sprintf(
"$(document).ready(function() {
setTimeout(() => {
rawHtml: \"%s\"
}, 1);
str_replace('"', '\"', $modal)
private function genModal(): string
$dialog = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(
['modal-dialog', (!empty($this->options['size'])) ? "modal-{$this->options['size']}" : ''],
$content = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => ['modal-content'],
$header = $this->genHeader();
$body = $this->genBody();
$footer = $this->genFooter();
$closedDiv = $this->nodeClose('div');
$html = "{$dialog}{$content}{$header}{$body}{$footer}{$closedDiv}{$closedDiv}";
return $html;
private function genHeader(): string
$header = $this->nodeOpen('div', ['class' => array_merge(['modal-header'], $this->options['headerClass'])]);
$header .= $this->options['titleHtml'] ?? $this->node('h5', ['class' => ['modal-title']], h($this->options['title']));
if (empty($this->options['backdropStatic'])) {
$header .= $this->genericCloseButton('modal');
$header .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $header;
private function genBody(): string
$body = $this->nodeOpen('div', ['class' => array_merge(['modal-body'], $this->options['bodyClass'])]);
$body .= $this->options['bodyHtml'] ?? h($this->options['body']);
$body .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $body;
private function genFooter(): string
$footer = $this->nodeOpen('div', [
'class' => array_merge(['modal-footer'], $this->options['footerClass']),
'data-custom-footer' => $this->options['type'] == 'custom'
$footer .= $this->options['footerHtml'] ?? $this->getFooterBasedOnType();
$footer .= $this->nodeClose('div');
return $footer;
private function getFooterBasedOnType(): string
if ($this->options['type'] == 'ok-only') {
return $this->getFooterOkOnly();
} else if (str_contains($this->options['type'], 'confirm')) {
return $this->getFooterConfirm();
} else if ($this->options['type'] == 'custom') {
return $this->getFooterCustom();
} else {
return $this->getFooterOkOnly();
private function getFooterOkOnly(): string
return (new BootstrapButton([
'variant' => 'primary',
'text' => __('Ok'),
'onclick' => $this->options['confirmOnclick'],
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-dismiss' => $this->options['confirmOnclick'] ?? 'modal',
private function getFooterConfirm(): string
$buttonCancelConfig = array_merge(
'variant' => 'secondary',
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-dismiss' => 'modal',
'onclick' => $this->options['cancelOnclick']
$buttonCancel = (new BootstrapButton($buttonCancelConfig))->button();
$defaultConfig = [
'variant' => 'primary',
'class' => 'modal-confirm-button',
if (!empty($this->options['confirmOnclick'])) {
$defaultConfig['onclick'] = $this->options['confirmOnclick'];
if (!empty($this->options['confirmFunction'])) {
$defaultConfig['attrs']['data-confirmFunction'] = $this->options['confirmFunction'];
$buttonConfirmConfig = array_merge(
$buttonConfirm = (new BootstrapButton($buttonConfirmConfig))->button();
return $buttonCancel . $buttonConfirm;
private function getFooterCustom(): string
$buttons = [];
foreach ($this->options['footerButtons'] as $buttonConfig) {
$defaultConfig = [
'variant' => 'primary',
'class' => 'modal-confirm-button',
'attrs' => [
'data-bs-dismiss' => !empty($buttonConfig['clickFunction']) ? '' : 'modal',
if (!empty($buttonConfig['clickFunction'])) {
$defaultConfig['attrs']['data-clickFunction'] = $buttonConfig['clickFunction'];
$buttonConfig = array_merge(
$buttons[] = (new BootstrapButton($buttonConfig))->button();
return implode('', $buttons);