
125 lines
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# Testing
1. Add a `cerebrate_test` database to the database:
CREATE DATABASE cerebrate_test;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cerebrate_test.* to cerebrate@localhost;
2. Add a the test database to your `config/app_local.php` config file and set `debug` mode to `true`.
'debug' => true,
'Datasources' => [
'default' => [
* The test connection is used during the test suite.
'test' => [
'host' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'cerebrate',
'password' => 'cerebrate',
'database' => 'cerebrate_test',
## Runing the tests
$ composer install
$ composer test
> sh ./tests/Helper/wiremock/start.sh
WireMock 1 started on port 8080
> phpunit
[ * ] Running DB migrations, it may take some time ...
The WireMock server is started .....
port: 8080
enable-browser-proxying: false
disable-banner: true
no-request-journal: false
verbose: false
PHPUnit 8.5.22 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
..... 5 / 5 (100%)
Time: 11.61 seconds, Memory: 26.00 MB
OK (5 tests, 15 assertions)
Running a specific suite:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite=api --testdox
Available suites:
* `app`: runs all test suites
* `api`: runs only api tests
* `e2e`: runs only integration tests (requires wiremock running)
* `controller`: runs only controller tests
* _to be continued ..._
By default the database is re-generated before running the test suite, to skip this step and speed up the test run set the following env variable in `phpunit.xml`:
<env name="SKIP_DB_MIGRATIONS" value="1" />
## Extras
### WireMock
Some integration tests perform calls to external APIs, we use WireMock to mock the response of these API calls.
To download and run WireMock run the following script in a separate terminal:
sh ./tests/Helper/wiremock/start.sh
You can also run WireMock with docker, check the official docs: http://wiremock.org/docs/docker/
> NOTE: When running the tests with `composer test` WireMock is automatically started and stoped after the tests finish.
The default `hostname` and `port` for WireMock are set in `phpunit.xml` as environment variables:
<env name="WIREMOCK_HOST" value="localhost" />
<env name="WIREMOCK_PORT" value="8080" />
### Coverage
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html tmp/coverage
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose --coverage-clover=coverage.xml
### OpenAPI validation
API tests can assert the API response matches the OpenAPI specification, after the request add this line:
The default OpenAPI spec path is set in `phpunit.xml` as a environment variablea:
<env name="OPENAPI_SPEC" value="webroot/docs/openapi.yaml" />
### Debugging tests
$ export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=IDEKEY"
$ phpunit