Sami Mokaddem 53f669e25c
new: [sync+meta_fields] Initial work on meta_field synchronisation and meta_template_directory - WiP
The new directory allows to ingest meta_fields without knowing their associated meta_template. Improved the way data is re-arranged, how meta-templates are saved and a helper widget showing the difference local objects have with their remote counter-part
2022-12-07 14:54:28 +01:00
20210311000000_InitialSchema.php fix: [migrations] initial schema migration fixed for upgrades 2022-02-07 02:00:35 +01:00
20210928120006_TimestampBehavior.php chg: [app] Added timestamp behavior for multiple models 2021-09-28 13:32:51 +02:00
20211001000000_RolesPermOrgAdmin.php new [keycloak]: WiP user enrollment added 2021-10-01 13:19:26 +02:00
20211005163854_UserSettings.php new: [user-settings] Added user settings feature 2021-10-08 10:27:40 +02:00
20211025100313_MailingLists.php chg: [mailinglist] Improved feature 2021-10-28 09:00:20 +02:00
20211104072514_MoreMetaFieldColumns.php chg: [migration] Finalized more-metafields-column script 2022-02-21 11:32:17 +01:00
20211117135403_audit_logs.php new: [migration] scripts added 2021-11-17 15:40:44 +01:00
20211123152707_user_org.php fix: [conflict] resolved in user_org update script 2021-11-25 00:43:22 +01:00
20211124234433_audit_changed.php chg: [audit log] change field renamed to changed 2021-11-25 00:57:31 +01:00
20220207000000_registration_flood_protection.php new: [flood protection] schema added 2022-02-07 01:59:58 +01:00
20220918000000_bruteforces.php new: [security] Bruteforce protection added 2022-09-19 00:25:15 +02:00
20220918000001_unique_usernames.php fix: [migration:unique_usernames] Table 'users' is specified twice, both as a target and as a separate source 2022-09-20 11:13:24 +02:00
20221025000000_inbox_severity.php new: [inboxes] Added `severity` level and `message` and removed `description` column 2022-10-25 14:38:16 +02:00
20221028000000_MetaFieldSaneDefault.php new: [metaFields] Adding support of sane_default + improving form & crud - WiP 2022-11-14 09:04:35 +01:00
20221108000000_permission_restrictions.php new: [permission limitations] upgrade script added 2022-11-09 14:10:33 +01:00
20221111000000_support_for_megalomaniac_pgp_keys.php fix: [pgp key length] extended to mediumtext 2022-11-11 15:51:32 +01:00
20221111000001_support_for_megalomaniac_pgp_keys_round2.php fix: [audit logs] change field changed to mediumblob 2022-11-11 15:57:03 +01:00
20221130000000_MoreDataOnMetaFields.php new: [sync+meta_fields] Initial work on meta_field synchronisation and meta_template_directory - WiP 2022-12-07 14:54:28 +01:00
schema-dump-default.lock new: initial api and integration tests. 2022-01-05 17:44:02 +01:00