
405 lines
18 KiB

namespace App\Model\Table;
use App\Model\Table\AppTable;
use Cake\Validation\Validator;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class SettingsProviderTable extends AppTable
private $settingsConfiguration = [];
private $error_critical = '',
$error_warning = '',
$error_info = '';
private $severities = ['info', 'warning', 'critical'];
public function initialize(array $config): void
$this->settingsConfiguration = $this->generateSettingsConfiguration();
$this->error_critical = __('Cerebrate will not operate correctly or will be unsecure until these issues are resolved.');
$this->error_warning = __('Some of the features of Cerebrate cannot be utilised until these issues are resolved.');
$this->error_info = __('There are some optional tweaks that could be done to improve the looks of your Cerebrate instance.');
$this->settingValidator = new SettingValidator();
* Supports up to 3 levels:
* Application -> Network -> Proxy -> Proxy.URL
* page -> [group] -> [panel] -> setting
* Keys of setting configuration are the actual setting name.
* Accepted setting configuration:
* name [required]: The human readable name of the setting.
* type [required]: The type of the setting.
* description [required]: A description of the setting.
* Default severity level is `info` if a `default` value is provided otherwise it becomes `critical`
* default [optional]: The default value of the setting if not specified in the configuration.
* options [optional]: Used to populate the select with options. Keys are values to be saved, values are human readable version of the value.
* Required paramter if `type` == `select`.
* severity [optional]: Severity level of the setting if the configuration is incorrect.
* dependsOn [optional]: If the validation of this setting depends on the validation of the provided setting name
* test [optional]: Could be either a string or an anonymous function to be called in order to warn user if setting is invalid.
* Could be either: `string`, `boolean`, `integer`, `select`
* beforeSave [optional]: Could be either a string or an anonymous function to be called in order to block a setting to be saved.
* afterSave [optional]: Could be either a string or an anonymous function to be called allowing to execute a function after the setting is saved.
* redacted [optional]: Should the setting value be redacted. FIXME: To implement
* cli_only [optional]: Should this setting be modified only via the CLI.
private function generateSettingsConfiguration()
return [
'Application' => [
'General' => [
'Essentials' => [
'_description' => __('Ensentials settings required for the application to run normally.'),
'_icon' => 'user-cog',
'app.baseurl' => [
'name' => __('Base URL'),
'type' => 'string',
'description' => __('The base url of the application (in the format https://www.mymispinstance.com or https://myserver.com/misp). Several features depend on this setting being correctly set to function.'),
'default' => '',
'severity' => 'critical',
'test' => 'testBaseURL',
'app.uuid' => [
'name' => 'UUID',
'type' => 'string',
'description' => __('The Cerebrate instance UUID. This UUID is used to identify this instance.'),
'default' => '',
'severity' => 'critical',
'test' => 'testUuid',
'Miscellaneous' => [
'sc2.hero' => [
'description' => 'The true hero',
'default' => 'Sarah Kerrigan',
'name' => 'Hero',
'options' => [
'Jim Raynor' => 'Jim Raynor',
'Sarah Kerrigan' => 'Sarah Kerrigan',
'Artanis' => 'Artanis',
'Zeratul' => 'Zeratul',
'type' => 'select'
'sc2.antagonists' => [
'description' => 'The bad guys',
'default' => 'Amon',
'name' => 'Antagonists',
'options' => function($settingsProviders) {
return [
'Amon' => 'Amon',
'Sarah Kerrigan' => 'Sarah Kerrigan',
'Narud' => 'Narud',
'severity' => 'warning',
'type' => 'multi-select'
'floating-setting' => [
'description' => 'floaringSetting',
// 'default' => 'A default value',
'name' => 'Uncategorized Setting',
// 'severity' => 'critical',
'severity' => 'warning',
// 'severity' => 'info',
'type' => 'integer'
'Network' => [
'Proxy' => [
'proxy.host' => [
'name' => __('Host'),
'type' => 'string',
'description' => __('The hostname of an HTTP proxy for outgoing sync requests. Leave empty to not use a proxy.'),
'test' => 'testHostname',
'proxy.port' => [
'name' => __('Port'),
'type' => 'integer',
'description' => __('The TCP port for the HTTP proxy.'),
'test' => 'testForRangeXY',
'proxy.user' => [
'name' => __('User'),
'type' => 'string',
'description' => __('The authentication username for the HTTP proxy.'),
'default' => 'admin',
'dependsOn' => 'proxy.host',
'proxy.password' => [
'name' => __('Password'),
'type' => 'string',
'description' => __('The authentication password for the HTTP proxy.'),
'default' => '',
'dependsOn' => 'proxy.host',
'UI' => [
'General' => [
'ui.bsTheme' => [
'description' => 'The Bootstrap theme to use for the application',
'default' => 'default',
'name' => 'UI Theme',
'options' => function($settingsProviders) {
$instanceTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Instance');
$themes = $instanceTable->getAvailableThemes();
return array_combine($themes, $themes);
'severity' => 'info',
'type' => 'select'
'Security' => [
'Development' => [
'Debugging' => [
'security.debug' => [
'name' => __('Debug Level'),
'type' => 'select',
'description' => __('The debug level of the instance'),
'default' => 0,
'options' => [
0 => __('Debug Off'),
1 => __('Debug On'),
2 => __('Debug On + SQL Dump'),
'test' => function($value, $setting, $validator) {
$validator->range('value', [0, 3]);
return testValidator($value, $validator);
'Features' => [
'Demo Settings' => [
'demo.switch' => [
'name' => __('Switch'),
'type' => 'boolean',
'description' => __('A switch acting as a checkbox'),
'default' => false,
'test' => function() {
return 'Fake error';
* getSettingsConfiguration Return the setting configuration and merge existing settings into it if provided
* @param null|array $settings - Settings to be merged in the provided setting configuration
* @return array
public function getSettingsConfiguration($settings = null) {
$settingConf = $this->settingsConfiguration;
if (!is_null($settings)) {
$settingConf = $this->mergeSettingsIntoSettingConfiguration($settingConf, $settings);
return $settingConf;
* mergeSettingsIntoSettingConfiguration Inject the provided settings into the configuration while performing depencency and validation checks
* @param array $settingConf the setting configuration to have the setting injected into
* @param array $settings the settings
* @return void
private function mergeSettingsIntoSettingConfiguration(array $settingConf, array $settings, string $path=''): array
foreach ($settingConf as $key => $value) {
if ($this->isSettingMetaKey($key)) {
if ($this->isLeaf($value)) {
if (isset($settings[$key])) {
$settingConf[$key]['value'] = $settings[$key];
$settingConf[$key] = $this->evaluateLeaf($settingConf[$key], $settingConf);
$settingConf[$key]['setting-path'] = $path;
$settingConf[$key]['true-name'] = $key;
} else {
$currentPath = empty($path) ? $key : sprintf('%s.%s', $path, $key);
$settingConf[$key] = $this->mergeSettingsIntoSettingConfiguration($value, $settings, $currentPath);
return $settingConf;
public function flattenSettingsConfiguration(array $settingsProvider, $flattenedSettings=[]): array
foreach ($settingsProvider as $key => $value) {
if ($this->isSettingMetaKey($key)) {
if ($this->isLeaf($value)) {
$flattenedSettings[$key] = $value;
} else {
$flattenedSettings = $this->flattenSettingsConfiguration($value, $flattenedSettings);
return $flattenedSettings;
* getNoticesFromSettingsConfiguration Summarize the validation errors
* @param array $settingsProvider the setting configuration having setting value assigned
* @return void
public function getNoticesFromSettingsConfiguration(array $settingsProvider): array
$notices = [];
foreach ($settingsProvider as $key => $value) {
if ($this->isSettingMetaKey($key)) {
if ($this->isLeaf($value)) {
if (!empty($value['error'])) {
if (empty($notices[$value['severity']])) {
$notices[$value['severity']] = [];
$notices[$value['severity']][] = $value;
} else {
$notices = array_merge_recursive($notices, $this->getNoticesFromSettingsConfiguration($value));
return $notices;
private function isLeaf($setting)
return !empty($setting['name']) && !empty($setting['type']);
private function evaluateLeaf($setting, $settingSection)
$skipValidation = false;
if ($setting['type'] == 'select' || $setting['type'] == 'multi-select') {
if (!empty($setting['options']) && is_callable($setting['options'])) {
$setting['options'] = $setting['options']($this);
if (isset($setting['dependsOn'])) {
$parentSetting = null;
foreach ($settingSection as $settingSectionName => $settingSectionConfig) {
if ($settingSectionName == $setting['dependsOn']) {
$parentSetting = $settingSectionConfig;
if (!is_null($parentSetting)) {
$parentSetting = $this->evaluateLeaf($parentSetting, $settingSection);
$skipValidation = $parentSetting['error'] === true || empty($parentSetting['value']);
$setting['error'] = false;
if (!$skipValidation) {
$validationResult = true;
if (!isset($setting['value'])) {
$validationResult = $this->settingValidator->testEmptyBecomesDefault(null, $setting);
} else if (isset($setting['test'])) {
$setting['value'] = $setting['value'] ?? '';
$validationResult = $this->evaluateFunctionForSetting($setting['test'], $setting);
if ($validationResult !== true) {
$setting['severity'] = $setting['severity'] ?? 'warning';
if (!in_array($setting['severity'], $this->severities)) {
$setting['severity'] = 'warning';
$setting['errorMessage'] = $validationResult;
$setting['error'] = $validationResult !== true ? true : false;
return $setting;
* evaluateFunctionForSetting - evaluate the provided function. If function could not be evaluated, its result is defaulted to true
* @param mixed $fun
* @param array $setting
* @return mixed
public function evaluateFunctionForSetting($fun, $setting)
$functionResult = true;
if (is_callable($fun)) { // Validate with anonymous function
$functionResult = $fun($setting['value'], $setting, new Validator());
} else if (method_exists($this->settingValidator, $fun)) { // Validate with function defined in settingValidator class
$functionResult = $this->settingValidator->{$fun}($setting['value'], $setting);
} else {
$validator = new Validator();
if (method_exists($validator, $fun)) { // Validate with cake's validator function
$functionResult = $validator->validate($setting['value']);
return $functionResult;
function isSettingMetaKey($key)
return substr($key, 0, 1) == '_';
function testValidator($value, $validator)
$errors = $validator->validate(['value' => $value]);
return !empty($errors) ? implode(', ', $errors['value']) : true;
class SettingValidator
public function testEmptyBecomesDefault($value, &$setting)
if (!empty($value)) {
return true;
} else if (isset($setting['default'])) {
$setting['value'] = $setting['default'];
$setting['severity'] = $setting['severity'] ?? 'info';
if ($setting['type'] == 'boolean') {
return __('Setting is not set, fallback to default value: {0}', empty($setting['default']) ? 'false' : 'true');
} else {
return __('Setting is not set, fallback to default value: {0}', $setting['default']);
} else {
$setting['severity'] = $setting['severity'] ?? 'critical';
return __('Cannot be empty. Setting does not have a default value.');
public function testForEmpty($value, &$setting)
return !empty($value) ? true : __('Cannot be empty');
public function testBaseURL($value, &$setting)
if (empty($value)) {
return __('Cannot be empty');
if (!empty($value) && !preg_match('/^http(s)?:\/\//i', $value)) {
return __('Invalid URL, please make sure that the protocol is set.');
return true;
public function testUuid($value, &$setting) {
if (empty($value) || !preg_match('/^\{?[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}\}?$/', $value)) {
return __('Invalid UUID.');
return true;