
244 lines
8.5 KiB

namespace App\View\Helper\BootstrapElements;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
use Cake\Utility\Inflector;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapGeneric;
use App\View\Helper\BootstrapHelper;
* Creates a table from 2-dimensional data $items.
* Perfect to display a list of objects.
* # Options for table
* - striped, bordered, borderless, hover, small: Default bootstrap behavior
* - variant: Variant to apply on the entire table
* - tableClass: A list of class to add on the table container
* - bodyClass: A list of class to add on the tbody container
* - id: The ID to use for the table
* - caption: Optional table caption
* - elementsRootPath: Root path to use when item are relying on cakephp's element. See options for fields
* # Options for fields
* - label: The name of the field to be displayed as a label
* - labelHtml: The HTML of the field to be displayed as a label
* - class: Additional classes to add for that row
* - path: The path to be fed to Hash::get() in order to get the value from the $item
* - element: The type of element to use combined with $elementsRootPath from the table's option
* - formatter: A callback function to format the value
* - columnVariant: The bootstrap variant to be applied on the cell
* - notice_$variant: A text with the passed variant to be append at the end. $variant can be any valid bootstrap variant. Example: `notice_warning` or `notice_info`.
* # Special fields for $items
* - _rowVariant: The bootstrap variant to be applied on the row
* # Usage:
* $this->Bootstrap->table(
* [
* 'hover' => false,
* 'striped' => false,
* ],
* [
* 'items' => [
* ['column 1' => 'col1', 'column 2' => 'col2', 'key1' => 'val1', 'key2' => true],
* ['column 1' => 'col1', 'column 2' => 'col2', 'key1' => 'val2', 'key2' => false,'_rowVariant' => 'success'],
* ['column 1' => 'col1', 'column 2' => 'col2', 'key1' => 'val3', 'key2' => true],
* ],
* 'fields' => [
* 'column 1',
* [
* 'path' => 'column 2',
* 'label' => 'COLUMN 2',
* 'columnVariant' => 'danger',
* ],
* [
* 'labelHtml' => '<i>column 3</i>',
* ],
* [
* 'path' => 'key1',
* 'label' => __('Field'),
* 'formatter' => function ($field, $row) {
* return sprintf('<i>%s</i>', h($field));
* }
* ],
* [
* 'path' => 'key2',
* 'element' => 'boolean',
* ],
* ],
* 'caption' => 'This is a caption'
* ]
* );
class BootstrapTable extends BootstrapGeneric
private $defaultOptions = [
'striped' => true,
'bordered' => true,
'borderless' => false,
'hover' => true,
'small' => false,
'variant' => '',
'tableClass' => [],
'headerClass' => [],
'bodyClass' => [],
'id' => '',
'caption' => '',
'elementsRootPath' => '/genericElements/SingleViews/Fields/',
function __construct(array $options, array $data, BootstrapHelper $btHelper)
$this->allowedOptionValues = [
'variant' => array_merge(BootstrapGeneric::$variants, [''])
$this->fields = $data['fields'];
$this->items = $data['items'];
$this->caption = !empty($data['caption']) ? $data['caption'] : '';
$this->btHelper = $btHelper;
private function processOptions(array $options): void
$this->options = array_merge($this->defaultOptions, $options);
$this->options['tableClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['tableClass']);
$this->options['bodyClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['bodyClass']);
$this->options['headerClass'] = $this->convertToArrayIfNeeded($this->options['headerClass']);
public function table(): string
return $this->genTable();
private function genTable(): string
$html = $this->nodeOpen('table', [
'class' => [
$this->options['striped'] ? 'table-striped' : '',
$this->options['bordered'] ? 'table-bordered' : '',
$this->options['borderless'] ? 'table-borderless' : '',
$this->options['hover'] ? 'table-hover' : '',
$this->options['small'] ? 'table-sm' : '',
implode(' ', $this->options['tableClass']),
!empty($this->options['variant']) ? "table-{$this->options['variant']}" : '',
'id' => $this->options['id'] ?? ''
$html .= $this->genCaption();
$html .= $this->genHeader();
$html .= $this->genBody();
$html .= $this->nodeClose('table');
return $html;
private function genHeader(): string
$head = $this->nodeOpen('thead', [
'class' => $this->options['headerClass'],
$head .= $this->nodeOpen('tr');
foreach ($this->fields as $i => $field) {
if (is_array($field)) {
if (!empty($field['labelHtml'])) {
$label = $field['labelHtml'];
} else {
$label = !empty($field['label']) ? $field['label'] : Inflector::humanize($field['path']);
$label = h($label);
} else {
$label = Inflector::humanize($field);
$label = h($label);
$head .= $this->node('th', [], $label);
$head .= $this->nodeClose('tr');
$head .= $this->nodeClose('thead');
return $head;
private function genBody(): string
$body = $this->nodeOpen('tbody', [
'class' => $this->options['bodyClass'],
foreach ($this->items as $i => $row) {
$body .= $this->genRow($row, $i);
$body .= $this->nodeClose('tbody');
return $body;
private function genRow(array $row, int $rowIndex): string
$html = $this->nodeOpen('tr', [
'class' => [
!empty($row['_rowVariant']) ? "table-{$row['_rowVariant']}" : ''
if (array_keys($row) !== range(0, count($row) - 1)) { // associative array
foreach ($this->fields as $i => $field) {
$cellValue = $this->getValueFromObject($row, $field);
$html .= $this->genCell($cellValue, $field, $row, $rowIndex);
} else { // indexed array
foreach ($row as $i => $cellValue) {
$html .= $this->genCell($cellValue, $this->fields[$i], $row, $rowIndex);
$html .= $this->nodeClose('tr');
return $html;
private function genCell($value, array $field = [], array $row = [], int $rowIndex = 0): string
if (isset($field['formatter'])) {
$cellContent = $field['formatter']($value, $row, $rowIndex);
} else if (isset($field['element'])) {
$cellContent = $this->btHelper->getView()->element($this->getElementPath($field['element']), [
'data' => [$value],
'field' => ['path' => '0']
} else {
$cellContent = h($value);
return $this->node('td', [
'class' => array_merge(
!empty($field['columnVariant']) ? "table-{$field['columnVariant']}" : ''
$field['class'] ?? []
], $cellContent);
private function getValueFromObject(array $row, $field)
$path = is_array($field) ? $field['path'] : $field;
$cellValue = Hash::get($row, $path);
return !is_null($cellValue) ? $cellValue : '';
private function getElementPath(string $type): string
return sprintf(
$this->options['elementsRootPath'] ?? '',
private function genCaption(): string
return !empty($this->caption) ? $this->node('caption', [], h($this->caption)) : '';