Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto "Mosquitto" [ host="localhost", port=1883, secure=false, username="", password="", clientID="openHAB2" ]{ Thing topic chill_zone_lamps_socket "Power Socket" @ "Chill zone" { Channels: Type switch : power "Power" [ stateTopic="stat/chill_zone/lamp/Power", commandTopic="cmnd/chill_zone/lamp/Power" ] } Thing topic engineering_table_lamps_socket "Table Power Socket" @ "Engineering" { Channels: Type switch : power "Power" [ stateTopic="stat/engineering/table_lamp/Power", commandTopic="cmnd/engineering/table_lamp/Power" ] } Thing topic engineering_ceiling_lamps_socket "Ceiling Power Socket" @ "Engineering" { Channels: Type switch : power "Power" [ stateTopic="stat/engineering/ceiling_lamp/Power", commandTopic="cmnd/engineering/ceiling_lamp/Power" ] } // Thing topic chill_zone_lamps_socket_switch "Power Socket Switch" @ "Chill zone" { // Channels: // Type switch : power "Power" [ // stateTopic="stat/sonoff2/POWER", // commandTopic="cmnd/sonoff2/POWER" // ] // Type number : voltage "Voltage" [ // stateTopic="tele/sonoff2/STATE", // transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Vcc" // ] // Type string : uptime "Uptime" [ // stateTopic="tele/sonoff2/STATE", // transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Uptime" // ] // Type number : rssi "RSSI" [ // stateTopic="tele/sonoff2/STATE", // transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.Wifi.RSSI" // ] // } } // When the callback URL matters - // OpenHAB is not able to communicate with the chromecast => Remote host closed connection during handshake // Thing chromecast:chromecast:b000d809ccb35a409a3dd3d14e0fbf08 [ipAddress="", port=8008] Thing chromecast:chromecast:b000d809ccb35a409a3dd3d14e0fbf08 [ipAddress="", port=8009]