var Timer ChromeCastOffTimer = null val peoplecountermax = 0 // if openhab is restarted, the max value is lost... do we need persistence, how does that work? val SpaceStatus = '' rule "Startup" when System started then if (entrance_door_status.state.toString == 'OFF') { SpaceStatus = 'open' } else { SpaceStatus = 'closed' } end rule "Door Status" when Item entrance_door_status changed then val state = entrance_door_status.state.toString val peoplecountermax // the sensor state is inverted: // OFF means opened // ON means opened if (state == 'OFF') { logInfo('door', 'opened') SpaceStatus = 'open' entrance_ceiling_lamps.sendCommand("ON") entrance_marbleadder_lamps.sendCommand("ON") chill_zone_lamps.sendCommand("ON") engineering_table_lamps.sendCommand("ON") engineering_ceiling_lamps.sendCommand("ON") engineering_status_lamp.sendCommand("ON") area42_status_lamp.sendCommand("ON") executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab2/syn2cat/ open") // needs current time in OpenTime // sendTweet("It's "+OpenTime+" and we are open \o/ \ncome in and create something awesome =) \n") } else { logInfo('door', 'closed') SpaceStatus = 'closed' // turn the beamer off sendHttpGetRequest("") chill_zone_screen_button_up.sendCommand("ON") entrance_ceiling_lamps.sendCommand("OFF") entrance_marbleadder_lamps.sendCommand("OFF") chill_zone_lamps.sendCommand("OFF") engineering_table_lamps.sendCommand("OFF") engineering_ceiling_lamps.sendCommand("OFF") engineering_status_lamp.sendCommand("OFF") area42_status_lamp.sendCommand("OFF") lab_soldering_table.sendCommand("OFF") IRCode.sendCommand(transform("MAP", "", "amp_off")) executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab2/syn2cat/ closed") // needs current time in OpenTime // and number of people in peopleMax="\nThere were up to $peopleMax hackers today.\n" peoplecountermax=entrance_people_counter_max.state if(peoplecountermax>8) { peopleMax="\nThere were up to "+peoplecountermax+" hackers today.\n" } else { peopleMax=".".repeat(peoplecountermax) } logInfo("door", "twitter message: "+ OpenTime+peopleMax) // sendTweet("We just closed our doors at "+OpenTime+peopleMax+" See you very soon... \n") entrance_people_counter_max.postUpdate(0) } logInfo("door", "Space state: {}", state) end // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rule "Poll People Counter" when // sec min hour day month weekday year(opt) Time cron "*/2 * * ? * *" then val response = sendHttpGetRequest("") val count = java.lang.Integer.parseInt( transform("XPATH", "/table/tr[4]/td[2]/text()", response).trim() ) if ( SpaceStatus == 'closed' ) { count=0 } if ( count != Integer.parseInt(entrance_people_counter.previousState().state.toString)) { entrance_people_counter.postUpdate(count) // fresh run needs a max init, later we use persistence to init if (entrance_people_counter_max.state == NULL) {entrance_people_counter_max.postUpdate(count) } // count is bigger, so we got a new maximum if(entrance_people_counter_max.state < count) { entrance_people_counter_max.postUpdate(count) logInfo("door", "People counter maximum set to "+ count) } executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab2/syn2cat/ "+count) } end // moved this to some external scripts, way easier with debugging and quoting // /usr/bin/curl --max-time 1 --silent --data key="$spaceapikey" --data-urlencode 'sensors={"sensors":{"people_now_present":[{"value":'"$presency"'}]}}' // executeCommandLine("/usr/bin/curl -v --max-time 1 --data key=$(cat /etc/openhab2/spaceapikey.txt) --data-urlencode 'sensors={\"sensors\":{\"people_now_present\":[{\"value\":'+count+'}]}}' >/tmp/c.log 2>&1") // needs import // sendHttpGetRequest(""+URLEncoder::encode('key='+spaceapikey+'&sensors={sensors":{"people_now_present":[{"value":'+count+'}]}}') // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rule "Tweet People Count" when Item entrance_people_counter changed then // val people = entrance_people_counter.state.toString // sendTweet('There are currently ' + people + ' hackers present. Just pass by!') end // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rule "Phone Ringing" when Time cron "*/2 * * ? * *" then // we could also fetch the XML but fetching the HTML seems to be faster // val phoneResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") val isRinging = "Ringing" == (transform("REGEX", ".*(Ringing).*", phoneResponse)) if (isRinging) { engineering_ceiling_phone_flash.sendCommand("ON") } end // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rule "Beamer Power" when Item chill_zone_beamer received command then val state = chill_zone_beamer.state.toString var beamerResponse if (state == 'ON') { // turn the beamer on beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") chill_zone_screen_button_down.sendCommand("ON") } else { // turn the beamer off beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") } val beamerStatus = transform("XPATH", "/return/text()", beamerResponse).replace("\n", '') logInfo("beamer", "Beamer state: {}", beamerStatus) end rule "Beamer input" when Item chill_zone_beamer_input received command then val state = chill_zone_beamer_input.state.toString var beamerResponse if (state == 'hdmi1') { beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") } else if (state == 'hdmi2') { beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") } else if (state == 'dvi') { beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") } else if (state == 'vga1') { beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") } else if (state == 'vga2') { beamerResponse = sendHttpGetRequest("") } else { } val beamerStatus = transform("XPATH", "/return/text()", beamerResponse).replace("\n", '') logInfo("beamer", "Beamer state: {}", beamerStatus) end // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rule "Chromecast changed" when Item chill_zone_chromecast_status changed then val l2state = entrance_door_status.state.toString if (l2state == 'ON') { // do nothing if Level2 is closed } else { val app = chill_zone_chromecast_status.state.toString if (app === null || app == UNDEF || app == 'UNDEF' || app == '' || app == 'BackDrop' ) { // set input to DVI - hackerspace video logInfo('beamer', 'start 2min delay before switch input to DVI') // ChromeCastOffTimer.cancel() // stop any timer running ChromeCastOffTimer=createTimer(now.plusSeconds(30)) [ app = chill_zone_chromecast_status.state.toString if (app === null || app == UNDEF || app == 'UNDEF' || app == '' || app == 'BackDrop' ) { sendHttpGetRequest("") logInfo('beamer', 'Switch to input DVI (after 2min)') } else { logInfo('beamer', 'after 2min, chromecast again streaming. Not switching off.') } ] } else { if (ChromeCastOffTimer !== null) { logInfo('chromecast', 'disabling off timer') ChromeCastOffTimer.cancel() // stop any timer running } else { logInfo('chromecast', 'no off time running') } // only switch beamer on if chromecast is actually showing something logInfo('chromecast', 'is streaming from '+app) chill_zone_beamer.sendCommand("ON") chill_zone_screen_button_down.sendCommand("ON") // set input to HDMI2 - chromecast sendHttpGetRequest("") val state = chill_zone_beamer.state.toString logInfo('beamer', 'Switch from {} to input HDMI2',state) } } end