# Level2.lu A website for the Level2 Hackspace ##Usage - **[GET events/json](https://level2.lu/events/json)** - **[GET events/:COUNT.json](https://level2.lu/events/42.json)** - **[GET events/:YEAR/:MONTH.json](https://level2.lu/events/2015/03.json)** - **[GET spaceapi](https://level2.lu/spaceapi)** every event includes the following information: - start the unix timestamp of when the event starts - end the unix timestamp of when the event ends - date A pre-formatted date that is used on the Level2.lu website - location The location of the event - image url to an image for the event, false when missing - url url to more information about the event, false when missing - description description of the event ## Examples https://level2.lu/events/json https://level2.lu/events/42.json https://level2.lu/events/2015/03.json https://level2.lu/spaceapi