# Level2VPin Virtual Pinball Cabinet à la Level2 # Bill of Materials (BOM) ## PC Hardware ### Graphics Adaptors 2 nVidia Cards, recent ones, no need for crazy expensive ones. GTX460 1GB at least. ### Power-supply You will need a 750W supply to be sure the system runs smoothly. ### Mainboard Robust and compatible Mainboard ### Processor Any Intel i7 ### Speakers Mid-range 2-speaker setup. Or a [Pinball Cabinet Kit](http://virtuapin.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=17&products_id=70) Approx. 99€ A complete [Flipper Fidelity Sound System Kit](http://virtuapin.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=16&products_id=120) Approx 130€ ### Monitors 3 are needed in total * Backbox/Backglass, head of the cabinet (32") Approx. 300€ * Dot Matrix Display (15.6") Approx. 300€ [in a Kit with USB Interface](http://virtuapin.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=231) * Playfield (46") Approx. 1500€ if [Commercial grade used](http://virtuapin.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=6&products_id=29) For the main playfield the thinner the screen, the better. Mainly because the flipper buttons need to be in the most natural position for game play. ### Memory 2x8GB Ram ### Disk 1xSSD Disk ## Cabinet Hardware ### Electronics #### Fans :warning: The cabinet will become hot. Proper cooling is needed. Suggesting 200x200x20 fans. If you want to play it fancy, get fans with LEDs. Approx. 20€ a piece #### LED Flashers These are high-powered LED elements and need passive cooling. Approx. 10€ a piece #### Nudge Nudging a Pinball table is essential to good game-play. #### Buttons We will need quite a few buttons. From the 2 Flipper buttons, 2 Nudge Buttons to the Start buttons and maybe a plunger button. The [following buttons](http://www.ultimarc.com/ultralux.html) have RGB LEDs pre-wired for the PacLED64 Approx. 84€ #### Plunger Research if there is a digital "analog" [plunger](http://virtuapin.net/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=25&products_id=199). #### iPac The iPac allows you to control arcade buttons, switches etc through USB. It acts like a keyboard and sends a keyboard signal. Latency is an issue and I would advise against rolling your own with an Arduino or Raspi. Approx. 70€ from [Ultimarc](http://www.ultimarc.com/store/section.php?xSec=2) #### PacLED64 The PacLED64 is an LED controller and lets you connect LED lights. Approx. 70€ from [Ultimarc](http://www.ultimarc.com/store/section.php?xSec=5) #### Alternative: LED-Wiz A more universal piece of hardware that can control many different types of outputs, like solenoids, motors, lights etc. ### Woods ### Misc. Hardware (joints, legs etc.) 4 table legs 1 Coin door (Approx. 60€ from [Ultimarc](http://www.ultimarc.com/store/section.php?xSec=9&xPage=1&jssCart=3fb4ca3db5c0c8a631d4d777d9515933)) #### Glass To make the experience more real adding a piece of tempered glass over the big play-field screen is recommended. ## Software * Windows 7 Pro (To run XP compatibility mode) * Visual Pinball * VPinMAME * PinballX * DirectB2S * Direct Output Framework # Build ## Reference Pinball We are very fortunate to have access to a real Pinball Machine. The machine in question is "The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard" (January 1994). [IPDB](http://www.ipdb.org/machine.cgi?id=2579) [WikiPedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Who%27s_Tommy_Pinball_Wizard) ## Precision Some DIYers suggest a precision of 3mm (for the main screen fitting for example) ## Art work Obviously the Level2 Pinball cabinet wants to be customized with beautiful Art-work. We would need someone to design the outer shell of the cabinet. # Resources [Biscuit joiner (Nutfräse)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biscuit_joiner) [Blogger detailing his steps in Building a cabinet](https://vpcabinet.wordpress.com/) [Virtual Pinball Forums and Software Resources](http://www.vpforums.org/) [Fractions in inch to mm](http://www.hamuniverse.com/antfrac.html) ## Non-PC Part Vendors [iPac controllers, LED management and more](http://www.ultimarc.com/) [Connecting a real Dot-matrix to your PC](http://www.pindmd.com) [Virtuapin, commercial DIY Cabinets](http://virtuapin.net/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=2&zenid=9361125f7b96c5d60456f6e76a11eb9e) [Traditional pinball and arcade game parts](https://na.suzohapp.com/) ## Pinball Repositories [OpenGL "Batman" Pinball](https://github.com/loganfsmyth/pinball) [Pinball Mini for iOS using Cocos2d and Chipmunk (outdated)](https://github.com/adambyram/pinballmini-ios) [Some notes on building a VPinball Machine](https://github.com/dave-ops/virtual-pinball-machine) [Helper tool to manage VPin ROMs](https://github.com/jbienz/PinTools) [DirectOutput framework for virtual pinball cabinets](https://github.com/DirectOutput/DirectOutput) # Rough cost-estimate | Item | Price | |---------------------|-----------| | PC-Hardware | 2300€ | | Software | 160€ | | Screens | 2100€ | | Wood | 1000€ | | Glass | 150€ | | Pinball HW | 700€ | | Tools | 300€ | | Misc | 120€ | | *Total Cost* | *6686* |