#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Avocados and stuff """ import os, random, sys import pygame import avocado, crystal, pingenerator from pygame.locals import * from support.colors import * from interface import hud class TheGame: def __init__(self): """ Initialize the game """ pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('Pin Avo, the Cado!') displayInfo = pygame.display.Info() self.resize = 1.3 self.WIDTH = int(displayInfo.current_w / self.resize) self.HEIGHT = int(displayInfo.current_h / self.resize) self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT = 800, 600 # initialize the game canvas self.size = (self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) self.colors = [BLUE, GREEN, RED, YELLOW] self.bg = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('img', 'lawyerCrystalBall.png')) # fonts self.bigFont = pygame.font.Font(None, 90) # Set splashscreen splashScreen = pygame.image.load("img/splashScreen.png") self.screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(splashScreen, self.size), (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.wait(3000) try: pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.5) sound = True except: print("Y U NO sound? :(") sound = False def mute(self,mute=False, sound=True): if not sound: return if mute: pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.0) else: pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.5) def playLevel(self,lvl=1,sound=True): if not sound: return if lvl == 1: pygame.mixer.music.load("""audio/level1.wav""") elif lvl == 2: pygame.mixer.music.load("""audio/level2.wav""") elif lvl >= 3: pygame.mixer.music.load("""audio/level3.wav""") pygame.mixer.music.play() def fadeSound(self, sound=True): if not sound: return pygame.mixer.music.fadeout(3000) def chooseRandomColor(self): selected = random.randint(0, 3) return self.colors[selected] def gameOver(self): screen_width, screen_height = self.size gameOverImage = pygame.image.load("img/gameOver.png") gameOverText = self.bigFont.render('GAME OVER', 0, YELLOW) gameOverImage.blit(gameOverText, (screen_width/8, screen_height/7)) self.screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(gameOverImage, self.size), (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() self.fadeSound() pygame.time.wait(3000) pygame.quit() sys.exit() def keepPinned(self, avocado): self.pinned.append(avocado) def drawBackground(self): if type(self.bg) is tuple: self.screen.fill(self.bg) else: self.screen.blit(pygame.transform.scale(self.bg, self.size), (0, 0)) def main(self): clock = pygame.time.Clock() desired_fps = 60 # Never set below 4, else we have a high # probability of losing the game due to a missing color # Alternatively, you could edit chooseRandomColor() # to only work on the first multiplier colors multiplier = 4 time = timeleft = 30 level = 1 levelChange = 0 score = 0 targetScore = 400 # We could use this list for redrawing only this part # of the screen install of all of it pinnedAvocados = [] movingAvocados = [] thrownPins = [] # initialize the HUD class and the lawyer the_hud = hud.Hud(self.screen) crystalBall = crystal.Crystal(self.screen) # Initial color indication color = self.chooseRandomColor() crystalBall.setColor(color) running = True while running: time_passed = clock.tick(desired_fps) fps = clock.get_fps() screen_width, screen_height = self.size # Redraw the background and put our lawyer back on top self.drawBackground() crystalBall.blitme() # Next level? if score >= (targetScore * level): level += 1 levelChange = 70 timeleft = time print('DEBUG :: Score: ' + str(score)) print('DEBUG :: Level ' + str(level)) self.playLevel(level) pinnedAvocados = [] movingAvocados = [] thrownPins = [] if levelChange > 0: levelText = self.bigFont.render('Level ' + str(level), 0, WHITE) self.screen.blit(levelText, (screen_width / 3, screen_height / 2)) levelChange -= 1 timeleft -= time_passed / 1000 timeleft = round(timeleft, 2) if timeleft <= 0: self.gameOver() else: displaytime = timeleft # Redraw the HUD the_hud.draw_hud(score, displaytime, round(fps, 2)) # If we're not currently in between levels… if levelChange == 0: # Initialize a number of avocados, depending on the level avocadosInGame = len(movingAvocados) avocadosWanted = level * multiplier if avocadosInGame < avocadosWanted: probability = int(1.0/(avocadosWanted - avocadosInGame) * 100) if random.randint(0, probability) < 3: avocolor = self.chooseRandomColor() avosize = (50, 50) # should we randomize this? a = avocado.Avocado(self.screen, avocolor, avosize, color, level) movingAvocados.append(a) # Remove avocados from the list of moving avocados if they no longer move # Or add them to the list of pinned avocados if they're been hit pinnedAvocados += [avo for avo in movingAvocados if avo.isPinned() ] movingAvocados[:] = [ avo for avo in movingAvocados if avo.isFalling() ] # Now redraw our avocados for a in movingAvocados: a.setTargetColor(color) a.move() a.blitme() for a in pinnedAvocados: a.blitme() # And finally check if we need to redraw any pins for activePin in thrownPins: activePin.blitme() if not activePin.isStuck(): activePin.moveTowardsTarget() # Catch events for event in pygame.event.get(): # Collision detection if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mousepos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # Throw a pin here newPin = pingenerator.Generate(self.screen) newPin.throwAt(mousepos) thrownPins.append(newPin) # Check if any avocados have been hit for avo in movingAvocados: hit = avo.isHit(mousepos) if hit: score += 100 color = self.chooseRandomColor() crystalBall.setColor(color) elif hit == False: score -= 50 # Had enough of this? if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False game.gameOver() pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.flip() if __name__ == '__main__': game = TheGame() game.playLevel() game.main()