raspberry Pi opening the front door and playing videos
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Gunstick b59c94ccbf first commit based on running system 2015-04-08 22:16:20 +02:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2015-04-08 21:13:10 +02:00
README.md first commit based on running system 2015-04-08 22:16:20 +02:00
buzzctrl.sh first commit based on running system 2015-04-08 22:16:20 +02:00
spacestatus.py first commit based on running system 2015-04-08 22:16:20 +02:00
videoplayer.sh first commit based on running system 2015-04-08 22:16:20 +02:00



raspberry Pi opening the front door and playing videos the button has an RGB led to show status

how to install

put into /etc/rc.local the following line: su pi -c '/home/pi/buzzctrl.sh' &

sudo vi /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart remove screensaver sudo apt-get install unclutter xdotool git-core screen imagemagick git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi cd wiringPi ./build

mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE/ cat > /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart <<"EOF" @xset s off @xset -dpms @xset s noblank @unclutter -display :0 -noevents -grab @./videoplayer.sh EOF

connect the button and LED to pins as shown in buzzctrl.sh create a file "secret.txt" containing the http://user:pass@10.1.1.xx part of the URL adapt the URL in buzzctrl.sh adapt spaceapi URL in spacestatus.py put .mp4 videos into ~pi/ and they will show when your hackerspace is open you can add videos and they will be taken into account automatically

when booting, the button led uses morsecode to send the low byte of the IP adress in decimal


create a config file put more of the hardcoded values from code into parameters make code resilient against missing commands (e.g. gpio not in PATH) move script to run in screen instead starting from rc.local