#!/usr/bin/php 'xxxx', 'oauth_access_token_secret' => 'yyyy', 'consumer_key' => 'xxxxx', 'consumer_secret' => 'yyyyy' ); */ require_once('twittertokens.php'); /* put the tokens inside separate file which is in .gitignore */ /** URL for REST request, see: https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/ **/ $url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json'; $requestMethod = 'POST'; file_put_contents( '/var/test.txt', $argv ); /* if ( $spaceAPI ) { $level2status = $spaceAPI['state']['open']; var_dump( $level2status ); if ( $level2status != file_get_contents('/var/cronjobs/lvl2_tweet/lastKnownState.txt') ) { if ( $level2status ) { $status = 'It\'s ' . date( 'H:i', $spaceAPI['state']['lastchange'] ) . ' and we are open \o/, come in and create something awesome =) #statusUpdate'; file_put_contents( '/var/cronjobs/lvl2_tweet/lastKnownState.txt', '1' ); } else { $status = 'We just closed our doors at ' . date( 'H:i', $spaceAPI['state']['lastchange'] ) . '. See you very soon... #statusUpdate'; file_put_contents( '/var/cronjobs/lvl2_tweet/lastKnownState.txt', '0'); } var_dump( $status ); // POST fields required by the URL above. See relevant docs as above $postfields = array( 'status' => $status ); // Perform a POST request and echo the response $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings); echo $twitter->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod) ->setPostfields($postfields) ->performRequest(); } } */