! function($) { $(function() { refreshTime(); setInterval(function() { refreshTime(); }, 59000); refreshContent(); setInterval(function() { refreshContent(); }, 60000); loadWeather(); setInterval(function() { loadWeather(); }, 900000); l2status(); setInterval(function() { l2status(); }, 60000); l2events(); setInterval(function() { l2events(); }, 3600000); wortLuNews(); setInterval(function() { wortLuNews(); }, 900000); cflNews(); setInterval(function() { cflNews(); }, 900000); }); }(window.jQuery); function refreshTime() { $('.time').text(moment().format('HH:mm')); // 03:37 $('.date').text(moment().format('dddd, D MMMM')); // Sunday, 31 August } function refreshContent() { $('#wrapper').html(''); var request = $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://getcontents.herokuapp.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftravelplanner.mobiliteit.lu%2Fhafas%2Fcdt%2Fstboard.exe%2Ffn%3FL%3Dvs_stb%26input%3D200404028%26boardType%3Ddep%26time%3D' + moment().format('HH') + '%3A' + moment().format('mm') + '%26selectDate%3Dtoday%26start%3Dyes%26requestType%3D0%26maxJourneys%3D10', complete: function(response) { resp = response.responseText.slice(14); data = JSON.parse(resp); busses = data.journey; var content = '

Upcoming busses

'; $.each(busses, function(nr, bus) { var name = bus.pr; var destination = bus.st; if (bus.rt != false) { var time = bus.rt.dlt; } else { var time = bus.ti; } var timeDifference; var busTime = moment() .set('hour', time.substring(0, 2)) .set('minute', time.substring(3, 5)); timeDifference = busTime.diff(moment(), 'minutes'); timeLeftMessage = 'departure in ' + timeDifference + ' minutes'; if (timeDifference <= 5 && timeDifference > -1) { labelColor = "danger"; } else if (timeDifference <= 10 && timeDifference > -1) { labelColor = "warning"; } else { labelColor = "info"; timeLeftMessage = ''; } if (name.indexOf("Bus") != -1) { name = name.slice(name.indexOf("Bus ") + 4); } content += '

' + time + ' ' + name + ' ' + destination + '

' + timeLeftMessage; }); $('.busses').html(''); $('.busses').append(content); console.log(moment().format('YYYY.MM.DD - HH:mm:ss') + ' updated busses'); } }); } function loadWeather() { var city = 'Bonnevoie'; var country = 'LU'; var appid = '64a2215ad2f5f944abd334578763726e'; var request = $.ajax({ type: 'get', // fixme: use an api that supports https url: 'https://getcontents.herokuapp.com/?url=http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=' + city + ',' + country + '&units=metric&appid=' + appid, complete: function(response) { data = JSON.parse(response.responseText); weather = data.weather[0]; var description = weather.description; var weatherId = weather.icon; var temperature = formatTemp(data.main.temp); $('.currentTemp').text(temperature); $('.weatherIcon').attr('class', 'climacon ' + OWMIcon(weatherId)); console.log(moment().format('YYYY.MM.DD - HH:mm:ss') + ' updated weather'); } }); } function formatTemp(temperature) { temperature = temperature - 273.15; // K to C temperature = (temperature).toFixed(1); // 1 decimal if (temperature > 10) { temperature = Math.round(temperature); // round up to the nearest integer } return temperature + '°C'; } function OWMIcon(imageCode) { // Icon Name & Colour Percentage var b = { '01d': ["sun"], '01n': ["moon"], '02d': ["cloud sun"], '02n': ["cloud moon"], '03d': ["cloud"], '03n': ["cloud"], '04d': ["cloud"], '04n': ["cloud"], '09d': ["showers sun"], '09n': ["showers moon"], '10d': ["rain sun"], '10n': ["rain moon"], '11d': ["lightning sun"], '11n': ["lightning moon"], '13d': ["snow sun"], '13n': ["snow moon"], '50d': ["fog sun"], '50n': ["fog moon"] }; return b[imageCode] } function l2status() { var request = $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://spaceapi.syn2cat.lu/status/json', complete: function(response) { var status = JSON.parse(response.responseText); var timeStamp = moment.unix(status.state.lastchange).fromNow(); $('.status').removeClass('open').removeClass('closed'); if (status.state.open) { $('.status') .addClass('open') .html('


Opened ' + timeStamp); $('.hackers').html( status.sensors.people_now_present[0].value + ' people inside' ); } else { $('.status') .addClass('closed') .html('


' + timeStamp); $('.hackers').html(''); } } }); console.log(moment().format('YYYY.MM.DD - HH:mm:ss') + ' updated Level2 status'); } function l2events() { var request = $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://wiki.hackerspace.lu/wiki/Special:Ask/-5B-5BCategory:Event-5D-5D-20-5B-5BStartDate::-3E' + moment().format('YYYY') + '-2D' + moment().format('MM') + '-2D' + moment().format('DD') + '-5D-5D/-3FStartDate/-3FEndDate/-3FHas-20subtitle/-3FHas-20description/-3FIs-20Event-20of-20Type%3DIs-20type/-3FHas-20location/-3FHas-20picture/-3FHas-20cost/-3FCategory/format%3Djson/sort%3DStartDate/order%3Dascending/searchlabel%3DJSON-20(Internal,-20only-20upcoming-20events)', complete: function(response) { var l2event_name, l2event_ob; var events = JSON.parse(response.responseText); var output = '

Level 2 events

'; for (l2event_name in events.results) { var l2event_ob = events.results[l2event_name]; output += '

' + l2event_name + ' ' + moment.unix(l2event_ob.printouts.StartDate, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss").format('dddd, D MMMM HH:mm') + '

' + l2event_ob.printouts['Has description'][0]; }; output += "
"; $('.events').html('').append(output); } }); console.log(moment().format('YYYY.MM.DD - HH:mm:ss') + ' updated Level2 events'); } function wortLuNews() { var request = $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://device.wort.lu/api/v303/sites/en/sections/4f4e59a1e4b056b73debc870', complete: function(response) { var articles = response.responseJSON.articles; var output = '


'; for (var ArticleNR = 0; ArticleNR < 5; ArticleNR++) { var article = articles[ArticleNR]; output += '

' + article.title + '

' + article.teaser; } output += '
'; $('.news').html('').append(output); } }); console.log(moment().format('YYYY.MM.DD - HH:mm:ss') + ' updated WortLu News'); } function cflNews() { var request = $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'https://getcontents.herokuapp.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmobile.cfl.lu%2Fbin%2Fhelp.exe%2Fenl%3Ftpl%3Drss_feed_global', complete: function(response) { var cfl = response.responseText; var output = '

CFL notifications

'; $($.parseXML(cfl)) .find("item") .each(function() { output += '

' + $(this).find("title").text() + '

' + $(this).find("description").text(); }); output += "
"; $('.cfl').html('').append(output); } }); console.log(moment().format('YYYY.MM.DD - HH:mm:ss') + ' updated cfl News'); }