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2010-10-31 17:32:25 +01:00
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Socket.h
* The Socket interface
* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Simon Newton
* This defines all the different types of sockets that can be used by the
* SelectServer. At the top level, the Socket interface provides the minimum
* functionality needed to register a socket with the SelectServer to handle
* read events. The BidirectionalSocket extends this interface to handle
* ready-to-write events as well.
* The UnmanagedSocket allows socket descriptors controller by other libraries
* to be used with the SelectServer.
* ConnectedSocket is a socket with tighter intergration with the SelectServer.
* This allows the SelectServer to detect when the socket is closed and call
* the OnClose() handler. It also provides methods to disable SIGPIPE, control
* the blocking attributes and check how much data remains to be read.
* ConnectedSocket has the following sub-classes:
* - LoopbackSocket this socket is just a pipe(). Data written to the socket
* is available to be read
* - PipeSocket allows a pair of sockets to be created. Data written to socket
* A is available at Socket B and visa versa.
* - TcpSocket, this represents a TCP connection to a remote endpoint
* - DeviceSocket, this is a generic ConnectedSocket. It can be used with file
* descriptors to handle local devices.
* AcceptingSocket is the interface that defines sockets which can spawn new
* Socket. TcpAcceptingSocket is the only subclass and provides the accept()
* functionality.
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <string>
#include <ola/Closure.h> // NOLINT
namespace ola {
namespace network {
* The base Socket Interface with the functionality required by the select
* server. This provides just enough functionality to be registered with the
* SelectServer, and a callback to be invoked when data is available.
* All other sockets inherit from this one.
class Socket {
public :
Socket(): m_on_read(NULL) {}
virtual ~Socket() {
if (m_on_read)
delete m_on_read;
* Returns the read descriptor for this socket
virtual int ReadDescriptor() const = 0;
* Close this socket
virtual bool Close() = 0;
* Set the OnData closure
void SetOnData(ola::Closure<void> *on_read) {
if (m_on_read)
delete m_on_read;
m_on_read = on_read;
ola::Closure<void> *OnData() const { return m_on_read; }
static const int INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
ola::Closure<void> *m_on_read;
* A bi-directional socket. This can be registered with the SelectServer for
* both Read and Write events.
class BidirectionalSocket: public Socket {
public :
BidirectionalSocket(): Socket(), m_on_write(NULL) {}
virtual ~BidirectionalSocket() {
if (m_on_write)
delete m_on_write;
virtual int WriteDescriptor() const = 0;
* Set the OnWrite closure
void SetOnWritable(ola::Closure<void> *on_write) {
if (m_on_write)
delete m_on_write;
m_on_write = on_write;
* This is called when the socket is ready to be written to
ola::Closure<void> *PerformWrite() const { return m_on_write; }
ola::Closure<void> *m_on_write;
* An unmanaged socket is used to glue sockets from other software into the
* SelectServer. This class doesn't define any read/write methods, it simply
* allows a third-party sd to be registered with a callback.
class UnmanagedSocket: public BidirectionalSocket {
public :
explicit UnmanagedSocket(int sd): BidirectionalSocket(), m_sd(sd) {}
~UnmanagedSocket() {}
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_sd; }
int WriteDescriptor() const { return m_sd; }
// Closing is left to something else
bool Close() { return true; }
int m_sd;
UnmanagedSocket(const UnmanagedSocket &other);
UnmanagedSocket& operator=(const UnmanagedSocket &other);
* A connected socket can be read from / written to.
class ConnectedSocket: public BidirectionalSocket {
ConnectedSocket(): BidirectionalSocket(), m_on_close(NULL) {}
virtual ~ConnectedSocket() {
if (m_on_close)
delete m_on_close;
virtual ssize_t Send(const uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int size) const {
return FDSend(WriteDescriptor(), buffer, size);
virtual int Receive(uint8_t *buffer,
unsigned int size,
unsigned int &data_read) {
return FDReceive(ReadDescriptor(), buffer, size, data_read);
virtual bool SetReadNonBlocking() {
return SetNonBlocking(ReadDescriptor());
virtual bool Close() = 0;
int DataRemaining() const;
* Used to check if the socket has been closed
bool CheckIfClosed() {
if (IsClosed()) {
if (m_on_close) {
m_on_close = NULL;
return true;
return false;
* Set the OnClose closure
void SetOnClose(ola::SingleUseClosure<void> *on_close) {
if (m_on_close)
delete m_on_close;
m_on_close = on_close;
virtual bool IsClosed() const;
bool SetNonBlocking(int fd);
bool SetNoSigPipe(int fd);
ssize_t FDSend(int fd, const uint8_t *buffer, unsigned int size) const;
int FDReceive(int fd,
uint8_t *buffer,
unsigned int size,
unsigned int &data_read);
ConnectedSocket(const ConnectedSocket &other);
ConnectedSocket& operator=(const ConnectedSocket &other);
ola::SingleUseClosure<void> *m_on_close;
* A loopback socket.
* Everything written is available for reading.
class LoopbackSocket: public ConnectedSocket {
LoopbackSocket() {
m_fd_pair[0] = INVALID_SOCKET;
m_fd_pair[1] = INVALID_SOCKET;
~LoopbackSocket() { Close(); }
bool Init();
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_fd_pair[0]; }
int WriteDescriptor() const { return m_fd_pair[1]; }
bool Close();
bool CloseClient();
int m_fd_pair[2];
LoopbackSocket(const LoopbackSocket &other);
LoopbackSocket& operator=(const LoopbackSocket &other);
* A pipe socket. You can get the 'other end' of the Socket with OppositeEnd()
class PipeSocket: public ConnectedSocket {
m_other_end(NULL) {
m_in_pair[0] = m_in_pair[1] = INVALID_SOCKET;
m_out_pair[0] = m_out_pair[1] = INVALID_SOCKET;
~PipeSocket() { Close(); }
bool Init();
PipeSocket *OppositeEnd();
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_in_pair[0]; }
int WriteDescriptor() const { return m_out_pair[1]; }
bool Close();
bool CloseClient();
int m_in_pair[2];
int m_out_pair[2];
PipeSocket *m_other_end;
PipeSocket(int in_pair[2], int out_pair[2], PipeSocket *other_end) {
m_in_pair[0] = in_pair[0];
m_in_pair[1] = in_pair[1];
m_out_pair[0] = out_pair[0];
m_out_pair[1] = out_pair[1];
m_other_end = other_end;
PipeSocket(const PipeSocket &other);
PipeSocket& operator=(const PipeSocket &other);
* A TcpSocket
class TcpSocket: public ConnectedSocket {
explicit TcpSocket(int sd): m_sd(sd) {
~TcpSocket() { Close(); }
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_sd; }
int WriteDescriptor() const { return m_sd; }
bool Close();
static TcpSocket* Connect(const std::string &ip_address,
unsigned short port);
int m_sd;
TcpSocket(const TcpSocket &other);
TcpSocket& operator=(const TcpSocket &other);
* A socket which represents a connection to a device
class DeviceSocket: public ConnectedSocket {
explicit DeviceSocket(int fd): m_fd(fd) {}
~DeviceSocket() { Close(); }
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_fd; }
int WriteDescriptor() const { return m_fd; }
bool Close();
int m_fd;
DeviceSocket(const DeviceSocket &other);
DeviceSocket& operator=(const DeviceSocket &other);
* A UdpSocket (non connected)
class UdpSocket: public BidirectionalSocket {
UdpSocket(): BidirectionalSocket(),
m_bound_to_port(false) {}
~UdpSocket() { Close(); }
bool Init();
bool Bind(unsigned short port = INADDR_ANY);
bool Close();
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_fd; }
int WriteDescriptor() const { return m_fd; }
ssize_t SendTo(const uint8_t *buffer,
unsigned int size,
const struct sockaddr_in &destination) const;
ssize_t SendTo(const uint8_t *buffer,
unsigned int size,
const std::string &ip,
unsigned short port) const;
bool RecvFrom(uint8_t *buffer,
ssize_t *data_read,
struct sockaddr_in &source,
socklen_t &src_size) const;
bool RecvFrom(uint8_t *buffer, ssize_t *data_read) const;
bool EnableBroadcast();
bool JoinMulticast(const struct in_addr &interface,
const struct in_addr &group,
bool loop = false);
bool JoinMulticast(const struct in_addr &interface,
const std::string &address,
bool loop = false);
bool LeaveMulticast(const struct in_addr &interface,
const struct in_addr &group);
bool LeaveMulticast(const struct in_addr &interface,
const std::string &address);
bool SetTos(uint8_t tos);
int m_fd;
bool m_bound_to_port;
UdpSocket(const UdpSocket &other);
UdpSocket& operator=(const UdpSocket &other);
bool _RecvFrom(uint8_t *buffer,
ssize_t *data_read,
struct sockaddr_in *source,
socklen_t *src_size) const;
* A Socket creates new Sockets when clients connect.
class AcceptingSocket: public Socket {
AcceptingSocket() {}
virtual bool Listen() = 0;
virtual bool Close() = 0;
virtual ConnectedSocket* Accept() = 0;
* A TCP accepting socket
class TcpAcceptingSocket: public AcceptingSocket {
TcpAcceptingSocket(const std::string &address, unsigned short port,
int backlog = 10);
~TcpAcceptingSocket() { Close(); }
bool Listen();
int ReadDescriptor() const { return m_sd; }
bool Close();
ConnectedSocket *Accept();
std::string m_address;
uint16_t m_port;
int m_sd, m_backlog;
TcpAcceptingSocket(const TcpAcceptingSocket &other);
TcpAcceptingSocket& operator=(const TcpAcceptingSocket &other);
} // network
} // ola