# this file defines the frame format # it has to be converted to binconf format with mkbinconv.sh # byte "s2l\n" # byte windows per row (i.e. max X) in ASCII. in our case 12 => '<' COLUMNS=12 # byte rows (i.e. max Y) in ASCII. in our case 8 => '8' ROWS=8 # this part is only for having 7 segment displays instead of single pixels # if you don't need this, set DISPLAYS to 0 # byte displays per row (usually same as windows per row) '<' DISPLAYS=12 # byte disprows (how many rows of 7 segment displays). In our case always '1' DISPROWS=1 # byte segments per display (can be 7,8,14 ... depending on the hardware) DISPSEGMENTS=8 # byte reserved (future use) currently always set to 0x20 ' ' # byte z (indicates z level. 1=the most backwards) this is in binary... # byte '\n' # byte windows (channels*width+1)*height (so this starts 12 bytes from beginning) # byte segments displays*(channels*segments+1)*disprows