Open Lighting Architecture - OLA =============================================================================== OLA consists of three parts, the daemon olad, the olad plugins and the client library, libola. For documentation on OLA, including examples on how to get started please see Plugins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are located in ./plugins. To create a new plugin you'll need to subclass the Plugin, Device and Port classes. See any of the current plugins for an example. C++ Library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is located in ./ola . You'll want to create a new OlaClient and call start(). To do anything useful you'll need to subclass OlaClientObserver and implement some of the methods. If you have pthreads installed this library *should* be thread safe (currently implemented with one big lock). Libraries in Other Languages (Python) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are experimental Python libraries you can build by running configure with --enable-python-libs. For examples see the tests directory. The python library seems to be working well. Perl isn't supported as the current version of SWIG doesn't support Perl directors. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to the following people/organisations: - Wayne and Simon from Artistic Licence for providing a Net-Lynx - Nic from Enttec who provided a DMX USB Pro for testing. - West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) for access to a Strand console. - Shaun Jackman from Pathway, for answering my questions about the Pathport protocol - Florian from who donated a StageProfi and a USBDMX2 - Hamish Dumbreck for who donated a DMX-TRI