// gunsticks little pattern player // has several routines displaying various patterns // using x/y coords or window addresses #include // Core graphics library #include // Hardware-specific library #define CLK 8 // MUST be on PORTB! #define LAT A3 #define OE 9 #define A A0 #define B A1 #define C A2 RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A, B, C, CLK, LAT, OE, false); // number of cells in a row (e.g. 12) #define MAXX 8 // number of rows, eg 8 #define MAXY 7 int lifearray[MAXX][MAXY]; void setup() { matrix.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); //myWindows(random(1,21)); int window = 13; int brightness = 255; int del = 100; // White is 7,7,7 (3bit) 255,255,255 (8bit) uint8_t red=255, green=255, blue=255; for(int y=0;y 1,0 // X => 0,1 // XXX => 0-2,2 // glider int p[]={1,0,0,1,0,2,1,2,2,2,-1}; // block // int p[]={1,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,-1}; // flipper // int p[]={1,2,2,2,3,2,-1}; // pento1000 // X // XXX // X // int p[]={0,0,1,0,1,1,1,2,2,1,-1}; int n=0; while (p[n]!=-1) { lifearray[p[n]][p[n+1]]=1; myWindows(xyToWindow(p[n],p[n+1]), brightness, red, green, blue); n+=2; } delay(2000); int x=0; int y=0; while ( true ) { delay(100); int lifebuf[MAXX][MAXY]; for(int j=0;j6 =1 + x*5 + y // 3,0->16=1 x x*5 // 2,3->14=1 +x*5 +y return (1+x*5+y); } int myWindows (int w, int br, int r, int g, int b){ switch (w) { case 1: // Window 1 matrix.fillRect(1,12,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 2: // Window 2 matrix.fillRect(7,12,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 3: // Window 3 matrix.fillRect(13,12,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 4: // Window 4 matrix.fillRect(19,12,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 5: // Window 5 matrix.fillRect(25,12,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 6: // Window 6 matrix.fillRect(1,8,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 7: // Window 7 matrix.fillRect(7,8,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 8: // Window 8 matrix.fillRect(13,8,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 9: // Window 9 matrix.fillRect(19,8,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 10: // Window 10 matrix.fillRect(25,8,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 11: // Window 11 matrix.fillRect(1,4,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 12: // Window 12 matrix.fillRect(7,4,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 13: // Window 13 matrix.fillRect(13,4,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 14: // Window 14 matrix.fillRect(19,4,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 15: // Window 15 matrix.fillRect(25,4,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 16: // Window 16 matrix.fillRect(1,0,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 17: // Window 17 matrix.fillRect(7,0,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 18: // Window 18 matrix.fillRect(13,0,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 19: // Window 19 matrix.fillRect(19,0,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; case 20: // Window 20 matrix.fillRect(25,0,4,3, matrix.Color888(r,g,b)); break; default: break; } } void loop() { // do nothing }