
203 lines
5.0 KiB

#include "Server.h"
Server::Server(int _port )
port = _port;
Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex_);
int size = buffers.size();
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
delete buffers[i];
void Server::launch_threads()
threads.push_back( Glib::Thread::create( sigc::mem_fun(this, &Server::listen), false ) );
threads.push_back( Glib::Thread::create( sigc::mem_fun(this, &Server::mix), false ) );
/* this listens for UDP connections on a port and waits until there is data,
processes it and repeats */
error and format checking
clean exit conditions
ability for one client to take over the display
void Server::listen()
int packetcounter = 0;
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
// next line is NOT thread-safe because we're accessing "port" without lock
// however, it is done only once before any other threads are started and
// should be safe
udp::socket socket(io_service, udp::endpoint(udp::v4(), port));
cout << "listening" << endl;
while (1)
frame_t frame;
// creating the buffer each time is faster than zeroing it out
boost::array<char, BUFLEN> recv_buf;
udp::endpoint remote_endpoint;
boost::system::error_code error;
remote_endpoint, 0, error);
if( packetcounter % 1000 == 0 )
cout << endl << packetcounter << endl;
// have we encountered this source before?
// cout << remote_endpoint << endl;
int bufnum = 0;
Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex_);
int size = endpoints.size();
bool known = false;
for(bufnum = 0; bufnum < size; bufnum++)
if(endpoints[bufnum] == remote_endpoint)
known = true;
if( !known && size+1 < NUMBUFS )
// create a new buffer make a note of the endpoint
std::stringstream endpointstring;
endpointstring << remote_endpoint;
cout << "adding new buffer for " << remote_endpoint << endl;
buffers.push_back( new Buffer( endpointstring.str() ) );
endpoints.push_back( remote_endpoint );
// discard packet, we're not accepting any more sources!
else if( size+1 >= NUMBUFS )
for(int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
{[i][j] = recv_buf[2+i*(WIDTH+1)+j];
for(int i = 0; i < SEGWIDTH; i++ )
frame.segments[i].r = recv_buf[2+(WIDTH+1)*HEIGHT+i];
frame.segments[i].g = recv_buf[2+(WIDTH+1)*HEIGHT+(SEGWIDTH+1)*1+i];
frame.segments[i].b = recv_buf[2+(WIDTH+1)*HEIGHT+(SEGWIDTH+1)*2+i];
// this part needs to be made threadsafe because buffers will be accessed
// by the mixer and the udp listener
Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex_);
// convert ascii to integer value
if( bufnum < buffers.size() )
buffers[ bufnum ]->set(frame);
if (error && error != boost::asio::error::message_size)
throw boost::system::system_error(error);
std::string message = "received";
boost::system::error_code ignored_error;
// we can provide feedback to clients
// remote_endpoint, 0, ignored_error);
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
/* the framemixer, this periodically (40 times a second) reads all input
buffers and then produces output, ready to be displayed.
In the final version, this is where interesting things will happen.
void Server::mix()
int size = 0;
int counter = 0;
frame_t frame, temp_frame;
Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex_);
size = buffers.size();
for(int x = 0; x < size; x++)
Glib::Mutex::Lock lock(mutex_);
temp_frame = buffers[x]->get();
for(int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
{[i][j] = ([i][j] +[i][j])/2;
for(int i = 0; i < SEGWIDTH; i++)
frame.segments[i].r = (temp_frame.segments[i].r + frame.segments[i].r)/2;
frame.segments[i].g = (temp_frame.segments[i].g + frame.segments[i].g)/2;
frame.segments[i].b = (temp_frame.segments[i].b + frame.segments[i].b)/2;
if( counter % 100 == 0 )
cout << counter << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < WIDTH; j++)
cout <<[i][j];
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < SEGWIDTH; i++)
cout << frame.segments[i].r;
cout << endl << endl;
} //*/
usleep( 25000 );