
166 lines
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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* Universe.h
* Header file for the Universe class, see Universe.cpp for details.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Simon Newton
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <ola/DmxBuffer.h> // NOLINT
#include <ola/ExportMap.h> // NOLINT
#include <ola/rdm/RDMCommand.h> // NOLINT
#include <ola/rdm/UID.h> // NOLINT
#include <ola/rdm/UIDSet.h> // NOLINT
#include <olad/DmxSource.h> // NOLINT
namespace ola {
using std::set;
using ola::rdm::UID;
class Client;
class InputPort;
class OutputPort;
class Universe {
enum merge_mode {
Universe(unsigned int uid, class UniverseStore *store,
ExportMap *export_map);
// Properties for this universe
string Name() const { return m_universe_name; }
unsigned int UniverseId() const { return m_universe_id; }
merge_mode MergeMode() const { return m_merge_mode; }
bool IsActive() const;
uint8_t ActivePriority() const { return m_active_priority; }
// Used to adjust the properties
void SetName(const string &name);
void SetMergeMode(merge_mode merge_mode);
// Each universe has a DMXBuffer
bool SetDMX(const DmxBuffer &buffer);
const DmxBuffer &GetDMX() const { return m_buffer; }
// These are the ports we need to nofity when data changes
bool AddPort(InputPort *port);
bool AddPort(OutputPort *port);
bool RemovePort(InputPort *port);
bool RemovePort(OutputPort *port);
bool ContainsPort(InputPort *port) const;
bool ContainsPort(OutputPort *port) const;
unsigned int InputPortCount() const { return m_input_ports.size(); }
unsigned int OutputPortCount() const { return m_output_ports.size(); }
void InputPorts(vector<InputPort*> *ports);
void OutputPorts(vector<OutputPort*> *ports);
// Source clients are those that provide us with data
bool AddSourceClient(Client *client);
bool RemoveSourceClient(Client *client);
bool ContainsSourceClient(Client *client) const;
unsigned int SourceClientCount() const { return m_source_clients.size(); }
// Sink clients are those that we need to send data
bool AddSinkClient(Client *client);
bool RemoveSinkClient(Client *client);
bool ContainsSinkClient(Client *client) const;
unsigned int SinkClientCount() const { return m_sink_clients.size(); }
// These are called when new data arrives on a port/client
bool PortDataChanged(InputPort *port);
bool SourceClientDataChanged(Client *client);
// RDM methods
bool HandleRDMRequest(InputPort *port,
const ola::rdm::RDMRequest *request);
bool HandleRDMResponse(OutputPort *port,
const ola::rdm::RDMResponse *response);
void RunRDMDiscovery();
void GetUIDs(ola::rdm::UIDSet *uids) const;
unsigned int UIDCount() const;
void NewUIDList(const ola::rdm::UIDSet &uids, OutputPort *port);
bool operator==(const Universe &other) {
return m_universe_id == other.UniverseId();
static const char K_FPS_VAR[];
static const char K_MERGE_HTP_STR[];
static const char K_MERGE_LTP_STR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_INPUT_PORT_VAR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_MODE_VAR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_NAME_VAR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_OUTPUT_PORT_VAR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_RDM_REQUESTS[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_RDM_RESPONSES[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_SINK_CLIENTS_VAR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_SOURCE_CLIENTS_VAR[];
static const char K_UNIVERSE_UID_COUNT_VAR[];
Universe(const Universe&);
Universe& operator=(const Universe&);
bool UpdateDependants();
void UpdateName();
void UpdateMode();
bool RemoveClient(Client *client, bool is_source);
bool AddClient(Client *client, bool is_source);
void HTPMergeSources(const vector<DmxSource> &sources);
bool MergeAll(const InputPort *port, const Client *client);
string m_universe_name;
unsigned int m_universe_id;
string m_universe_id_str;
uint8_t m_active_priority;
enum merge_mode m_merge_mode; // merge mode
vector<InputPort*> m_input_ports;
vector<OutputPort*> m_output_ports;
set<Client*> m_sink_clients; // clients that require updates
set<Client*> m_source_clients; // clients that provide data
class UniverseStore *m_universe_store;
DmxBuffer m_buffer;
ExportMap *m_export_map;
map<UID, InputPort*> m_input_uids;
map<UID, OutputPort*> m_output_uids;
template<class PortClass>
bool GenericAddPort(PortClass *port,
vector<PortClass*> *ports);
template<class PortClass>
bool GenericRemovePort(PortClass *port,
vector<PortClass*> *ports,
map<UID, PortClass*> *uid_map);
template<class PortClass>
bool GenericContainsPort(PortClass *port,
const vector<PortClass*> &ports) const;
} // ola